[1325] | 1 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 2 | //# PKSSDwriter.cc: Class to write Parkes multibeam data to an SDFITS file.
| 3 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1720] | 4 | //# livedata - processing pipeline for single-dish, multibeam spectral data.
| 5 | //# Copyright (C) 2000-2009, Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO
[1325] | 6 | //#
[1720] | 7 | //# This file is part of livedata.
[1325] | 8 | //#
[1720] | 9 | //# livedata is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
| 10 | //# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
| 11 | //# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
| 12 | //# any later version.
[1325] | 13 | //#
[1720] | 14 | //# livedata is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
| 15 | //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
| 16 | //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
| 17 | //# more details.
[1325] | 18 | //#
[1720] | 19 | //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
| 20 | //# with livedata. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
[1325] | 21 | //#
[1720] | 22 | //# Correspondence concerning livedata may be directed to:
| 23 | //# Internet email: mcalabre@atnf.csiro.au
| 24 | //# Postal address: Dr. Mark Calabretta
| 25 | //# Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO
| 26 | //# PO Box 76
| 27 | //# Epping NSW 1710
| 28 | //# AUSTRALIA
| 29 | //#
| 30 | //# http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/livedata.html
| 31 | //# $Id: PKSSDwriter.cc,v 19.17 2009-09-29 07:33:38 cal103 Exp $
[1325] | 32 | //#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 33 |
[1452] | 34 | #include <atnf/PKSIO/MBrecord.h>
[1325] | 35 | #include <atnf/PKSIO/PKSSDwriter.h>
| 36 |
[1452] | 37 | #include <casa/stdio.h>
[1325] | 38 | #include <casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
| 39 |
| 40 | //--------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::PKSSDwriter
| 41 |
| 42 | // Default constructor.
| 43 |
| 44 | PKSSDwriter::PKSSDwriter()
| 45 | {
[1452] | 46 | // By default, messages are written to stderr.
| 47 | initMsg();
[1325] | 48 | }
| 49 |
| 50 | //-------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::~PKSSDwriter
| 51 |
| 52 | // Destructor.
| 53 |
| 54 | PKSSDwriter::~PKSSDwriter()
| 55 | {
| 56 | close();
| 57 | }
| 58 |
[1452] | 59 | //-------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::setMsg
| 60 |
| 61 | // Set message disposition. If fd is non-zero messages will be written
| 62 | // to that file descriptor, else stored for retrieval by getMsg().
| 63 |
| 64 | Int PKSSDwriter::setMsg(FILE *fd)
| 65 | {
| 66 | PKSmsg::setMsg(fd);
| 67 | cSDwriter.setMsg(fd);
| 68 |
| 69 | return 0;
| 70 | }
| 71 |
[1325] | 72 | //-------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::create
| 73 |
| 74 | // Create the SDFITS file and and write static data.
| 75 |
| 76 | Int PKSSDwriter::create(
| 77 | const String sdName,
| 78 | const String observer,
| 79 | const String project,
| 80 | const String antName,
| 81 | const Vector<Double> antPosition,
| 82 | const String obsMode,
[1399] | 83 | const String bunit,
[1325] | 84 | const Float equinox,
| 85 | const String dopplerFrame,
| 86 | const Vector<uInt> nChan,
| 87 | const Vector<uInt> nPol,
| 88 | const Vector<Bool> haveXPol,
| 89 | const Bool haveBase)
| 90 | {
[1452] | 91 | // Clear the message stack.
| 92 | clearMsg();
| 93 |
[1325] | 94 | double antPos[3];
| 95 | antPos[0] = antPosition(0);
| 96 | antPos[1] = antPosition(1);
| 97 | antPos[2] = antPosition(2);
| 98 |
| 99 | cNIF = nChan.nelements();
| 100 | if (nPol.nelements() != cNIF || haveXPol.nelements() != cNIF) {
| 101 | cerr << "PKSSDwriter::create: "
| 102 | << "Inconsistent number of IFs for nChan, nPol, and/or haveXPol."
| 103 | << endl;
| 104 | return 1;
| 105 | }
| 106 |
| 107 | cNChan.assign(nChan);
| 108 | cNPol.assign(nPol);
| 109 |
| 110 | cHaveXPol.resize(cNIF);
| 111 | for (uInt iIF = 0; iIF < cNIF; iIF++) {
| 112 | // Convert Bool -> uInt.
| 113 | cHaveXPol(iIF) = haveXPol(iIF) ? 1 : 0;
| 114 | }
| 115 |
| 116 | cHaveBase = haveBase;
| 117 |
| 118 | // Storage in the trivial cNChan, cNPol, and cHaveXPol arrays should always
| 119 | // be contiguous so the pointer returned by getStorage() shouldn't need to
| 120 | // be deleted via freeStorage() (i.e. deleteIt always returned False). This
| 121 | // storage will, of course, be deleted when the PKSwriter object is deleted.
| 122 | Bool deleteIt;
| 123 | Int status = cSDwriter.create((char *)sdName.chars(),
| 124 | (char *)observer.chars(), (char *)project.chars(),
[1399] | 125 | (char *)antName.chars(), antPos, (char *)obsMode.chars(),
| 126 | (char *)bunit.chars(), equinox, (char *)dopplerFrame.chars(), cNIF,
[1325] | 127 | (int *)cNChan.getStorage(deleteIt),
| 128 | (int *)cNPol.getStorage(deleteIt),
| 129 | (int *)cHaveXPol.getStorage(deleteIt), (int)cHaveBase, 1);
[1452] | 130 | logMsg(cSDwriter.getMsg());
| 131 | cSDwriter.clearMsg();
[1325] | 132 | if (status) {
| 133 | cSDwriter.deleteFile();
| 134 | close();
| 135 | }
| 136 |
| 137 | return status;
| 138 | }
| 139 |
| 140 | //--------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::write
| 141 |
| 142 | // Write the next data record.
| 143 |
| 144 | Int PKSSDwriter::write(
[1452] | 145 | const PKSrecord &pksrec)
[1325] | 146 | {
| 147 | // Do basic checks.
[1452] | 148 | Int IFno = pksrec.IFno;
[1325] | 149 | uInt iIF = IFno - 1;
| 150 | if (IFno < 1 || Int(cNIF) < IFno) {
| 151 | cerr << "PKSDwriter::write: "
| 152 | << "Invalid IF number " << IFno
| 153 | << " (maximum " << cNIF << ")." << endl;
| 154 | return 1;
| 155 | }
| 156 |
[1452] | 157 | uInt nChan = pksrec.spectra.nrow();
[1325] | 158 | if (nChan != cNChan(iIF)) {
| 159 | cerr << "PKSDwriter::write: "
| 160 | << "Wrong number of channels for IF " << IFno << "," << endl
| 161 | << " "
| 162 | << "got " << nChan << " should be " << cNChan(iIF) << "." << endl;
| 163 | return 1;
| 164 | }
| 165 |
[1452] | 166 | uInt nPol = pksrec.spectra.ncolumn();
[1325] | 167 | if (nPol != cNPol(iIF)) {
| 168 | cerr << "PKSDwriter::write: "
| 169 | << "Wrong number of polarizations for IF " << IFno << "," << endl
| 170 | << " "
| 171 | << "got " << nPol << " should be " << cNPol(iIF) << "." << endl;
| 172 | return 1;
| 173 | }
| 174 |
| 175 | // Extract calendar information from mjd.
[1452] | 176 | MVTime time(pksrec.mjd);
[1325] | 177 | Int year = time.year();
| 178 | Int month = time.month();
| 179 | Int day = time.monthday();
| 180 |
[1452] | 181 | // Transfer data to a single-IF MBrecord.
| 182 | MBrecord mbrec(1);
[1325] | 183 |
| 184 | // Start with basic beam- and IF-independent bookkeeping information.
[1452] | 185 | mbrec.scanNo = pksrec.scanNo;
| 186 | mbrec.cycleNo = pksrec.cycleNo;
[1325] | 187 |
| 188 | sprintf(mbrec.datobs, "%4.4d-%2.2d-%2.2d", year, month, day);
[1452] | 189 | mbrec.utc = fmod(pksrec.mjd, 1.0) * 86400.0;
| 190 | mbrec.exposure = float(pksrec.interval);
[1325] | 191 |
[1452] | 192 | strncpy(mbrec.srcName, (char *)pksrec.srcName.chars(), 17);
| 193 | mbrec.srcRA = pksrec.srcDir(0);
| 194 | mbrec.srcDec = pksrec.srcDir(1);
[1325] | 195 |
[1452] | 196 | mbrec.restFreq = pksrec.restFreq;
[1325] | 197 |
[1452] | 198 | strncpy(mbrec.obsType, (char *)pksrec.obsType.chars(), 16);
[1325] | 199 |
| 200 | // Now beam-dependent parameters.
[1452] | 201 | mbrec.beamNo = pksrec.beamNo;
| 202 | mbrec.ra = pksrec.direction(0);
| 203 | mbrec.dec = pksrec.direction(1);
| 204 | mbrec.raRate = pksrec.scanRate(0);
| 205 | mbrec.decRate = pksrec.scanRate(1);
[1325] | 206 |
| 207 | // Now IF-dependent parameters.
| 208 | mbrec.nIF = 1;
| 209 | mbrec.IFno[0] = IFno;
| 210 | mbrec.nChan[0] = nChan;
| 211 | mbrec.nPol[0] = nPol;
| 212 |
| 213 | mbrec.fqRefPix[0] = (nChan/2) + 1;
[1452] | 214 | mbrec.fqRefVal[0] = pksrec.refFreq;
| 215 | mbrec.fqDelt[0] = pksrec.freqInc;
[1325] | 216 |
| 217 | // Now the data itself.
[1452] | 218 | for (uInt i = 0; i < pksrec.tsys.nelements(); i++) {
| 219 | mbrec.tsys[0][i] = pksrec.tsys(i);
[1325] | 220 | }
| 221 |
| 222 | for (uInt ipol = 0; ipol < nPol; ipol++) {
[1452] | 223 | mbrec.calfctr[0][ipol] = pksrec.calFctr(ipol);
[1325] | 224 | }
| 225 |
| 226 | if (cHaveXPol(iIF)) {
[1452] | 227 | mbrec.xcalfctr[0][0] = pksrec.xCalFctr.real();
| 228 | mbrec.xcalfctr[0][1] = pksrec.xCalFctr.imag();
[1325] | 229 | } else {
| 230 | mbrec.xcalfctr[0][0] = 0.0f;
| 231 | mbrec.xcalfctr[0][1] = 0.0f;
| 232 | }
| 233 |
| 234 | if (cHaveBase) {
| 235 | mbrec.haveBase = 1;
| 236 |
| 237 | for (uInt ipol = 0; ipol < nPol; ipol++) {
[1452] | 238 | mbrec.baseLin[0][ipol][0] = pksrec.baseLin(0,ipol);
| 239 | mbrec.baseLin[0][ipol][1] = pksrec.baseLin(1,ipol);
[1325] | 240 |
[1452] | 241 | for (uInt j = 0; j < pksrec.baseSub.nrow(); j++) {
| 242 | mbrec.baseSub[0][ipol][j] = pksrec.baseSub(j,ipol);
[1325] | 243 | }
[1635] | 244 | for (uInt j = pksrec.baseSub.nrow(); j < 24; j++) {
[1325] | 245 | mbrec.baseSub[0][ipol][j] = 0.0f;
| 246 | }
| 247 | }
| 248 |
| 249 | } else {
| 250 | mbrec.haveBase = 0;
| 251 | }
| 252 |
| 253 | Bool delSpectra = False;
[1452] | 254 | const Float *specstor = pksrec.spectra.getStorage(delSpectra);
[1325] | 255 | mbrec.spectra[0] = (float *)specstor;
| 256 |
| 257 | Bool delFlagged = False;
[1452] | 258 | const uChar *flagstor = pksrec.flagged.getStorage(delFlagged);
[1325] | 259 | mbrec.flagged[0] = (unsigned char *)flagstor;
| 260 |
| 261 | Bool delXPol = False;
| 262 | const Complex *xpolstor;
| 263 | if (cHaveXPol(iIF)) {
[1452] | 264 | xpolstor = pksrec.xPol.getStorage(delXPol);
[1325] | 265 | } else {
| 266 | xpolstor = 0;
| 267 | }
| 268 | mbrec.xpol[0] = (float *)xpolstor;
| 269 |
| 270 | // Finish off with system calibration parameters.
| 271 | mbrec.extraSysCal = 1;
[1452] | 272 | mbrec.refBeam = pksrec.refBeam;
| 273 | for (uInt i = 0; i < pksrec.tcal.nelements(); i++) {
| 274 | mbrec.tcal[0][i] = pksrec.tcal(i);
[1325] | 275 | }
[1452] | 276 | strncpy(mbrec.tcalTime, (char *)pksrec.tcalTime.chars(), 16);
| 277 | mbrec.azimuth = pksrec.azimuth;
| 278 | mbrec.elevation = pksrec.elevation;
| 279 | mbrec.parAngle = pksrec.parAngle;
| 280 | mbrec.focusAxi = pksrec.focusAxi;
| 281 | mbrec.focusTan = pksrec.focusTan;
| 282 | mbrec.focusRot = pksrec.focusRot;
| 283 | mbrec.temp = pksrec.temperature;
| 284 | mbrec.pressure = pksrec.pressure;
| 285 | mbrec.humidity = pksrec.humidity;
| 286 | mbrec.windSpeed = pksrec.windSpeed;
| 287 | mbrec.windAz = pksrec.windAz;
[1325] | 288 |
| 289 | Int status = cSDwriter.write(mbrec);
[1452] | 290 | logMsg(cSDwriter.getMsg());
| 291 | cSDwriter.clearMsg();
[1325] | 292 | if (status) {
| 293 | status = 1;
| 294 | }
| 295 |
[1452] | 296 | pksrec.spectra.freeStorage(specstor, delSpectra);
| 297 | pksrec.flagged.freeStorage(flagstor, delFlagged);
| 298 | pksrec.xPol.freeStorage(xpolstor, delXPol);
[1325] | 299 |
| 300 | return status;
| 301 | }
| 302 |
[1399] | 303 | //------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::history
| 304 |
| 305 | // Write a history record.
| 306 |
| 307 | Int PKSSDwriter::history(const String text)
| 308 | {
| 309 | return cSDwriter.history((char *)text.chars());
| 310 | }
| 311 |
| 312 | Int PKSSDwriter::history(const char *text)
| 313 | {
| 314 | return cSDwriter.history((char *)text);
| 315 | }
| 316 |
[1325] | 317 | //--------------------------------------------------------- PKSSDwriter::close
| 318 |
| 319 | // Close the SDFITS file.
| 320 |
| 321 | void PKSSDwriter::close()
| 322 | {
| 323 | cSDwriter.close();
[1452] | 324 | logMsg(cSDwriter.getMsg());
| 325 | cSDwriter.clearMsg();
[1325] | 326 | }