source: trunk/external-alma/asdm2ASAP/ 2212

Last change on this file since 2212 was 2208, checked in by Takeshi Nakazato, 14 years ago

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JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1913

Ready for Test: No

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Update of asdm2ASAP and related classes.

  • replaced LogIO with StreamLogSink
  • all log messages are written to logger via StreamLogSink
  • no output to stdout/stderr
  • commented out junk log
  • added time_sampling selection
  • supported wvr_corrected_data='both'
  • added logfile specification
  • added corr_mode selection

File size: 6.6 KB
1#include <iostream>
2#include <fstream>
3#include <casa/Utilities/Regex.h>
4#include <casa/Inputs/Input.h>
5#include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
6#include <casa/Containers/Record.h>
7#include <casa/OS/Directory.h>
8#include <casa/Logging/LogIO.h>
9#include <casa/Logging/LogSink.h>
10#include <casa/Logging/StreamLogSink.h>
11#include <casa/Logging/LogFilter.h>
12#include <Scantable.h>
13#include "ASDMFiller.h"
15using namespace std ;
16using namespace asdm ;
17using namespace casa ;
18using namespace asap ;
20int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
22 // options
23 Input inp ;
24 String indent = " " ;
25 String versionInfo = "$Id$\nConverts an ASDM dataset into Scantable.\nUsage:\n"+indent+argv[0]+" -antenna <antenna name or id> -asdm <ASDM directory> -asap <Scantable name> [-apc both|yes|no] [-corr-mode ca|ao|ca+ao] [-ocorr-mode ao] [-time-sampling all|integration|subintegration]" ;
26 Bool helpMode = False ;
27 for ( int i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) {
28 if ( strncmp( argv[i], "-h", 2 ) == 0
29 || strncmp( argv[i], "--help", 6 ) == 0
30 || strncmp( argv[i], "-v", 2 ) == 0
31 || strncmp( argv[i], "--version", 9 ) == 0 ) {
32 helpMode = True ;
33 break ;
34 }
35 }
36 if ( helpMode )
37 inp.version( versionInfo ) ;
38 else
39 inp.version( "" ) ;
41 inp.create( "antenna", "0", "antenna name or id", "String" ) ;
42 inp.create( "asdm", "", "ASDM directory name", "String" ) ;
43 inp.create( "asap", "", "Scantable name", "String" ) ;
44 inp.create( "apc", "both", "Retrieve Atm Phase Corrected data or not: both|yes|no", "String" ) ;
45 inp.create( "overwrite", "True", "Overwrite existing Scantable or not: True|False", "Bool" ) ;
46 inp.create( "corr-mode", "ca+ao", "Input correlator mode: ca+ao|ca|ao", "String" ) ;
47 inp.create( "ocorr-mode", "ao", "Output correlator mode: ao", "String" ) ;
48 inp.create( "time-sampling", "all", "time sampling mode: all|integration|subintegration", "String" ) ;
49 inp.create( "logfile", "", "logger output", "String" ) ;
50 inp.readArguments( argc, argv ) ;
52 string asdmname = inp.getString( "asdm" ) ;
53 string antenna = inp.getString( "antenna" ) ;
54 string asapname = inp.getString( "asap" ) ;
55 string apc = inp.getString( "apc" ) ;
56 Bool overwrite = inp.getBool( "overwrite" ) ;
57 string corrMode = inp.getString( "corr-mode" ) ;
58 string timeSampling = inp.getString( "time-sampling" ) ;
59 string logfile = inp.getString( "logfile" ) ;
61 int numApc = 1 ;
62 Vector<Bool> apcCorrected ;
63 apcCorrected.resize( numApc ) ;
64 if ( apc == "both" ) {
65 numApc = 2 ;
66 apcCorrected.resize( numApc ) ;
67 apcCorrected[0] = True ;
68 apcCorrected[1] = False ;
69 }
70 else if ( apc == "yes" ) {
71 apcCorrected.resize( numApc ) ;
72 apcCorrected[0] = True ;
73 }
74 else if ( apc == "no" ) {
75 apcCorrected.resize( numApc ) ;
76 apcCorrected[0] = False ;
77 }
78 else {
79 throw AipsError( "Unrecognized value for -apc option" ) ;
80 }
83 ofstream ofs ;
84 CountedPtr<LogSinkInterface> logsink_p ;
85 String funcname( argv[0] ) ;
86 if ( logfile.size() != 0 ) {
87 logfile.c_str(), ios_base::app ) ;
88 logsink_p = new StreamLogSink( &ofs ) ;
89 logsink_p->cerrToo( false ) ;
90 }
91 else {
92 logsink_p = new StreamLogSink() ;
93 }
94 // create ASDMFiller object
95 //logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage( "numApc = "+String::toString(numApc), LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE) ) ) ;
96 for ( int iapc = 0 ; iapc < numApc ; iapc++ ) {
97 CountedPtr<Scantable> stable( new Scantable() ) ;
98 ASDMFiller *filler = new ASDMFiller( stable ) ;
100 // set logger
101 filler->setLogger( logsink_p ) ;
103 // open data
104 Record rec ;
105 Record asdmRec ;
106 Regex reg( "[0-9]+$" ) ;
107 //asdmRec.define( "apc", apcCorrected ) ;
108 asdmRec.define( "apc", apcCorrected[iapc] ) ;
109 asdmRec.define( "corr", corrMode ) ;
110 asdmRec.define( "sampling", timeSampling ) ;
111 if ( reg.match( antenna.c_str(), antenna.size() ) != String::npos ) {
112 // antenna is specifiec as id
113 int aid = atoi( antenna.c_str() ) ;
114 asdmRec.define( "antenna", aid ) ;
115 }
116 else {
117 // antenna is specified as name
118 asdmRec.define( "antenna", antenna ) ;
119 }
120 rec.defineRecord( "asdm", asdmRec ) ;
121 filler->open( asdmname, rec ) ;
123 // output filename
124 CountedPtr<ASDMReader> reader = filler->getReader() ;
125 string aname = reader->getAntennaName() ;
126 int aid = reader->getAntennaId() ;
127 string outname = asapname ;
128 if ( asapname.size() == 0 ) {
129 outname = asdmname + "." + aname + ".asap" ;
130 }
131 if ( apcCorrected[iapc] == True ) {
132 outname += ".wvr-corrected" ;
133 }
135 //logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage("specified option summary:",LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE)) ) ;
136 //logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage(" antenna = "+String(aname)+" (ID: "+String::toString(aid)+")",LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE)) ) ;
137 //logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage(" asdmname = "+asdmname,LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE)) ) ;
138 //logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage(" asapname = "+outname,LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE)) ) ;
139 //logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage(" apcCorrected = "+String::toString(apcCorrected[iapc]),LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE) ) ) ;
140 //logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage(" timeSampling = "+timeSampling,LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE) ) ) ;
141 //logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage(" corrMode = "+corrMode,LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE) ) ) ;
143 // save scantable on disk
144 Directory dir( outname ) ;
145 if ( dir.exists() ) {
146 if ( overwrite ) {
147 //*os << "Delete existing file " << outname << " ..." << LogIO::POST ;
148 logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage("Delete existing file "+outname+" ...",LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE)) ) ;
149 dir.removeRecursive() ;
150 }
151 else {
152 //*os << LogIO::WARN << "Output file " << outname << " exists." << LogIO::POST ;
153 logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage("Output file "+outname+" exists.",LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE),LogMessage::WARN) ) ;
154 return 1 ;
155 }
156 }
158 // fill data
159 filler->fill() ;
161 // close data
162 filler->close() ;
164 // save data only if nrow is not zero
165 if ( stable->nrow() > 0 ) {
166 //*os << "Creating " << outname << "..." << LogIO::POST ;
167 logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage("Creating "+outname+"...",LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE)) ) ;
168 stable->makePersistent( outname ) ;
169 }
170 else {
171 //*os << outname << " will not be created since there are no data associate with the selection" << LogIO::POST ;
172 logsink_p->postLocally( LogMessage(outname+" will not be created since there are no data associate with the selection",LogOrigin(funcname,WHERE)) ) ;
173 }
175 // finalize
176 reader = 0 ;
177 delete filler ;
179 }
181 if ( logfile.size() != 0 )
182 ofs.close() ;
183 //delete os ;
185 return 0 ;
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