import numpy from asap import rcParams from asap.scantable import scantable from asap.selector import selector from asap._asap import stgrid import pylab as pl from logging import asaplog class asapgrid: def __init__( self, infile ): self.infile = infile self.outfile = None self.gridder = stgrid( self.infile ) self.ifno = None def setData( self, infile ): self.gridder._setin( infile ) def setIF( self, ifno ): self.ifno = ifno self.gridder._setif( self.ifno ) def setPolList( self, pollist ): self.gridder._setpollist( pollist ) def setScanList( self, scanlist ): self.gridder._setscanlist( scanlist ) def defineImage( self, nx=-1, ny=-1, cellx='', celly='', center='' ): self.gridder._defineimage( nx, ny, cellx, celly, center ) def setFunc( self, func='box', width=-1 ): self.gridder._setfunc( func, width ) def setWeight( self, weightType='uniform' ): self.gridder._setweight( weightType ) def grid( self ): self.gridder._grid() def save( self, outfile='' ): self.outfile = self.gridder._save( outfile ) def plot( self, plotchan=-1, plotpol=-1 ): import time t0=time.time() # to load scantable on disk storg = rcParams[''] rcParams[''] = 'disk' plotter = _SDGridPlotter( self.infile, self.outfile, self.ifno ) plotter.plot( chan=plotchan, pol=plotpol ) # back to original setup rcParams[''] = storg t1=time.time() asaplog.push('plot: elapsed time %s sec'%(t1-t0))'DEBUG','asapgrid.plot') class _SDGridPlotter: def __init__( self, infile, outfile=None, ifno=0 ): self.infile = infile self.outfile = outfile if self.outfile is None: self.outfile = self.infile.rstrip('/')+'.grid' self.grid = None self.pointing = None self.nx = -1 self.ny = -1 self.nchan = 0 self.npol = 0 self.pollist = [] self.cellx = 0.0 self.celly = 0.0 = [0.0,0.0] self.nonzero = [[0.0],[0.0]] self.ifno = ifno self.get() def get( self ): s = scantable( self.infile, average=False ) sel = selector() sel.set_ifs( self.ifno ) s.set_selection( sel ) self.pointing = numpy.array( s.get_directionval() ).transpose() self.nchan = len(s._getspectrum(0)) s.set_selection() del s del sel s = scantable( self.outfile, average=False ) nrow = s.nrow() pols = numpy.ones( nrow, dtype=int ) for i in xrange(nrow): pols[i] = s.getpol(i) self.pollist, indices = numpy.unique( pols, return_inverse=True ) self.npol = len(self.pollist) self.pollist = self.pollist[indices[:self.npol]] #print 'pollist=',self.pollist #print 'npol=',self.npol #print 'nrow=',nrow dirstring = numpy.array(s.get_direction()).take(range(0,nrow,self.npol)) self.grid = numpy.array( s.get_directionval() ).take(range(0,nrow,self.npol),axis=0).transpose() idx = 0 d0 = dirstring[0].split()[-1] while ( dirstring[idx].split()[-1] == d0 ): idx += 1 self.ny = idx self.nx = nrow / (self.npol * idx ) #print 'nx,ny=',self.nx,self.ny self.cellx = abs( self.grid[0][0] - self.grid[0][1] ) self.celly = abs( self.grid[1][0] - self.grid[1][self.ny] ) #print 'cellx,celly=',self.cellx,self.celly def plot( self, chan=-1, pol=-1 ): if pol < 0: opt = 'averaged over pol' else: opt = 'pol %s'%(pol) if chan < 0: opt += ', averaged over channel' else: opt += ', channel %s'%(chan) data = self.getData( chan, pol ) title = 'Gridded Image (%s)'%(opt) pl.figure(10) pl.clf() pl.plot(self.grid[0],self.grid[1],',',color='blue') pl.plot(self.pointing[0],self.pointing[1],',',color='green') extent=[self.grid[0].min()-0.5*self.cellx, self.grid[0].max()+0.5*self.cellx, self.grid[1].min()-0.5*self.celly, self.grid[1].max()+0.5*self.celly] pl.imshow(data,extent=extent,origin='lower',interpolation='nearest') pl.colorbar() pl.xlabel('R.A. [rad]') pl.ylabel('Dec. [rad]') pl.title( title ) def getData( self, chan=-1, pol=-1 ): if chan == -1: spectra = self.__chanAverage() else: spectra = self.__chanIndex( chan ) data = spectra.reshape( (self.npol,self.nx,self.ny) ) if pol == -1: retval = data.mean(axis=0) else: retval = data[pol] return retval def __chanAverage( self ): s = scantable( self.outfile, average=False ) nrow = self.nx * self.ny spectra = numpy.zeros( (self.npol,nrow/self.npol), dtype=float ) irow = 0 sp = [0 for i in xrange(self.nchan)] for i in xrange(nrow/self.npol): for ip in xrange(self.npol): sp = s._getspectrum( irow ) spectra[ip,i] = numpy.mean( sp ) irow += 1 return spectra def __chanIndex( self, idx ): s = scantable( self.outfile, average=False ) nrow = self.nx * self.ny spectra = numpy.zeros( (self.npol,nrow/self.npol), dtype=float ) irow = 0 sp = [0 for i in xrange(self.nchan)] for i in xrange(nrow/self.npol): for ip in xrange(self.npol): sp = s._getspectrum( irow ) spectra[ip,i] = sp[idx] irow += 1 return spectra