//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# PKSFITSreader.cc: Class to read Parkes multibeam data from a FITS file. //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# livedata - processing pipeline for single-dish, multibeam spectral data. //# Copyright (C) 2000-2009, Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO //# //# This file is part of livedata. //# //# livedata is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under //# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free //# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) //# any later version. //# //# livedata is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for //# more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along //# with livedata. If not, see . //# //# Correspondence concerning livedata may be directed to: //# Internet email: mcalabre@atnf.csiro.au //# Postal address: Dr. Mark Calabretta //# Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO //# PO Box 76 //# Epping NSW 1710 //# AUSTRALIA //# //# http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/software/livedata.html //# $Id: PKSFITSreader.cc,v 19.23 2009-09-29 07:33:38 cal103 Exp $ //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Original: 2000/08/02, Mark Calabretta, ATNF //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //----------------------------------------------- PKSFITSreader::PKSFITSreader // Constructor sets the method of position interpolation. PKSFITSreader::PKSFITSreader( const String fitsType, const Int retry, const Bool interpolate) { cMBrec.setNIFs(1); if (fitsType == "SDFITS") { cReader = new SDFITSreader(); } else if (fitsType == "GBTFITS") { cReader = new GBTFITSreader(); } else { cReader = new MBFITSreader(retry, interpolate ? 1 : 0); } } //---------------------------------------------- PKSFITSreader::~PKSFITSreader // Destructor. PKSFITSreader::~PKSFITSreader() { close(); delete cReader; } //-------------------------------------------------------- PKSFITSreader::open // Open the FITS file for reading. Int PKSFITSreader::open( const String fitsName, const String /*antenna*/, Vector &beams, Vector &IFs, Vector &nChan, Vector &nPol, Vector &haveXPol, Bool &haveBase, Bool &haveSpectra) { int extraSysCal, haveBase_, *haveXPol_, haveSpectra_, nBeam, *nChan_, nIF, *nPol_, status; status = cReader->open((char *)fitsName.chars(), nBeam, cBeams, nIF, cIFs, nChan_, nPol_, haveXPol_, haveBase_, haveSpectra_, extraSysCal); //logMsg(cReader->getMsg()); //cReader->clearMsg(); if (status) { return status; } // Beams present in data. beams.resize(nBeam); for (Int ibeam = 0; ibeam < nBeam; ibeam++) { beams(ibeam) = cBeams[ibeam]; } // IFs, channels, and polarizations present in data. IFs.resize(nIF); nChan.resize(nIF); nPol.resize(nIF); haveXPol.resize(nIF); for (Int iIF = 0; iIF < nIF; iIF++) { IFs(iIF) = cIFs[iIF]; nChan(iIF) = nChan_[iIF]; nPol(iIF) = nPol_[iIF]; // Cross-polarization data present? haveXPol(iIF) = haveXPol_[iIF]; } cNBeam = nBeam; cNIF = nIF; cNChan.assign(nChan); cNPol.assign(nPol); cHaveXPol.assign(haveXPol); // Baseline parameters present? haveBase = haveBase_; // Spectral data present? haveSpectra = haveSpectra_; return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------- PKSFITSreader::getHeader // Get parameters describing the data. Int PKSFITSreader::getHeader( String &observer, String &project, String &antName, Vector &antPosition, String &obsType, String &bunit, Float &equinox, String &dopplerFrame, Double &mjd, Double &refFreq, Double &bandwidth) { char bunit_[32], datobs[32], dopplerFrame_[32], observer_[32], obsType_[32], project_[32], radecsys[32], telescope[32]; int status; float equinox_; double antPos[3], utc; status = cReader->getHeader(observer_, project_, telescope, antPos, obsType_, bunit_, equinox_, radecsys, dopplerFrame_, datobs, utc, refFreq, bandwidth); //logMsg(cReader->getMsg()); //cReader->clearMsg(); if (status) { return 1; } observer = trim(observer_); project = trim(project_); antName = trim(telescope); antPosition.resize(3); antPosition(0) = antPos[0]; antPosition(1) = antPos[1]; antPosition(2) = antPos[2]; obsType = trim(obsType_); bunit = trim(bunit_); equinox = equinox_; dopplerFrame = trim(dopplerFrame_); // Get UTC in MJD form. Int day, month, year; sscanf(datobs, "%4d-%2d-%2d", &year, &month, &day); MVTime date(year, month, Double(day)); mjd = date.day() + utc/86400.0; return 0; } //------------------------------------------------- PKSFITSreader::getFreqInfo // Get frequency parameters for each IF. Int PKSFITSreader::getFreqInfo( Vector &startFreq, Vector &endFreq) { int nIF; double *startfreq, *endfreq; Int status = cReader->getFreqInfo(nIF, startfreq, endfreq); //logMsg(cReader->getMsg()); //cReader->clearMsg(); if (!status) { startFreq.takeStorage(IPosition(1,nIF), startfreq, TAKE_OVER); endFreq.takeStorage(IPosition(1,nIF), endfreq, TAKE_OVER); } return status; } //------------------------------------------------------ PKSFITSreader::select // Set data selection by beam number and channel. uInt PKSFITSreader::select( const Vector beamSel, const Vector IFsel, const Vector startChan, const Vector endChan, const Vector refChan, const Bool getSpectra, const Bool getXPol, const Bool getFeedPos, const Bool getPointing, const Int coordSys) { // Apply beam selection. uInt nBeamSel = beamSel.nelements(); for (uInt ibeam = 0; ibeam < cNBeam; ibeam++) { // This modifies FITSreader::cBeams[]. if (ibeam < nBeamSel) { cBeams[ibeam] = cBeams[ibeam] && beamSel(ibeam); } else { cBeams[ibeam] = 0; } } // Apply IF selection. int *end = new int[cNIF]; int *ref = new int[cNIF]; int *start = new int[cNIF]; for (uInt iIF = 0; iIF < cNIF; iIF++) { // This modifies FITSreader::cIFs[]. if (iIF < IFsel.nelements()) { cIFs[iIF] = cIFs[iIF] && IFsel(iIF); } else { cIFs[iIF] = 0; } if (cIFs[iIF]) { if (iIF < startChan.nelements()) { start[iIF] = startChan(iIF); if (start[iIF] <= 0) { start[iIF] += cNChan(iIF); } else if (start[iIF] > Int(cNChan(iIF))) { start[iIF] = cNChan(iIF); } } else { start[iIF] = 1; } if (iIF < endChan.nelements()) { end[iIF] = endChan(iIF); if (end[iIF] <= 0) { end[iIF] += cNChan(iIF); } else if (end[iIF] > Int(cNChan(iIF))) { end[iIF] = cNChan(iIF); } } else { end[iIF] = cNChan(iIF); } if (iIF < refChan.nelements()) { ref[iIF] = refChan(iIF); } else { if (start[iIF] <= end[iIF]) { ref[iIF] = start[iIF] + (end[iIF] - start[iIF] + 1)/2; } else { ref[iIF] = start[iIF] - (start[iIF] - end[iIF] + 1)/2; } } } } cGetSpectra = getSpectra; cGetXPol = getXPol; cGetFeedPos = getFeedPos; cGetPointing = getPointing; cCoordSys = coordSys; uInt maxNChan = cReader->select(start, end, ref, cGetSpectra, cGetXPol, cGetFeedPos, cGetPointing, cCoordSys); //logMsg(cReader->getMsg()); //cReader->clearMsg(); delete [] end; delete [] ref; delete [] start; return maxNChan; } //--------------------------------------------------- PKSFITSreader::findRange // Read the TIME column. Int PKSFITSreader::findRange( Int &nRow, Int &nSel, Vector &timeSpan, Matrix &positions) { char dateSpan[2][32]; double utcSpan[2]; double* posns; Int status = cReader->findRange(nRow, nSel, dateSpan, utcSpan, posns); //logMsg(cReader->getMsg()); //cReader->clearMsg(); if (!status) { timeSpan.resize(2); Int day, month, year; sscanf(dateSpan[0], "%4d-%2d-%2d", &year, &month, &day); timeSpan(0) = MVTime(year, month, Double(day)).second() + utcSpan[0]; sscanf(dateSpan[1], "%4d-%2d-%2d", &year, &month, &day); timeSpan(1) = MVTime(year, month, Double(day)).second() + utcSpan[1]; positions.takeStorage(IPosition(2,2,nSel), posns, TAKE_OVER); } return status; } //-------------------------------------------------------- PKSFITSreader::read // Read the next data record. Int PKSFITSreader::read(PKSrecord &pksrec) { Int status = cReader->read(cMBrec); //logMsg(cReader->getMsg()); //cReader->clearMsg(); if (status) { if (status != -1) { status = 1; } return status; } uInt nChan = cMBrec.nChan[0]; uInt nPol = cMBrec.nPol[0]; pksrec.scanNo = cMBrec.scanNo; pksrec.cycleNo = cMBrec.cycleNo; pksrec.polNo = cMBrec.polNo ; // Extract MJD. Int day, month, year; if ( strstr( cMBrec.datobs, "T" ) == NULL ) { sscanf(cMBrec.datobs, "%4d-%2d-%2d", &year, &month, &day); pksrec.mjd = MVTime(year, month, Double(day)).day() + cMBrec.utc/86400.0; } else { Double dd, hour, min, sec ; sscanf( cMBrec.datobs, "%4d-%2d-%2lfT%lf:%lf:%lf", &year, &month, &dd, &hour, &min, &sec ) ; dd = dd + ( hour * 3600.0 + min * 60.0 + sec ) / 86400.0 ; pksrec.mjd = MVTime(year, month, dd).day() ; } pksrec.interval = cMBrec.exposure; pksrec.fieldName = trim(cMBrec.srcName); pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName; int namelen = pksrec.srcName.length() ; if ( namelen > 4 ) { String srcsub = pksrec.srcName.substr( namelen-4, 4 ) ; if ( srcsub.find( "_psc" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_ps_calon" ; } else if ( srcsub.find( "_pso" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_ps" ; } else if ( srcsub.find( "_prc" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_psr_calon" ; } else if ( srcsub.find( "_pro" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_psr" ; } else if ( srcsub.find( "_fsc" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_fs_calon" ; } else if ( srcsub.find( "_fso" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_fs" ; } else if ( srcsub.find( "_frc" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_fsr_calon" ; } else if ( srcsub.find( "_fro" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_fsr" ; } else if ( srcsub.find( "_nsc" ) != string::npos || srcsub.find( "_nrc" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_nod_calon" ; } else if ( srcsub.find( "_nso" ) != string::npos || srcsub.find( "_nro" ) != string::npos ) { pksrec.fieldName = pksrec.srcName.substr( 0, namelen-4 ) ; pksrec.srcName = pksrec.fieldName + "_nod" ; } } pksrec.srcType = cMBrec.srcType ; pksrec.srcDir.resize(2); pksrec.srcDir(0) = cMBrec.srcRA; pksrec.srcDir(1) = cMBrec.srcDec; pksrec.srcPM.resize(2); pksrec.srcPM(0) = 0.0; pksrec.srcPM(1) = 0.0; pksrec.srcVel = cMBrec.srcVelocity; pksrec.obsType = trim(cMBrec.obsType); pksrec.IFno = cMBrec.IFno[0]; Double chanWidth = fabs(cMBrec.fqDelt[0]); pksrec.refFreq = cMBrec.fqRefVal[0]; pksrec.bandwidth = chanWidth * nChan; pksrec.freqInc = cMBrec.fqDelt[0]; pksrec.restFreq.resize(1) ; pksrec.restFreq(0) = cMBrec.restFreq; pksrec.tcal.resize(nPol); for (uInt ipol = 0; ipol < nPol; ipol++) { pksrec.tcal(ipol) = cMBrec.tcal[0][ipol]; } pksrec.tcalTime = trim(cMBrec.tcalTime); pksrec.azimuth = cMBrec.azimuth; pksrec.elevation = cMBrec.elevation; pksrec.parAngle = cMBrec.parAngle; pksrec.focusAxi = cMBrec.focusAxi; pksrec.focusTan = cMBrec.focusTan; pksrec.focusRot = cMBrec.focusRot; pksrec.temperature = cMBrec.temp; pksrec.pressure = cMBrec.pressure; pksrec.humidity = cMBrec.humidity; pksrec.windSpeed = cMBrec.windSpeed; pksrec.windAz = cMBrec.windAz; pksrec.refBeam = cMBrec.refBeam; pksrec.beamNo = cMBrec.beamNo; pksrec.direction.resize(2); pksrec.direction(0) = cMBrec.ra; pksrec.direction(1) = cMBrec.dec; pksrec.pCode = cMBrec.pCode; pksrec.rateAge = cMBrec.rateAge; pksrec.scanRate.resize(2); pksrec.scanRate(0) = cMBrec.raRate; pksrec.scanRate(1) = cMBrec.decRate; pksrec.paRate = cMBrec.paRate; pksrec.tsys.resize(nPol); pksrec.sigma.resize(nPol); pksrec.calFctr.resize(nPol); for (uInt ipol = 0; ipol < nPol; ipol++) { pksrec.tsys(ipol) = cMBrec.tsys[0][ipol]; pksrec.sigma(ipol) = (pksrec.tsys(ipol) / 0.81) / sqrt(pksrec.interval * chanWidth); pksrec.calFctr(ipol) = cMBrec.calfctr[0][ipol]; } if (cMBrec.haveBase) { pksrec.baseLin.resize(2,nPol); pksrec.baseSub.resize(24,nPol); for (uInt ipol = 0; ipol < nPol; ipol++) { pksrec.baseLin(0,ipol) = cMBrec.baseLin[0][ipol][0]; pksrec.baseLin(1,ipol) = cMBrec.baseLin[0][ipol][1]; for (uInt j = 0; j < 24; j++) { pksrec.baseSub(j,ipol) = cMBrec.baseSub[0][ipol][j]; } } } else { pksrec.baseLin.resize(0,0); pksrec.baseSub.resize(0,0); } if (cGetSpectra && cMBrec.haveSpectra) { pksrec.spectra.resize(nChan,nPol); pksrec.spectra.takeStorage(IPosition(2,nChan,nPol), cMBrec.spectra[0], SHARE); pksrec.flagged.resize(nChan,nPol); pksrec.flagged.takeStorage(IPosition(2,nChan,nPol), cMBrec.flagged[0], SHARE); } else { pksrec.spectra.resize(0,0); pksrec.flagged.resize(0,0); } if (cGetXPol) { pksrec.xCalFctr = Complex(cMBrec.xcalfctr[0][0], cMBrec.xcalfctr[0][1]); pksrec.xPol.resize(nChan); pksrec.xPol.takeStorage(IPosition(1,nChan), (Complex *)cMBrec.xpol[0], SHARE); } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------- PKSFITSreader::close // Close the FITS file. void PKSFITSreader::close() { cReader->close(); //logMsg(cReader->getMsg()); //cReader->clearMsg(); } //-------------------------------------------------------- PKSFITSreader::trim // Trim trailing blanks from a null-terminated character string. char* PKSFITSreader::trim(char *string) { int j = 0, k = 0; while (string[j] != '\0') { if (string[j++] != ' ') { k = j; } } string[k] = '\0'; return string; }