""" This is the ATNF Single Dish Analysis package. """ import os import sys # first import! from asap.env import * # second import! from asap.parameters import * # third import from asap.logging import * from asap.utils import * # explicitly import 'hidden' functions from asap.utils import _n_bools, _is_sequence_or_number, _to_list if is_ipython(): from ipysupport import * # use rc parameter to enable/disable logging asaplog.enable(rcParams['verbose']) setup_env() # anything which uses matplotlib has to be imported after this!!! if rcParams['useplotter']: try: gui = os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and rcParams['plotter.gui'] if gui: import matplotlib if 'matplotlib.backends' not in matplotlib.sys.modules: matplotlib.use("TkAgg") from asapplotter import asapplotter from matplotlib import pylab xyplotter = pylab plotter = asapplotter(gui) except ImportError: asaplog.post( "Matplotlib not installed. No plotting available") print_log('WARN') from selector import selector from asapmath import * from scantable import scantable from linecatalog import linecatalog from asaplinefind import linefinder from simplelinefinder import simplelinefinder from interactivemask import interactivemask from asapfitter import fitter from opacity import skydip from opacity import model as opacity_model __date__ = '$Date: 2010-08-03 05:08:49 +0000 (Tue, 03 Aug 2010) $'.split()[1] __version__ = 'trunk' __revision__ = get_revision() def welcome(): return """Welcome to ASAP v%s (%s) - the ATNF Spectral Analysis Package Please report any bugs via: http://svn.atnf.csiro.au/trac/asap/simpleticket [IMPORTANT: ASAP is 0-based] Type commands() to get a list of all available ASAP commands.""" % (__version__, __date__)