""" ASAP plotting class based on matplotlib. """ from asap.asaplotbase import * # Force use of the newfangled toolbar. import gtk import matplotlib from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtkagg import FigureCanvasGTKAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtkagg import FigureManagerGTKAgg matplotlib.use("GTkAgg") matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'toolbar2' from matplotlib.backends.backend_gtk import NavigationToolbar2GTK as NavigationToolbar from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers class asaplotgui(asaplotbase): """ ASAP plotting class based on matplotlib. """ def __init__(self, rows=1, cols=0, title='', size=None, buffering=False): """ Create a new instance of the ASAPlot plotting class. If rows < 1 then a separate call to set_panels() is required to define the panel layout; refer to the doctext for set_panels(). """ v = vars() del v['self'] asaplotbase.__init__(self, **v) matplotlib.rcParams['interactive'] = True matplotlib.interactive = True _pylab_helpers.Gcf.destroy(0) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) # Simply instantiating this is enough to get a working toolbar. self.figmgr = FigureManagerGTKAgg(self.canvas, 1) def dest_callback(val): self.is_dead = True self.figmgr.window.destroy() self.window = self.figmgr.window self.window.connect("destroy", dest_callback ) self.window.set_title('ASAP Plotter - GTK') #self.canvas.set_size_request(800,600) _pylab_helpers.Gcf.figs[self.figmgr.num] = self.figmgr #self.canvas.show() def map(self): """ Reveal the ASAPlot graphics window and bring it to the top of the window stack. """ if self.is_dead: raise RuntimeError( "No plotter to show. Not yet plotted or plotter is closed." ) self.window.deiconify() #self.window.lift() def quit(self): """ Destroy the ASAPlot graphics window. """ self.is_dead = True if not self.figmgr: return #self.window.destroy() _pylab_helpers.Gcf.destroy(self.figmgr.num) del self.window, self.canvas, self.figmgr self.window = None self.canvas = None self.figmgr = None def show(self, hardrefresh=True): """ Show graphics dependent on the current buffering state. """ if self.is_dead: raise RuntimeError( "No plotter to show (not yet plotted or closed)." ) if not self.buffering: if hardrefresh: asaplotbase.show(self, hardrefresh) self.window.deiconify() self.canvas.draw() self.window.show_all() def terminate(self): """ Clear the figure. """ if not self.window: asaplog.push( "No plotter window to terminate." ) asaplog.post( "WARN" ) return self.window.destroy() def unmap(self): """ Hide the ASAPlot graphics window. """ if not self.window: asaplog.push( "No plotter window to unmap." ) asaplog.post( "WARN" ) return self.window.wm_withdraw()