""" ASAP plotting class based on matplotlib. """ import sys from re import match import matplotlib from matplotlib.figure import Figure, Text from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties as FP from matplotlib.numerix import sqrt from matplotlib import rc, rcParams from asap import rcParams as asaprcParams from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter from matplotlib.ticker import NullLocator from matplotlib.transforms import blend_xy_sep_transform if int(matplotlib.__version__.split(".")[1]) < 87: print "Warning: matplotlib version < 0.87. This might cause errors. Please upgrade." class MyFormatter(ScalarFormatter): def __call__(self, x, pos=None): #last = len(self.locs)-2 if pos==0: return '' else: return ScalarFormatter.__call__(self, x, pos) class asaplotbase: """ ASAP plotting base class based on matplotlib. """ def __init__(self, rows=1, cols=0, title='', size=(8,6), buffering=False): """ Create a new instance of the ASAPlot plotting class. If rows < 1 then a separate call to set_panels() is required to define the panel layout; refer to the doctext for set_panels(). """ self.is_dead = False self.figure = Figure(figsize=size, facecolor='#ddddee') self.canvas = None self.set_title(title) self.subplots = [] if rows > 0: self.set_panels(rows, cols) # Set matplotlib default colour sequence. self.colormap = "green red black cyan magenta orange blue purple yellow pink".split() c = asaprcParams['plotter.colours'] if isinstance(c,str) and len(c) > 0: self.colormap = c.split() self.lsalias = {"line": [1,0], "dashdot": [4,2,1,2], "dashed" : [4,2,4,2], "dotted" : [1,2], "dashdotdot": [4,2,1,2,1,2], "dashdashdot": [4,2,4,2,1,2] } styles = "line dashed dotted dashdot".split() c = asaprcParams['plotter.linestyles'] if isinstance(c,str) and len(c) > 0: styles = c.split() s = [] for ls in styles: if self.lsalias.has_key(ls): s.append(self.lsalias.get(ls)) else: s.append('-') self.linestyles = s self.color = 0; self.linestyle = 0; self.attributes = {} self.loc = 0 self.buffering = buffering def clear(self): """ Delete all lines from the plot. Line numbering will restart from 0. """ for i in range(len(self.lines)): self.delete(i) self.axes.clear() self.color = 0 self.lines = [] def palette(self, color, colormap=None, linestyle=0, linestyles=None): if colormap: if isinstance(colormap,list): self.colormap = colormap elif isinstance(colormap,str): self.colormap = colormap.split() if 0 <= color < len(self.colormap): self.color = color if linestyles: self.linestyles = [] if isinstance(linestyles,list): styles = linestyles elif isinstance(linestyles,str): styles = linestyles.split() for ls in styles: if self.lsalias.has_key(ls): self.linestyles.append(self.lsalias.get(ls)) else: self.linestyles.append(self.lsalias.get('line')) if 0 <= linestyle < len(self.linestyles): self.linestyle = linestyle def delete(self, numbers=None): """ Delete the 0-relative line number, default is to delete the last. The remaining lines are NOT renumbered. """ if numbers is None: numbers = [len(self.lines)-1] if not hasattr(numbers, '__iter__'): numbers = [numbers] for number in numbers: if 0 <= number < len(self.lines): if self.lines[number] is not None: for line in self.lines[number]: line.set_linestyle('None') self.lines[number] = None self.show() def get_line(self): """ Get the current default line attributes. """ return self.attributes def hist(self, x=None, y=None, fmt=None, add=None): """ Plot a histogram. N.B. the x values refer to the start of the histogram bin. fmt is the line style as in plot(). """ from matplotlib.numerix import array from matplotlib.numerix.ma import MaskedArray if x is None: if y is None: return x = range(len(y)) if len(x) != len(y): return l2 = 2*len(x) x2 = range(l2) y2 = range(12) y2 = range(l2) m2 = range(l2) ymsk = y.raw_mask() ydat = y.raw_data() for i in range(l2): x2[i] = x[i/2] m2[i] = ymsk[i/2] y2[0] = 0.0 for i in range(1,l2): y2[i] = ydat[(i-1)/2] self.plot(x2, MaskedArray(y2,mask=m2,copy=0), fmt, add) def hold(self, hold=True): """ Buffer graphics until subsequently released. """ self.buffering = hold def legend(self, loc=None): """ Add a legend to the plot. Any other value for loc else disables the legend: 1: upper right 2: upper left 3: lower left 4: lower right 5: right 6: center left 7: center right 8: lower center 9: upper center 10: center """ if isinstance(loc, int): self.loc = None if 0 <= loc <= 10: self.loc = loc else: self.loc = None #self.show() def plot(self, x=None, y=None, fmt=None, add=None): """ Plot the next line in the current frame using the current line attributes. The ASAPlot graphics window will be mapped and raised. The argument list works a bit like the matlab plot() function. """ if x is None: if y is None: return x = range(len(y)) elif y is None: y = x x = range(len(y)) if fmt is None: line = self.axes.plot(x, y) else: line = self.axes.plot(x, y, fmt) # Add to an existing line? i = None if add is None or len(self.lines) < add < 0: # Don't add. self.lines.append(line) i = len(self.lines) - 1 else: if add == 0: add = len(self.lines) i = add - 1 self.lines[i].extend(line) # Set/reset attributes for the line. gotcolour = False for k, v in self.attributes.iteritems(): if k == 'color': gotcolour = True for segment in self.lines[i]: getattr(segment, "set_%s"%k)(v) if not gotcolour and len(self.colormap): for segment in self.lines[i]: getattr(segment, "set_color")(self.colormap[self.color]) if len(self.colormap) == 1: getattr(segment, "set_dashes")(self.linestyles[self.linestyle]) self.color += 1 if self.color >= len(self.colormap): self.color = 0 if len(self.colormap) == 1: self.linestyle += 1 if self.linestyle >= len(self.linestyles): self.linestyle = 0 self.show() def position(self): """ Use the mouse to get a position from a graph. """ def position_disable(event): self.register('button_press', None) print '%.4f, %.4f' % (event.xdata, event.ydata) print 'Press any mouse button...' self.register('button_press', position_disable) def region(self): """ Use the mouse to get a rectangular region from a plot. The return value is [x0, y0, x1, y1] in world coordinates. """ def region_start(event): height = self.canvas.figure.bbox.height() self.rect = {'fig': None, 'height': height, 'x': event.x, 'y': height - event.y, 'world': [event.xdata, event.ydata, event.xdata, event.ydata]} self.register('button_press', None) self.register('motion_notify', region_draw) self.register('button_release', region_disable) def region_draw(event): self.canvas._tkcanvas.delete(self.rect['fig']) self.rect['fig'] = self.canvas._tkcanvas.create_rectangle( self.rect['x'], self.rect['y'], event.x, self.rect['height'] - event.y) def region_disable(event): self.register('motion_notify', None) self.register('button_release', None) self.canvas._tkcanvas.delete(self.rect['fig']) self.rect['world'][2:4] = [event.xdata, event.ydata] print '(%.2f, %.2f) (%.2f, %.2f)' % (self.rect['world'][0], self.rect['world'][1], self.rect['world'][2], self.rect['world'][3]) self.register('button_press', region_start) # This has to be modified to block and return the result (currently # printed by region_disable) when that becomes possible in matplotlib. return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] def register(self, type=None, func=None): """ Register, reregister, or deregister events of type 'button_press', 'button_release', or 'motion_notify'. The specified callback function should have the following signature: def func(event) where event is an MplEvent instance containing the following data: name # Event name. canvas # FigureCanvas instance generating the event. x = None # x position - pixels from left of canvas. y = None # y position - pixels from bottom of canvas. button = None # Button pressed: None, 1, 2, 3. key = None # Key pressed: None, chr(range(255)), shift, win, or control inaxes = None # Axes instance if cursor within axes. xdata = None # x world coordinate. ydata = None # y world coordinate. For example: def mouse_move(event): print event.xdata, event.ydata a = asaplot() a.register('motion_notify', mouse_move) If func is None, the event is deregistered. Note that in TkAgg keyboard button presses don't generate an event. """ if not self.events.has_key(type): return if func is None: if self.events[type] is not None: # It's not clear that this does anything. self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.events[type]) self.events[type] = None # It seems to be necessary to return events to the toolbar. if type == 'motion_notify': self.canvas.mpl_connect(type + '_event', self.figmgr.toolbar.mouse_move) elif type == 'button_press': self.canvas.mpl_connect(type + '_event', self.figmgr.toolbar.press) elif type == 'button_release': self.canvas.mpl_connect(type + '_event', self.figmgr.toolbar.release) else: self.events[type] = self.canvas.mpl_connect(type + '_event', func) def release(self): """ Release buffered graphics. """ self.buffering = False self.show() def save(self, fname=None, orientation=None, dpi=None, papertype=None): """ Save the plot to a file. fname is the name of the output file. The image format is determined from the file suffix; 'png', 'ps', and 'eps' are recognized. If no file name is specified 'yyyymmdd_hhmmss.png' is created in the current directory. """ from asap import rcParams if papertype is None: papertype = rcParams['plotter.papertype'] if fname is None: from datetime import datetime dstr = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') fname = 'asap'+dstr+'.png' d = ['png','.ps','eps'] from os.path import expandvars fname = expandvars(fname) if fname[-3:].lower() in d: try: if fname[-3:].lower() == ".ps": from matplotlib import __version__ as mv w = self.figure.figwidth.get() h = self.figure.figheight.get() if orientation is None: # oriented if w > h: orientation = 'landscape' else: orientation = 'portrait' from matplotlib.backends.backend_ps import papersize pw,ph = papersize[papertype.lower()] ds = None if orientation == 'landscape': ds = min(ph/w, pw/h) else: ds = min(pw/w, ph/h) ow = ds * w oh = ds * h self.figure.set_figsize_inches((ow, oh)) self.figure.savefig(fname, orientation=orientation, papertype=papertype.lower()) self.figure.set_figsize_inches((w, h)) print 'Written file %s' % (fname) else: if dpi is None: dpi =150 self.figure.savefig(fname,dpi=dpi) print 'Written file %s' % (fname) except IOError, msg: print 'Failed to save %s: Error msg was\n\n%s' % (fname, err) return else: print "Invalid image type. Valid types are:" print "'ps', 'eps', 'png'" def set_axes(self, what=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Set attributes for the axes by calling the relevant Axes.set_*() method. Colour translation is done as described in the doctext for palette(). """ if what is None: return if what[-6:] == 'colour': what = what[:-6] + 'color' newargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): k = k.lower() if k == 'colour': k = 'color' newargs[k] = v getattr(self.axes, "set_%s"%what)(*args, **newargs) self.show() def set_figure(self, what=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Set attributes for the figure by calling the relevant Figure.set_*() method. Colour translation is done as described in the doctext for palette(). """ if what is None: return if what[-6:] == 'colour': what = what[:-6] + 'color' #if what[-5:] == 'color' and len(args): # args = (get_colour(args[0]),) newargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): k = k.lower() if k == 'colour': k = 'color' newargs[k] = v getattr(self.figure, "set_%s"%what)(*args, **newargs) self.show() def set_limits(self, xlim=None, ylim=None): """ Set x-, and y-limits for each subplot. xlim = [xmin, xmax] as in axes.set_xlim(). ylim = [ymin, ymax] as in axes.set_ylim(). """ for s in self.subplots: self.axes = s['axes'] self.lines = s['lines'] oldxlim = list(self.axes.get_xlim()) oldylim = list(self.axes.get_ylim()) if xlim is not None: for i in range(len(xlim)): if xlim[i] is not None: oldxlim[i] = xlim[i] if ylim is not None: for i in range(len(ylim)): if ylim[i] is not None: oldylim[i] = ylim[i] self.axes.set_xlim(oldxlim) self.axes.set_ylim(oldylim) return def set_line(self, number=None, **kwargs): """ Set attributes for the specified line, or else the next line(s) to be plotted. number is the 0-relative number of a line that has already been plotted. If no such line exists, attributes are recorded and used for the next line(s) to be plotted. Keyword arguments specify Line2D attributes, e.g. color='r'. Do import matplotlib help(matplotlib.lines) The set_* methods of class Line2D define the attribute names and values. For non-US usage, "colour" is recognized as synonymous with "color". Set the value to None to delete an attribute. Colour translation is done as described in the doctext for palette(). """ redraw = False for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): k = k.lower() if k == 'colour': k = 'color' if 0 <= number < len(self.lines): if self.lines[number] is not None: for line in self.lines[number]: getattr(line, "set_%s"%k)(v) redraw = True else: if v is None: del self.attributes[k] else: self.attributes[k] = v if redraw: self.show() def set_panels(self, rows=1, cols=0, n=-1, nplots=-1, ganged=True): """ Set the panel layout. rows and cols, if cols != 0, specify the number of rows and columns in a regular layout. (Indexing of these panels in matplotlib is row- major, i.e. column varies fastest.) cols == 0 is interpreted as a retangular layout that accomodates 'rows' panels, e.g. rows == 6, cols == 0 is equivalent to rows == 2, cols == 3. 0 <= n < rows*cols is interpreted as the 0-relative panel number in the configuration specified by rows and cols to be added to the current figure as its next 0-relative panel number (i). This allows non-regular panel layouts to be constructed via multiple calls. Any other value of n clears the plot and produces a rectangular array of empty panels. The number of these may be limited by nplots. """ if n < 0 and len(self.subplots): self.figure.clear() self.set_title() if rows < 1: rows = 1 if cols <= 0: i = int(sqrt(rows)) if i*i < rows: i += 1 cols = i if i*(i-1) >= rows: i -= 1 rows = i if 0 <= n < rows*cols: i = len(self.subplots) self.subplots.append({}) self.subplots[i]['axes'] = self.figure.add_subplot(rows, cols, n+1) self.subplots[i]['lines'] = [] if i == 0: self.subplot(0) self.rows = 0 self.cols = 0 else: self.subplots = [] if nplots < 1 or rows*cols < nplots: nplots = rows*cols if ganged: hsp,wsp = None,None if rows > 1: hsp = 0.0001 if cols > 1: wsp = 0.0001 self.figure.subplots_adjust(wspace=wsp,hspace=hsp) for i in range(nplots): self.subplots.append({}) self.subplots[i]['axes'] = self.figure.add_subplot(rows, cols, i+1) self.subplots[i]['lines'] = [] if ganged: # Suppress tick labelling for interior subplots. if i <= (rows-1)*cols - 1: if i+cols < nplots: # Suppress x-labels for frames width # adjacent frames self.subplots[i]['axes'].xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) self.subplots[i]['axes'].xaxis.label.set_visible(False) if i%cols: # Suppress y-labels for frames not in the left column. for tick in self.subplots[i]['axes'].yaxis.majorTicks: tick.label1On = False self.subplots[i]['axes'].yaxis.label.set_visible(False) # disable the first tick of [1:ncol-1] of the last row if (nplots-cols) < i <= nplots-1: self.subplots[i]['axes'].xaxis.set_major_formatter(MyFormatter()) self.rows = rows self.cols = cols self.subplot(0) def set_title(self, title=None): """ Set the title of the plot window. Use the previous title if title is omitted. """ if title is not None: self.title = title self.figure.text(0.5, 0.95, self.title, horizontalalignment='center') def show(self): """ Show graphics dependent on the current buffering state. """ if not self.buffering: if self.loc is not None: for sp in self.subplots: lines = [] labels = [] i = 0 for line in sp['lines']: i += 1 if line is not None: lines.append(line[0]) lbl = line[0].get_label() if lbl == '': lbl = str(i) labels.append(lbl) if len(lines): fp = FP(size=rcParams['legend.fontsize']) fsz = fp.get_size_in_points() - len(lines) fp.set_size(max(fsz,6)) sp['axes'].legend(tuple(lines), tuple(labels), self.loc, prop=fp) else: sp['axes'].legend((' ')) from matplotlib.artist import setp fp = FP(size=rcParams['xtick.labelsize']) xts = fp.get_size_in_points()- (self.cols)/2 fp = FP(size=rcParams['ytick.labelsize']) yts = fp.get_size_in_points() - (self.rows)/2 for sp in self.subplots: ax = sp['axes'] s = ax.title.get_size() tsize = s-(self.cols+self.rows) ax.title.set_size(tsize) fp = FP(size=rcParams['axes.labelsize']) setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=xts) setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=yts) origx = fp.get_size_in_points() origy = origx off = 0 if self.cols > 1: off = self.cols xfsize = origx-off ax.xaxis.label.set_size(xfsize) off = 0 if self.rows > 1: off = self.rows yfsize = origy-off ax.yaxis.label.set_size(yfsize) def subplot(self, i=None, inc=None): """ Set the subplot to the 0-relative panel number as defined by one or more invokations of set_panels(). """ l = len(self.subplots) if l: if i is not None: self.i = i if inc is not None: self.i += inc self.i %= l self.axes = self.subplots[self.i]['axes'] self.lines = self.subplots[self.i]['lines'] def text(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add text to the figure. """ self.figure.text(*args, **kwargs) self.show() def vline_with_label(self, x, y, label, location='bottom', rotate=0.0, **kwargs): """ Plot a vertical line with label. It takes "world" values fo x and y. """ ax = self.axes # need this to suppress autoscaling during this function self.axes.set_autoscale_on(False) ymin = 0.0 ymax = 1.0 valign = 'center' if location.lower() == 'top': y = max(0.0, y) elif location.lower() == 'bottom': y = min(0.0, y) lbloffset = 0.06 # a rough estimate for the bb of the text if rotate > 0.0: lbloffset = 0.03*len(label) peakoffset = 0.01 xy0 = ax.transData.xy_tup((x,y)) # get relative coords xy = ax.transAxes.inverse_xy_tup(xy0) if location.lower() == 'top': ymax = 1.0-lbloffset ymin = xy[1]+peakoffset valign = 'bottom' ylbl = ymax+0.01 elif location.lower() == 'bottom': ymin = lbloffset ymax = xy[1]-peakoffset valign = 'top' ylbl = ymin-0.01 trans = blend_xy_sep_transform(ax.transData, ax.transAxes) l = ax.axvline(x, ymin, ymax, color='black', **kwargs) t = ax.text(x, ylbl ,label, verticalalignment=valign, horizontalalignment='center', rotation=rotate,transform = trans) self.axes.set_autoscale_on(True)