import _asap from asap.parameters import rcParams from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec from asap.utils import _n_bools, mask_and class fitter: """ The fitting class for ASAP. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a fitter object. No state is set. """ self.fitter = _asap.fitter() self.x = None self.y = None self.mask = None self.fitfunc = None self.fitfuncs = None self.fitted = False = None self.components = 0 self._fittedrow = 0 self._p = None self._selection = None self.uselinear = False def set_data(self, xdat, ydat, mask=None): """ Set the absissa and ordinate for the fit. Also set the mask indicating valid points. This can be used for data vectors retrieved from a scantable. For scantable fitting use 'fitter.set_scan(scan, mask)'. Parameters: xdat: the abcissa values ydat: the ordinate values mask: an optional mask """ self.fitted = False self.x = xdat self.y = ydat if mask == None: self.mask = _n_bools(len(xdat), True) else: self.mask = mask return @asaplog_post_dec def set_scan(self, thescan=None, mask=None): """ Set the 'data' (a scantable) of the fitter. Parameters: thescan: a scantable mask: a msk retrieved from the scantable """ if not thescan: msg = "Please give a correct scan" raise TypeError(msg) self.fitted = False = thescan self.mask = None if mask is None: self.mask = _n_bools(, True) else: self.mask = mask return @asaplog_post_dec def set_function(self, **kwargs): """ Set the function to be fit. Parameters: poly: use a polynomial of the order given with nonlinear least squares fit lpoly: use polynomial of the order given with linear least squares fit gauss: fit the number of gaussian specified lorentz: fit the number of lorentzian specified sinusoid: fit the number of sinusoid specified Example: fitter.set_function(poly=3) # will fit a 3rd order polynomial via nonlinear method fitter.set_function(lpoly=3) # will fit a 3rd order polynomial via linear method fitter.set_function(gauss=2) # will fit two gaussians fitter.set_function(lorentz=2) # will fit two lorentzians fitter.set_function(sinusoid=3) # will fit three sinusoids """ #default poly order 0 n=0 if kwargs.has_key('poly'): self.fitfunc = 'poly' self.fitfuncs = ['poly'] n = kwargs.get('poly') self.components = [n+1] self.uselinear = False elif kwargs.has_key('lpoly'): self.fitfunc = 'poly' self.fitfuncs = ['lpoly'] n = kwargs.get('lpoly') self.components = [n+1] self.uselinear = True elif kwargs.has_key('gauss'): n = kwargs.get('gauss') self.fitfunc = 'gauss' self.fitfuncs = [ 'gauss' for i in range(n) ] self.components = [ 3 for i in range(n) ] self.uselinear = False elif kwargs.has_key('lorentz'): n = kwargs.get('lorentz') self.fitfunc = 'lorentz' self.fitfuncs = [ 'lorentz' for i in range(n) ] self.components = [ 3 for i in range(n) ] self.uselinear = False elif kwargs.has_key('sinusoid'): n = kwargs.get('sinusoid') self.fitfunc = 'sinusoid' self.fitfuncs = [ 'sinusoid' for i in range(n) ] self.components = [ 3 for i in range(n) ] self.uselinear = False else: msg = "Invalid function type." raise TypeError(msg) self.fitter.setexpression(self.fitfunc,n) self.fitted = False return @asaplog_post_dec def fit(self, row=0, estimate=False): """ Execute the actual fitting process. All the state has to be set. Parameters: row: specify the row in the scantable estimate: auto-compute an initial parameter set (default False) This can be used to compute estimates even if fit was called before. Example: s = scantable('myscan.asap') s.set_cursor(thepol=1) # select second pol f = fitter() f.set_scan(s) f.set_function(poly=0) # fit first row """ if ((self.x is None or self.y is None) and is None) \ or self.fitfunc is None: msg = "Fitter not yet initialised. Please set data & fit function" raise RuntimeError(msg) else: if is not None: self.x = self.y = #self.mask = mask_and(self.mask, if len(self.x) == len(self.mask): self.mask = mask_and(self.mask, else: asaplog.push('lengths of data and mask are not the same. preset mask will be ignored')'WARN','') self.mask=_n_bools(len(self.x), True) asaplog.push("Fitting:") i = row out = "Scan[%d] Beam[%d] IF[%d] Pol[%d] Cycle[%d]" % (,,,, asaplog.push(out,False) self.fitter.setdata(self.x, self.y, self.mask) if self.fitfunc == 'gauss' or self.fitfunc == 'lorentz': ps = self.fitter.getparameters() if len(ps) == 0 or estimate: self.fitter.estimate() fxdpar = list(self.fitter.getfixedparameters()) if len(fxdpar) and fxdpar.count(0) == 0: raise RuntimeError,"No point fitting, if all parameters are fixed." if self.uselinear: converged = self.fitter.lfit() else: converged = if not converged: raise RuntimeError,"Fit didn't converge." self._fittedrow = row self.fitted = True return def store_fit(self, filename=None): """ Save the fit parameters. Parameters: filename: if specified save as an ASCII file, if None (default) store it in the scnatable """ if self.fitted and is not None: pars = list(self.fitter.getparameters()) fixed = list(self.fitter.getfixedparameters()) from asap.asapfit import asapfit fit = asapfit() fit.setparameters(pars) fit.setfixedparameters(fixed) fit.setfunctions(self.fitfuncs) fit.setcomponents(self.components) fit.setframeinfo( if filename is not None: import os filename = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(filename)) if os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError("File '%s' exists." % filename) else:,self._fittedrow) @asaplog_post_dec def set_parameters(self,*args,**kwargs): """ Set the parameters to be fitted. Parameters: params: a vector of parameters fixed: a vector of which parameters are to be held fixed (default is none) component: in case of multiple gaussians/lorentzians/sinusoidals, the index of the target component """ component = None fixed = None params = None if len(args) and isinstance(args[0],dict): kwargs = args[0] if kwargs.has_key("fixed"): fixed = kwargs["fixed"] if kwargs.has_key("params"): params = kwargs["params"] if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], int): component = args[1] if self.fitfunc is None: msg = "Please specify a fitting function first." raise RuntimeError(msg) if (self.fitfunc == "gauss" or self.fitfunc == "lorentz" or self.fitfunc == "sinusoid") and component is not None: if not self.fitted and sum(self.fitter.getparameters()) == 0: pars = _n_bools(len(self.components)*3, False) fxd = _n_bools(len(pars), False) else: pars = list(self.fitter.getparameters()) fxd = list(self.fitter.getfixedparameters()) i = 3*component pars[i:i+3] = params fxd[i:i+3] = fixed params = pars fixed = fxd self.fitter.setparameters(params) if fixed is not None: self.fitter.setfixedparameters(fixed) return @asaplog_post_dec def set_gauss_parameters(self, peak, centre, fwhm, peakfixed=0, centrefixed=0, fwhmfixed=0, component=0): """ Set the Parameters of a 'Gaussian' component, set with set_function. Parameters: peak, centre, fwhm: The gaussian parameters peakfixed, centrefixed, fwhmfixed: Optional parameters to indicate if the paramters should be held fixed during the fitting process. The default is to keep all parameters flexible. component: The number of the component (Default is the component 0) """ if self.fitfunc != "gauss": msg = "Function only operates on Gaussian components." raise ValueError(msg) if 0 <= component < len(self.components): d = {'params':[peak, centre, fwhm], 'fixed':[peakfixed, centrefixed, fwhmfixed]} self.set_parameters(d, component) else: msg = "Please select a valid component." raise ValueError(msg) @asaplog_post_dec def set_lorentz_parameters(self, peak, centre, fwhm, peakfixed=0, centrefixed=0, fwhmfixed=0, component=0): """ Set the Parameters of a 'Lorentzian' component, set with set_function. Parameters: peak, centre, fwhm: The lorentzian parameters peakfixed, centrefixed, fwhmfixed: Optional parameters to indicate if the paramters should be held fixed during the fitting process. The default is to keep all parameters flexible. component: The number of the component (Default is the component 0) """ if self.fitfunc != "lorentz": msg = "Function only operates on Lorentzian components." raise ValueError(msg) if 0 <= component < len(self.components): d = {'params':[peak, centre, fwhm], 'fixed':[peakfixed, centrefixed, fwhmfixed]} self.set_parameters(d, component) else: msg = "Please select a valid component." raise ValueError(msg) @asaplog_post_dec def set_sinusoid_parameters(self, ampl, period, x0, amplfixed=0, periodfixed=0, x0fixed=0, component=0): """ Set the Parameters of a 'Sinusoidal' component, set with set_function. Parameters: ampl, period, x0: The sinusoidal parameters amplfixed, periodfixed, x0fixed: Optional parameters to indicate if the paramters should be held fixed during the fitting process. The default is to keep all parameters flexible. component: The number of the component (Default is the component 0) """ if self.fitfunc != "sinusoid": msg = "Function only operates on Sinusoidal components." raise ValueError(msg) if 0 <= component < len(self.components): d = {'params':[ampl, period, x0], 'fixed': [amplfixed, periodfixed, x0fixed]} self.set_parameters(d, component) else: msg = "Please select a valid component." raise ValueError(msg) def get_area(self, component=None): """ Return the area under the fitted gaussian/lorentzian component. Parameters: component: the gaussian/lorentzian component selection, default (None) is the sum of all components Note: This will only work for gaussian/lorentzian fits. """ if not self.fitted: return if self.fitfunc == "gauss" or self.fitfunc == "lorentz": pars = list(self.fitter.getparameters()) from math import log,pi,sqrt if self.fitfunc == "gauss": fac = sqrt(pi/log(16.0)) elif self.fitfunc == "lorentz": fac = pi/2.0 areas = [] for i in range(len(self.components)): j = i*3 cpars = pars[j:j+3] areas.append(fac * cpars[0] * cpars[2]) else: return None if component is not None: return areas[component] else: return sum(areas) @asaplog_post_dec def get_errors(self, component=None): """ Return the errors in the parameters. Parameters: component: get the errors for the specified component only, default is all components """ if not self.fitted: msg = "Not yet fitted." raise RuntimeError(msg) errs = list(self.fitter.geterrors()) cerrs = errs if component is not None: if self.fitfunc == "gauss" or self.fitfunc == "lorentz" or self.fitfunc == "sinusoid": i = 3*component if i < len(errs): cerrs = errs[i:i+3] return cerrs @asaplog_post_dec def get_parameters(self, component=None, errors=False): """ Return the fit paramters. Parameters: component: get the parameters for the specified component only, default is all components """ if not self.fitted: msg = "Not yet fitted." raise RuntimeError(msg) pars = list(self.fitter.getparameters()) fixed = list(self.fitter.getfixedparameters()) errs = list(self.fitter.geterrors()) area = [] if component is not None: if self.fitfunc == "poly" or self.fitfunc == "lpoly": cpars = pars cfixed = fixed cerrs = errs else: i = 3*component cpars = pars[i:i+3] cfixed = fixed[i:i+3] cerrs = errs[i:i+3] if self.fitfunc == "gauss" or self.fitfunc == "lorentz": a = self.get_area(component) area = [a for i in range(3)] else: cpars = pars cfixed = fixed cerrs = errs if self.fitfunc == "gauss" or self.fitfunc == "lorentz": for c in range(len(self.components)): a = self.get_area(c) area += [a for i in range(3)] fpars = self._format_pars(cpars, cfixed, errors and cerrs, area) asaplog.push(fpars) return {'params':cpars, 'fixed':cfixed, 'formatted': fpars, 'errors':cerrs} def _format_pars(self, pars, fixed, errors, area): out = '' if self.fitfunc == "poly" or self.fitfunc == "lpoly": c = 0 for i in range(len(pars)): fix = "" if len(fixed) and fixed[i]: fix = "(fixed)" out += " p%d%s= %3.6f" % (c, fix, pars[i]) if errors : out += " (%1.6f)" % errors[i] out += "," c+=1 out = out[:-1] # remove trailing ',' else: i = 0 c = 0 if self.fitfunc == "gauss" or self.fitfunc == "lorentz": pnam = ["peak", "centre", "FWHM"] elif self.fitfunc == "sinusoid": pnam = ["amplitude", "period", "x0"] aunit = "" ounit = "" if aunit = ounit = while i < len(pars): fix0 = fix1 = fix2 = "" if i < len(fixed)-2: if fixed[i]: fix0 = "(fixed)" if fixed[i+1]: fix1 = "(fixed)" if fixed[i+2]: fix2 = "(fixed)" out += " %2d: " % c out += "%s%s = %3.3f %s, " % (pnam[0], fix0, pars[i], ounit) out += "%s%s = %3.3f %s, " % (pnam[1], fix1, pars[i+1], aunit) out += "%s%s = %3.3f %s\n" % (pnam[2], fix2, pars[i+2], aunit) if len(area): out += " area = %3.3f %s %s\n" % (area[i], ounit, aunit) c+=1 i+=3 return out @asaplog_post_dec def get_estimate(self): """ Return the parameter estimates (for non-linear functions). """ pars = self.fitter.getestimate() fixed = self.fitter.getfixedparameters() asaplog.push(self._format_pars(pars,fixed,None,None)) return pars @asaplog_post_dec def get_residual(self): """ Return the residual of the fit. """ if not self.fitted: msg = "Not yet fitted." raise RuntimeError(msg) return self.fitter.getresidual() @asaplog_post_dec def get_chi2(self): """ Return chi^2. """ if not self.fitted: msg = "Not yet fitted." raise RuntimeError(msg) ch2 = self.fitter.getchi2() asaplog.push( 'Chi^2 = %3.3f' % (ch2) ) return ch2 @asaplog_post_dec def get_fit(self): """ Return the fitted ordinate values. """ if not self.fitted: msg = "Not yet fitted." raise RuntimeError(msg) return self.fitter.getfit() @asaplog_post_dec def commit(self): """ Return a new scan where the fits have been commited (subtracted) """ if not self.fitted: msg = "Not yet fitted." raise RuntimeError(msg) from asap import scantable if not isinstance(, scantable): msg = "Not a scantable" raise TypeError(msg) scan = scan._setspectrum(self.fitter.getresidual()) return scan @asaplog_post_dec def plot(self, residual=False, components=None, plotparms=False, filename=None): """ Plot the last fit. Parameters: residual: an optional parameter indicating if the residual should be plotted (default 'False') components: a list of components to plot, e.g [0,1], -1 plots the total fit. Default is to only plot the total fit. plotparms: Inidicates if the parameter values should be present on the plot """ if not self.fitted: return if not self._p or self._p.is_dead: #if rcParams['plotter.gui']: # from asap.asaplotgui import asaplotgui as asaplot #else: # from asap.asaplot import asaplot #self._p = asaplot() from asap.asapplotter import new_asaplot self._p = new_asaplot(rcParams['plotter.gui']) self._p.hold() self._p.clear() self._p.set_panels() self._p.palette(0) tlab = 'Spectrum' xlab = 'Abcissa' ylab = 'Ordinate' from numpy import ma,logical_not,logical_and,array m = self.mask if tlab = xlab = if m = [False] else: m = logical_and(self.mask, array(, copy=False)) ylab = colours = ["#777777","#dddddd","red","orange","purple","green","magenta", "cyan"] nomask=True for i in range(len(m)): nomask = nomask and m[i] if len(m) == 1: m = m[0] invm = (not m) else: invm = logical_not(m) label0='Masked Region' label1='Spectrum' if ( nomask ): label0=label1 else: y = ma.masked_array( self.y, mask = m ) self._p.palette(1,colours) self._p.set_line( label = label1 ) self._p.plot( self.x, y ) self._p.palette(0,colours) self._p.set_line(label=label0) y = ma.masked_array(self.y,mask=invm) self._p.plot(self.x, y) if residual: self._p.palette(7) self._p.set_line(label='Residual') y = ma.masked_array(self.get_residual(), mask=invm) self._p.plot(self.x, y) self._p.palette(2) if components is not None: cs = components if isinstance(components,int): cs = [components] if plotparms: self._p.text(0.15,0.15,str(self.get_parameters()['formatted']),size=8) n = len(self.components) self._p.palette(3) for c in cs: if 0 <= c < n: lab = self.fitfuncs[c]+str(c) self._p.set_line(label=lab) y = ma.masked_array(self.fitter.evaluate(c), mask=invm) self._p.plot(self.x, y) elif c == -1: self._p.palette(2) self._p.set_line(label="Total Fit") y = ma.masked_array(self.fitter.getfit(), mask=invm) self._p.plot(self.x, y) else: self._p.palette(2) self._p.set_line(label='Fit') y = ma.masked_array(self.fitter.getfit(),mask=invm) self._p.plot(self.x, y) xlim=[min(self.x),max(self.x)] self._p.axes.set_xlim(xlim) self._p.set_axes('xlabel',xlab) self._p.set_axes('ylabel',ylab) self._p.set_axes('title',tlab) self._p.release() if (not rcParams['plotter.gui']): @asaplog_post_dec def auto_fit(self, insitu=None, plot=False): """ Return a scan where the function is applied to all rows for all Beams/IFs/Pols. """ from asap import scantable if not isinstance(, scantable) : msg = "Data is not a scantable" raise TypeError(msg) if insitu is None: insitu = rcParams['insitu'] if not insitu: scan = else: scan = rows = xrange(scan.nrow()) # Save parameters of baseline fits as a class attribute. # NOTICE: This does not reflect changes in scantable! if len(rows) > 0: self.blpars=[] asaplog.push("Fitting:") for r in rows: out = " Scan[%d] Beam[%d] IF[%d] Pol[%d] Cycle[%d]" % (scan.getscan(r), scan.getbeam(r), scan.getif(r), scan.getpol(r), scan.getcycle(r)) asaplog.push(out, False) self.x = scan._getabcissa(r) self.y = scan._getspectrum(r) if len(self.x) == len(self.mask): self.mask = mask_and(self.mask, else: asaplog.push('lengths of data and mask are not the same. preset mask will be ignored')'WARN','') self.mask=_n_bools(len(self.x), True) #self.mask = mask_and(self.mask, scan._getmask(r)) = None x = self.get_parameters() fpar = self.get_parameters() if plot: self.plot(residual=True) x = raw_input("Accept fit ([y]/n): ") if x.upper() == 'N': self.blpars.append(None) continue scan._setspectrum(self.fitter.getresidual(), r) self.blpars.append(fpar) if plot: self._p.quit() del self._p self._p = None return scan