source: trunk/external-alma/asdm2ASAP/ASDMReader.h @ 2233

Last change on this file since 2233 was 2227, checked in by Takeshi Nakazato, 13 years ago

New Development: No

JIRA Issue: Yes CAS-1913

Ready for Test: Yes

Interface Changes: No

What Interface Changed: Please list interface changes

Test Programs: List test programs

Put in Release Notes: Yes/No?

Module(s): Module Names change impacts.

Description: Describe your changes here...

Frequency is stored as LSRK value although original frequency is
in an arbitrary frequency frame (e.g. TOPO). Conversion is done
in filler if necessary.

File size: 14.7 KB
4#include <string>
5#include <map>
7#include <casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h>
8#include <casa/Containers/Record.h>
9#include <casa/Logging/LogSinkInterface.h>
10#include <ASDMAll.h>
11#include <SDMBinData.h>
13class ASDMReader
16  /**
17   * constructor
18   **/
19  ASDMReader() ;
21  /**
22   * destructor
23   **/
24  ~ASDMReader() ;
26  /**
27   * open data
28   *
29   * @param filename input ASDM name
30   * @param processing options as casa record
31   * @return boolean status (true or false)
32   **/
33  bool open( const std::string &filename, const casa::Record &rec ) ;
35  /**
36   * fill data
37   **/
38//   void fill() ;
40  /**
41   * close data
42   **/
43  void close() ;
45  /**
46   * get antenna id
47   **/
48  casa::Int getAntennaId() { return antennaId_ ; } ;
50  /**
51   * get antenna name
52   **/
53  casa::String getAntennaName() { return antennaName_ ; } ;
55  /**
56   * fill header
57   *
58   * @param nchan (maximum) number of channel
59   * @param npol (maximum) number of polarization
60   * @param nif number of IFs
61   * @param nbeam number of beam
62   * @param observer observer name
63   * @param project name
64   * @param obstype observation type
65   * @param antennaname antenna name
66   * @param antennaposition antenna position
67   * @param equinox equinox (numerical value)
68   * @param freqref frequency frame
69   * @param reffreq reference frequency
70   * @param bandwidth (maximum) bandwidth
71   * @param utc start time of observation
72   * @param fluxunit flux unit (K or Jy)
73   * @param epoch epoch (UTC)
74   * @param poltype polarization type
75   **/
76  void fillHeader( casa::Int &nchan,
77                   casa::Int &npol,
78                   casa::Int &nif,
79                   casa::Int &nbeam,
80                   casa::String &observer,
81                   casa::String &project,
82                   casa::String &obstype,
83                   casa::String &antennaname,
84                   casa::Vector<casa::Double> &antennaposition,
85                   casa::Float &equinox,
86                   casa::String &freqref,
87                   casa::Double &reffreq,
88                   casa::Double &bandwidth,
89                   casa::Double &utc,
90                   casa::String &fluxunit,
91                   casa::String &epoch,
92                   casa::String &poltype ) ; 
94  /**
95   * get list of valid configDescriptionId
96   *
97   * only return list of configDescriptionId with correlationMode of
99   *
100   * @return list of valid configDescriptionId
101   **/
102  casa::Vector<casa::uInt> getConfigDescriptionIdList() { return configDescIdList_ ; } ;
104  /**
105   * get list of fieldId
106   *
107   * @return list of fieldId as casa::uInt
108   **/
109  casa::Vector<casa::uInt> getFieldIdList() ;
111  /**
112   * get number of rows in Main table
113   *
114   * @return number of rows in Main table
115   **/
116  casa::uInt getNumMainRow() ;
118  /**
119   * binary data selection
120   **/
121  void select() ;
123  /**
124   * set Main rows that matches given context (configDescId and fieldId)
125   * to mainRow_
126   *
127   * @param configDescId
128   * @param fieldId
129   **/
130  casa::Bool setMainRow( casa::uInt configDescId, casa::uInt fieldId ) ;
132  /**
133   * set Main row to SDMBinData object
134   *
135   * @param irow row index
136   * @return boolean indicating the row is valid or not
137   **/
138  casa::Bool setMainRow( casa::uInt irow ) ;
140  /**
141   * get scan number of current row
142   *
143   * @return scan number
144   **/
145  unsigned int getScanNo() { return (unsigned int)(mainRow_[row_]->getScanNumber()) ; } ;
147  /**
148   * get subscan number of current row
149   *
150   * @return subscan number
151   **/
152  unsigned int getSubscanNo() { return (unsigned int)(mainRow_[row_]->getSubscanNumber()) ; } ;
154  /**
155   * get subscan number for given index
156   *
157   * @param idx for vmsData_
158   * @return subscan number
159   **/
160  unsigned int getSubscanNo( unsigned int idx ) ;
162  /**
163   * get IF number for given index
164   *
165   * @param idx for vmsData_
166   * @return IF number
167   **/
168  casa::uInt getIFNo( unsigned int idx ) ;
170  /**
171   * get number of polarization for given index
172   *
173   * @param idx for vmsData_
174   * @return number of polarizations
175   **/
176  int getNumPol( unsigned int idx ) ;
178  /**
179   * get REFPIX, REFVAL, INCREMENT for given index
180   *
181   * @param idx for vmsData_
182   * @param refpix REFPIX
183   * @param refval REFVAL
184   * @param incr INCREMENT
185   * @param freqref frequency reference
186   **/
187  void getFrequency( unsigned int idx,
188                     double &refpix,
189                     double &refval,
190                     double &incr,
191                     std::string &freqref ) ;
193  /**
194   * get rest frequencies for given index
195   *
196   * @param idx for vmsData_
197   * @return rest frequencies
198   **/
199  vector<double> getRestFrequency( unsigned int idx ) ;
201  /**
202   * get MJD time in day for given index
203   *
204   * @param idx for vmsData_
205   * @return MJD time in day
206   **/
207  double getTime( unsigned int idx ) ;
209  /**
210   * get integration time in sec for given index
211   *
212   * @param idx for vmsData_
213   * @return integration time in sec
214   **/
215  double getInterval( unsigned int idx ) ;
217  /**
218   * get source name for given index
219   *
220   * @param idx for vmsData_
221   * @return source name
222   **/
223  string getSourceName( unsigned int idx ) ;
225  /**
226   * get field name for given index
227   * field name = fieldName + "__" + fieldId
228   *
229   * @param idx for vmsData_
230   * @return field name
231   **/
232  string getFieldName( unsigned int idx ) ;
234  /**
235   * get source direction for given index
236   *
237   * @param idx for vmsData_
238   * @return source direction as vector<double>
239   **/
240  std::vector<double> getSourceDirection( unsigned int idx ) ;
241  void getSourceDirection( unsigned int idx,
242                           std::vector<double> &dir,
243                           std::string &ref  ) ;
245  /**
246   * get source direction with reference
247   *
248   * @param dir source direction
249   * @param reference frame
250   * @param idx for Source table
251   **/
252  void getSourceDirection( std::vector<double> &dir, std::string &ref ) ;
254  /**
255   * get source proper motion for given index
256   *
257   * @param idx for vmsData_
258   * @return source proper motion as vector<double>
259   **/
260  std::vector<double> getSourceProperMotion( unsigned int idx ) ;
262  /**
263   * get systemic velocity of the source for given index
264   * at the moment return 0-th element of sysVel vector
265   *
266   * @param idx for vmsData_
267   * @return systemic velocity of the source
268   **/
269  double getSysVel( unsigned int idx ) ;
271  /**
272   * get row-based flag for given index
273   *
274   * @param idx for vmsData_
275   * @return row-based flag
276   **/
277  unsigned int getFlagRow( unsigned int idx ) ;
279  /**
280   * get data shape (nPol, nChan, nApc=1) for given index
281   *
282   * @param idx for vmsData_
283   * @return data shape
284   **/
285  std::vector<unsigned int> getDataShape( unsigned int idx ) ;
287  /**
288   * get spectral data for given index
289   *
290   * @param idx for vmsData_
291   * @return spectral data
292   **/
293  float *getSpectrum( unsigned int idx ) ;
295  /**
296   * get channel flag data for given index
297   *
298   * @param idx for vmsData_
299   * @return channel flag
300   **/
301  //bool *getFlagChannel( unsigned int idx ) ;
303  /**
304   * get Tsys for given index
305   *
306   * @param idx for vmsData_
307   * @return Tsys
308   **/
309  std::vector< std::vector<float> > getTsys( unsigned int idx ) ;
311  /**
312   * get Tcal for given index
313   *
314   * @param idx for vmsData_
315   * @return Tcal
316   **/
317  std::vector< std::vector<float> > getTcal( unsigned int idx ) ;
319  /**
320   * get opacity for given index
321   *
322   * @param idx for vmsData_
323   * @return opacity
324   **/
325  std::vector<float> getOpacity( unsigned int idx ) ;
327  /**
328   * get weather information for given index
329   *
330   * @param idx for vmsData_
331   * @param temperature
332   * @param pressure
333   * @param humidity
334   * @param windspeed
335   * @param windaz
336   **/
337  void getWeatherInfo( unsigned int idx,
338                       float &temperature,
339                       float &pressure,
340                       float &humidity,
341                       float &windspeed,
342                       float &windaz ) ;
344  /**
345   * get pointing information for given index
346   *
347   * @param idx for vmsData_
348   * @param dir direction
349   * @param az azimuth
350   * @param el elevation
351   * @param srate scan rate
352   **/
353  void getPointingInfo( unsigned int idx,
354                        std::vector<double> &dir,
355                        double &az,
356                        double &el,
357                        std::vector<double> &srate ) ;
359  /**
360   * get source type enum (int) for given scan and subscan
361   *
362   * @param scan scan No.
363   * @param subscan subscan No.
364   * @return source type as int
365   **/
366  int getSrcType( unsigned int scan,
367                  unsigned int subscan ) ;
369  /**
370   * get list of dataDescId for given configDescId
371   *
372   * @param configDescId
373   * @return list of dataDescId
374   **/
375//   casa::Vector<casa::uInt> getDataDescIdList( casa::uInt cdid ) ;
377  /**
378   * get list of switchCycleId for given configDescId
379   *
380   * @param configDescId
381   * @return list of dataDescId
382   **/
383//   casa::Vector<casa::uInt> getSwitchCycleIdList( casa::uInt cdid ) ;
385  /**
386   * get list of feedId for given configDescId
387   *
388   * only return list of feedId that corresponds to specified antenna.
389   *
390   * @param configDescId
391   * @return list of valid feedId
392   **/
393//   casa::Vector<casa::uInt> getFeedIdList( casa::uInt cdid ) ;
395  /**
396   * set binary data to MSData object
397   *
398   * @return boolean status
399   **/
400  casa::Bool setData() ;
402  /**
403   * get number of data in the current row
404   *
405   * @return number of data
406   **/
407  unsigned int getNumData() { return numData_ ; } ;
409  /**
410   * get frequency frame
411   *
412   * @return string representating frequency frame
413   **/
414  std::string getFrame() ;
416  /**
417   * set Logger
418   *
419   * @param logger (LogSinkInterface)
420   **/
421  void setLogger( casa::CountedPtr<casa::LogSinkInterface> &logsink ) ;
426  /**
427   * pick up valid configDescriptionId
428   *
429   * only retrieve configDescriptionId with correlationMode of
431   **/
432  void selectConfigDescription() ;
434  /**
435   * pick up valid feedId
436   *
437   * only retrieve feedId that has corresponding row for antennaId_
438   **/
439  void selectFeed() ;
441  /**
442   * clear mainRow_
443   **/
444  void clearMainRow() ;
446  /**
447   * determine IFNO for each SpectralWindow rows
448   *
449   * SpectralWindow row is identified as WVR when basebandName is "NOBB" and numChan is 4.
450   * All WVR SpectralWindow is merged into one IFNO.
451   **/
452  void setupIFNO() ;
454  /**
455   * check if given SpectralWindow is WVR or not
456   **/
457  bool isWVR( asdm::SpectralWindowRow *row ) ;
459  /**
460   * process Station table
461   *
462   * classify station Ids by its type
463   **/
464  void processStation() ;
466  /**
467   * get the closest weather station for given antenna pad
468   *
469   * @return stationId for weather station
470   **/
471  int getClosestWeatherStation() ;
473  /**
474   * get mid-point of ArrayTimeInterval
475   *
476   * @param time interval as ArrayTimeInterval
477   * @return time of mid-point as ArrayTime
478   **/
479  asdm::ArrayTime getMidTime( const asdm::ArrayTimeInterval &t ) ;
481  /**
482   * get start-point of ArrayTimeInterval
483   *
484   * @param time interval as ArrayTimeInterval
485   * @return time of start-point as ArrayTime
486   **/
487  asdm::ArrayTime getStartTime( const asdm::ArrayTimeInterval &t ) ;
489  /**
490   * get end-point of ArrayTimeInterval
491   *
492   * @param time interval as ArrayTimeInterval
493   * @return time of end-point as ArrayTime
494   **/
495  asdm::ArrayTime getEndTime( const asdm::ArrayTimeInterval &t ) ;
497  /**
498   *  AZEL to J2000
499   *
500   * @param dir pointing direction
501   * @param az azimuth
502   * @param el elevation
503   * @param mjd reference time
504   * @param antpos antenna position vector
505   **/
506  void toJ2000( std::vector<double> &dir,
507                double az,
508                double el,
509                double mjd,
510                casa::Vector<casa::Double> antpos ) ;
512  /**
513  * to J2000
514  *
515  * @param dir pointing direction
516  * @param dirref direction reference
517  * @param mjd reference time
518  * @param antpos antenna position vector
519  * @return new direction
520  **/
521  std::vector<double> toJ2000( std::vector<double> dir,
522                               casa::String dirref,
523                               double mjd,
524                               casa::Vector<casa::Double> antpos ) ;
525  /**
526   * get nIF
527   *
528   * @return number of IFs
529   **/
530  int getNumIFs() ;
532  asdm::ASDM *asdm_ ; // pointer to ASDM object
533  sdmbin::SDMBinData *sdmBin_ ; // pointer to ASDM binary data
534  /**
535   * vmsData_ is a pointer to binary data
536   *
537   * VMSData contents
538   *
539   * int processorId
540   * vector< double > v_time MJD time in sec
541   * vector< int > v_fieldId
542   * vector< double > v_interval interval in sec
543   * vector< AtmPhaseCorrection > v_atmPhaseCorrection
544   * int binNum
545   * vector< unsigned int > v_projectPath
546   * vector< int > v_antennaId1 antennaId in int
547   * vector< int > v_antennaId2 antennaId in int
548   * vector< int > v_feedId1 feedId in int
549   * vector< int > v_feedId2 feedId in int
550   * vector< int > v_dataDescId dataDescriptionId in int
551   * vector< double > v_timeCentroid
552   * vector< double > exposure
553   * vector< int > v_numData
554   * vector< vector< unsigned int > > vv_dataShape (nPol,nChan,nApc=1)
555   * vector< map< AtmPhaseCorrection, float *> > v_m_data actual data
556   * vector< vector< vector< Angle > > > v_pahseDir direction
557   * vector< int > v_stateId
558   * vector< MSState > v_msState
559   * vector< unsigned int > v_flag
560   **/
561  const sdmbin::VMSData *vmsData_ ;
562  casa::Int antennaId_ ; // antenna id
563  casa::String antennaName_ ; // antenna name
564  casa::Vector<asdm::MainRow *> mainRow_ ; // list of pointers to all Main rows
565  casa::Vector<casa::uInt> configDescIdList_ ; // list of valid configDescriptionId
566  casa::Vector<casa::uInt> feedIdList_ ; // list of valid feedId
567  casa::Vector<casa::uInt> fieldIdList_ ; // list of fieldId
568  casa::Int row_ ; // current row index
569  map<asdm::Tag,casa::uInt> ifno_ ; // list of IFNO for each SpectralWindow rows
570  unsigned int numData_ ; // number of valid data in vmsData_ where v_antennaId equals antennaId_
571  vector<unsigned int> dataIdList_ ; // list of valid data indexes in vmsData_ 
572  vector<asdm::Tag> antennaPad_ ; // list of Station Tags for ANTENNA_PAD
573  vector<asdm::Tag> weatherStation_ ; // list of Station Tags for WEATHER_STATION
574  int weatherStationId_ ; // closest weather station for antennaId_
575  AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection apc_ ; // ATM phase correction
576  EnumSet<CorrelationModeMod::CorrelationMode> corrMode_ ; // input correlation mode
577  EnumSet<TimeSamplingMod::TimeSampling> timeSampling_ ; // time sampling
578  EnumSet<SpectralResolutionTypeMod::SpectralResolutionType> resolutionType_ ; // spectral resolution type
579  casa::CountedPtr<casa::LogSinkInterface> logsink_ ; // Logger
580  casa::String className_ ;
581} ;
582#endif // ASAP_ASDM_READER_H
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