//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# PKSSDwriter.cc: Class to write Parkes multibeam data to an SDFITS file. //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# livedata - processing pipeline for single-dish, multibeam spectral data. //# Copyright (C) 2000-2009, Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO //# //# This file is part of livedata. //# //# livedata is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under //# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free //# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) //# any later version. //# //# livedata is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for //# more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along //# with livedata. If not, see . //# //# Correspondence concerning livedata may be directed to: //# Internet email: mcalabre@atnf.csiro.au //# Postal address: Dr. Mark Calabretta //# Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO //# PO Box 76 //# Epping NSW 1710 //# AUSTRALIA //# //# http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/livedata.html //# $Id: PKSSDwriter.cc,v 19.17 2009-09-29 07:33:38 cal103 Exp $ //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::PKSSDwriter // Default constructor. PKSSDwriter::PKSSDwriter() { // By default, messages are written to stderr. initMsg(); } //-------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::~PKSSDwriter // Destructor. PKSSDwriter::~PKSSDwriter() { close(); } //-------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::setMsg // Set message disposition. If fd is non-zero messages will be written // to that file descriptor, else stored for retrieval by getMsg(). Int PKSSDwriter::setMsg(FILE *fd) { PKSmsg::setMsg(fd); cSDwriter.setMsg(fd); return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::create // Create the SDFITS file and and write static data. Int PKSSDwriter::create( const String sdName, const String observer, const String project, const String antName, const Vector antPosition, const String obsMode, const String bunit, const Float equinox, const String dopplerFrame, const Vector nChan, const Vector nPol, const Vector haveXPol, const Bool haveBase) { // Clear the message stack. clearMsg(); double antPos[3]; antPos[0] = antPosition(0); antPos[1] = antPosition(1); antPos[2] = antPosition(2); cNIF = nChan.nelements(); if (nPol.nelements() != cNIF || haveXPol.nelements() != cNIF) { cerr << "PKSSDwriter::create: " << "Inconsistent number of IFs for nChan, nPol, and/or haveXPol." << endl; return 1; } cNChan.assign(nChan); cNPol.assign(nPol); cHaveXPol.resize(cNIF); for (uInt iIF = 0; iIF < cNIF; iIF++) { // Convert Bool -> uInt. cHaveXPol(iIF) = haveXPol(iIF) ? 1 : 0; } cHaveBase = haveBase; // Storage in the trivial cNChan, cNPol, and cHaveXPol arrays should always // be contiguous so the pointer returned by getStorage() shouldn't need to // be deleted via freeStorage() (i.e. deleteIt always returned False). This // storage will, of course, be deleted when the PKSwriter object is deleted. Bool deleteIt; Int status = cSDwriter.create((char *)sdName.chars(), (char *)observer.chars(), (char *)project.chars(), (char *)antName.chars(), antPos, (char *)obsMode.chars(), (char *)bunit.chars(), equinox, (char *)dopplerFrame.chars(), cNIF, (int *)cNChan.getStorage(deleteIt), (int *)cNPol.getStorage(deleteIt), (int *)cHaveXPol.getStorage(deleteIt), (int)cHaveBase, 1); logMsg(cSDwriter.getMsg()); cSDwriter.clearMsg(); if (status) { cSDwriter.deleteFile(); close(); } return status; } //--------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::write // Write the next data record. Int PKSSDwriter::write( const PKSrecord &pksrec) { // Do basic checks. Int IFno = pksrec.IFno; uInt iIF = IFno - 1; if (IFno < 1 || Int(cNIF) < IFno) { cerr << "PKSDwriter::write: " << "Invalid IF number " << IFno << " (maximum " << cNIF << ")." << endl; return 1; } uInt nChan = pksrec.spectra.nrow(); if (nChan != cNChan(iIF)) { cerr << "PKSDwriter::write: " << "Wrong number of channels for IF " << IFno << "," << endl << " " << "got " << nChan << " should be " << cNChan(iIF) << "." << endl; return 1; } uInt nPol = pksrec.spectra.ncolumn(); if (nPol != cNPol(iIF)) { cerr << "PKSDwriter::write: " << "Wrong number of polarizations for IF " << IFno << "," << endl << " " << "got " << nPol << " should be " << cNPol(iIF) << "." << endl; return 1; } // Extract calendar information from mjd. MVTime time(pksrec.mjd); Int year = time.year(); Int month = time.month(); Int day = time.monthday(); // Transfer data to a single-IF MBrecord. MBrecord mbrec(1); // Start with basic beam- and IF-independent bookkeeping information. mbrec.scanNo = pksrec.scanNo; mbrec.cycleNo = pksrec.cycleNo; sprintf(mbrec.datobs, "%4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2d", year, month, day); mbrec.utc = fmod(pksrec.mjd, 1.0) * 86400.0; mbrec.exposure = float(pksrec.interval); strncpy(mbrec.srcName, (char *)pksrec.srcName.chars(), 17); mbrec.srcRA = pksrec.srcDir(0); mbrec.srcDec = pksrec.srcDir(1); mbrec.restFreq = pksrec.restFreq; strncpy(mbrec.obsType, (char *)pksrec.obsType.chars(), 16); // Now beam-dependent parameters. mbrec.beamNo = pksrec.beamNo; mbrec.ra = pksrec.direction(0); mbrec.dec = pksrec.direction(1); mbrec.raRate = pksrec.scanRate(0); mbrec.decRate = pksrec.scanRate(1); // Now IF-dependent parameters. mbrec.nIF = 1; mbrec.IFno[0] = IFno; mbrec.nChan[0] = nChan; mbrec.nPol[0] = nPol; mbrec.fqRefPix[0] = (nChan/2) + 1; mbrec.fqRefVal[0] = pksrec.refFreq; mbrec.fqDelt[0] = pksrec.freqInc; // Now the data itself. for (uInt i = 0; i < pksrec.tsys.nelements(); i++) { mbrec.tsys[0][i] = pksrec.tsys(i); } for (uInt ipol = 0; ipol < nPol; ipol++) { mbrec.calfctr[0][ipol] = pksrec.calFctr(ipol); } if (cHaveXPol(iIF)) { mbrec.xcalfctr[0][0] = pksrec.xCalFctr.real(); mbrec.xcalfctr[0][1] = pksrec.xCalFctr.imag(); } else { mbrec.xcalfctr[0][0] = 0.0f; mbrec.xcalfctr[0][1] = 0.0f; } if (cHaveBase) { mbrec.haveBase = 1; for (uInt ipol = 0; ipol < nPol; ipol++) { mbrec.baseLin[0][ipol][0] = pksrec.baseLin(0,ipol); mbrec.baseLin[0][ipol][1] = pksrec.baseLin(1,ipol); for (uInt j = 0; j < pksrec.baseSub.nrow(); j++) { mbrec.baseSub[0][ipol][j] = pksrec.baseSub(j,ipol); } for (uInt j = pksrec.baseSub.nrow(); j < 24; j++) { mbrec.baseSub[0][ipol][j] = 0.0f; } } } else { mbrec.haveBase = 0; } Bool delSpectra = False; const Float *specstor = pksrec.spectra.getStorage(delSpectra); mbrec.spectra[0] = (float *)specstor; Bool delFlagged = False; const uChar *flagstor = pksrec.flagged.getStorage(delFlagged); mbrec.flagged[0] = (unsigned char *)flagstor; Bool delXPol = False; const Complex *xpolstor; if (cHaveXPol(iIF)) { xpolstor = pksrec.xPol.getStorage(delXPol); } else { xpolstor = 0; } mbrec.xpol[0] = (float *)xpolstor; // Finish off with system calibration parameters. mbrec.extraSysCal = 1; mbrec.refBeam = pksrec.refBeam; for (uInt i = 0; i < pksrec.tcal.nelements(); i++) { mbrec.tcal[0][i] = pksrec.tcal(i); } strncpy(mbrec.tcalTime, (char *)pksrec.tcalTime.chars(), 16); mbrec.azimuth = pksrec.azimuth; mbrec.elevation = pksrec.elevation; mbrec.parAngle = pksrec.parAngle; mbrec.focusAxi = pksrec.focusAxi; mbrec.focusTan = pksrec.focusTan; mbrec.focusRot = pksrec.focusRot; mbrec.temp = pksrec.temperature; mbrec.pressure = pksrec.pressure; mbrec.humidity = pksrec.humidity; mbrec.windSpeed = pksrec.windSpeed; mbrec.windAz = pksrec.windAz; Int status = cSDwriter.write(mbrec); logMsg(cSDwriter.getMsg()); cSDwriter.clearMsg(); if (status) { status = 1; } pksrec.spectra.freeStorage(specstor, delSpectra); pksrec.flagged.freeStorage(flagstor, delFlagged); pksrec.xPol.freeStorage(xpolstor, delXPol); return status; } //------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::history // Write a history record. Int PKSSDwriter::history(const String text) { return cSDwriter.history((char *)text.chars()); } Int PKSSDwriter::history(const char *text) { return cSDwriter.history((char *)text); } //--------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::close // Close the SDFITS file. void PKSSDwriter::close() { cSDwriter.close(); logMsg(cSDwriter.getMsg()); cSDwriter.clearMsg(); }