import os, sys, platform import subprocess import shutil from distutils.command import build_ext class scons_ext(build_ext.build_ext): """Build extensions using scons instead of distutils. """ _scons_options = [] user_options = \ [('casacoreroot=', None, 'Prefix for casacore installation location'), ('boostroot=', None, 'Prefix for boost_python installation location'), ('boostlib=', None, 'Name of the boost_python library'), ('cfitsioroot=', None, 'Prefix for cfitsio installation location'), ('cfitsiolib=', None, 'Name of the cfitsio library'), ('wcsroot=', None, 'Prefix for wcslib installation location'), ('wcslib=', None, 'Name of the wcs library'), ('rpfitsroot=', None, 'Prefix for rpfits installation location'), ('rpfitslib=', None, 'Name of the rpfits library'), ('blaslib=', None, 'Name of the blas library'), ('lapacklib=', None, 'Name of the lapack library'), ('f2clib=', None, 'Name of the fortran-to-c library'), ('jobs=','j', 'Number of processes'), ('extraroot=', None, 'Extra root directory where muiltple packages could be found,' ' e.g. $HOME, to add $HOME/lib etc to the build.'), ] def initialize_options(self): """ Overload to enable custom settings to be picked up """ build_ext.build_ext.initialize_options(self) self._scons_options = [] # attribute corresponding to directory prefix # command line option = None self.extraroot = None self.casacoreroot = None self.boostroot = None self.boostlib = None self.cfitsioroot = None self.cfitsiolib = None self.wcsroot = None self.wcslib = None self.rpfitsroot = None self.rpfitslib = None self.blaslib = None self.lapacklib = None self.f2clib = None def finalize_options(self): build_ext.build_ext.finalize_options(self) for opt in self.user_options: atr = opt[0].strip("=") v = getattr(self, atr) if v is not None: if opt[1] is None: self._scons_options.append("=".join([atr, v])) else: self._scons_options.append(" ".join(["-"+opt[1], v])) def build_extensions(self): ext = self.extensions[0] try: ext_path = self.get_ext_fullpath( extdir = os.path.dirname(ext_path) except AttributeError: # hack for pyhton 2.5 extdir = os.path.join(self.build_lib,".")[0]) if not os.path.exists(extdir): os.makedirs(extdir) cmd = ['scons'] + self._scons_options # copy extension into distutils build directory if os.path.exists("build/"): shutil.copy("build/", extdir)