1 | from scantable import scantable
2 |
3 | def average_time(*args, **kwargs):
4 | """
5 | Return the (time) average of a scan or list of scans. [in channels only]
6 | Parameters:
7 | one scan or comma separated scans
8 | mask: an optional mask (only used for 'var' and 'tsys' weighting)
9 | scanav: False (default) averages all scans together,
10 | True averages each scan separately
11 | weight: Weighting scheme. 'none' (default), 'var' (variance
12 | weighted), 'tsys'
13 | Example:
14 | # return a time averaged scan from scana and scanb
15 | # without using a mask
16 | scanav = average_time(scana,scanb)
17 | # return the (time) averaged scan, i.e. the average of
18 | # all correlator cycles
19 | scanav = average_time(scan)
20 |
21 | """
22 | scanAv = False
23 | if kwargs.has_key('scanav'):
24 | scanAv = kwargs.get('scanav')
25 | #
26 | weight = 'none'
27 | if kwargs.has_key('weight'):
28 | weight = kwargs.get('weight')
29 | #
30 | mask = ()
31 | if kwargs.has_key('mask'):
32 | mask = kwargs.get('mask')
33 | #
34 | lst = tuple(args)
35 | from asap._asap import average as _av
36 | for s in lst:
37 | if not isinstance(s,scantable):
38 | print "Please give a list of scantables"
39 | return
40 | return scantable(_av(lst, mask, scanAv, weight))
41 |
42 | def quotient(source, reference):
43 | """
44 | Return the quotient of a 'source' scan and a 'reference' scan
45 | Parameters:
46 | source: the 'on' scan
47 | reference: the 'off' scan
48 | """
49 | from asap._asap import quotient as _quot
50 | return scantable(_quot(source, reference))
51 |
52 | def scale(scan, factor, insitu=False):
53 | """
54 | Return a scan where all spectra are scaled by the give 'factor'
55 | Parameters:
56 | scan: a scantable
57 | factor: the scaling factor
58 | Note:
59 | This currently applies the all beams/IFs/pols
60 | """
61 | if not insitu:
62 | from asap._asap import scale as _scale
63 | return scantable(_scale(scan, factor))
64 | else:
65 | from asap._asap import scale_insitu as _scale
66 | _scale(scan, factor)
67 | return
68 |
69 |
70 | def add(scan, offset):
71 | """
72 | Return a scan where the offset is added.
73 | Parameters:
74 | scan: a scantable
75 | offset: the value to add
76 | Note:
77 | This currently applies the all beams/IFs/pols
78 | """
79 | from asap._asap import add as _add
80 | return scantable(_add(scan, offset))
81 |
82 |
83 | def bin(scan, binwidth=5):
84 | """
85 | """
86 | from asap._asap import bin as _bin
87 | return scantable(_bin(scan, binwidth))
88 |
89 | def average_pol(scan, mask=None):
90 | """
91 | Average the Polarisations together.
92 | Parameters:
93 | scan - a scantable
94 | mask - an optional mask defining the region, where
95 | the averaging will be applied. The output
96 | will have all specified points masked.
97 | The dimension won't be reduced and
98 | all polarisations will contain the
99 | averaged spectrum.
100 | Example:
101 | polav = average_pols(myscan)
102 | """
103 | from asap._asap import averagepol as _avpol
104 | from numarray import ones
105 | if mask is None:
106 | mask = tuple(ones(scan.nchan()))
107 | return scantable(_avpol(scan, mask))
108 |
109 | def hanning(scan):
110 | """
111 | Hanning smooth the channels.
112 | Parameters:
113 | scan - the input scan
114 | Example:
115 | none
116 | """
117 | from asap._asap import hanning as _han
118 | return scantable(_han(scan))
119 |
120 |
121 | def poly_baseline(scan, mask=None, order=0):
122 | """
123 | Return a scan which has been baselined by a polynomial.
124 | Parameters:
125 | scan: a scantable
126 | mask: an optional mask
127 | order: the order of the polynomial (default is 0)
128 | Example:
129 | # return a scan baselined by a third order polynomial,
130 | # not using a mask
131 | bscan = poly_baseline(scan, order=3)
132 | """
133 | from asap.asapfitter import fitter
134 | if mask is None:
135 | from numarray import ones
136 | mask = tuple(ones(scan.nchan()))
137 | f = fitter()
138 | f._verbose(True)
139 | f.set_scan(scan, mask)
140 | f.set_function(poly=order)
141 | sf = f.auto_fit()
142 | return sf