from asap.scantable import scantable from asap import rcParams from asap import print_log def average_time(*args, **kwargs): """ Return the (time) average of a scan or list of scans. [in channels only] The cursor of the output scan is set to 0 Parameters: one scan or comma separated scans or a list of scans mask: an optional mask (only used for 'var' and 'tsys' weighting) scanav: True averages each scan separately. False (default) averages all scans together, weight: Weighting scheme. 'none' (mean no weight) 'var' (1/var(spec) weighted) 'tsys' (1/Tsys**2 weighted) 'tint' (integration time weighted) 'tintsys' (Tint/Tsys**2) 'median' ( median averaging) align: align the spectra in velocity before averaging. It takes the time of the first spectrum in the first scantable as reference time. Example: # return a time averaged scan from scana and scanb # without using a mask scanav = average_time(scana,scanb) # or equivalent # scanav = average_time([scana, scanb]) # return the (time) averaged scan, i.e. the average of # all correlator cycles scanav = average_time(scan, scanav=True) """ scanav = False if kwargs.has_key('scanav'): scanav = kwargs.get('scanav') weight = 'tint' if kwargs.has_key('weight'): weight = kwargs.get('weight') mask = () if kwargs.has_key('mask'): mask = kwargs.get('mask') align = False if kwargs.has_key('align'): align = kwargs.get('align') varlist = vars() if isinstance(args[0],list): lst = args[0] elif isinstance(args[0],tuple): lst = list(args[0]) else: lst = list(args) del varlist["kwargs"] varlist["args"] = "%d scantables" % len(lst) # need special formatting here for history... from asap._asap import stmath stm = stmath() for s in lst: if not isinstance(s,scantable): msg = "Please give a list of scantables" if rcParams['verbose']: print msg return else: raise TypeError(msg) if scanav: scanav = "SCAN" else: scanav = "NONE" alignedlst = [] if align: refepoch = lst[0].get_time(0) for scan in lst: alignedlst.append(scan.freq_align(refepoch,insitu=False)) else: alignedlst = lst if weight.upper() == 'MEDIAN': # median doesn't support list of scantables - merge first merged = None if len(alignedlst) > 1: merged = merge(alignedlst) else: merged = alignedlst[0] s = scantable(stm._averagechannel(merged, 'MEDIAN', scanav)) del merged else: s = scantable(stm._average(alignedlst, mask, weight.upper(), scanav)) s._add_history("average_time",varlist) print_log() return s def quotient(source, reference, preserve=True): """ Return the quotient of a 'source' (signal) scan and a 'reference' scan. The reference can have just one scan, even if the signal has many. Otherwise they must have the same number of scans. The cursor of the output scan is set to 0 Parameters: source: the 'on' scan reference: the 'off' scan preserve: you can preserve (default) the continuum or remove it. The equations used are preserve: Output = Toff * (on/off) - Toff remove: Output = Toff * (on/off) - Ton """ varlist = vars() from asap._asap import stmath stm = stmath() stm._setinsitu(False) s = scantable(stm._quotient(source, reference, preserve)) s._add_history("quotient",varlist) print_log() return s def simple_math(left, right, op='add', tsys=True): """ Apply simple mathematical binary operations to two scan tables, returning the result in a new scan table. The operation is applied to both the correlations and the TSys data The cursor of the output scan is set to 0 Parameters: left: the 'left' scan right: the 'right' scan op: the operation: 'add' (default), 'sub', 'mul', 'div' tsys: if True (default) then apply the operation to Tsys as well as the data """ print "simple_math is deprecated use +=/* instead." def merge(*args): """ """ varlist = vars() if isinstance(args[0],list): lst = tuple(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0],tuple): lst = args[0] else: lst = tuple(args) varlist["args"] = "%d scantables" % len(lst) # need special formatting her for history... from asap._asap import stmath stm = stmath() for s in lst: if not isinstance(s,scantable): msg = "Please give a list of scantables" if rcParams['verbose']: print msg return else: raise TypeError(msg) s = scantable(stm._merge(lst)) s._add_history("merge", varlist) print_log() return s