""" ASAP plotting class based on matplotlib. """ import sys from re import match import Tkinter as Tk print "Importing matplotlib with TkAgg backend." import matplotlib matplotlib.use("TkAgg") from matplotlib.backends import new_figure_manager, show from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, \ FigureManagerTkAgg from matplotlib.figure import Figure, Text from matplotlib.numerix import sqrt # Force use of the newfangled toolbar. matplotlib.rcParams['toolbar'] = 'toolbar2' # Colour dictionary. colours = {} class ASAPlot: """ ASAP plotting class based on matplotlib. """ def __init__(self, rows=1, cols=0, title='', size=(8,6), buffering=False): """ Create a new instance of the ASAPlot plotting class. If rows < 1 then a separate call to set_panels() is required to define the panel layout; refer to the doctext for set_panels(). """ self.window = Tk.Tk() self.is_dead = False def dest_callback(): self.is_dead = True self.window.destroy() self.window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", dest_callback) self.frame1 = Tk.Frame(self.window, relief=Tk.RIDGE, borderwidth=4) self.frame1.pack(fill=Tk.BOTH) self.figure = Figure(figsize=size, facecolor='#ddddee') self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.figure, master=self.frame1) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1) # Simply instantiating this is enough to get a working toolbar. self.figmgr = FigureManagerTkAgg(self.canvas, 1, self.window) self.window.wm_title('ASAPlot graphics window') self.events = {'button_press':None, 'button_release':None, 'motion_notify':None} self.set_title(title) self.subplots = [] if rows > 0: self.set_panels(rows, cols) # Set matplotlib default colour sequence. self.colours = [1, 'b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w'] self.attributes = {} self.loc = 1 matplotlib.interactive = True self.buffering = buffering self.canvas.show() def clear(self): """ Delete all lines from the plot. Line numbering will restart from 1. """ for i in range(1,len(self.lines)+1): self.delete(i) self.axes.clear() self.colours[0] = 1 self.lines = [] def delete(self, numbers=None): """ Delete the 0-relative line number, default is to delete the last. The remaining lines are NOT renumbered. """ if numbers is None: numbers = [len(self.lines)-1] if not hasattr(numbers, '__iter__'): numbers = [numbers] for number in numbers: if 0 <= number < len(self.lines): if self.lines[number] is not None: for line in self.lines[number]: line.set_linestyle('None') self.lines[number] = None self.show() def get_line(self): """ Get the current default line attributes. """ return self.attributes def hist(self, x=None, y=None, fmt=None): """ Plot a histogram. N.B. the x values refer to the start of the histogram bin. fmt is the line style as in plot(). """ if x is None: if y is None: return x = range(0,len(y)) if len(x) != len(y): return l2 = 2*len(x) x2 = range(0,l2) y2 = range(0,l2) for i in range(0,l2): x2[i] = x[i/2] y2[0] = 0 for i in range(1,l2): y2[i] = y[(i-1)/2] self.plot(x2, y2, fmt) def hold(self, hold=True): """ Buffer graphics until subsequently released. """ self.buffering = hold def legend(self, loc=1): """ Add a legend to the plot. Any other value for loc else disables the legend: 1: upper right 2: upper left 3: lower left 4: lower right 5: right 6: center left 7: center right 8: lower center 9: upper center 10: center """ if 1 > loc > 10: loc = 0 self.loc = loc self.show() def map(self): """ Reveal the ASAPlot graphics window and bring it to the top of the window stack. """ self.window.wm_deiconify() self.window.lift() def palette(self, pen=None, colours=None): """ Redefine the colour sequence. pen is the pen number to use for the next plot; this will be auto- incremented. colours is the list of pen colours. Colour may be specified via the single letter values understood by matplotlib: b: blue g: green r: red c: cyan m: magenta y: yellow k: black w: white or via the full name as listed in the colour dictionary which is loaded by default by load_colours() from rgb.txt and listed by list_colours(). """ if pen is None and colours is None: self.colours = [] return if pen is None: if not len(self.colours): self.colours = [1] else: self.colours[0] = pen if colours is None: return cols = [] for col in colours: cols.append(get_colour(col)) self.colours[1:] = cols if 0 > self.colours[0] > len(self.colours): self.colours[0] = 1 def plot(self, x=None, y=None, mask=None, fmt=None, add=None): """ Plot the next line in the current frame using the current line attributes. The ASAPlot graphics window will be mapped and raised. The argument list works a bit like the matlab plot() function. """ if x is None: if y is None: return x = range(len(y)) elif y is None: y = x x = range(len(y)) if mask is None: if fmt is None: line = self.axes.plot(x, y) else: line = self.axes.plot(x, y, fmt) else: segments = [] mask = list(mask) i = 0 while mask[i:].count(1): i += mask[i:].index(1) if mask[i:].count(0): j = i + mask[i:].index(0) else: j = len(mask) segments.append(x[i:j]) segments.append(y[i:j]) i = j line = self.axes.plot(*segments) # Add to an existing line? if add is None or len(self.lines) < add < 0: # Don't add. self.lines.append(line) i = len(self.lines) - 1 else: if add == 0: add = len(self.lines) i = add - 1 self.lines[i].extend(line) # Set/reset attributes for the line. gotcolour = False for k, v in self.attributes.iteritems(): if k == 'color': gotcolour = True for segment in self.lines[i]: getattr(segment, "set_%s"%k)(v) if not gotcolour and len(self.colours): for segment in self.lines[i]: getattr(segment, "set_color")(self.colours[self.colours[0]]) self.colours[0] += 1 if self.colours[0] >= len(self.colours): self.colours[0] = 1 self.show() def quit(self): """ Destroy the ASAPlot graphics window. """ self.window.destroy() def register(self, type=None, func=None): """ Register, reregister, or deregister events of type 'button_press', 'button_release', or 'motion_notify'. The specified callback function should have the following signature: def func(event) where event is an MplEvent instance containing the following data: name # Event name. canvas # FigureCanvas instance generating the event. x = None # x position - pixels from left of canvas. y = None # y position - pixels from bottom of canvas. button = None # Button pressed: None, 1, 2, 3. key = None # Key pressed: None, chr(range(255)), shift, win, or control inaxes = None # Axes instance if cursor within axes. xdata = None # x world coordinate. ydata = None # y world coordinate. For example: def mouse_move(event): print event.xdata, event.ydata a = asaplot() a.register('motion_notify', mouse_move) If func is None, the event is deregistered. Note that in TkAgg keyboard button presses don't generate an event. """ if not self.events.has_key(type): return if func is None: if self.events[type] is not None: # It's not clear that this does anything. self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.events[type]) self.events[type] = None # It seems to be necessary to return events to the toolbar. if type == 'motion_notify': self.canvas.mpl_connect(type + '_event', self.figmgr.toolbar.mouse_move) elif type == 'button_press': self.canvas.mpl_connect(type + '_event', self.figmgr.toolbar.press) elif type == 'button_release': self.canvas.mpl_connect(type + '_event', self.figmgr.toolbar.release) else: self.events[type] = self.canvas.mpl_connect(type + '_event', func) def release(self): """ Release buffered graphics. """ self.buffering = False self.show() def set_axes(self, what=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Set attributes for the axes by calling the relevant Axes.set_*() method. Colour translation is done as described in the doctext for palette(). """ if what is None: return if what[-6:] == 'colour': what = what[:-6] + 'color' newargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): k = k.lower() if k == 'colour': k = 'color' if k == 'color': v = get_colour(v) newargs[k] = v getattr(self.axes, "set_%s"%what)(*args, **newargs) self.show() def set_figure(self, what=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Set attributes for the figure by calling the relevant Figure.set_*() method. Colour translation is done as described in the doctext for palette(). """ if what is None: return if what[-6:] == 'colour': what = what[:-6] + 'color' if what[-5:] == 'color' and len(args): args = (get_colour(args[0]),) newargs = {} for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): k = k.lower() if k == 'colour': k = 'color' if k == 'color': v = get_colour(v) newargs[k] = v getattr(self.figure, "set_%s"%what)(*args, **newargs) self.show() def set_line(self, number=None, **kwargs): """ Set attributes for the specified line, or else the next line(s) to be plotted. number is the 0-relative number of a line that has already been plotted. If no such line exists, attributes are recorded and used for the next line(s) to be plotted. Keyword arguments specify Line2D attributes, e.g. color='r'. Do import matplotlib help(matplotlib.lines) The set_* methods of class Line2D define the attribute names and values. For non-US usage, "colour" is recognized as synonymous with "color". Set the value to None to delete an attribute. Colour translation is done as described in the doctext for palette(). """ redraw = False for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): k = k.lower() if k == 'colour': k = 'color' if k == 'color': v = get_colour(v) if 0 <= number < len(self.lines): if self.lines[number] is not None: for line in self.lines[number]: getattr(line, "set_%s"%k)(v) redraw = True else: if v is None: del self.attributes[k] else: self.attributes[k] = v if redraw: self.show() def set_panels(self, rows=1, cols=0, n=-1): """ Set the panel layout. rows and cols, if cols != 0, specify the number of rows and columns in a regular layout. (Indexing of these panels in matplotlib is row- major, i.e. column varies fastest.) cols == 0 is interpreted as a retangular layout that accomodates 'rows' panels, e.g. rows == 6, cols == 0 is equivalent to rows == 2, cols == 3. 0 <= n < rows*cols is interpreted as the 0-relative panel number in the configuration specified by rows and cols to be added to the current figure as its next 0-relative panel number (i). This allows non-regular panel layouts to be constructed via multiple calls. Any other value of n clears the plot and produces a rectangular array of empty panels. """ if n < 0 and len(self.subplots): self.figure.clear() self.set_title() if rows < 1: rows = 1 if cols == 0: i = int(sqrt(rows)) if i*i < rows: i += 1 cols = i if i*(i-1) >= rows: i -= 1 rows = i if 0 <= n < rows*cols: i = len(self.subplots) self.subplots.append({}) self.subplots[i]['axes'] = self.figure.add_subplot(rows, cols, n+1) self.subplots[i]['lines'] = [] if i == 0: self.subplot(0) else: self.subplots = [] for i in range(0,rows*cols): self.subplots.append({}) self.subplots[i]['axes'] = self.figure.add_subplot(rows, cols, i+1) self.subplots[i]['lines'] = [] self.subplot(0) def set_title(self, title=None): """ Set the title of the plot window. Use the previous title if title is omitted. """ if title is not None: self.title = title self.figure.text(0.5, 0.95, self.title, horizontalalignment='center') def show(self): """ Show graphics dependent on the current buffering state. """ if not self.buffering: if self.loc: lines = [] labels = [] i = 0 for line in self.lines: i += 1 if line is not None: lines.append(line[0]) lbl = line[0].get_label() if lbl == '': lbl = str(i) labels.append(lbl) if len(lines): self.axes.legend(tuple(lines), tuple(labels), self.loc) else: self.axes.legend((' ')) self.window.wm_deiconify() self.canvas.show() def subplot(self, i=None, inc=None): """ Set the subplot to the 0-relative panel number as defined by one or more invokations of set_panels(). """ l = len(self.subplots) if l: if i is not None: self.i = i if inc is not None: self.i += inc self.i %= l self.axes = self.subplots[self.i]['axes'] self.lines = self.subplots[self.i]['lines'] def terminate(self): """ Clear the figure. """ self.window.destroy() def text(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add text to the figure. """ self.figure.text(*args, **kwargs) self.show() def unmap(self): """ Hide the ASAPlot graphics window. """ self.window.wm_withdraw() def get_colour(colour='black'): """ Look up a colour by name in the colour dictionary. Matches are case-insensitive, insensitive to blanks, and 'gray' matches 'grey'. """ if colour is None: return None if match('[rgbcmykw]$', colour): return colour if match('#[\da-fA-F]{6}$', colour): return colour if len(colours) == 0: load_colours() # Try a quick match. if colours.has_key(colour): return colours[colour] colour = colour.replace(' ','').lower() colour = colour.replace('gray','grey') for name in colours.keys(): if name.lower() == colour: return colours[name] return '#000000' def list_colours(): """ List the contents of the colour dictionary sorted by name. """ if len(colours) == 0: load_colours() names = colours.keys() names.sort() for name in names: print colours[name], name def load_colours(file='/usr/local/lib/rgb.txt'): """ Load the colour dictionary from the specified file. """ print 'Loading colour dictionary from', file rgb = open(file, 'r') while True: line = rgb.readline() if line == '': break tmp = line.split() if len(tmp) == 4: if tmp[3][:4] == 'gray': continue if tmp[3].lower().find('gray') != -1: continue name = tmp[3][0].upper() + tmp[3][1:] r, g, b = int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1]), int(tmp[2]) colours[name] = '#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x' % (r, g, b)