//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# NROFITSDataset.cc: Class for NRO 45m FITS dataset. //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. //# //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your //# option) any later version. //# //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public //# License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory //# 520 Edgemont Road //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA //# //# $Id$ //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Original: 2009/02/27, Takeshi Nakazato, NAOJ //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std ; //header size (8*2880bytes) #define FITS_HEADER_SIZE 23040 // constructor NROFITSDataset::NROFITSDataset( string name ) : NRODataset( name ) {} // destructor NROFITSDataset::~NROFITSDataset() { // close file close() ; } // data initialization void NROFITSDataset::initialize() { LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NROFITSDataset", "initialize()", WHERE ) ) ; // open file if ( open() ) os << LogIO::SEVERE << "error while opening file " << filename_ << LogIO::EXCEPTION ; // field names, units, and sizes readHeader( numField_, "TFIELDS" ) ; getField() ; // check endian // FITS file is always BIG_ENDIAN, but it is not true for NRO data vector itmp( 6 ) ; if ( readTable( itmp, "LAVST", true, 0 ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while checking endian." << LogIO::POST ; return ; } // os << "itmp = " << itmp[0] << " " // << itmp[1] << " " << itmp[2] << " " // << itmp[3] << " " << itmp[4] << " " // << itmp[5] << LogIO::POST ; // check endian by looking month value in LAVST (start time) if ( itmp[1] > 0 && itmp[1] < 13 ) { same_ = 1 ; os << LogIO::NORMAL << "same endian " << LogIO::POST ; } else { same_ = 0 ; os << LogIO::NORMAL << "different endian " << LogIO::POST ; } // initialization int status = 0 ; status = readHeader( ARYNM, "ARYNM" ) ; if ( status != 0 ) ARYNM = 1 ; readHeader( rowNum_, "NAXIS2" ) ; readHeader( scanLen_, "NAXIS1" ) ; status = 0 ; scanNum_ = rowNum_ / ARYNM ; int nchan = 0 ; if ( readTable( nchan, "NCH", same_ ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while checking maximum channel number." << LogIO::POST ; return ; } chmax_ = nchan ; datasize_ = sizeof( int ) * chmax_ ; //record_->JDATA.resize( chmax_ ) ; JDATA.resize( chmax_ ) ; // zero clear for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < JDATA.size() ; i++ ) JDATA[i] = 0 ; RX.resize( ARYNM ) ; HPBW.resize( ARYNM ) ; EFFA.resize( ARYNM ) ; EFFB.resize( ARYNM ) ; EFFL.resize( ARYNM ) ; EFSS.resize( ARYNM ) ; GAIN.resize( ARYNM ) ; HORN.resize( ARYNM ) ; POLTP.resize( ARYNM ) ; POLDR.resize( ARYNM ) ; POLAN.resize( ARYNM ) ; DFRQ.resize( ARYNM ) ; SIDBD.resize( ARYNM ) ; REFN.resize( ARYNM ) ; IPINT.resize( ARYNM ) ; MULTN.resize( ARYNM ) ; MLTSCF.resize( ARYNM ) ; LAGWIND.resize( ARYNM ) ; BEBW.resize( ARYNM ) ; BERES.resize( ARYNM ) ; CHWID.resize( ARYNM ) ; ARRY.resize( NRO_FITS_ARYMAX ) ; NFCAL.resize( ARYNM ) ; F0CAL.resize( ARYNM ) ; FQCAL.resize( ARYNM ) ; CHCAL.resize( ARYNM ) ; CWCAL.resize( ARYNM ) ; DSBFC.resize( ARYNM ) ; ARYTP.resize( ARYNM ) ; arrayid_.resize( ARYNM ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARYNM ; i++ ) arrayid_[i] = -1 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARYNM ; i++ ) { FQCAL[i].resize( 10 ) ; CHCAL[i].resize( 10 ) ; CWCAL[i].resize( 10 ) ; } datasize_ += sizeof( char ) * ARYNM * 16 // RX + sizeof( double ) * ARYNM * 6 // HPBW, EFFA, EFFB, EFFL, EFSS GAIN + sizeof( char ) * ARYNM * 4 // HORN + sizeof( char ) * ARYNM * 4 // POLTP + sizeof( double ) * ARYNM * 3 // POLDR, POLAN, DFRQ + sizeof( char ) * ARYNM * 4 // SIDBID + sizeof( int ) * ARYNM * 3 // REFN, IPINT, MULTN + sizeof( double ) * ARYNM // MLTSCF + sizeof( char ) * ARYNM * 8 // LAGWIND + sizeof( double ) * ARYNM * 3 // BEBW, BERES, CHWID + sizeof( int ) * NRO_FITS_ARYMAX // ARRY + sizeof( int ) * ARYNM // NFCAL + sizeof( double ) * ARYNM // F0CAL + sizeof( double ) * ARYNM * 10 * 3 // FQCAL, CHCAL, CWCAL + sizeof( char ) * 180 ; // CDMY1 refFreq_.resize( ARYNM, 0.0 ) ; // NRODataRecord record_ = new NRODataRecord() ; record_->LDATA = NULL ; } int NROFITSDataset::fillHeader( int sameEndian ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NROFITSDataset", "fillHeader()", WHERE ) ) ; // fill array type fillARYTP() ; // read data header float ftmp = 0.0 ; if ( readHeader( LOFIL, "LOFIL" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "LOFIL set to 'FITS'." << LogIO::POST ; LOFIL = "FITS" ; } // DEBUG //cout << "LOFIL = \'" << LOFIL << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( VER, "VER" ) != 0 ) { if ( readHeader( VER, "HISTORY NEWSTAR VER" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "VER set to 'V000'." << LogIO::POST ; VER = "V000" ; } } // DEBUG //cout << "VER = \'" << VER << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( GROUP, "GROUP" ) != 0 ) { if ( readHeader( GROUP, "HISTORY NEWSTAR GROUP" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "GROUP set to 'GRP0'." << LogIO::POST ; GROUP = "GROUP0" ; } } // DEBUG //cout << "GROUP = \'" << GROUP << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( PROJ, "PROJECT" ) != 0 ) { if ( readHeader( PROJ, "HISTORY NEWSTAR PROJECT" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "PROJ set to 'PROJ0'." << LogIO::POST ; PROJ = "PROJECT0" ; } } // DEBUG //cout << "PROJ = \'" << PROJ << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SCHED, "SCHED" ) != 0 ) { if ( readHeader( SCHED, "HISTORY NEWSTAR SCHED" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "SCHED set to 'SCHED0'." << LogIO::POST ; SCHED = "SCHED0" ; } } // DEBUG //cout << "SCHED = \'" << SCHED << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( OBSVR, "OBSERVER" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "OBSVR set to 'SOMEONE'" << LogIO::POST ; OBSVR = "SOMEONE" ; } // DEBUG //cout << "OBSVR = \'" << OBSVR << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( LOSTM, "STRSC" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data LOSTM." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } if ( LOSTM[0] == '9' ) { LOSTM = "19" + LOSTM ; } else if ( LOSTM[0] == '0') { LOSTM = "20" + LOSTM ; } // DEBUG //cout << "LOSTM = \'" << LOSTM << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( LOETM, "STPSC" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data LOETM." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } if ( LOETM[0] == '9' ) { LOETM = "19" + LOETM ; } else if ( LOETM[0] == '0') { LOETM = "20" + LOETM ; } // DEBUG //cout << "LOETM = \'" << LOETM << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( NSCAN, "NAXIS2" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data NSCAN." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "NSCAN = " << NSCAN << endl ; // string subt ; if ( readHeader( TITLE, "TITLE" ) != 0 ) { int stat1 = readHeader( TITLE, "HISTORY NEWSTAR TITLE1" ) ; int stat2 = readHeader( subt, "HISTORY NEWSTAR TITLE2" ) ; if ( stat1 != 0 && stat2 != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "TITLE set to 'NOTITLE'." << LogIO::POST ; TITLE = "NOTITLE" ; } else { //cout << "TITLE = \'" << TITLE << "\'" << endl ; //cout << "subt = \'" << subt << "\'" << endl ; TITLE = TITLE + subt ; } } // DEBUG //cout << "TITLE = \'" << TITLE << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( OBJ, "OBJECT" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "OBJ set to 'SOMEWHERE'." << LogIO::POST ; OBJ = "NOOBJ" ; } // DEBUG //cout << "OBJ = \'" << OBJ << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( ftmp, "EPOCH" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data EPOCH." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } if ( ftmp == 1950.0 ) EPOCH = "B1950" ; else if ( ftmp == 2000.0 ) EPOCH = "J2000" ; else { os << LogIO::WARN << "Unidentified epoch. set to 'XXXXX'" << LogIO::POST ; EPOCH = "XXXXX" ; } // DEBUG //cout << "EPOCH = \'" << EPOCH << "\'" << endl ; // string stmp ; if ( readHeader( stmp, "RA" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data RA0." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } RA0 = radRA( stmp.c_str() ) ; // DEBUG //cout << "RA0 = " << RA0 << endl ; // if ( readHeader( stmp, "DEC" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data DEC0." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } DEC0 = radDEC( stmp.c_str() ) ; // DEBUG //cout << "DEC0 = " << DEC0 << endl ; // if ( readHeader( GLNG0, "GL0" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data GLNG0." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "GLNG0 = " << GLNG0 << endl ; // if ( readHeader( GLAT0, "GB0" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data GLAT0." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "GLAT0 = " << GLAT0 << endl ; // if ( readHeader( NCALB, "NCALB" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data NCALB." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "NCALB = " << NCALB << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SCNCD, "SCNCD" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "SCNCD set to 0 (RADEC)." << LogIO::POST ; SCNCD = 0 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SCNCD = " << SCNCD << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SCMOD, "SCMOD1" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data SCMOD." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } string::size_type pos = SCMOD.find( ' ' ) ; if ( pos != string::npos ) { SCMOD = SCMOD.substr( 0, pos ) ; SCMOD = SCMOD + " " ; } //cout << "SDMOD1 = \'" << SCMOD << "\'" << endl ; if ( readHeader( stmp, "SCMOD2" ) == 0 && stmp.compare( 0, 1, " " ) != 0 ) { if ( ( pos = stmp.find( ' ' ) ) != string::npos ) stmp = stmp.substr( 0, pos ) ; SCMOD = SCMOD + stmp + " " ; //cout << "SCMOD2 = \'" << SCMOD << "\'" << endl ; } if ( readHeader( stmp, "SCMOD3" ) == 0 && stmp.compare( 0, 1, " " ) != 0 ) { if ( ( pos = stmp.find( ' ' ) ) != string::npos ) stmp = stmp.substr( 0, pos ) ; SCMOD = SCMOD + stmp + " " ; //cout << "SCMOD3 = \'" << SCMOD << "\'" << endl ; } if ( readHeader( stmp, "SCMOD4" ) == 0 && stmp.compare( 0, 1, " " ) != 0 ) { if ( ( pos = stmp.find( ' ' ) ) != string::npos ) stmp = stmp.substr( 0, pos ) ; SCMOD = SCMOD + stmp + " " ; //cout << "SCMOD4 = \'" << SCMOD << "\'" << endl ; } if ( readHeader( stmp, "SCMOD5" ) == 0 && stmp.compare( 0, 1, " " ) != 0 ) { if ( ( pos = stmp.find( ' ' ) ) != string::npos ) stmp = stmp.substr( 0, pos ) ; SCMOD = SCMOD + stmp + " " ; //cout << "SCMOD5 = \'" << SCMOD << "\'" << endl ; } if ( readHeader( stmp, "SCMOD6" ) == 0 && stmp.compare( 0, 1, " " ) != 0 ) { if ( ( pos = stmp.find( ' ' ) ) != string::npos ) stmp = stmp.substr( 0, pos ) ; SCMOD = SCMOD + stmp + " " ; //cout << "SCMOD6 = \'" << SCMOD << "\'" << endl ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SCMOD = \'" << SCMOD << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( URVEL, "VEL" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data URVEL." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "URVEL = " << URVEL << endl ; // if ( readHeader( VREF, "VREF" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data VREF." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "VREF = \'" << VREF << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( VDEF, "VDEF" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data VDEF." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "VDEF = \'" << VDEF << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SWMOD, "SWMOD" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data SWMOD." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SWMOD = \'" << SWMOD << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( FRQSW, "FRQSW" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "FRQSW set to 0." << LogIO::POST ; FRQSW = 0.0 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "FRQSW = " << FRQSW << endl ; // if ( readHeader( DBEAM, "DBEAM" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data DBEAM." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "DBEAM = " << DBEAM << endl ; // if ( readHeader( MLTOF, "MLTOF" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "MLTOF set to 0." << LogIO::POST ; MLTOF = 0.0 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "MLTOF = " << MLTOF << endl ; // if ( readHeader( CMTQ, "CMTQ" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data CMTQ." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "CMTQ = " << CMTQ << endl ; // if ( readHeader( CMTE, "CMTE" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data CMTE." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "CMTE = " << CMTE << endl ; // if ( readHeader( CMTSOM, "CMTSOM" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data CMTSOM." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "CMTSOM = " << CMTSOM << endl ; // if ( readHeader( CMTNODE, "CMTNODE" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data CMTNODE." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "CMTNODE = " << CMTNODE << endl ; // if ( readHeader( CMTI, "CMTI" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data CMTI." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "CMTI = " << CMTI << endl ; // if ( readHeader( CMTTM, "CMTTM" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data CMTTM." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "CMTTM = \'" << CMTTM << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SBDX, "SDBX" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data SBDX." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SBDX = " << SBDX << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SBDY, "SDBY" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data SBDY." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SBDY = " << SBDY << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SBDZ1, "SDBZ1" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data SBDZ1." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SBDZ1 = " << SBDZ1 << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SBDZ2, "SDBZ2" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data SBDZ2." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SBDZ2 = " << SBDZ2 << endl ; // if ( readHeader( DAZP, "DAZP" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "DAZP set to 0." << LogIO::POST ; DAZP = 0.0 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "DAZP = " << DAZP << endl ; // if ( readHeader( DELP, "DELP" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "DELP set to 0." << LogIO::POST ; DELP = 0.0 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "DELP = " << DELP << endl ; // if ( readHeader( CHBIND, "CHBIND" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "CHBIND set to 1." << LogIO::POST ; CHBIND = 1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "CHBIND = " << CHBIND << endl ; // if ( readHeader( NUMCH, "NCH" ) != 0 ) { if ( readTable( NUMCH, "NCH", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "NUMCH set to " << chmax_ << "." << LogIO::POST ; NUMCH = chmax_ ; } } // DEBUG //cout << "NUMCH = " << NUMCH << endl ; // if ( readHeader( CHMIN, "CHMIN" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "CHMIN set to 1." << LogIO::POST ; CHMIN = 1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "CHMIN = " << CHMIN << endl ; // if ( readHeader( CHMAX, "CHMAX" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "CHMAX set to " << chmax_ << "." << LogIO::POST ; CHMAX = chmax_ ; } // DEBUG //cout << "CHMAX = " << CHMAX << endl ; // if ( readHeader( ALCTM, "ALCTM" ) != 0 ) { if ( readTable( ALCTM, "ALCTM", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data ALCTM." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } } // DEBUG //cout << "ALCTM = " << ALCTM << endl ; // int itmp ; if ( readHeader( itmp, "INTEG" ) != 0 ) { if ( readTable( itmp, "INTEG", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data IPTIM." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } } IPTIM = (double)itmp ; // DEBUG //cout << "IPTIM = " << IPTIM << endl ; // if ( readHeader( PA, "PA" ) != 0 ) { if ( readTable( PA, "PA", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data PA." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } } // DEBUG //cout << "PA = " << PA << endl ; // // find data index for each ARYTP findData() ; vector v( ARYNM ) ; if ( readColumn( RX, "RX" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data RX." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //nro_debug_output( "RX", ARYNM, RX ) ; // if ( readColumn( HPBW, "HPBW", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data HPBW." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "HPBW", ARYNM, HPBW ) ; // if ( readColumn( EFFA, "EFFA", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data EFFA." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "EFFA", ARYNM, EFFA ) ; // if ( readColumn( EFFB, "EFFB", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data EFFB." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "EFFB", ARYNM, EFFB ) ; // if ( readColumn( EFFL, "EFFL", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data EFFL." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "EFFL", ARYNM, EFFL ) ; // if ( readColumn( EFSS, "EFSS", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data EFSS." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "EFSS", ARYNM, EFSS ) ; // if ( readColumn( GAIN, "GAIN", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data GAIN." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "GAIN", ARYNM, GAIN ) ; // if ( readColumn( HORN, "HORN" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data HORN." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "HORN", ARYNM, HORN ) ; // if ( readColumn( POLTP, "POLTP" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data POLTP." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "POLTP", ARYNM, POLTP ) ; // vector ipoldr( ARYNM, 0 ) ; if ( readColumn( ipoldr, "POLDR", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data POLDR." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARYNM ; i++ ) POLDR[i] = (double)ipoldr[i] ; // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "POLDR", ARYNM, POLDR ) ; // if ( readColumn( POLAN, "POLAN", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data POLAN." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "POLAN", ARYNM, POLAN ) ; // if ( readColumn( DFRQ, "DFRQ", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data DFRQ." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "DFRQ", ARYNM, DFRQ ) ; // if ( readColumn( SIDBD, "SIDBD" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data SIDBD." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "SIDBD", ARYNM, SIDBD ) ; // if ( readColumn( REFN, "REFN", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data REFN." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "REFN", ARYNM, REFN ) ; // if ( readColumn( IPINT, "IPINT", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data IPINT." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "IPINT", ARYNM, IPINT ) ; // if ( readColumn( MULTN, "MULTN", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data MULTN." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "MULTN", ARYNM, MULTN ) ; // if ( readColumn( MLTSCF, "MLTSCF", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data MLTSCF." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "MLTSCF", ARYNM, MLTSCF ) ; // if ( readColumn( LAGWIND, "LAGWIN" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data LAGWIND." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "LAGWIND", ARYNM, LAGWIND ) ; // if ( readColumn( BEBW, "BEBW", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data BEBW." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "BEBW", ARYNM, BEBW ) ; // if ( readColumn( BERES, "BERES", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data BERES." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "BERES", ARYNM, BERES ) ; // if ( readColumn( CHWID, "CHWID", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data CHWID." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "CHWID", ARYNM, CHWID ) ; // if ( readARRY() != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data ARRY." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "ARRY", NRO_FITS_ARYMAX, ARRY ) ; // if ( readColumn( NFCAL, "NFCAL", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data NFCAL." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "NFCAL", ARYNM, NFCAL ) ; // if ( readColumn( F0CAL, "F0CAL", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data F0CAL." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "F0CAL", ARYNM, F0CAL ) ; // for ( int i= 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) { vector vv( ARYNM, 0 ) ; if ( readColumn( vv, "FQCAL", sameEndian, i ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data FQCAL." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } for ( int j = 0 ; j < ARYNM ; j++ ) { FQCAL[j][i] = vv[j] ; } } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "FQCAL", ARYNM, 10, FQCAL ) ; // for ( int i= 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) { vector vv( ARYNM, 0 ) ; if ( readColumn( vv, "CHCAL", sameEndian, i ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data CHCAL." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } for ( int j = 0 ; j < ARYNM ; j++ ) { CHCAL[j][i] = vv[j] ; } } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "CHCAL", ARYNM, 10, CHCAL ) ; // for ( int i= 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) { vector vv( ARYNM, 0 ) ; if ( readColumn( vv, "CWCAL", sameEndian, i ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data CWCAL." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } for ( int j = 0 ; j < ARYNM ; j++ ) { CWCAL[j][i] = vv[j] ; } } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "CWCAL", ARYNM, 10, CWCAL ) ; // if ( readHeader( SCNLEN, "NAXIS1" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data SCNLEN." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SCNLEN = " << SCNLEN << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SBIND, "SBIND" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "SBIND set to 0." << LogIO::POST ; SBIND = 0 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SBIND = " << SBIND << endl ; // if ( readHeader( IBIT, "IBIT" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "IBIT set to 8." << LogIO::POST ; IBIT = 8 ; // 8 bit? 12 bit? } // DEBUG //cout << "IBIT = " << IBIT << endl ; // if ( readHeader( SITE, "TELESCOP" ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading data SITE." << LogIO::POST ; return -1 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SITE = \'" << SITE << "\'" << endl ; // if ( readColumn( DSBFC, "DSBFC", sameEndian ) != 0 ) { os << LogIO::NORMAL << "All DSBFC elements set to 1." << LogIO::POST ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARYNM ; i++ ) DSBFC[i] = 1.0 ; } // DEBUG // nro_debug_output( "DSBFC", ARYNM, DSBFC ) ; // return 0 ; } int NROFITSDataset::fillRecord( int i ) { LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NROFITSDataset", "fillRecord()", WHERE ) ) ; int status = 0 ; string str4( 4, ' ' ) ; string str8( 8, ' ' ) ; string str24( 24, ' ' ) ; for (auto i = 0u; i < 4u; ++i) { record_->LSFIL[i] = ' '; } status = readTable( record_->LSFIL, "LSFIL", 4, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading LSFIL." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "LSFIL(" << i << ") = " << record_->LSFIL << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->ISCAN, "ISCN", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading ISCAN." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "ISCAN(" << i << ") = " << record_->ISCAN << endl ; // vector itmp( 6, 0 ) ; status = readTable( itmp, "LAVST", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading LAVST." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } else { sprintf( record_->LAVST, "%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.000", itmp[0], itmp[1], itmp[2], itmp[3], itmp[4], itmp[5] ) ; } // DEBUG //cout << "LAVST(" << i << ") = " << record_->LAVST << endl ; // for (auto i = 0u; i < 8u; ++i) { record_->SCANTP[i] = ' '; } status = readTable( record_->SCANTP, "SCNTP", strlen(record_->SCANTP), i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading SCANTP." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SCANTP(" << i << ") = " << record_->SCANTP << endl ; // const char *name1 = "" ; const char *name2 = "" ; if ( SCNCD == 0 ) { name1 = "DRA" ; name2 = "DDEC" ; } else if ( SCNCD == 1 ) { name1 = "DGL" ; name2 = "DGB" ; } else { name1 = "DAZ" ; name2 = "DEL" ; } status = readTable( record_->DSCX, name1, same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading DSCX." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "DSCX(" << i << ") = " << record_->DSCX << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->DSCY, name2, same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading DSCY." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "DSCY(" << i << ") = " << record_->DSCY << endl ; // if ( SCNCD == 0 ) { name1 = "RA" ; name2 = "DEC" ; } else if ( SCNCD == 1 ) { name1 = "GL" ; name2 = "GB" ; } else { name1 = "AZ" ; name2 = "EL" ; } status = readTable( record_->SCX, name1, same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading SCX." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SCX(" << i << ") = " << record_->SCX << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->SCY, name2, same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading SCY." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SCY(" << i << ") = " << record_->SCY << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->PAZ, "PAZ", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading PAZ." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "PAZ(" << i << ") = " << record_->PAZ << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->PEL, "PEL", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading PEL." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "PEL(" << i << ") = " << record_->PEL << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->RAZ, "RAZ", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading RAZ." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "RAZ(" << i << ") = " << record_->RAZ << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->REL, "REL", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading REL." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "REL(" << i << ") = " << record_->REL << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->XX, "XX", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading XX." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "XX(" << i << ") = " << record_->XX << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->YY, "YY", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading YY." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "YY(" << i << ") = " << record_->YY << endl ; // for (auto i = 0u; i < 4u; ++i) { record_->ARRYT[i] = ' '; } status = readTable( record_->ARRYT, "ARRYT", 4, i ) ; for (int j = 3 ; j >= 0 ; j--) { if (record_->ARRYT[j] == ' ') record_->ARRYT[j] = '\0'; else break; } if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading ARRYT." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "ARRYT(" << i << ") = " << record_->ARRYT << endl ; // double dtmp ; status = readTable( dtmp, "TEMP", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading TEMP." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } else { record_->TEMP = dtmp ; } // DEBUG //cout << "TEMP(" << i << ") = " << record_->TEMP << endl ; // status = readTable( dtmp, "PATM", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading PATM." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } else { record_->PATM = dtmp ; } // DEBUG //cout << "PATM(" << i << ") = " << record_->PATM << endl ; // status = readTable( dtmp, "PH2O", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading PH2O." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } else { record_->PH2O = dtmp ; } // DEBUG //cout << "PH2O(" << i << ") = " << record_->PH2O << endl ; // status = readTable( dtmp, "VWIND", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading VWIND." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } else { record_->VWIND = dtmp ; } // DEBUG //cout << "VWIND(" << i << ") = " << record_->VWIND << endl ; // status = readTable( dtmp, "DWIND", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading DWIND." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } else { record_->DWIND = dtmp ; } // DEBUG //cout << "DWIND(" << i << ") = " << record_->DWIND << endl ; // status = readTable( dtmp, "TAU", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading TAU." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } else { record_->TAU = dtmp ; } // DEBUG //cout << "TAU(" << i << ") = " << record_->TAU << endl ; // status = readTable( dtmp, "TSYS", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading TSYS." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } else { record_->TSYS = dtmp ; } // DEBUG //cout << "TSYS(" << i << ") = " << record_->TSYS << endl ; // status = readTable( dtmp, "BATM", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading BATM." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } else { record_->BATM = dtmp ; } // DEBUG //cout << "BATM(" << i << ") = " << record_->BATM << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->VRAD, "VRAD", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading TEMP." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "VRAD(" << i << ") = " << record_->VRAD << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->FREQ0, "FRQ0", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading FREQ0." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "FREQ0(" << i << ") = " << record_->FREQ0 << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->FQTRK, "FQTRK", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading FQTRK." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "FQTRK(" << i << ") = " << record_->FQTRK << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->FQIF1, "FQIF1", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading FQIF1." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "FQIF1(" << i << ") = " << record_->FQIF1 << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->ALCV, "ALCV", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading ALCV." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "ALCV(" << i << ") = " << record_->ALCV << endl ; // record_->IDMY0 = 0 ; status = readTable( record_->DPFRQ, "DPFRQ", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { //os << LogIO::WARN << "Error DPFRQ set to 0." << LogIO::POST ; record_->DPFRQ = 0.0 ; } // DEBUG //cout << "DPFRQ(" << i << ") = " << record_->DPFRQ << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->SFCTR, "SFCTR", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading SFCTR." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "SFCTR(" << i << ") = " << record_->SFCTR << endl ; // status = readTable( record_->ADOFF, "ADOFF", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading ADOFF." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG //cout << "ADOFF(" << i << ") = " << record_->ADOFF << endl ; // //status = readTable( record_->JDATA, "LDATA", same_, i ) ; status = readTable( JDATA, "LDATA", same_, i ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Error while reading JDATA." << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } // DEBUG // for ( int i = 0 ; i < chmax_ ; i++ ) // //cout << "JDATA[" << i << "] = " << JDATA[i] << " " ; // //cout << endl ; // // Update IPTIM since it depends on the row for NROFITS int integ ; status = readTable( integ, "INTEG", same_, i ) ; if ( !status ) { IPTIM = (double)integ ; } return status ; } vector< vector > NROFITSDataset::getSpectrum() { vector< vector > spec; for ( int i = 0 ; i < rowNum_ ; i++ ) { spec.push_back( getSpectrum( i ) ) ; } return spec ; } vector NROFITSDataset::getSpectrum( int i ) { vector spec( chmax_, 0.0 ) ; vector specout( chmax_, 0.0 ) ; const NRODataRecord *record = getRecord( i ) ; double scale = record->SFCTR ; double offset = record->ADOFF ; double dscale = MLTSCF[getIndex( i )] ; //vector ispec = record->JDATA ; vector ispec = JDATA ; for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < chmax_ ; ii++ ) { spec[ii] = (double)( ispec[ii] * scale + offset ) * dscale ; } // for AOS, re-gridding is needed if ( strncmp( record->ARRYT, "H", 1 ) == 0 || strncmp( record->ARRYT, "W", 1 ) == 0 || strncmp( record->ARRYT, "U", 1 ) == 0 ) { string arryt = string( record->ARRYT ) ; uInt ib = getArrayId( arryt ) ; vector fqcal = getFQCAL()[ib] ; vector chcal = getCHCAL()[ib] ; int ncal = getNFCAL()[ib] ; // //cout << "NRODataset::getFrequencies() ncal = " << ncal << endl ; while ( ncal < (int)fqcal.size() ) { fqcal.pop_back() ; chcal.pop_back() ; } Vector xin( chcal ) ; Vector yin( fqcal ) ; int nchan = getNUMCH() ; Vector xout( nchan ) ; indgen( xout ) ; Vector yout ; InterpolateArray1D::interpolate( yout, xout, xin, yin, InterpolateArray1D::cubic ) ; // debug //cout << "i=" << i << endl ; // if ( i == 16 ) { // ofstream ofs0( "spgrid0.dat" ) ; // for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < getNUMCH() ; ii++ ) // ofs0 << xout[ii] << "," ; // ofs0 << endl ; // for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < getNUMCH() ; ii++ ) // ofs0 << setprecision(16) << record->FREQ0+yout[ii] << "," ; // ofs0 << endl ; // ofs0.close() ; // } // Vector z( nchan ) ; Double bw = abs( yout[nchan-1] - yout[0] ) ; bw += 0.5 * abs( yout[nchan-1] - yout[nchan-2] + yout[1] - yout[0] ) ; Double dz = bw / (Double)nchan ; if ( yout[0] > yout[nchan-1] ) dz = - dz ; z[0] = yout[0] - 0.5 * ( yout[1] - yout[0] - dz ) ; for ( int ii = 1 ; ii < nchan ; ii++ ) z[ii] = z[ii-1] + dz ; Vector zi( nchan+1 ) ; Vector yi( nchan+1 ) ; zi[0] = z[0] - 0.5 * dz ; zi[1] = z[0] + 0.5 * dz ; yi[0] = yout[0] - 0.5 * ( yout[1] - yout[0] ) ; yi[1] = yout[0] + 0.5 * ( yout[1] - yout[0] ) ; for ( int ii = 2 ; ii < nchan ; ii++ ) { zi[ii] = zi[ii-1] + dz ; yi[ii] = yi[ii-1] + 0.5 * ( yout[ii] - yout[ii-2] ) ; } zi[nchan] = z[nchan-1] + 0.5 * dz ; yi[nchan] = yout[nchan-1] + 0.5 * ( yout[nchan-1] - yout[nchan-2] ) ; // // debug // //cout << "nchan=" << nchan << ", bw=" << bw << ", dz=" << dz // << ", y[1]-y[0]=" << yout[1]-yout[0] << endl ; // //cout << "z: " << z[0] << " - " << z[nchan-1] // << ", zi: " << zi[0] << " - " << zi[nchan] << endl ; // //cout << "y: " << yout[0] << " - " << yout[nchan-1] // << ", yi: " << yi[0] << " - " << yi[nchan] << endl ; // ofstream ofs1( "spgrid1.dat", ios::out | ios::app ) ; // ofs1 << "spid=" << i << ", ARRYT=" << record->ARRYT << endl ; // ofs1 << "z[0]=" << z[0] << ", yout[0]=" << yout[0] << endl ; // for ( int ii = 1; ii < nchan ; ii++ ) { // ofs1 << " dz=" << z[ii]-z[ii-1] << ", dy=" << yout[ii]-yout[ii-1] << endl ; // ofs1 << "z[" << ii << "]=" << z[ii] << ", yout[" << ii << "]=" << yout[ii] << endl ; // } // ofs1.close() ; // ofstream ofs2( "spgrid2.dat", ios::out | ios::app ) ; // ofs2 << "spid=" << i << ", ARRYT=" << record->ARRYT << endl ; // for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < nchan+1 ; ii++ ) // ofs2 << "zi[" << ii << "]=" << zi[ii] << ", yi[" << ii << "]=" << yi[ii] << endl ; // ofs2.close() ; // // int ichan = 0 ; double wsum = 0.0 ; // debug //ofstream ofs3( "spgrid3.dat", ios::out | ios::app ) ; if ( dz > 0.0 ) { for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < nchan ; ii++ ) { double zl = zi[ii] ; double zr = zi[ii+1] ; for ( int j = ichan ; j < nchan ; j++ ) { double yl = yi[j] ; double yr = yi[j+1] ; if ( yl <= zl ) { if ( yr <= zl ) { continue ; } else if ( yr <= zr ) { specout[ii] += spec[j] * ( yr - zl ) ; wsum += ( yr - zl ) ; } else { specout[ii] += spec[j] * dz ; wsum += dz ; ichan = j ; break ; } } else if ( yl < zr ) { if ( yr <= zr ) { specout[ii] += spec[j] * ( yr - yl ) ; wsum += ( yr - yl ) ; } else { specout[ii] += spec[j] * ( zr - yl ) ; wsum += ( zr - yl ) ; ichan = j ; break ; } } else { ichan = j - 1 ; break ; } } specout[ii] /= wsum ; wsum = 0.0 ; } } else if ( dz < 0.0 ) { for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < nchan ; ii++ ) { double zl = zi[ii] ; double zr = zi[ii+1] ; for ( int j = ichan ; j < nchan ; j++ ) { double yl = yi[j] ; double yr = yi[j+1] ; if ( yl >= zl ) { if ( yr >= zl ) { continue ; } else if ( yr >= zr ) { specout[ii] += spec[j] * abs( yr - zl ) ; wsum += abs( yr - zl ) ; } else { specout[ii] += spec[j] * abs( dz ) ; wsum += abs( dz ) ; ichan = j ; break ; } } else if ( yl > zr ) { if ( yr >= zr ) { specout[ii] += spec[j] * abs( yr - yl ) ; wsum += abs( yr - yl ) ; } else { specout[ii] += spec[j] * abs( zr - yl ) ; wsum += abs( zr - yl ) ; ichan = j ; break ; } } else { ichan = j - 1 ; break ; } } specout[ii] /= wsum ; wsum = 0.0 ; } } //specout = spec ; //ofs3.close() ; } else { specout = spec ; } return specout ; } int NROFITSDataset::getIndex( int irow ) { const NRODataRecord *record = getRecord( irow ) ; string str = record->ARRYT ; string::size_type pos = str.find( " " ) ; if ( pos != string::npos ) str = str.substr( 0, pos ) ; int index = -1 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARYNM ; i++ ) { if ( str.compare( 0, 3, ARYTP[i] ) == 0 ) { index = i ; break ; } } return index ; } double NROFITSDataset::radRA( string ra ) { int pos1 = ra.find( ':' ) ; int pos2 ; string ch = ra.substr( 0, pos1 ) ; //cout << "ch = \'" << ch << "\'" << endl ; pos2 = pos1 + 1 ; pos1 = ra.find( ':', pos2 ) ; string cm = ra.substr( pos2, pos1 - pos2 ) ; //cout << "cm = \'" << cm << "\'" << endl ; pos2 = pos1 + 1 ; pos1 = ra.size() ; string cs = ra.substr( pos2, pos1 - pos2 ) ; //cout << "cs = \'" << cs << "\'" << endl ; double h ; if ( ra[0] != '-' ) h = atof( ch.c_str() ) + atof( cm.c_str() ) / 60.0 + atof( cs.c_str() ) / 3600.0 ; else h = atof( ch.c_str() ) - atof( cm.c_str() ) / 60.0 - atof( cs.c_str() ) / 3600.0 ; double rra = h * M_PI / 12.0 ; return rra ; } double NROFITSDataset::radDEC( string dec ) { int pos1 = dec.find( ':' ) ; int pos2 ; string cd = dec.substr( 0, pos1 ) ; //cout << "cd = \'" << cd << "\'" << endl ; pos2 = pos1 + 1 ; pos1 = dec.find( ':', pos2 ) ; string cm = dec.substr( pos2, pos1 - pos2 ) ; //cout << "cm = \'" << cm << "\'" << endl ; pos2 = pos1 + 1 ; pos1 = dec.size() ; string cs = dec.substr( pos2, pos1 - pos2 ) ; //cout << "cs = \'" << cs << "\'" << endl ; double h ; if ( dec[0] != '-' ) h = atof( cd.c_str() ) + atof( cm.c_str() ) / 60.0 + atof( cs.c_str() ) / 3600.0 ; else h = atof( cd.c_str() ) - atof( cm.c_str() ) / 60.0 - atof( cs.c_str() ) / 3600.0 ; double rdec = h * M_PI / 180.0 ; return rdec ; } void NROFITSDataset::getField() { long offset = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < numField_ ; i++ ) { char key1[9] ; char key2[9] ; char key3[9] ; if ( i < 9 ) { sprintf( key1, "TFORM%d ", i+1 ) ; sprintf( key2, "TTYPE%d ", i+1 ) ; sprintf( key3, "TUNIT%d ", i+1 ) ; //cout << "key1 = " << key1 << ", key2 = " << key2 << ", key3 = " << key3 << endl ; } else if ( i < 99 ) { sprintf( key1, "TFORM%2d ", i+1 ) ; sprintf( key2, "TTYPE%2d ", i+1 ) ; sprintf( key3, "TUNIT%2d ", i+1 ) ; //cout << "key1 = " << key1 << ", key2 = " << key2 << ", key3 = " << key3 << endl ; } else { sprintf( key1, "TFORM%3d", i+1 ) ; sprintf( key2, "TTYPE%3d", i+1 ) ; sprintf( key3, "TUNIT%3d", i+1 ) ; //cout << "key1 = " << key1 << ", key2 = " << key2 << ", key3 = " << key3 << endl ; } //char tmp[9] ; string tmp ; //strcpy( tmp, " " ) ; if ( readHeader( tmp, key1 ) != 0 ) { cerr << "Error while reading field keyword for scan header." << endl ; return ; } string form = tmp ; string::size_type spos = form.find( " " ) ; if ( spos != string::npos ) form = form.substr( 0, spos ) ; //strcpy( tmp, " " ) ; if ( readHeader( tmp, key2 ) != 0 ) { cerr << "Error while reading field type for scan header." << endl ; return ; } string name = tmp ; spos = tmp.find( " " ) ; if ( spos != string::npos ) name = tmp.substr( 0, spos ) ; //strcpy( tmp, " " ) ; if ( form.find( "A" ) != string::npos ) { //cout << "skip to get unit: name = " << form << endl ; //strcpy( tmp, "none " ) ; tmp = "none" ; } else { //cout << "get unit: name = " << form << endl ; if ( readHeader( tmp, key3 ) != 0 ) { //strcpy( tmp, "none " ) ; tmp = "none" ; } } //string unit = string( tmp ) ; //unit = tmp ; //spos = tmp.find( " " ) ; //if ( spos != string::npos ) // unit = unit.substr( 0, spos ) ; //cout << "i = " << i << ": name=" << form << " type=" << name << " unit=" << unit << endl ; string substr1 = form.substr( 0, form.size()-1 ) ; string substr2 = form.substr( form.size()-1, 1 ) ; //cout << "substr1 = " << substr1 << ", substr2 = " << substr2 << endl ; int o1 = atoi( substr1.c_str() ) ; int o2 = 0 ; if ( substr2 == "A" ) o2 = sizeof(char) ; else if ( substr2 == "J" ) o2 = sizeof(int) ; else if ( substr2 == "F" ) o2 = sizeof(float) ; else if ( substr2 == "D" ) o2 = sizeof(double) ; FieldProperty property; property.offset = offset; property.size = o1 * o2; properties_[name] = property; offset += property.size ; } } void NROFITSDataset::fillARYTP() { string arry ; int count = 0 ; string arry1 ; string arry2 ; string arry3 ; string arry4 ; char arytp[4]; if ( readHeader( arry, "ARRY1" ) == 0 ) arry1 = arry ; else arry1 = "00000000000000000000" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++ ) { if ( arry1[i] == '1' ) { for (int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) arytp[j] = '\0'; sprintf( arytp, "H%d", i+1 ) ; ARYTP[count++] = string( arytp ) ; } } if ( readHeader( arry, "ARRY2" ) == 0 ) arry2 = arry ; else arry2 = "00000000000000000000" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) { if ( arry2[i] == '1' ) { for (int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) arytp[j] = '\0'; sprintf( arytp, "W%d", i+1 ) ; ARYTP[count++] = string( arytp ) ; } } for ( int i = 10 ; i < 15 ; i++ ) { if ( arry2[i] == '1' ) { for (int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) arytp[j] = '\0'; sprintf( arytp, "U%d", i-9 ) ; ARYTP[count++] = string( arytp ) ; } } for ( int i = 15 ; i < 20 ; i++ ) { if ( arry2[i] == '1' ) { for (int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) arytp[j] = '\0'; sprintf( arytp, "X%d", i-14 ) ; ARYTP[count++] = string( arytp ) ; } } if ( readHeader( arry, "ARRY3" ) == 0 ) arry3 = arry ; else arry3 = "00000000000000000000" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++ ) { if ( arry3[i] == '1' ) { for (int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) arytp[j] = '\0'; sprintf( arytp, "A%d", i+1 ) ; ARYTP[count++] = string( arytp ) ; } } if ( readHeader( arry, "ARRY4" ) == 0 ) arry4 = arry ; else arry4 = "00000000000000000000" ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++ ) { if ( arry4[i] == '1' ) { for (int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++) arytp[j] = '\0'; sprintf( arytp, "A%d", i+21 ) ; ARYTP[count++] = string( arytp ) ; } } //nro_debug_output("ARYTP", ARYTP.size(), ARYTP); } int NROFITSDataset::readARRY() { LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NROFITSDataset", "readARRY()", WHERE ) ) ; string arry1 ; string arry2 ; string arry3 ; string arry4 ; int status = readHeader( arry1, "ARRY1" ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Error while reading ARRY1" << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } status = readHeader( arry2, "ARRY2" ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Error while reading ARRY2" << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } status = readHeader( arry3, "ARRY3" ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Error while reading ARRY3" << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } status = readHeader( arry4, "ARRY4" ) ; if ( status ) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Error while reading ARRY4" << LogIO::POST ; return status ; } int index = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++ ) { // AOSH if ( arry1[i] == '1' ) ARRY[index] = 1 ; else ARRY[index] = 0 ; // AOSW, AOSU, FX if ( arry2[i] == '1' ) ARRY[index+20] = 1 ; else ARRY[index+20] = 0 ; // AC45 (1-20) if ( arry3[i] == '1' ) ARRY[index+40] = 1 ; else ARRY[index+40] = 0 ; // AC45 (21-35) if ( i < 15 ) { if ( arry4[i] == '1' ) ARRY[index+60] = 1 ; else ARRY[index+60] = 0 ; } index++ ; } return status ; } void NROFITSDataset::findData() { LogIO os( LogOrigin( "NROFITSDataset", "findData()", WHERE ) ) ; // skip header fseek( fp_, FITS_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET ) ; // get offset long offset = getOffset( "ARRYT" ) ; if ( offset == -1 ) { //cerr << "Error, ARRYT is not found in the name list." << endl ; return ; } //cout << "offset for ARRYT is " << offset << " bytes." << endl ; fseek( fp_, offset, SEEK_CUR ) ; int count = 0 ; int index = 0 ; while ( count < ARYNM && index < rowNum_ ) { char ctmp[5] ; std::size_t retval = fread( ctmp, 1, 4, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 4) { os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read array configuration." << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } ctmp[4] = '\0' ; //cout << "ctmp = " << ctmp << endl ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARYNM ; i++ ) { if ( arrayid_[i] != -1 ) continue ; else if ( strncmp( ctmp, ARYTP[i].c_str(), ARYTP[i].size() ) == 0 ) { //cout << "matched: i = " << i << ", ARYTP = " << ARYTP[i] << ", ctmp = " << ctmp << endl ; arrayid_[i] = index ; count++ ; } } fseek( fp_, scanLen_-4, SEEK_CUR ) ; index++ ; } if ( count != ARYNM ) { os << LogIO::WARN << "NROFITSDataset::findData() failed to find rows for " ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARYNM ; i++ ) { if ( arrayid_[i] == -1 ) { os << LogIO::WARN << ARYTP[i] << " " ; } } os.post() ; } // for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARYNM ; i++ ) // //cout << "arrayid_[" << i << "] = " << arrayid_[i] << endl ; } long NROFITSDataset::getOffset( const char *name ) { map::iterator iter = properties_.find(string(name)); long offset = (iter != properties_.end()) ? iter->second.offset : -1; return offset ; } int NROFITSDataset::getPolarizationNum() { int npol = 0 ; vector type( 2 ) ; type[0] = 'C' ; type[1] = 'L' ; vector crot ; vector lagl ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARYNM ; i++ ) { if ( POLTP[i][0] == type[0] ) { // circular polarization if( count( crot.begin(), crot.end(), POLDR[i] ) != 0 ) { crot.push_back( POLDR[i] ) ; npol++ ; } } else if ( POLTP[i][0] == type[1] ) { // linear polarization if ( count( lagl.begin(), lagl.end(), POLAN[i] ) != 0 ) { lagl.push_back( POLAN[i] ) ; npol++ ; } } } if ( npol == 0 ) npol = 1 ; return npol ; } int NROFITSDataset::readHeader( string &v, const char *name ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as char from the FITS Header // int status = 0 ; char buf[81] ; strcpy( buf, " " ) ; fseek( fp_, 0, SEEK_SET ) ; int count = 0 ; while ( strncmp( buf, name, strlen(name) ) != 0 && strncmp( buf, "END", 3 ) != 0 ) { std::size_t retval = fread( buf, 1, 80, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 80) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readHeader(string)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read header" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } buf[80] = '\0' ; count++ ; } if ( strncmp( buf, "END", 3 ) == 0 ) { //cerr << "NROFITSDataset::readHeader() keyword " << name << " not found." << endl ; //cerr << "count = " << count << endl ; status = -1 ; return status ; } string str( buf ) ; int pos1 = str.find( '\'' ) + 1 ; int pos2 = str.find( '\'', pos1 ) ; unsigned int clen = pos2 - pos1 ; //cout << "string: " << str << endl ; //cout << "value: " << str.substr( pos1, clen ).c_str() << endl ; //cout << "clen = " << clen << endl ; v = str.substr( pos1, clen ) ; //cout << "v = \'" << v << "\'" << endl ; return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readHeader( int &v, const char *name ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as int from the FITS Header // int status = 0 ; char buf[81] ; strcpy( buf, " " ) ; fseek( fp_, 0, SEEK_SET ) ; while ( strncmp( buf, name, strlen(name) ) != 0 && strncmp( buf, "END", 3 ) != 0 ) { std::size_t retval = fread( buf, 1, 80, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 80) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readHeader(int)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read header" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } buf[80] = '\0' ; //char bufo[9] ; //strncpy( bufo, buf, 8 ) ; //bufo[8] = '\0' ; //cout << "header: " << bufo << endl ; } if ( strncmp( buf, "END", 3 ) == 0 ) { //cerr << "NROFITSDataset::readHeader() keyword " << name << " not found." << endl ; status = -1 ; return status ; } string str( buf ) ; int pos1 = str.find( '=' ) + 1 ; int pos2 = str.find( '/' ) ; //cout << "string: " << str << endl ; //cout << "value: " << str.substr( pos1, pos2 - pos1 ).c_str() << endl ; v = atoi( str.substr( pos1, pos2 - pos1 ).c_str() ) ; //cout << "v = " << v << endl ; //cout << "NROFITSDataset::readHeader() end to read" << endl ; return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readHeader( float &v, const char *name ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as float from the FITS Header // int status = 0 ; char buf[81] ; strcpy( buf, " " ) ; fseek( fp_, 0, SEEK_SET ) ; while ( strncmp( buf, name, strlen(name) ) != 0 && strncmp( buf, "END", 3 ) != 0 ) { std::size_t retval = fread( buf, 1, 80, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 80) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readHeader(float)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read header" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } buf[80] = '\0' ; //char bufo[9] ; //strncpy( bufo, buf, 8 ) ; //bufo[8] = '\0' ; //cout << "header: " << bufo << endl ; } if ( strncmp( buf, "END", 3 ) == 0 ) { //cerr << "NROFITSDataset::readHeader() keyword " << name << " not found." << endl ; status = -1 ; return status ; } string str( buf ) ; int pos1 = str.find( '=' ) + 1 ; int pos2 = str.find( '/' ) ; //cout << "string: " << str << endl ; //cout << "value: " << str.substr( pos1, pos2 - pos1 ).c_str() << endl ; v = atof( str.substr( pos1, pos2 - pos1 ).c_str() ) ; //cout << "v = " << v << endl ; return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readHeader( double &v, const char *name ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as double from the FITS Header // int status = 0 ; char buf[81] ; strcpy( buf, " " ) ; fseek( fp_, 0, SEEK_SET ) ; while ( strncmp( buf, name, strlen(name) ) != 0 && strncmp( buf, "END", 3 ) != 0 ) { std::size_t retval = fread( buf, 1, 80, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 80) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readHeader(double)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read header" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } buf[80] = '\0' ; char bufo[9] ; strncpy( bufo, buf, 8 ) ; bufo[8] = '\0' ; //cout << "header: \'" << bufo << "\' bufo = \'" << bufo << "\' "; //cout << strncmp( buf, name, strlen(name) ) << endl ; } if ( strncmp( buf, "END", 3 ) == 0 ) { //cerr << "NROFITSDataset::readHeader() keyword " << name << " not found." << endl ; status = -1 ; return status ; } string str( buf ) ; int pos1 = str.find( '=' ) + 1 ; int pos2 = str.find( '/' ) ; //cout << "string: " << str << endl ; //cout << "value: " << str.substr( pos1, pos2 - pos1 ).c_str() << endl ; v = atof( str.substr( pos1, pos2 - pos1 ).c_str() ) ; //cout << "v = " << v << endl ; return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readTable( char *v, const char *name, size_t clen, int idx ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as char from the idx-th row // of the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name, idx ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; map::iterator iter = properties_.find(string(name)); if (iter == properties_.end()) return -1; size_t xsize = iter->second.size; // read data if ( xsize < clen ) { std::size_t retval = fread( v, 1, xsize, fp_ ) ; if (retval < xsize) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(char *)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } //v[xsize] = '\0' ; } else if (clen > 0) { std::size_t retval = fread( v, 1, clen - 1, fp_ ) ; if (retval < clen - 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(char *)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } //v[clen-1] = '\0' ; } else { status = -1; } return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readTable( int &v, const char *name, int b, int idx ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as int from the idx-th row // of the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name, idx ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; // read data std::size_t retval = fread( &v, sizeof(int), 1, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(int)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } if ( b == 0 ) convertEndian( v ) ; return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readTable( float &v, const char *name, int b, int idx ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as float from the idx-th row // of the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name, idx ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; // read data std::size_t retval = fread( &v, sizeof(float), 1, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(float)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } if ( b == 0 ) convertEndian( v ) ; return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readTable( double &v, const char *name, int b, int idx ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as double from the idx-th row // of the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name, idx ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; // read data std::size_t retval = fread( &v, sizeof(double), 1, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(double)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } if ( b == 0 ) convertEndian( v ) ; return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readTable( vector &v, const char *name, int idx ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as char array from the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name, idx ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; map::iterator iter = properties_.find(string(name)); if (iter == properties_.end()) return -1; size_t xsize = iter->second.size; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ) { size_t clen = strlen( v[i] ) ; if ( clen > xsize ) { std::size_t retval = fread( v[i], 1, xsize, fp_ ) ; if (retval < xsize) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(vector)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } //v[i][xsize] = '\0' ; } else { std::size_t retval = fread( v[i], 1, clen, fp_ ) ; if (retval < clen) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(vector)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } //v[i][clen-1] = '\0' ; } //cout << "v[" << i << "] = " << v[i] << endl ; } return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readTable( vector &v, const char *name, int b, int idx ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as int array from the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name, idx ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ) { std::size_t retval = fread( &v[i], sizeof(int), 1, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(vector)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } if ( b == 0 ) convertEndian( v[i] ) ; //cout << "v[" << i << "] = " << v[i] << endl ; } return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readTable( vector &v, const char *name, int b, int idx ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as float array from the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name, idx ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ) { std::size_t retval = fread( &v[i], sizeof(float), 1, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(vector)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } if ( b == 0 ) convertEndian( v[i] ) ; //cout << "v[" << i << "] = " << v[i] << endl ; } return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readTable( vector &v, const char *name, int b, int idx ) { // // Read 'name' attribute defined as double array from the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name, idx ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ) { std::size_t retval = fread( &v[i], sizeof(double), 1, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readTable(vector)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } if ( b == 0 ) convertEndian( v[i] ) ; //cout << "v[" << i << "] = " << v[i] << endl ; } return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readColumn( vector &v, const char *name, int idx ) { // // Read idx-th column of ARRYTP-dependent 'name' attributes // defined as char array from the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; map::iterator iter = properties_.find(string(name)); if (iter == properties_.end()) return -1; size_t xsize = iter->second.size; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ) { int offset = scanLen_ * arrayid_[i] + xsize * idx ; fseek( fp_, offset, SEEK_CUR ) ; // int clen = (int)strlen( v[i] ) ; // if ( clen > xsize ) { // std::size_t retval = fread( v[i], 1, xsize, fp_ ) ; // //v[i][xsize] = '\0' ; // } // else { // std::size_t retval = fread( v[i], 1, clen-1, fp_ ) ; // //v[i][clen-1] = '\0' ; // } char c[xsize+1] ; std::size_t retval = fread( c, 1, xsize, fp_ ) ; if (retval < xsize) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readColumn(string)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } c[xsize] = '\0' ; v[i] = string( c ) ; //cout << "v[" << i << "] = \'" << v[i] << "\'" << endl ; fseek( fp_, -xsize-offset, SEEK_CUR ) ; } return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readColumn( vector &v, const char *name, int b, int idx ) { // // Read idx-th column of ARRYTP-dependent 'name' attributes // defined as int array from the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ) { int offset = scanLen_ * arrayid_[i] + sizeof(int) * idx ; fseek( fp_, offset, SEEK_CUR ) ; std::size_t retval = fread( &v[i], sizeof(int), 1, fp_ ) ; if (retval < 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readColumn(int)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } if ( b == 0 ) convertEndian( v[i] ) ; //cout << "v[" << i << "] = " << v[i] << endl ; fseek( fp_, -sizeof(int)-offset, SEEK_CUR ) ; } return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readColumn( vector &v, const char *name, int b, int idx ) { // // Read idx-th column of ARRYTP-dependent 'name' attributes // defined as float array from the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ) { int offset = scanLen_ * arrayid_[i] + sizeof(float) * idx ; fseek( fp_, offset, SEEK_CUR ) ; std::size_t retval = fread( &v[i], 1, sizeof(float), fp_ ) ; if (retval < 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readColumn(float)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } if ( b == 0 ) convertEndian( v[i] ) ; //cout << "v[" << i << "] = " << v[i] << endl ; fseek( fp_, -sizeof(float)-offset, SEEK_CUR ) ; } return status ; } int NROFITSDataset::readColumn( vector &v, const char *name, int b, int idx ) { // // Read idx-th column of ARRYTP-dependent 'name' attributes // defined as double array from the FITS Scan Record // int status = movePointer( name ) ; if ( status < 0 ) return status ; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++ ) { int offset = scanLen_ * arrayid_[i] + sizeof(double) * idx ; fseek( fp_, offset, SEEK_CUR ) ; std::size_t retval = fread( &v[i], 1, sizeof(double), fp_ ) ; if (retval < 1) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("NROFITSDataset", "readColumn(double)", WHERE)); os << LogIO::SEVERE << "Failed to read binary table" << LogIO::EXCEPTION; } if ( b == 0 ) convertEndian( v[i] ) ; //cout << "offset = " << offset << ", v[" << i << "] = " << v[i] << endl ; fseek( fp_, -sizeof(double)-offset, SEEK_CUR ) ; } // //cout << "v: " << endl ; // for ( vector::iterator i = v.begin() ; i != v.end() ; i++ ) // //cout << *i << " " ; // //cout << endl ; return status ; } uInt NROFITSDataset::getArrayId( string type ) { uInt ib = 99; uInt len0 = type.size(); for (uInt i = 0 ; i < arrayid_.size() ; i++) { uInt len = ARYTP[i].size(); if ( len0 == len && type.compare( 0, len, ARYTP[i], 0, len ) == 0 ) { ib = i ; break ; } } return ib ; } double NROFITSDataset::getStartIntTime( int i ) { double v ; readTable( v, "MJDST", same_, i ) ; return v/86400.0 ; } double NROFITSDataset::getScanTime( int i ) { double startTime = getStartIntTime( i ) ; double interval = getIPTIM() ; interval /= 86400.0 ; return startTime+0.5*interval ; } uInt NROFITSDataset::getPolNo( int irow ) { char rx[9] ; readTable( rx, "RX", 8, irow ) ; rx[8] = '\0' ; //cout << rx << endl ; return polNoFromRX( rx ) ; } int NROFITSDataset::movePointer( const char *name, int idx ) { // find offset long offset = getOffset( name ) ; if ( offset == -1 ) { //cerr << "Error, " << name << " is not found in the name list." << endl ; return -1 ; } offset += (long)(idx * scanLen_) ; //cout << "offset for " << name << " is " << offset << " bytes." << endl ; fseek( fp_, FITS_HEADER_SIZE+offset, SEEK_SET ) ; return 0 ; }