1 | import numpy
2 | from asap import rcParams
3 | from asap.scantable import scantable
4 | from asap.selector import selector
5 | from asap._asap import stgrid
6 | import pylab as pl
7 | from logging import asaplog
8 |
9 | class asapgrid:
10 | """
11 | The asapgrid class is defined to convolve data onto regular
12 | spatial grid. Typical usage is as follows:
13 |
14 | # create asapgrid instance with two input data
15 | g = asapgrid( ['testimage1.asap','testimage2.asap'] )
16 | # set IFNO if necessary
17 | g.setIF( 0 )
18 | # set POLNOs if necessary
19 | g.setPolList( [0,1] )
20 | # set SCANNOs if necessary
21 | g.setScanList( [22,23,24] )
22 | # define image with full specification
23 | # you can skip some parameters (see help for defineImage)
24 | g.defineImage( nx=12, ny=12, cellx='10arcsec', celly='10arcsec',
25 | center='J2000 10h10m10s -5d05m05s' )
26 | # set convolution function
27 | g.setFunc( func='sf', width=3 )
28 | # actual gridding
29 | g.grid()
30 | # save result
31 | g.save( outfile='grid.asap' )
32 | # plot result
33 | g.plot( plotchan=1246, plotpol=-1, plotgrid=True, plotobs=True )
34 | """
35 | def __init__( self, infile ):
36 | """
37 | Create asapgrid instance.
38 |
39 | infile -- input data as a string or string list if you want
40 | to grid more than one data at once.
41 | """
42 | self.outfile = None
43 | self.ifno = None
44 | self.gridder = stgrid()
45 | self.setData( infile )
46 |
47 | def setData( self, infile ):
48 | """
49 | Set data to be processed.
50 |
51 | infile -- input data as a string or string list if you want
52 | to grid more than one data at once.
53 | """
54 | if isinstance( infile, str ):
55 | self.gridder._setin( infile )
56 | else:
57 | self.gridder._setfiles( infile )
58 | self.infile = infile
59 |
60 | def setIF( self, ifno ):
61 | """
62 | Set IFNO to be processed. Currently, asapgrid allows to process
63 | only one IFNO for one gridding run even if the data contains
64 | multiple IFs. If you didn't specify IFNO, default value, which
65 | is IFNO in the first spectrum, will be processed.
66 |
67 | ifno -- IFNO to be processed.
68 | """
69 | self.ifno = ifno
70 | self.gridder._setif( self.ifno )
71 |
72 | def setPolList( self, pollist ):
73 | """
74 | Set list of polarization components you want to process.
75 | If not specified, all POLNOs will be processed.
76 |
77 | pollist -- list of POLNOs.
78 | """
79 | self.gridder._setpollist( pollist )
80 |
81 | def setScanList( self, scanlist ):
82 | """
83 | Set list of scans you want to process. If not specified, all
84 | scans will be processed.
85 |
86 | scanlist -- list of SCANNOs.
87 | """
88 | self.gridder._setscanlist( scanlist )
89 |
90 | def defineImage( self, nx=-1, ny=-1, cellx='', celly='', center='' ):
91 | """
92 | Define spatial grid.
93 |
94 | First two parameters, nx and ny, define number of pixels of
95 | the grid. If which of those is not specified, it will be set
96 | to the same value as the other. If none of them are specified,
97 | it will be determined from map extent and cell size.
98 |
99 | Next two parameters, cellx and celly, define size of pixel.
100 | You should set those parameters as string, which is constructed
101 | numerical value and unit, e.g. '0.5arcmin', or numerical value.
102 | If those values are specified as numerical value, their units
103 | will be assumed to 'arcmin'. If which of those is not specified,
104 | it will be set to the same value as the other. If none of them
105 | are specified, it will be determined from map extent and number
106 | of pixels, or set to '1arcmin' if neither nx nor ny is set.
107 |
108 | The last parameter, center, define the central coordinate of
109 | the grid. You should specify its value as a string, like,
110 |
111 | 'J2000 05h08m50s -16d23m30s'
112 |
113 | or
114 |
115 | 'J2000 05:08:50 -16.23.30'
116 |
117 | You can omit equinox when you specify center coordinate. In that
118 | case, J2000 is assumed. If center is not specified, it will be
119 | determined from the observed positions of input data.
120 |
121 | nx -- number of pixels along x (R.A.) direction.
122 | ny -- number of pixels along y (Dec.) direction.
123 | cellx -- size of pixel in x (R.A.) direction.
124 | celly -- size of pixel in y (Dec.) direction.
125 | center -- central position of the grid.
126 | """
127 | if not isinstance( cellx, str ):
128 | cellx = '%sarcmin'%(cellx)
129 | if not isinstance( celly, str ):
130 | celly = '%sarcmin'%(celly)
131 | self.gridder._defineimage( nx, ny, cellx, celly, center )
132 |
133 | def setFunc( self, func='box', width=-1 ):
134 | """
135 | Set convolution function. Possible options are 'box' (Box-car,
136 | default), 'sf' (prolate spheroidal), and 'gauss' (Gaussian).
137 | Width of convolution function can be set using width parameter.
138 | By default (-1), width is automatically set depending on each
139 | convolution function. Default values for width are:
140 |
141 | 'box': 1 pixel
142 | 'sf': 3 pixels
143 | 'gauss': 3 pixels (width is used as HWHM)
144 |
145 | func -- Function type ('box', 'sf', 'gauss').
146 | width -- Width of convolution function. Default (-1) is to
147 | choose pre-defined value for each convolution function.
148 | """
149 | self.gridder._setfunc( func, width )
150 |
151 | def setWeight( self, weightType='uniform' ):
152 | """
153 | Set weight type. Possible options are 'uniform' (default),
154 | 'tint' (weight by integration time), 'tsys' (weight by
155 | Tsys: 1/Tsys**2), and 'tintsys' (weight by integration time
156 | as well as Tsys: tint/Tsys**2).
157 |
158 | weightType -- weight type ('uniform', 'tint', 'tsys', 'tintsys')
159 | """
160 | self.gridder._setweight( weightType )
161 |
162 | def enableClip( self ):
163 | """
164 | Enable min/max clipping.
165 |
166 | By default, min/max clipping is disabled so that you should
167 | call this method before actual gridding if you want to do
168 | clipping.
169 | """
170 | self.gridder._enableclip()
171 |
172 | def disableClip( self ):
173 | """
174 | Disable min/max clipping.
175 | """
176 | self.gridder._disableclip()
177 |
178 | def grid( self ):
179 | """
180 | Actual gridding which will be done based on several user inputs.
181 | """
182 | self.gridder._grid()
183 |
184 | def save( self, outfile='' ):
185 | """
186 | Save result. By default, output data name will be constructed
187 | from first element of input data name list (e.g. 'input.asap.grid').
188 |
189 | outfile -- output data name.
190 | """
191 | self.outfile = self.gridder._save( outfile )
192 |
193 | def plot( self, plotchan=-1, plotpol=-1, plotobs=False, plotgrid=False ):
194 | """
195 | Plot gridded data.
196 |
197 | plotchan -- Which channel you want to plot. Default (-1) is
198 | to average all the channels.
199 | plotpol -- Which polarization component you want to plot.
200 | Default (-1) is to average all the polarization
201 | components.
202 | plotobs -- Also plot observed position if True. Default
203 | is False. Setting True for large amount of spectra
204 | might be time consuming.
205 | plotgrid -- Also plot grid center if True. Default is False.
206 | Setting True for large number of grids might be
207 | time consuming.
208 | """
209 | import time
210 | t0=time.time()
211 | # to load scantable on disk
212 | storg = rcParams['scantable.storage']
213 | rcParams['scantable.storage'] = 'disk'
214 | plotter = _SDGridPlotter( self.infile, self.outfile, self.ifno )
215 | plotter.plot( chan=plotchan, pol=plotpol, plotobs=plotobs, plotgrid=plotgrid )
216 | # back to original setup
217 | rcParams['scantable.storage'] = storg
218 | t1=time.time()
219 | asaplog.push('plot: elapsed time %s sec'%(t1-t0))
220 | asaplog.post('DEBUG','asapgrid.plot')
221 |
222 | class _SDGridPlotter:
223 | def __init__( self, infile, outfile=None, ifno=-1 ):
224 | if isinstance( infile, str ):
225 | self.infile = [infile]
226 | else:
227 | self.infile = infile
228 | self.outfile = outfile
229 | if self.outfile is None:
230 | self.outfile = self.infile[0].rstrip('/')+'.grid'
231 | self.nx = -1
232 | self.ny = -1
233 | self.nchan = 0
234 | self.npol = 0
235 | self.pollist = []
236 | self.cellx = 0.0
237 | self.celly = 0.0
238 | self.center = [0.0,0.0]
239 | self.nonzero = [[0.0],[0.0]]
240 | self.ifno = ifno
241 | self.tablein = None
242 | self.nrow = 0
243 | self.blc = None
244 | self.trc = None
245 | self.get()
246 |
247 | def get( self ):
248 | s = scantable( self.outfile, average=False )
249 | self.nchan = len(s._getspectrum(0))
250 | nrow = s.nrow()
251 | pols = numpy.ones( nrow, dtype=int )
252 | for i in xrange(nrow):
253 | pols[i] = s.getpol(i)
254 | self.pollist, indices = numpy.unique( pols, return_inverse=True )
255 | self.npol = len(self.pollist)
256 | self.pollist = self.pollist[indices[:self.npol]]
257 | #print 'pollist=',self.pollist
258 | #print 'npol=',self.npol
259 | #print 'nrow=',nrow
260 |
261 | idx = 0
262 | d0 = s.get_direction( 0 ).split()[-1]
263 | while ( s.get_direction(self.npol*idx).split()[-1] == d0 ):
264 | idx += 1
265 |
266 | self.nx = idx
267 | self.ny = nrow / (self.npol * idx )
268 | #print 'nx,ny=',self.nx,self.ny
269 |
270 | self.blc = s.get_directionval( 0 )
271 | self.trc = s.get_directionval( nrow-self.npol )
272 | #print self.blc
273 | #print self.trc
274 | incrx = s.get_directionval( self.npol )
275 | incry = s.get_directionval( self.nx*self.npol )
276 | self.cellx = abs( self.blc[0] - incrx[0] )
277 | self.celly = abs( self.blc[1] - incry[1] )
278 | #print 'cellx,celly=',self.cellx,self.celly
279 |
280 | def plot( self, chan=-1, pol=-1, plotobs=False, plotgrid=False ):
281 | if pol < 0:
282 | opt = 'averaged over pol'
283 | else:
284 | opt = 'pol %s'%(pol)
285 | if chan < 0:
286 | opt += ', averaged over channel'
287 | else:
288 | opt += ', channel %s'%(chan)
289 | data = self.getData( chan, pol )
290 | title = 'Gridded Image (%s)'%(opt)
291 | pl.figure(10)
292 | pl.clf()
293 | # plot grid position
294 | if plotgrid:
295 | x = numpy.arange(self.blc[0],self.trc[0]+0.5*self.cellx,self.cellx,dtype=float)
296 | #print 'len(x)=',len(x)
297 | #print 'x=',x
298 | ybase = numpy.ones(self.nx,dtype=float)*self.blc[1]
299 | #print 'len(ybase)=',len(ybase)
300 | incr = self.celly
301 | for iy in xrange(self.ny):
302 | y = ybase + iy * incr
303 | #print y
304 | pl.plot(x,y,',',color='blue')
305 | # plot observed position
306 | if plotobs:
307 | for i in xrange(len(self.infile)):
308 | self.createTableIn( self.infile[i] )
309 | irow = 0
310 | while ( irow < self.nrow ):
311 | chunk = self.getPointingChunk( irow )
312 | #print chunk
313 | pl.plot(chunk[0],chunk[1],',',color='green')
314 | irow += chunk.shape[1]
315 | #print irow
316 | # show image
317 | extent=[self.blc[0]-0.5*self.cellx,
318 | self.trc[0]+0.5*self.cellx,
319 | self.blc[1]-0.5*self.celly,
320 | self.trc[1]+0.5*self.celly]
321 | pl.imshow(data,extent=extent,origin='lower',interpolation='nearest')
322 | pl.colorbar()
323 | pl.xlabel('R.A. [rad]')
324 | pl.ylabel('Dec. [rad]')
325 | pl.title( title )
326 |
327 | def createTableIn( self, tab ):
328 | del self.tablein
329 | self.tablein = scantable( tab, average=False )
330 | if self.ifno < 0:
331 | ifno = self.tablein.getif(0)
332 | print 'ifno=',ifno
333 | else:
334 | ifno = self.ifno
335 | sel = selector()
336 | sel.set_ifs( ifno )
337 | self.tablein.set_selection( sel )
338 | self.nchan = len(self.tablein._getspectrum(0))
339 | self.nrow = self.tablein.nrow()
340 | del sel
341 |
342 |
343 | def getPointingChunk( self, irow ):
344 | numchunk = 1000
345 | nrow = min( self.nrow-irow, numchunk )
346 | #print 'nrow=',nrow
347 | v = numpy.zeros( (2,nrow), dtype=float )
348 | idx = 0
349 | for i in xrange(irow,irow+nrow):
350 | d = self.tablein.get_directionval( i )
351 | v[0,idx] = d[0]
352 | v[1,idx] = d[1]
353 | idx += 1
354 | return v
355 |
356 | def getData( self, chan=-1, pol=-1 ):
357 | if chan == -1:
358 | spectra = self.__chanAverage()
359 | else:
360 | spectra = self.__chanIndex( chan )
361 | data = spectra.reshape( (self.npol,self.ny,self.nx) )
362 | if pol == -1:
363 | retval = data.mean(axis=0)
364 | else:
365 | retval = data[pol]
366 | return retval
367 |
368 | def __chanAverage( self ):
369 | s = scantable( self.outfile, average=False )
370 | nrow = s.nrow()
371 | spectra = numpy.zeros( (self.npol,nrow/self.npol), dtype=float )
372 | irow = 0
373 | sp = [0 for i in xrange(self.nchan)]
374 | for i in xrange(nrow/self.npol):
375 | for ip in xrange(self.npol):
376 | sp = s._getspectrum( irow )
377 | spectra[ip,i] = numpy.mean( sp )
378 | irow += 1
379 | return spectra
380 |
381 | def __chanIndex( self, idx ):
382 | s = scantable( self.outfile, average=False )
383 | nrow = s.nrow()
384 | spectra = numpy.zeros( (self.npol,nrow/self.npol), dtype=float )
385 | irow = 0
386 | sp = [0 for i in xrange(self.nchan)]
387 | for i in xrange(nrow/self.npol):
388 | for ip in xrange(self.npol):
389 | sp = s._getspectrum( irow )
390 | spectra[ip,i] = sp[idx]
391 | irow += 1
392 | return spectra
393 |
394 |