[2197] | 1 | #include<iostream>
| 2 |
| 3 | #include <STHeader.h>
| 4 |
| 5 | #include <measures/Measures/MEpoch.h>
| 6 | #include <measures/Measures/MPosition.h>
| 7 | #include <measures/Measures/MDirection.h>
| 8 | #include <measures/Measures/MCDirection.h>
| 9 | #include <measures/Measures/MeasFrame.h>
| 10 | #include <measures/Measures/MeasConvert.h>
| 11 | #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
| 12 | #include <casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
| 13 | #include <casa/Quanta/MVTime.h>
[2208] | 14 | #include <casa/Logging/LogMessage.h>
[2197] | 15 |
| 16 | #include "ASDMFiller.h"
| 17 |
| 18 | using namespace std ;
| 19 | using namespace casa ;
| 20 | using namespace asap ;
| 21 |
| 22 | ASDMFiller::ASDMFiller( CountedPtr<Scantable> stable )
| 23 | : FillerBase( stable ),
| 24 | antennaId_( -1 ),
[2208] | 25 | antennaName_( "" ),
| 26 | className_("ASDMFiller")
[2197] | 27 | {
| 28 | reader_ = new ASDMReader() ;
| 29 | }
| 30 |
| 31 | ASDMFiller::~ASDMFiller()
| 32 | {
[2208] | 33 | // nothing to do?
| 34 | logsink_ = 0 ;
[2197] | 35 | }
| 36 |
[2208] | 37 | void ASDMFiller::setLogger( CountedPtr<LogSinkInterface> &logsink )
| 38 | {
| 39 | logsink_ = logsink ;
| 40 | if ( !(reader_.null()) ) {
| 41 | reader_->setLogger( logsink ) ;
| 42 | }
| 43 | }
| 44 |
[2197] | 45 | bool ASDMFiller::open( const string &filename, const Record &rec )
| 46 | {
[2208] | 47 | String funcName = "open" ;
[2197] | 48 | bool status = reader_->open( filename, rec ) ;
| 49 |
| 50 | antennaId_ = reader_->getAntennaId() ;
| 51 | antennaName_ = reader_->getAntennaName() ;
| 52 |
[2208] | 53 | //logsink->postLocally( LogMessage("antennaId_ = "+String::toString(antennaId_),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
| 54 | //logsink->postLocally( LogMessage("antennaName_ = "+antennaName_,LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 55 |
| 56 | return status ;
| 57 | }
| 58 |
| 59 | void ASDMFiller::fill()
| 60 | {
[2208] | 61 | String funcName = "fill" ;
| 62 |
[2197] | 63 | // header
| 64 | fillHeader() ;
[2218] | 65 |
| 66 | // set Frame for FREQUENCIES table
| 67 | string sFreqFrame = reader_->getFrame() ;
| 68 | MFrequency::Types freqFrame = toFrameType( sFreqFrame ) ;
| 69 | table_->frequencies().setFrame( freqFrame, false ) ;
| 70 | table_->frequencies().setFrame( freqFrame, true ) ;
[2197] | 71 |
| 72 | Vector<casa::Double> antpos = table_->getHeader().antennaposition ;
| 73 |
| 74 | //STHeader hdr = table_->getHeader() ;
| 75 |
| 76 | // data selection
| 77 | reader_->select() ;
| 78 |
| 79 | // pick up valid configDescriptionId
| 80 | Vector<uInt> configDescIdList = reader_->getConfigDescriptionIdList() ;
| 81 | uInt numConfigDescId = configDescIdList.size() ;
| 82 |
[2208] | 83 | //logsink->postLocally( LogMessage("configDescIdList = "+String::toString(configDescIdList),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 84 |
| 85 | // get field list
| 86 | Vector<uInt> fieldIdList = reader_->getFieldIdList() ;
| 87 | uInt numFieldId = fieldIdList.size() ;
| 88 |
[2208] | 89 | //logsink->postLocally( LogMessage("fieldIdList = "+String::toString(fieldIdList),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 90 |
| 91 | // BEAMNO is always 0 since ALMA antenna is single beam
| 92 | uInt beamno = 0 ;
| 93 |
| 94 | // REFBEAMNO is -1
| 95 | setReferenceBeam() ;
| 96 |
| 97 | // fill FOCUS_ID and add FOCUS row if necessary
| 98 | setFocus() ;
| 99 |
| 100 | for ( uInt icon = 0 ; icon < numConfigDescId ; icon++ ) {
| 101 | for ( unsigned int ifield = 0 ; ifield < numFieldId ; ifield++ ) {
[2208] | 102 | //logsink_->postLocally( LogMessage("start configDescId "+String::toString(configDescIdList[icon])+" fieldId "+String::toString(fieldIdList[ifield]),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 103 |
| 104 | //Bool status = reader_->setMainRow( configDescIdList[icon], fieldIdList[ifield] ) ;
| 105 | if ( !(reader_->setMainRow( configDescIdList[icon], fieldIdList[ifield] )) ) {
[2208] | 106 | //logsink_->postLocally( LogMessage("skip configDescId "+String::toString(configDescIdList[icon])+" fieldId "+String::toString(fieldIdList[ifield]),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 107 | continue ;
| 108 | }
| 109 |
| 110 | // number of rows
| 111 | uInt nrow = reader_->getNumMainRow() ;
| 112 |
[2208] | 113 | //logsink_->postLocally( LogMessage("There are "+String::toString(nrow)+" rows in Main table corresponding to configDescId "+String::toString(configDescIdList[icon]+" fieldId "+String::toString(fieldIdList[ifield]),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 114 |
| 115 | // CYCLENO
| 116 | unsigned int cycleno = 0 ;
| 117 |
| 118 | for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < nrow ; irow++ ) {
| 119 |
| 120 | // set main row
| 121 | if ( !(reader_->setMainRow( irow )) ) {
| 122 | // skip row since the row doesn't have valid configDescId
[2208] | 123 | //logsink_->postLocally( LogMessage("skip "+String::toString(irow),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 124 | continue ;
| 125 | }
| 126 |
| 127 | // scan and subscan
| 128 | unsigned int scanno = reader_->getScanNo() ;
| 129 | //uInt subscanno = reader_->getSubscanNo() ;
| 130 |
| 131 | // set data
| 132 | if ( !(reader_->setData()) ) {
[2208] | 133 | // skip row since reader failed to retrieve data
| 134 | //logsink_->postLocally( LogMessage("skip "+String::toString(irow),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHRER)) ) ;
| 135 | continue ;
[2197] | 136 | }
| 137 |
| 138 | unsigned int numData = reader_->getNumData() ;
| 139 | double refpix = 0.0 ;
| 140 | double refval = 0.0 ;
| 141 | double incr = 0.0 ;
| 142 |
| 143 | for ( unsigned int idata = 0 ; idata < numData ; idata++ ) {
| 144 |
| 145 | // subscan number
| 146 | unsigned int subscanno = reader_->getSubscanNo( idata ) ;
| 147 |
| 148 | // IFNO
| 149 | uInt ifno = reader_->getIFNo( idata ) ;
| 150 |
| 151 |
| 153 | String ifkey = getIFKey( ifno ) ;
| 154 | if ( ifrec_.isDefined( ifkey ) ) {
| 155 | getFrequencyRec( ifkey, refpix, refval, incr ) ;
| 156 | }
| 157 | else {
| 158 | reader_->getFrequency( idata, refpix, refval, incr ) ;
| 159 | setFrequencyRec( ifkey, refpix, refval, incr ) ;
| 160 | }
| 161 |
| 162 | // fill FREQ_ID and add FREQUENCIES row if necessary
| 163 | setFrequency( (casa::Double)refpix, (casa::Double)refval, (casa::Double)incr ) ;
| 164 |
| 165 |
| 166 | // rest frequency
| 167 | vector<double> rf = reader_->getRestFrequency( idata ) ;
| 168 |
| 169 | // fill MOLECULE_ID and add MOLECULES row if necessary
| 170 | Vector<casa::Double> restFreqs( rf.size() ) ;
| 171 | for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < rf.size() ; i++ )
| 172 | restFreqs[i] = (casa::Double)(rf[i]) ;
| 173 | setMolecule( restFreqs ) ;
| 174 |
| 175 |
| 176 | // time and interval
| 177 | casa::Double mjd = (casa::Double)(reader_->getTime( idata )) ;
| 178 | casa::Double interval = (casa::Double)(reader_->getInterval( idata )) ;
| 179 |
| 180 | // fill TIME and INTERVAL
| 181 | setTime( mjd, interval ) ;
| 182 |
| 183 |
| 184 | // source spec
| 185 | string srcname = reader_->getSourceName( idata ) ;
| 186 | string fieldname = reader_->getFieldName( idata ) ;
| 187 | int srctype = reader_->getSrcType( scanno, subscanno ) ;
| 188 | vector<double> srcDirection = reader_->getSourceDirection( idata ) ;
| 189 | vector<double> srcProperMotion = reader_->getSourceProperMotion( idata ) ;
| 190 | double sysVel = reader_->getSysVel( idata ) ;
| 191 |
| 193 | Vector<casa::Double> srcDir( 2 ) ;
| 194 | srcDir[0] = (casa::Double)(srcDirection[0]) ;
| 195 | srcDir[1] = (casa::Double)(srcDirection[1]) ;
| 196 | Vector<casa::Double> srcPM( 2 ) ;
| 197 | srcPM[0] = (casa::Double)(srcProperMotion[0]) ;
| 198 | srcPM[1] = (casa::Double)(srcProperMotion[1]) ;
| 199 | setSource( srcname, srctype, fieldname, srcDir, srcPM, (casa::Double)sysVel ) ;
| 200 |
| 201 | // fill FLAGROW
| 202 | unsigned int flagrow = reader_->getFlagRow( idata ) ;
| 203 | setFlagrow( (uInt)flagrow ) ;
| 204 |
| 205 | // fill WEATHER_ID and add WEATHER row if necessary
| 206 | float temperature ;
| 207 | float pressure ;
| 208 | float humidity ;
| 209 | float windspeed ;
| 210 | float windaz ;
| 211 | reader_->getWeatherInfo( idata,
| 212 | temperature,
| 213 | pressure,
| 214 | humidity,
| 215 | windspeed,
| 216 | windaz ) ;
| 217 | setWeather2( (casa::Float)temperature,
| 218 | (casa::Float)pressure,
| 219 | (casa::Float)humidity,
| 220 | (casa::Float)windspeed,
| 221 | (casa::Float)windaz ) ;
| 222 |
| 224 | vector<double> dir ;
| 225 | double az ;
| 226 | double el ;
| 227 | vector<double> srate ;
| 228 | reader_->getPointingInfo( idata,
| 229 | dir,
| 230 | az,
| 231 | el,
| 232 | srate ) ;
| 233 | Vector<casa::Double> scanRate( 2, 0.0 ) ;
| 234 | Vector<casa::Double> direction( 2, 0.0 ) ;
| 235 | if ( srate.size() > 0 ) {
| 236 | scanRate[0] = (casa::Double)(srate[0]) ;
| 237 | scanRate[1] = (casa::Double)(srate[1]) ;
| 238 | }
| 239 | setScanRate( scanRate ) ;
| 240 | if ( dir.size() > 0 ) {
| 241 | direction[0] = (casa::Double)(dir[0]) ;
| 242 | direction[1] = (casa::Double)(dir[1]) ;
| 243 | }
| 244 | else {
| 245 | toJ2000( direction, az, el, mjd, antpos ) ;
| 246 | }
[2208] | 247 | //logsink_->postLocally( LogMessage("direction = "+String::toString(direction),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 248 | setDirection( direction, (casa::Float)az, (casa::Float)el ) ;
| 249 |
| 250 | // loop on polarization
| 251 | vector<unsigned int> dataShape = reader_->getDataShape( idata ) ;
[2208] | 252 | // ostringstream oss ;
| 253 | // for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < dataShape.size() ; i++ ) {
| 254 | // if ( i == 0 )
| 255 | // oss << "dataShape=[" << dataShape[i] << ", " ;
| 256 | // else if ( i == dataShape.size()-1 )
| 257 | // oss << dataShape[i] << "]" ;
| 258 | // else
| 259 | // oss << dataShape[i] << ", " ;
| 260 | // }
| 261 | // logsink_->postLocally( LogMessage(oss.str(),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
| 262 |
[2197] | 263 | //int numPol = reader_->getNumPol( idata ) ;
| 264 | unsigned int numPol = dataShape[0] ;
| 265 | unsigned int numChan = dataShape[1] ;
| 266 |
[2208] | 267 | //logsink_->postLocally( LogMessage("numPol = "+String::toString(numPol),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 268 |
| 269 | // OPACITY
| 270 | vector<float> tau = reader_->getOpacity( idata ) ;
| 271 | Vector<casa::Float> opacity = toVector( tau, numPol ) ;
| 272 |
| 274 | float *sp = reader_->getSpectrum( idata ) ;
| 275 | vector< vector<float> > ts = reader_->getTsys( idata ) ;
| 276 | vector< vector<float> > tc = reader_->getTcal( idata ) ;
| 277 | Matrix<casa::Float> spectra = toMatrix( sp, numPol, numChan ) ;
| 278 | Vector<uChar> flagtra( numChan, 0 ) ;
| 279 | Matrix<casa::Float> tsys = toMatrix( ts, numPol, numChan ) ;
| 280 | Matrix<casa::Float> tcal = toMatrix( tc, numPol, numChan ) ;
| 281 | // String caltime = "" ;
| 282 | // if ( anyNE( tcal, (casa::Float)1.0 ) )
| 283 | // caltime = toTcalTime( mjd ) ;
| 284 | String caltime = toTcalTime( mjd ) ;
| 285 |
| 286 | for ( unsigned int ipol = 0 ; ipol < numPol ; ipol++ ) {
| 287 |
| 288 | // fill SCANNO, CYCLENO, IFNO, POLNO, and BEAMNO
| 289 | setIndex( (uInt)scanno-1, (uInt)cycleno, ifno, ipol, beamno ) ;
| 290 |
| 291 | // fill SPECTRA, FLAGTRA, TSYS
| 292 | setSpectrum( spectra.row(ipol), flagtra, tsys.row(ipol) ) ;
| 293 |
| 294 | // fill TCAL_ID and add TCAL row if necessary
| 295 | setTcal2( caltime, tcal.row(ipol) ) ;
| 296 |
| 297 | // fill OPACITY
| 298 | setOpacity( opacity[ipol] ) ;
| 299 |
| 300 | // commit row
| 301 | commitRow() ;
| 302 | }
| 303 |
| 304 | // increment CYCLENO
| 305 | cycleno++ ;
| 306 | }
| 307 | }
| 308 | }
| 309 | }
| 310 |
| 311 | return ;
| 312 | }
| 313 |
| 314 | void ASDMFiller::close()
| 315 | {
| 316 | reader_->close() ;
| 317 | reader_ = 0 ;
| 318 |
| 319 | return ;
| 320 | }
| 321 |
| 322 | void ASDMFiller::fillHeader()
| 323 | {
| 324 | STHeader hdr ;
| 325 |
| 326 | reader_->fillHeader( hdr.nchan,
| 327 | hdr.npol,
| 328 | hdr.nif,
| 329 | hdr.nbeam,
| 330 | hdr.observer,
| 331 | hdr.project,
| 332 | hdr.obstype,
| 333 | hdr.antennaname,
| 334 | hdr.antennaposition,
| 335 | hdr.equinox,
| 336 | hdr.freqref,
| 337 | hdr.reffreq,
| 338 | hdr.bandwidth,
| 339 | hdr.utc,
| 340 | hdr.fluxunit,
| 341 | hdr.epoch,
| 342 | hdr.poltype ) ;
| 343 |
| 344 | setHeader( hdr ) ;
| 345 | }
| 346 |
| 347 | String ASDMFiller::getIFKey( uInt ifno )
| 348 | {
| 349 | return "IFNO"+String::toString( ifno ) ;
| 350 | }
| 351 |
| 352 | void ASDMFiller::getFrequencyRec( String key,
| 353 | double &refpix,
| 354 | double &refval,
| 355 | double &incr )
| 356 | {
| 357 | Record frec = ifrec_.asRecord( key ) ;
| 358 | refpix = frec.asdouble( "REFPIX" ) ;
| 359 | refval = frec.asdouble( "REFVAL" ) ;
| 360 | incr = frec.asdouble( "INCREMENT" ) ;
| 361 | }
| 362 |
| 363 | void ASDMFiller::setFrequencyRec( String key,
| 364 | double refpix,
| 365 | double refval,
| 366 | double incr )
| 367 | {
| 368 | Record frec ;
| 369 | frec.define( "REFPIX", refpix ) ;
| 370 | frec.define( "REFVAL", refval ) ;
| 371 | frec.define( "INCREMENT", incr ) ;
| 372 | ifrec_.defineRecord( key, frec ) ;
| 373 | }
| 374 |
| 375 | Matrix<casa::Float> ASDMFiller::toMatrix( float *sp,
| 376 | unsigned int npol,
| 377 | unsigned int nchan )
| 378 | {
| 379 | Matrix<casa::Float> mSp( npol, nchan ) ;
| 380 | if ( npol <= 2 ) {
| 381 | // 1 or 2 polarization case
| 382 | for ( unsigned int ich = 0 ; ich < nchan ; ich++ ) {
| 383 | for ( unsigned int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ ) {
| 384 | mSp(ipol,ich) = (casa::Float)(sp[npol*ich+ipol]) ;
| 385 | }
| 386 | }
| 387 | }
| 388 | else {
| 389 | // 4 polarization case
| 390 | for ( unsigned int ich = 0 ; ich < nchan ; ich++ ) {
| 391 | mSp(0,ich) = (casa::Float)(sp[4*ich]) ; // Re(XX)
| 392 | mSp(1,ich) = (casa::Float)(sp[4*ich+4]) ; // Re(YY)
| 393 | mSp(2,ich) = (casa::Float)(sp[4*ich+2]) ; // Re(XY)
| 394 | mSp(3,ich) = (casa::Float)(sp[4*ich+3]) ; // Im(XY)
| 395 | }
| 396 | }
| 397 | return mSp ;
| 398 | }
| 399 |
| 400 | Matrix<casa::Float> ASDMFiller::toMatrix( vector< vector<float> > &tsys,
| 401 | unsigned int npol,
| 402 | unsigned int nchan )
| 403 | {
| 404 | unsigned int numRec = tsys.size() ;
| 405 | unsigned int numChan = tsys[0].size() ;
| 406 | Matrix<casa::Float> ret ;
| 407 | if ( npol == numRec && nchan == numChan ) {
| 408 | ret.resize( npol, nchan ) ;
| 409 | for ( unsigned int ip = 0 ; ip < npol ; ip++ )
| 410 | for ( unsigned int ic = 0 ; ic < nchan ; ic++ )
| 411 | ret( ip, ic ) = (casa::Float)(tsys[ip][ic]) ;
| 412 | }
| 413 | else if ( npol == numRec && numChan == 1 ) {
| 414 | ret.resize( npol, 1 ) ;
| 415 | for ( unsigned int ip = 0 ; ip < npol ; ip++ )
| 416 | ret( ip, 0 ) = (casa::Float)(tsys[0][0]) ;
| 417 | }
| 418 | else if ( numRec == 1 && nchan == numChan ) {
| 419 | ret.resize( npol, nchan ) ;
| 420 | for ( unsigned int ip = 0 ; ip < npol ; ip++ )
| 421 | for ( unsigned int ic = 0 ; ic < nchan ; ic++ )
| 422 | ret( ip, ic ) = (casa::Float)(tsys[0][ic]) ;
| 423 | }
| 424 | else if ( numRec == 1 && numChan == 1 ) {
| 425 | ret.resize( npol, 1 ) ;
| 426 | for ( unsigned int ip = 0 ; ip < npol ; ip++ )
| 427 | ret( ip, 0 ) = (casa::Float)(tsys[0][0]) ;
| 428 | }
| 429 | else if ( numRec == 2 && npol == 4 && numChan == nchan ) {
| 430 | // TODO: How to determine Tsys for XY?
| 431 | // at the moment Tsys[XY] = 0.5*(Tsys[X]+Tsys[Y])
| 432 | ret.resize( npol, nchan ) ;
| 433 | for ( unsigned int ic = 0 ; ic < nchan ; ic++ ) {
| 434 | casa::Float tsysxy = (casa::Float)(0.5*(tsys[0][ic]+tsys[1][ic])) ;
| 435 | ret( 0, ic ) = (casa::Float)(tsys[0][ic]) ;
| 436 | ret( 1, ic ) = (casa::Float)(tsys[1][ic]) ;
| 437 | ret( 2, ic ) = tsysxy ;
| 438 | ret( 3, ic ) = tsysxy ;
| 439 | }
| 440 | }
| 441 | else if ( numRec == 2 && npol == 4 && numChan == 1 ) {
| 442 | // TODO: How to determine Tsys for XY?
| 443 | // at the moment Tsys[XY] = 0.5*(Tsys[X]+Tsys[Y])
| 444 | ret.resize( npol, 1 ) ;
| 445 | casa::Float tsysxy = (casa::Float)(0.5*(tsys[0][0]+tsys[1][0])) ;
| 446 | ret( 0, 0 ) = (casa::Float)(tsys[0][0]) ;
| 447 | ret( 1, 0 ) = (casa::Float)(tsys[1][0]) ;
| 448 | ret( 2, 0 ) = tsysxy ;
| 449 | ret( 3, 0 ) = tsysxy ;
| 450 | }
| 451 | else {
| 452 | // I don't know how to handle ...
| 453 | for ( unsigned int ip = 0 ; ip < npol ; ip++ )
| 454 | for ( unsigned int ic = 0 ; ic < nchan ; ic++ )
| 455 | ret( ip, ic ) = (casa::Float)(tsys[0][ic]) ;
| 456 | }
| 457 | return ret ;
| 458 | }
| 459 |
| 460 | Vector<casa::Float> ASDMFiller::toVector( vector<float> &tau,
| 461 | unsigned int npol )
| 462 | {
| 463 | Vector<casa::Float> ret( npol ) ;
| 464 |
| 465 | if ( npol == 4 ) {
| 466 | ret[0] = (casa::Float)tau[0] ;
| 467 | ret[1] = (casa::Float)tau[1] ;
| 468 | ret[2] = 0.5 * ( ret[0] + ret[1] ) ;
| 469 | ret[3] = ret[2] ;
| 470 | }
| 471 | else if ( npol == tau.size() ) {
| 472 | for ( unsigned int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ )
| 473 | ret[ipol] = (casa::Float)tau[ipol] ;
| 474 | }
| 475 | else {
| 476 | // I don't know how to handle...
| 477 | for ( unsigned int ipol = 0 ; ipol < npol ; ipol++ )
| 478 | ret[ipol] = (casa::Float)tau[0] ;
| 479 | }
| 480 | return ret ;
| 481 | }
| 482 |
| 483 | String ASDMFiller::toTcalTime( casa::Double mjd )
| 484 | {
| 485 | return MVTime( mjd ).string( MVTime::YMD ) ;
| 486 | }
| 487 |
| 488 | void ASDMFiller::toJ2000( Vector<casa::Double> &dir,
| 489 | double az,
| 490 | double el,
| 491 | casa::Double mjd,
| 492 | Vector<casa::Double> antpos )
| 493 | {
[2208] | 494 | String funcName = "toJ2000" ;
| 495 |
[2197] | 496 | Vector<casa::Double> azel( 2 ) ;
| 497 | azel[0] = az ;
| 498 | azel[1] = el ;
| 499 | MEpoch me( Quantity( mjd, "d" ), MEpoch::UTC ) ;
| 500 | Vector<Quantity> qantpos( 3 ) ;
| 501 | qantpos[0] = Quantity( antpos[0], "m" ) ;
| 502 | qantpos[1] = Quantity( antpos[1], "m" ) ;
| 503 | qantpos[2] = Quantity( antpos[2], "m" ) ;
| 504 | MPosition mp( MVPosition( qantpos ),
| 505 | MPosition::ITRF ) ;
[2208] | 506 | // mp.print( os_.output() ) ;
[2197] | 507 | MeasFrame mf( me, mp ) ;
| 508 | MDirection::Convert toj2000( MDirection::AZELGEO,
| 509 | MDirection::Ref( MDirection::J2000, mf ) ) ;
| 510 | dir = toj2000( azel ).getAngle( "rad" ).getValue() ;
[2208] | 511 | //logsink->postLocally( LogMessage("dir = "+String::toString(dir),LogOrigin(className_,funcName,WHERE)) ) ;
[2197] | 512 | }
| 513 |
[2218] | 514 | MFrequency::Types ASDMFiller::toFrameType( string &s )
| 515 | {
| 516 | MFrequency::Types ftype = MFrequency::DEFAULT ;
| 517 | if ( s == "LABREST" )
| 518 | ftype = MFrequency::REST ;
| 519 | else {
| 520 | Bool b = MFrequency::getType( ftype, String(s) ) ;
| 521 | if (!b)
| 522 | ftype = MFrequency::DEFAULT ;
| 523 | }
| 524 | return ftype ;
| 525 | }