1 | \documentclass[11pt]{article}
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10 |
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12 |
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19 | \setlength{\parskip}{1ex}
20 |
21 |
22 | \title{ASAP - ATNF Spectral Analysis Package\\
23 | Software Requirements - Development Cycle 2 }
24 | \author{Chris Phillips \& Malte Marquarding}
25 |
26 | \newcounter{requirement}
27 | \newcounter{subrequirement}
28 |
29 | \addtoreflist{requirement}
30 | \newcommand{\reqref}[1]{R\ref{#1}-\requirementref{#1}}
31 |
32 | \newcommand{\makenote}[1]{{\bf \tt \em#1}}
33 |
34 | \newcommand{\anitem}[2]{\smallskip \parbox[t]{2cm}{#1}%
35 | \parbox[t]{\textwidth-2cm}{#2}}
36 |
37 | \newcommand{\showreqcounter}{
38 | R\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}-\arabic{requirement}
39 | }
40 |
41 | \newcommand{\showsubreqcounter}{
42 | R\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}-\arabic{requirement}.\arabic{subrequirement}
43 | }
44 |
45 | \newcommand{\status}[2]{
46 | \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Started}}{Started \hspace*{1cm} {\em Priority #2}}
47 | {\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Not started}}{Not Started\hspace*{1cm} {\em Priority #2}}
48 | {\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Done1}}{Completed}
49 | { \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Duplicate}}{Duplicate?}
50 | {#1}
51 | }}}
52 | }
53 |
54 | % Also Deferred, Obsolete
55 |
56 | % Requirement comment
57 | % Summary
58 | % Status
59 | % Priority
60 | % Text
61 |
62 | %\newarray\Requirements
63 |
64 | %\newcounter{numreq}
65 |
66 | \newcommand{\requirement}[4]{
67 | \ifthenelse{\equal{\complete}{yes}}
68 | {\dorequirement{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}
69 | {\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{Done1} \or \equal{#2}{Deferred}
70 | \or \equal{#2}{Obsolete}}{}
71 | {\dorequirement{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}}
72 | }
73 |
74 |
75 | \newcommand{\dorequirement}[4]{
76 |
77 | \setcounter{subrequirement}{0}
78 |
79 | \hspace*{2mm}\begin{minipage}{\textwidth-2mm}
80 | \setlength{\parindent}{-2mm}
81 | \stepcounter{requirement}
82 | {\bf \showreqcounter\ \bf #1} \\
83 | #4 \\
84 | \hspace*{1cm} \status{#2}{#3}
85 | \end{minipage}
86 |
87 | \typeout{REQUIREMENT: \showreqcounter & #1 & #2 & #3 :ENDREQ}
88 | }
89 |
90 | \newcommand{\extendedrequirement}[4]{
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92 |
93 | \hspace*{2mm}\begin{minipage}{\textwidth-2mm}
94 | \setlength{\parindent}{-2mm}
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96 | {\bf \showreqcounter\ #1}
97 | #4
98 | \hspace*{1cm} \status{#2}{#3}
99 | \end{minipage}
100 |
101 | \typeout{REQUIREMENT: \showreqcounter & #1 & #2 & #3 :ENDREQ}
102 | }
103 |
104 | \newcommand{\subrequirement}[4]{
105 | \hspace*{2mm}\begin{minipage}{\textwidth-2mm}
106 | \setlength{\parindent}{-2mm}
107 | \stepcounter{subrequirement}
108 | {\bf \showsubreqcounter\ \bf #1} \\
109 | #4 \\
110 | \hspace*{1cm} \status{#2}{#3}
111 | \end{minipage}
112 |
113 | \typeout{REQUIREMENT: \showsubreqcounter & #1 & #2 & #3 :ENDREQ}
114 | }
115 |
116 | \newcommand{\oldrequirement}[2]{
117 | \hspace*{2mm}\begin{minipage}{\textwidth-2mm}
118 | \setlength{\parindent}{-2mm}
119 | \showreqcounter\ #1 \\
120 | \hspace*{1cm} {\em Priority #2}
121 | \end{minipage}
122 | }
123 |
124 | \newcommand{\oldextendedrequirement}[2]{
125 | \hspace*{2mm}\begin{minipage}{\textwidth-2mm}
126 | \setlength{\parindent}{-2mm}
127 | \showreqcounter\ #1
128 | \hspace*{1cm} {\em Priority #2}
129 | \end{minipage}
130 | }
131 |
132 | \newcommand{\reqeqn}[1]{\\\hspace*{1cm} $#1$}
133 |
134 | \let\oldsection\section
135 | \renewcommand{\section}[1]{\setcounter{requirement}{0}\oldsection{#1}}
136 |
137 | \let\oldsubsection\subsection
138 | \renewcommand{\subsection}[1]{\setcounter{requirement}{0}\oldsubsection{#1}}
139 |
140 | \begin{document}
141 |
142 | \maketitle
143 |
144 | \section{Introduction}
145 |
146 | ASAP has been written to replace the venerable single-dish software
147 | {\tt spc} for processing of single dish spectral line data from all
148 | ATNF observatories. Version 1.0 of ASAP was released in ****. This
149 | document reflects an update of the initial requirements document. Some
150 | new requirements have been added and the requirement priorities have
151 | been reassessed for the next development cycle.
152 |
153 | \section{Scope}
154 |
155 | ASAP should be able to process all spectral line single-dish
156 | observations from ATNF telescopes (Parkes, Mopra \& Tidbinbilla). This
157 | includes reading the data produced by the telescope, calibration and
158 | reduction of the data and basic analysis of the data such as fitting
159 | line profiles etc.
160 |
161 | It has been assumed that the following processing is out of the scope
162 | of ASAP.
163 | \begin{itemize}
164 | \item Raster or ``on-the-fly'' mapping (This is handled by
165 | ``livedata'' and gridzilla).
166 | \item Very complex or specific data processing. (A route into
167 | Class\footnote{Part of the GLIDAS software package, produced by
168 | Institut de Radio Astronomie Millime\'trique http://www.iram.fr}
169 | should be available for advanced processing).
170 | %%TODO%% give example
171 | \item Continuum data.
172 | \item Pulsar timing observations.
173 | \end{itemize}
174 |
175 | \section{Priorities}
176 |
177 | Requirements have been given a value of 1 to 3. The other requirements
178 | will be implemented mainly depending on priority, with ``1'' the
179 | highest. Priority 3 and some priority 2 requirements will probably not
180 | get implemented in the duration of the second development cycle.
181 |
182 | \section{User Interface}
183 |
184 | The user interface (UI) is the most important part of a single dish
185 | processing package, but probably the most difficult to get right. Long
186 | term the UI for this software will consist of three parts.
187 | \begin{itemize}
188 | \item A graphical user interface (GUI).
189 | \item An interactive command line interface (CLI).
190 | \item A scriptable interface for batch processing.
191 | \end{itemize}
192 |
193 | The CLI and scriptable interface are essentially be the same.
194 |
195 | The software does not {\em need} to be able to run solely from a
196 | ``vt100'' style terminal. It can be assumed that the user is running
197 | the software from within a windowed (i.e. X11) environment. This will
198 | mean it will not necessarily be possible to run the software remotely
199 | over a slow network connection (e.g. internationally or from home).
200 | Where possible, operations on the data should be possible from all
201 | three aspects of the user interface.
202 |
203 | The user interface needs to be implemented so that the user can easily
204 | and transparently work on spectra either one at a time or by
205 | processing multiple spectra in parallel. This means there must be an
206 | easy way to select specific or multiple spectra to display or process.
207 |
208 | At this stage the development of a GUI has been deferred until the
209 | basic package has stabilised and most features have been
210 | implemented. At that stage a decision will be made on how to best
211 | implement a GUI. On a shorter timescale specific purpose GUIs (such as
212 | a simple Wizard for processing standard Mopra data) may be produced on
213 | an as-needed basic.
214 |
215 | \subsection{Graphical User Interface}
216 |
217 | At this stage the ASAP GUI has been deferred to a later date.
218 |
219 | \smallskip
220 |
221 | \requirement{Simple interface}{Deferred}{}{It should be simple,
222 | intuitive and uncluttered. Specifically, use of many windows
223 | simultaneously should be discouraged, as should hiding functionality
224 | behind layers of dialog boxes.}
225 |
226 | \requirement{Integrated plotter}{Deferred}{}{The plotting window
227 | should be a major component of the GUI control, not a separate
228 | isolated window.}
229 |
230 | \requirement{Minimal controls}{Deferred}{}{The interface should use
231 | minimal ``always visible'' controls, with use of pull down menus and
232 | maybe a toolbar for frequency used functions. }
233 |
234 | \requirement{Keyboard shortcuts}{Deferred}{}{Keyboard shortcuts should
235 | be available.}
236 |
237 | \requirement{GUI user preferences}{Deferred}{}{Most user preferences
238 | (i.e. keywords in the CLI) should be presented in a popup, tabbed,
239 | dialog box.}
240 |
241 | \requirement{GUI line fitting}{Deferred}{}{When performing line
242 | profile fitting, a spreadsheet type window should be viewable which
243 | shows the current parameter values (amplitude, velocity etc) for each
244 | line fitted and allow the user to change these parameters or set the
245 | current value as fixed. This GUI should stay synchronised with any CLI
246 | changes to these values.}
247 |
248 | \subsection{Command Line Interface}
249 |
250 | The command line interface is the main user interface to ASAP. It is
251 | implemented in ipython using a objected oriented command approach.
252 |
253 | \requirement{Virtual CLI}{Obsolete}{}{While the GUI should be the main
254 | interface for new users and for basic manipulation, some tasks can be
255 | more efficiently performed using a CLI. A virtual CLI could be
256 | integrated as part of the GUI.}
257 |
258 | \requirement{CLI keyword/argument}{Obsolete}{}{The CLI should have a
259 | keyword/argument form and never prompt the user for specific values
260 | (the user should be able to change values which are retained until
261 | they wants to change them again).}
262 |
263 | \requirement{CLI case insensitive}{Obsolete}{}{The CLI should be case
264 | insensitive and accept minimum matching and short forms of
265 | keywords.}
266 |
267 | \requirement{CLI available routines}{Done1}{}{The user must be able to
268 | quickly and easily see from the command line the available routines
269 | and keywords which affect it, so they can see which parameters may
270 | need changing.}
271 |
272 | \subsection{Scripting}
273 |
274 | \requirement{Scripting}{Done1}{1}{It must be possible to run the
275 | software in a scripting mode. This would be to process large amounts
276 | of data in a routine manner and also to automatically reproduce
277 | specific plots etc (So the scripting must have full control of the
278 | plotter). Preferably the scripting ``language'' and the CLI would be
279 | the same.}
280 |
281 | %\requirement{Scripts from History}{Duplicate}{}{It would be worthwhile
282 | %having a method to auto-generate scripts (for reduction or plotting)
283 | %from current spectra history, or some similar method.}
284 |
285 | \section{Plotter}
286 |
287 | The plotter should be fully interactive and be an integral part of the
288 | GUI and software interface.
289 |
290 | \requirement{High quality plots}{Done1}{}{It must be able to
291 | produce plots of publishable quality.}
292 |
293 | \subrequirement{Histogram plots}{Not started}{1} {As well as line
294 | plots, there needs to be an option to plot spectra in ``Histogram''
295 | mode}
296 |
297 |
298 | The user must be able to specify:
299 |
300 | \subrequirement{Line Thickness}{Started}{1}{}
301 |
302 | \subrequirement{Character size}{Not started}{1}{}
303 |
304 | \subrequirement{Colours}{Started}{1}{}
305 |
306 | \subrequirement{Line styles}{Not started}{1}{}
307 |
308 | \subrequirement{Position of axis ticks}{Done1}{2}{}
309 |
310 | \subrequirement{Hard Copies}{Done1}{1}{Producing hard copies
311 | in postscript and .png format. Other formats may be added on an as
312 | need basic.}
313 |
314 | \subrequirement{Non-interactive hard copies}{Not started}{1}
315 | {It must be possible to produce hard copiers without an interactive
316 | (i.e X11) plotter starting}.
317 |
318 | \subrequirement{Scriptable plotting}{Done1}{1} {All aspects of
319 | the plotter (zooming etc) must be setable from the command line for
320 | scripting}
321 |
322 | \requirement{Arbitrary plots}{Not started}{3}
323 | {It must be possible to flexibly select the data to plot (e.g. Tsys vs
324 | time etc as well as plots such as amplitude vs channel number or
325 | velocity). Preferably any of the header values for a selection of
326 | scans could be plotted on a scatter plot (e.g. Tsys vs elevation)}
327 |
328 | \requirement{Overlay spectra}{Done1}{}{It must be possible to overlay
329 | multiple spectra on a single plot using different colours and/or
330 | different line styles. (Including multiple stokes data and multiple
331 | IFs).[[CHECK]]}
332 |
333 | \requirement{Plot individual spectra}{Done1}{}{It must be possible to
334 | plot either the individual integrations (in either a stacked
335 | fashion, or using a new subplot per integration)}
336 |
337 | \subrequirement{Auto-average integrations for plotting}{Not started}{2}
338 | {It should be possible to optionally auto-average integrations of a
339 | scan for plotting (for data thats has not already been scan averaged)}
340 |
341 | \requirement{Plotter multi-panelling}{Done1}{1}
342 | {It must be possible to multi-panel spectra in an n$\times$m size
343 | grid. It must be possible to easily change the number of plots per
344 | page, ie define the ``n'' and ``m'' values.}
345 |
346 | \subrequirement{Step between plots}{Not started}{1}
347 | {If more spectra than can fit on the plot matrix are to be plotted,
348 | then it must be possible to step back and forth between the viewable
349 | spectra (i.e. ``multi-page'' plots). This includes stepping through a
350 | single plot on the pages at a time.}
351 |
352 | \requirement{Multi-panel: change \# panels}{Not started}{2}
353 | {When using multi-panelling, the plotter should automatically update
354 | the plot when the plot matrix dimensions (``n'' and ``m'' are changed)}
355 |
356 | \requirement{Plotter interactive zooming}{Done1}{}{It must be possible
357 | to interactively zoom the plot (channel range selection and
358 | amplitude of the spectra etc.) This includes both GUI control of
359 | the zooming as well as command line control of either the zoom
360 | factor or directly specifying the zoom bounds. }
361 |
362 | \requirement{Zoomed subplot}{Not started}{2}
363 | {On a single plot, it should be possible to plot the full spectrum and
364 | a zoomed copy of the data (using a different lie style) to see weak
365 | features. The user must be able to specify the zoom factor.}
366 |
367 | \requirement{Offset plots}{Not started}{2}{Optionally when stacking
368 | multiple spectral plots in one subwindow, a (user definable) offset
369 | in the ``y'' direction should be added to each subsequent
370 | spectra.}
371 |
372 | \requirement{Plotter auto-update}{Not started}{3}
373 | {The plotter should automatically update to reflect user processing,
374 | either from the CLI or GUI. The user should have to option to turn
375 | this feature off if they so wish.}
376 |
377 | \requirement{Waterfall plot}{Not started}{3}
378 | {It should be possible to plot individual integrations (possibly from
379 | multiple scans) in a ``waterfall'' plot. This is an image based
380 | display, where spectral channel is along the x-axis of the plot, time
381 | (or integration number) along the y-axis and greyscale or colour
382 | represent the amplitude of spectra. Interactive zooming and panning of
383 | this image should be supported. }
384 |
385 | \requirement{Waterfall editing}{Not started}{3}
386 | {When plotting ``waterfall'' plots, it should be possible to
387 | interactively select regions or points and mark them as invalid
388 | (i.e. to remove RFI affected data). The plotter should also show the
389 | time/velocity of the pixel beneath the cursor.}
390 |
391 | \requirement{Export waterfall to FITS}{Not started}{3}
392 | {It should be possible to export the ``waterfall'' plot images as a
393 | FITs file, for user specific analysis.}
394 |
395 | \requirement{Plot overlays}{Not started}{1} {Line markers overlays,
396 | read from a catalogue should be optionally available. This would
397 | include the full Lovas catalogue, the JPL line catalogue and radio
398 | recombination lines. The lines would be Doppler corrected to a
399 | specified velocity. The user must be able to plot just a sub-section
400 | of the lines in any specific catalogue (to avoid clutter).}
401 |
402 | \subrequirement{Plot overlays}{Not started}{2}
403 | {Simple user definable catalogue should be definable for plot overlays}
404 |
405 | \requirement{Plot fitted functions}{Done1}{}
406 | {Optionally plot fitted functions (e.g line profiles or baseline
407 | fit). If multiple components (e.g. Gaussian) have been fit, it should
408 | be possible to show the individual functions or the sum of the
409 | components}
410 |
411 | \requirement{Plot residual data}{Started}{1}
412 | {It should be possible to plot the residual data with or without
413 | subtraction of fit functions. This includes plotting the spectra with
414 | or without baseline removal and the residual after subtracting
415 | Gaussian fits. The default should be to plot the data with baseline
416 | subtracted but profile fits not subtracted.}
417 |
418 | \requirement{Plot header data}{Not started}{2} {Basic header data
419 | (source name, molecule, observation time, Tsys, elevation, parallactic
420 | angle etc) should be optionally shown, either on the plot or next to
421 | it. This may either consist of a set of values, or only one or two
422 | values the user specifically wants to see (source name and molecule,
423 | for example).}
424 |
425 | \subrequirement{User define header plot positions}{Not started}{3}
426 | {The user should be able to define where on the plot the header info
427 | would appear.}
428 |
429 | \requirement{Realtime cursor position}{Done1}{}
430 | {Optionally, relevant data such as the current mouse position should
431 | be displayed (maybe with a mode to display an extended cross,
432 | horizontal or vertical line at the current cursor position).}
433 |
434 | \requirement{Plot annotations}{Not started}{2}{The user should be able
435 | to define simple annotations. This would include text overlay and
436 | probably simple graphics (lines, arrows etc).}
437 |
438 | The user must be able to use the plotter window to interactively set
439 | initial values and ranges used for fitting functions etc. The use of
440 | keyboard ``shortcuts'' or other similar ``power user'' features should
441 | be available to save the time of experienced users.
442 |
443 | {\em The following requirements are deferred as they require a version
444 | of Matplotlib not yet available.}
445 |
446 | The plotter should be used to set the following values:
447 |
448 | \requirement{Interactive channel selection}{Deferred}{1}{Range of
449 | spectral channels needed for specific tasks (ie the channel mask)
450 | (See requirement \reqref{ref:chansel})}
451 |
452 | \requirement{Interactive line fitting}{Deferred}{1}{Initial
453 | Gaussian parameters (velocity, width, amplitude) for profile
454 | fitting.}
455 |
456 | \requirement{Plotter change fit values}{Deferred}{1}
457 | {Change the parameter values of existing line profile
458 | fits, or channel ranges used for baseline fits.}
459 |
460 | \section{Functionality}
461 |
462 | \subsection{Import/export}
463 |
464 | The software needs a set of import/export functions to deal with a
465 | variety of data formats and to be able to exchange data with other
466 | popular packages. These functions should be flexible enough to allow
467 | the user to perform analysis functions in an different package and
468 | re-import the data (or vice versa). The import function must be
469 | modular enough to easily add new file formats when the need arises.
470 | To properly import data, extra information may have to be read from
471 | secondary calibration files (such as GTP, Gated Total Power, for 3~mm
472 | wavelength data taken with Mopra). The import functions should be
473 | flexible enough to gracefully handle data files with missing headers
474 | etc. They should also be able to make telescope and date specific
475 | corrections to the data (for ATNF observatories).
476 |
477 | The software must be able to read (import) the following file formats.
478 |
479 | \requirement{Read rpfits}{Done1}{}{The rpfits file format produced by
480 | all current ATNF correlators.}
481 |
482 | \requirement{Read sdfits}{Done1}{}{SDFITS (currently written by {\tt SPC}).}
483 |
484 | \requirement{Read simple FITS}{Not started}{2}{Simple ``image'' FITS
485 | (used by CLASS}
486 |
487 | \requirement{Read historic formats}{Not started}{3}
488 | {Historic ATNF single dish formats (Spectra, SPC, SLAP). Possibly a
489 | set of routines to translate these formats to SDFITs would suffice.}
490 |
491 | \requirement{Read PSRFITS}{Deferred}{}{PSRFIT for pulsar spectroscopy.}
492 |
493 | \requirement{Read online data}{Not started}{1}
494 | {For online analysis, the software should be able to read an rpfits
495 | file which is is still currently open for writing by the telescope
496 | backend processor.}
497 |
498 | \requirement{Handle Doppler data}{Done1}{1}{Data which has been
499 | observed in either a fixed frequency or Doppler tracked fashion needs
500 | to be handled.}
501 |
502 | The software should be able to export the data in the following formats.
503 |
504 | \requirement{Write SDFITS}{Done1}{}{Single Dish FITS.}
505 |
506 | \requirement{Write simple FITS}{Done1}{}
507 | {Simple ``image'' FITS (as used by CLASS). It must be possible to to
508 | export multiple spectra simultaneously, using default file name and
509 | postfix.}
510 |
511 | \requirement{}{Removed}{}{In a format which can be imported by other popular
512 | packages such as Class. }
513 |
514 | \requirement{Write ASCIIs}{Done1}{}
515 | {Simple ASCIIs format, suitable for use with programs such as Perl,
516 | Python, SuperMongo etc.}
517 |
518 | \requirement{Header Writing}{Not started}{1}
519 | {The exported data should retain as much header data as possible. It
520 | should also be possible to request specific data be written in the
521 | desired form (B1950 coordinates, optical velocity definition etc).}
522 |
523 | \requirement{Import corrections}{Done1}{}
524 | {The import function should apply relevant corrections (especially
525 | those which are time dependent) to specific telescopes. See
526 | $\S$\ref{sec:issues} for a list of currently known issues.}
527 |
528 | \requirement{Append output files}{Not started}{1} {It must be possible
529 | to append spectra to existing output files, specifically sdfits and
530 | asap output files.}
531 |
532 | \subsection{Sky subtraction}
533 | \label{sec:skysubtraction}
534 | To remove the effects of the passband filter shape and atmospheric
535 | fluctuations across the band, sky subtraction must be performed on the
536 | data. The software must be able to do sky subtraction using both
537 | position switching (quotient spectra) and frequency switching
538 | techniques.
539 |
540 | \requirement{Quotient Spectra}{Done1}{}
541 | {\label{ref:skysub} Position switched sky subtraction should be
542 | implemented using the algorithm \medskip\reqeqn{T_{ref} \times
543 | \frac{S}{R} - T_{sig}} -- removes continuum\bigskip \reqeqn{T_{ref}
544 | \times \frac{S}{R} - T_{ref}} -- preserves continuum\medskip}
545 |
546 | \requirement{Arbitrary reference}{Not started}{2}
547 | {The user should be able to specify an arbitrarily complex
548 | reference/source order (which repeats), which can then be used to make
549 | perform multiple sky subtractions in parallel.}
550 |
551 | \requirement{Frequency switching}{Not started}{2}
552 | {Frequency switched sky subtraction should be supported. (Ref. Liszt,
553 | 1997, A\&AS, 124, 183) }
554 |
555 | %\requirement{For wideband multibit sampled data it may be desirable or
556 | %even required to assume Tsys has a frequency dependency. Appropriate
557 | %sky subtraction algorithms will need to be investigated.}{3}
558 |
559 | \requirement{Pulsar off pulse quotient}{Deferred}{3}
560 | {For pulsar binned data, the (user specified) off pulse bins can be
561 | used as the reference spectra. Due to potentially rapid amplitude
562 | fluctuations, sky subtractions may need to be done on a
563 | integration basis.}
564 |
565 | Multibeam systems can observe in a nodding fashion (called MX mode at
566 | Parkes), where the telescope position is nodded between scans so that
567 | the source is observed in turn by two beams and a reference spectra
568 | for one beam is obtained while the other is observing the target source.
569 |
570 | \requirement{Multibeam MX mode}{Not started}{2}
571 | {For multibeam systems, it must be possible to perform sky subtraction
572 | with the source and reference in an alternate pair of beams}
573 |
574 | \subsection{Baseline removal}
575 |
576 | Baseline removal is needed to correct for imperfections in sky
577 | subtraction. Depending on the stability of the system, the residual
578 | spectral baseline errors can be small or quite large. Baseline removal
579 | is usually done by fitting a function to the (user specified) line
580 | free channels.
581 |
582 | \requirement{Baseline removal}{Done1}{}
583 | {The software must be able to do baseline removal by fitting a n'th
584 | order polynomials to the line free channels using a least squares
585 | method.}
586 |
587 | \requirement{Standing wave ripples}{Not started}{3}
588 | {Removal of standing wave ripples should be done by fitting a Sine
589 | function to the line free channels.}
590 |
591 | \requirement{Robust fitting}{Not started}{3}
592 | {``Robust'' fitting functions should be available, which are more
593 | tolerant to RFI.}
594 |
595 | \requirement{Auto-baseline}{Done1}{}
596 | {Automatic techniques for baselining should be investigated.}
597 |
598 | \subsection{Line Profile Fitting}
599 |
600 | The user will want to fit multicomponent line profiles to the data in
601 | a simple manner and be able to manipulate the exact fitting
602 | parameters.
603 |
604 | \requirement{Gaussian fitting}{Done1}{}
605 | {The software must be able to do multi-component Gaussian fitting of
606 | the spectra. The initial amplitude, width and velocity of each
607 | component should be able to be set by the user and specific values to
608 | be fit should be easily set.}
609 |
610 | \requirement{Chi squared}{Done1}{}
611 | {The reduce Chi squared (or similar statistic) of the fit should given
612 | to the user, so that they can easily see if adding extra components
613 | give a statistically significant improvement to the fit.}
614 |
615 | %\requirement{The fit parameters should be stored with the data so that
616 | %the user can work on multiple data sets simultaneously and experiment
617 | %with different fitting values. These values should be saved to disk
618 | %along with the data.}{1}
619 |
620 | \requirement{Fit multipol data}{Done1}{}
621 | {For multiple polarisation data, the individual stokes parameters or
622 | polarisation products should be fit independently.}
623 |
624 | \requirement{Export fits}{Not started}{1}
625 | {There should be an easy way of exporting the fit parameter from
626 | multiple spectra, e.g. as an ASCII table.}
627 |
628 | \requirement{Constrained fitting}{Not started}{1}
629 | {It should be also possible to do constrained fitting of multiple
630 | hyperfine components, e.g. the NH$_3$ hyperfine components. (The
631 | constraints may be either the frequency separation of the individual
632 | components or the amplitude ratio etc.)}
633 |
634 | \requirement{Edit fits parameters}{Done1}{}
635 | {It must be possible to alter the line profile fit parameter values by
636 | hand at any stage.}
637 |
638 | \requirement{Fix fit parameters}{Done1}{}
639 | {It must be possible to ``fix'' particular values of the line profile
640 | parameters, so that only subset of lines or (say) the width of a line
641 | is fit.}
642 |
643 | \requirement{Arbitrary line fitting}{Done1}{}
644 | {The software should allow hooks for line profile shapes other than
645 | Gaussian to be added in the future, possible user specified.}
646 |
647 | \requirement{Save fit parameters}{Done1}{}
648 | {The fitting parameters for functions which have been fit to the data
649 | (e.g. for baseline removal or Gaussian fits) should be retained as an
650 | integral part of the data and stored permanently on disk.}
651 |
652 | \requirement{Undo subtracted fits}{Not started}{3}
653 | {It should be possible to ``undo'' functions which have been
654 | subtracted from the data (e.g. baseline polynomials).}
655 |
656 | \requirement{Gaussian line area}{Not started}{1}
657 | {Optionally the area under a fitted Gaussian should be calculated for
658 | the user.}
659 |
660 | %\makenote{Should it be possible to attach multiple sets of fits to the
661 | %data (similar to CL tables in classic AIPS), so the user can
662 | %experiment with different ways of fitting the data?}
663 |
664 | %\makenote{Should calculations of rotational temperatures etc be
665 | %handled when fitting hyperfine components, or should the user be doing
666 | %this themselves?}
667 |
668 | \subsection{Calibration}
669 |
670 | The software should handle all basic system temperature (Tsys) and
671 | gain calibration as well as opacity corrections where relevant. The
672 | Tsys value should be contained in the rpfits files. The actual
673 | application of the T$_{\mbox{sys}}$ factor will be applied as part of
674 | the sky subtraction ($\S$\ref{sec:skysubtraction}). The units of Tsys
675 | recorded in the data may be either in Jy or Kelvin, which will affect
676 | how the data is calibrated. The rpfits file does {\em not} distinguish
677 | if the flux units are Kelvin or Janskys.
678 |
679 | \requirement{Gain-elevation}{Done1}{}
680 | {Gain elevation corrections should be implemented using a elevation
681 | dependent polynomial. The polynomial coefficients will be telescope
682 | and frequency dependent. They will also have a (long term) time
683 | dependence.}
684 |
685 | \requirement{User gain polynomial}{Done1}{}
686 | {The user may wish to supply their own gain polynomial.}
687 |
688 | \requirement{K-Jy conversion}{Done1}{}
689 | {When required by the user, the spectral units must be converted from
690 | Kelvin to Jansky. At higher (3mm) frequencies this conversion is often
691 | not applied. The conversion factor is\medskip \reqeqn{\mbox{Flux (Jy)}
692 | = \frac{T \times 2 k_b \times 10^{26}}{\eta A}},\medskip\\where $k_b$
693 | is Boltzmann's constant, A is the illuminated area of the telescope
694 | and $\eta$ is the efficiency of the telescope (frequency, telescope
695 | and time dependent)}
696 |
697 | \requirement{Scale Tsys}{Done1}{}
698 | {In some cases the recorded Tsys values will be wrong. There needs to
699 | be a mechanism to scale the Tsys value and the spectrum if the Tsys
700 | value has already been applied (i.e. a simple and consistent rescaling
701 | factor).}
702 |
703 | \requirement{Opacity}{Done1}{}
704 | {The data may need to be corrected for opacity effects, particularly
705 | at frequencies of 20~GHz and higher. The opacity factor to apply is
706 | given by\medskip\reqeqn{C_o = e^{\tau/cos(z)}}\medskip\\ where $\tau$
707 | is the opacity and z is the zenith angle (90-El). These corrections
708 | will generally be derived from periodic ``skydip'' measurements. These
709 | values will not be contained in the rpfits files, so there should be a
710 | simple way of the software obtaining them and interpolating in time
711 | (the user should not {\em have} to type them in, but may want
712 | to). Reading in an ASCIIs file which contains the skydip data along
713 | with a time-stamp would be one possibility.}
714 |
715 | \requirement{Tsys variation with freq}{Not started}{3}
716 | {For wideband, multibit observations, the software should have the
717 | option to handle Tsys which varies across the band. The exact
718 | implementation will have to be decided once experience is gained with
719 | the new Mopra digital filterbank. This will affect the sky subtraction
720 | algorithms (requirement \reqref{ref:skysub}).}
721 |
722 | %\makenote{Is the dependence of gain on frequency weak enough for one
723 | %set of coefficients for each receiver, or is a full frequency dependent
724 | %set of values needed?}
725 |
726 | %\makenote{Should it be possible to read ``correct'' Tsys values from
727 | %an external ascii file?}
728 |
729 | \subsection{Editing \& RFI robustness}
730 |
731 | In a data set with many observations, individual spectra may be
732 | corrupted or the data may be affected by RFI and ``birdies''. The user
733 | needs to be able to easily flag individual spectra or channels. This
734 | may affect other routines such as sky-subtraction, as this will
735 | disrupt the reference/source sequence.
736 |
737 | \requirement{Spectra flagging}{Started}{1}
738 | {The user must be able to set an entire spectra or part thereof
739 | (individual polarisation, IF etc) as being invalid.}
740 |
741 | \requirement{Channel flagging}{Started}{1}
742 | {The user must be able to indicate an individual spectral point or
743 | range of spectral points are invalid. This should be applied to an
744 | individual spectra, or set of spectra.}
745 |
746 | \subrequirement{Flagged channel plotting}{???}{1} {When plotting data
747 | with flagged spectral channels, the plotting should left a gap (blank)
748 | in the plotted data|}.
749 |
750 | \subrequirement{Flagged channel interpolatin}{Not started}{2}
751 | {When plotting or processing data (e.g. quotient spectra), the users
752 | should be able to request that the values for flagged data are
753 | obtained by interpolation from good data either side of the flagged
754 | points.}
755 |
756 | \requirement{Plot average flux vs time}{Not started}{3}
757 | {The user should be able to plot the average spectral flux across the
758 | band, or part of the band, as a function of time and interactively
759 | select sections of data which should be marked as invalid (similar to
760 | IBLED in classic aips).}
761 |
762 | \requirement{Robust Fitting}{Duplicate}{2}
763 | {Where relevant, fitting routines etc should have the option of
764 | selecting RFI tolerant (``robust'') algorithms. This will require
765 | investigating alternate fitting routines other than the least-squares
766 | approach.}
767 |
768 | \requirement{Birdie finder}{Not started}{2}
769 | {A routine to automatically find birdies or RFI corrupted data and
770 | indicate the data as invalid would be useful.}
771 |
772 | \requirement{Handle flagged data}{Done1}{}
773 | {Other routines must be able to cope with portions of data which are
774 | marked as invalid.}
775 |
776 | \subsection{Spectra mathematics and manipulation}
777 |
778 | A flexible suite of mathematical operations on the spectra should be
779 | possible. This should include options such as adding, subtracting,
780 | averaging and scaling the data. For common operations such as
781 | averaging and smoothing, it must be simple for the user to invoke the
782 | function (i.e. not to have to start up a complex spectral
783 | calculator). Where it makes sense, it should be possible to manipulate
784 | multiple spectra simultaneously.
785 |
786 | The spectral manipulations which should be available are:
787 |
788 | \requirement{Add spectra}{Done1}{}{Add or subtract multiple spectra.}
789 |
790 | \requirement{Average spectra}{Done1}{1}
791 | {Averaging multiple spectra, with optional weighting based on Tsys,
792 | integration or rms.}
793 |
794 | \subrequirement{Average spectra with velocity shift}{Not started}{1}
795 | {If the velocity of the spectra to be averaged is different, the data
796 | should be aligned in velocity. The user should be able to turn this
797 | feature on or off.}
798 |
799 | \requirement{Robust averaging}{Not started}{2}
800 | {Various robust averaging possibilities (e.g. median averaging,
801 | clipped means etc) should be possible.}
802 |
803 | \requirement{Data re-binning}{Done1}{}
804 | {Re-sampling or re-binning of the data to a lower (or higher) spectral
805 | resolution (i.e. change the number of spectral points). The
806 | re-sampling factor may not necessarily be an integer.}
807 |
808 | \requirement{Velocity shift}{Done1}{}
809 | {It must be possible to shift the data in ``frequency/velocity''. This
810 | should include channel, frequency and velocity shifts of an arbitrary
811 | amount.}
812 |
813 | \requirement{Spectra smoothing}{Done1}{}
814 | {Spectral smoothing of the data. Hanning, Tukey, boxcar and Gaussian
815 | smoothing of variable widths should be possible.}
816 |
817 | \requirement{Spectra scaling}{Done1}{}{Scaling of the spectra.}
818 |
819 | \requirement{Spectra statistics}{Done1}{}
820 | {Calculate basic statistical values (maximum, minimum, rms, mean) on a
821 | range of spectral points. The range may not be contiguous. The
822 | calculated rms value should be retained with the spectra so it can be
823 | optionally used for weighted averaging of spectra.}
824 |
825 | \requirement{Line flux}{Not started}{2}
826 | {It must be possible to calculate the flux integral over a range of
827 | channels. The units should be Jy.km/s (or Kelvin.km/s). The channel
828 | range for the calculation should be specific via the GUI or CLI.}
829 |
830 | \requirement{Line width}{Not started}{2}
831 | {It must be possible to calculate the numerical ``width'' of a line
832 | (full width at half maximum type measurement). This should be
833 | calculated by specifying a channel range and finding the maximum value
834 | in this range and then finding the interpolated crossing point of the
835 | data as a user defined fraction of the maximum (default 50\%). The
836 | profile width and velocity mid-point should then be computed. If the
837 | profile shape is complex (e.g. double arch) with multiple crossing
838 | points of the fraction value, the minimum and maximum width values
839 | should be calculated. There should be the option of using a user
840 | specified ``maximum value''.}
841 |
842 | \requirement{Change rest frequency}{Done1}{}
843 | {The user must be able to easily change the rest-frequency to which
844 | the velocity is referenced.}
845 |
846 | \requirement{FFT filtering}{Not started}{3}
847 | {FFT filtering for high- and lowpass filtering and tapering.}
848 |
849 | \requirement{FFT to/from autocorrelation function}{Not started}{3}
850 | {It should be possible to FFT the data to and from power spectra to
851 | the autocorrelation function.}
852 |
853 | \requirement{Cross correlation}{Not started}{3}
854 | {The user may wish to compute the cross correlation function of two
855 | spectra. The result should be a standard ``spectra'', which can be
856 | displayed and analysed using other functions (max, rms etc).}
857 |
858 | \requirement{Spectral calculator}{Started}{1}
859 | {Complex experiment specific processing can often be done using a
860 | series of the simple of basic functions. A spectral calculator options
861 | should be added to the CLI to perform a series of manipulations on a
862 | set of spectra.}
863 |
864 | The user may want to perform specific analysis on the data using the
865 | functionality above, but wish to do the manipulation between two
866 | polarisations or IFs. Allowing the functions to also, optionally,
867 | specify specific polarisations or IF would be an implementation and
868 | interface nightmare. The simplest solution is to allow the data to be
869 | ``split'' into separate spectra.
870 |
871 | \requirement{Splice data}{Not started}{1}
872 | {It must be possible to take multi IF, multibeam or polarisation data
873 | and split out the individual spectral portions to form self contained
874 | spectra.}
875 |
876 | \requirement{Splice spectral channels}{Not started}{1} {It must be
877 | possible to select a range of spectral channels to form self contained
878 | spectra. The channel selection may be different for different IFs.}
879 |
880 | \requirement{Merge scantables}{Not started}{1}
881 | {It must be possible to append rows from one scantable onto another}
882 |
883 | \subsection{Polarimetry}
884 |
885 | The software must fully support polarmetric analysis. This includes
886 | calibration and basic conversions. Observations may be made with
887 | linear or circular feed and the backend may or may not compute the
888 | cross polarisation products. As such the software must cope with a
889 | variety of conversions. The software should be able to calculate
890 | stokes parameters with or without solving for leakage terms.
891 |
892 | %\makenote{It is debatable whether stokes I is the sum or average or
893 | %two dual polarisation measurements.}
894 |
895 | \requirement{Support polarimetry}{Done1}{}
896 | {All functions on the data (calibration, sky subtraction spectral
897 | mathematics) must support arbitrary, multiple, polarisation (linear,
898 | circular \& stokes and single, dual \& cross polarisations.}
899 |
900 | \requirement{Calculate stokes I}{Done1}{}
901 | {It must be possible to calculate stokes I from single or dual
902 | polarisation observations.}
903 |
904 | \requirement{Average mixed pol data}{Not started}{2}
905 | {Average a mixture of dual polarisation and single polarisation data
906 | and form average stokes I (e.g. for a long observation of a source, in
907 | which one polarisation is missing for some time.}
908 |
909 | \requirement{Calculate stokes}{Done1}{}
910 | {Full stokes parameters should be obtained from dual pol (linear or
911 | circular) observations where the cross polarisation products have been
912 | calculated.}
913 |
914 | %\requirement{If the observations used linear polarisations and the
915 | %cross polarisations were not computed, the source needs to be
916 | %observed with the feeds set at least 3 different parallactic angles
917 | %(note that if dual linear feeds are available, 2 orthogonal
918 | %parallactic angles are obtained at once). The Stokes parameters can be
919 | %solved using a least squares fit to the equation:
920 | %\reqeqn{Iu/2 + Ip * cos^2 (PA + p)},\\
921 | %where PA is the linear feed position angle, p is the polarisation
922 | %angle, Iu and Ip and the unpolarised and linearly polarised
923 | %intensity. {\em Stolen from SPC. I need to write this in more useful
924 | %language. Is this technique likely to be used anymore?.}}{3}
925 |
926 | \requirement{Compute stokes V without crosspol}{Not started}{2}
927 | {If dual circular polarisation measurements are taken, without
928 | computing the cross products, the software should still be able to
929 | compute stokes I and V.}
930 |
931 | \requirement{Polarisation leakages}{Not started}{3}
932 | {The software should be able to calculate leakage terms from a
933 | calibrator source and correct the data either before or after
934 | conversion to Stokes. (ref. Johnston, 2002, PASA, 19, 277)}
935 |
936 | \requirement{Calibrate position angle}{Not started}{3}
937 | {The software should be able to determine absolute position angle from
938 | a calibrator source and correct the data either before or after
939 | conversion to Stokes.}
940 |
941 | \requirement{Zeeman splitting}{Not started}{3}
942 | {Zeeman splitting factors should be derived from (previous) profile
943 | fitting and the left and right circular polarisations. The velocity
944 | shift varies linearly with the magnetic field, but the scaling factor
945 | depends on the molecule and transition. Scaling factor for common
946 | transitions should be known by the software and the user able to enter
947 | factors for less common transitions. Correctly identifying Zeeman
948 | pairs is crucial in getting the correct result. The software should
949 | attempt to make an initial guess of pairs (based on component velocity
950 | and width) but make the user confirm and override the pairing if
951 | required.}
952 |
953 | \subsection{Data Selection}
954 | While the software is running the user will usually have loaded
955 | multiple (possibly many) spectra each of which may have multiple IFs,
956 | data from multiple beams and multiple polarisations. The user will
957 | want to be able to quickly flip from considering one spectra to
958 | another and, where relevant, want to perform parallel processing on
959 | multiple spectra at once (e.g. baselining a sequence of on/off
960 | observations of the same source which will later be averaged
961 | together).
962 |
963 | \requirement{Spectra selection}{Started}{1}
964 | {The software needs an easy-to-use mechanism to select either
965 | individual or multiple spectra for viewing, parallel processing
966 | etc.}
967 |
968 | \requirement{Beam/IF selection}{Started}{1}
969 | {An easy-to-use mechanism to select individual IFs, beams or
970 | polarisations is needed.}
971 |
972 | \requirement{Interactive channel selection}{Duplicate}{1}
973 | {\label{ref:chansel} The range of spectral points to use for baseline
974 | removal, statistical calculations, RFI editing, analysis etc must be
975 | easily set by the user from both the CLI and GUI. From the CLI there
976 | must be the option of setting the range using a variety of units
977 | (channel number, velocity, frequency). The selection range will
978 | probably not be a contiguous set of channels, but many sets of
979 | disjoint channel ranges. For some tasks (such as baseline subtraction
980 | and statistical values), the channel range should be retained and be
981 | available as a plot overlay.}
982 |
983 | \requirement{Auto-identify reference spectra}{Not started}{1}
984 | {When performing sky subtraction on many spectra simultaneously, the
985 | software should have a mechanism for identifying ``on'' and ``off''
986 | spectra and automatically selecting the signal and quotient
987 | spectra. The algorithm needs to cope with on/off/on/off sequences as
988 | well as off/on/on/off. If an individual quotient spectra has been
989 | marked as invalid, an alternative should be found. User specified
990 | preference such as ``closest in time'' to ``first reference before
991 | source'' should be accommodated.}
992 |
993 | \requirement{Select source via header values}{Started}{1}
994 | {The software should be able to select sets of sources based on simple
995 | regular expression type filtering (wild cards) on a range of header
996 | values. }
997 |
998 | \subrequirment{Select on source name}{Done1}{1}
999 | {The use should be able to select dana on source name, e.g G309$*$ or
1000 | G309$*$w}
1001 |
1002 | \subrequirment{Select on molecule}{Done1}{2}
1003 | {The use should be able to select data on molecule name, e.g. NH3$*$.}
1004 |
1005 | \subsection{Plugins}
1006 |
1007 | \requirement{Plugins}{Started}{1}
1008 | {The package should support ``plugins'', user definable
1009 | functions for specific processing. The plugin code must have full
1010 | access (read/write) to the spectra data and headers.}
1011 |
1012 | \requirement{Plugins can reduce dimensions}{Not started}{2}
1013 | {Plugins need to be able to create ``derived'' spectra with reduced
1014 | dimensions (i.e.. less beams, IFs, polarisations or spectral
1015 | channels)}
1016 |
1017 | \requirement{Simulated data}{Not stated}{3}
1018 | {The user should be able to create new spectra which the software
1019 | treats the same as the original data. This includes full specification
1020 | of the header items.}
1021 |
1022 | \subsection{Pipelining}
1023 |
1024 | \requirement{Pipelining}{Done1}{}
1025 | {Some sort of pipelining mode is required. This would involve doing a
1026 | quotient spectra, applying appropriate calibration and possibly
1027 | fitting a Gaussian to any lines present.}
1028 |
1029 | \subsection{Methanol Multibeam Survey}
1030 |
1031 | The software may need to support reduction of data from the methanol
1032 | multibeam project. If so the pipelining will need to be flexible and
1033 | powerful enough to support this.
1034 |
1035 | \subsection{Miscellaneous functionality}
1036 |
1037 | \requirement{Position fitting}{Not started}{2}
1038 | {The software should be able to take a simple ``grid'' of observations
1039 | (normally a set of observations in a cross pattern on the sky) and,
1040 | for a subset of channels, fit the position of the emission. The fit
1041 | positions should be either plotted on the screen or exported in a
1042 | simple ASCIIs form.}
1043 |
1044 | \requirement{Kinematic distance}{Not started}{3}
1045 | {The kinematic distance of a source should be calculated using basic
1046 | Galactic rotation models. Multiple Galactic rotation models must be
1047 | supported and a mechanism for easily adding more.}
1048 |
1049 | \requirement{Plot sigma errors on spectra}{Not started}{3}
1050 | {For 1420 MHz observations of HI, the rms (Tsys) values vary
1051 | significantly across the band. The software should be able to compute
1052 | the rms as a function of frequency across the spectra from the
1053 | off-pulse data and then be able to plot n-sigma error bars on the
1054 | spectra.}
1055 |
1056 | \requirement{Simple Mapping}{Not started}{3}
1057 | {It should be possible to take a selection of calibrated spectra which
1058 | are then passed to the ``Gridzilla'' program to produce an image
1059 | cube. Analysis of this cube would be done using external programs
1060 | (e.g. Miriad, aips++)}
1061 |
1062 | \section{Help}
1063 |
1064 | \requirement{Built in help}{Done1}{}
1065 | {There should be built-in and web-based documentation, which can be
1066 | easily kept up-to-date}
1067 |
1068 | \requirement{Cookbook}{Done1}{}
1069 | {A short and simple end-to-end cookbook for basic data analysis should
1070 | be available.}
1071 |
1072 | \requirement{Programmers Documentation}{Not started}{2}
1073 | {There should be documentation aimed at astronomers wishing to write
1074 | there own scripts, detailing the methods needed and how to get low
1075 | level access to the data.}
1076 |
1077 | \section{Data and meta-data}
1078 |
1079 | \requirement{Handle multi dimensional data}{Done1}{}
1080 | {The software must be capable of handling multi-IF (potentially dozens
1081 | of IFs) and multi-beam data with arbitrary polarisation (e.g. single
1082 | pol, dual pol, full stokes etc).}
1083 |
1084 | \requirement{Handle pulsar data}{Deferred}{}
1085 | {The software should handle pulsar binned data for pulsar absorption
1086 | experiments.}
1087 |
1088 | \subsection{History}
1089 |
1090 | \requirement{History}{Done1}{}
1091 | {A user viewable history of data processing steps should be kept as
1092 | part of the data. Where possible this should be retained when data is
1093 | imported from other packages.}{
1094 |
1095 | \requirement{Convert history to script}{Not started}{2}
1096 | {It should be possible to use the history information to create
1097 | template pipeline scripts for batch processing.}
1098 |
1099 | \subsection{Multiple IFs}
1100 |
1101 | \requirement{Transparently handle multi-IF data}{Done1}{}
1102 | {If multiple IFs are present (currently Tidbinbilla can produce two
1103 | IFs and the new wideband spectrometer for Mopra may have dozens of
1104 | IFs) the software should handle the data transparently. Potentially
1105 | each IF may have a significantly different sky frequency and be
1106 | observing a different molecule or transition with a different rest
1107 | frequency. From the users point of view, simultaneously obtained IFs
1108 | should be kept within the same ``container'' (not split into a myriad
1109 | of separate ``container'').}
1110 |
1111 | \requirement{IFs with different number of spectral channels}{Not started}{2}
1112 | {Separate IFs may have a different number of spectral channels.}
1113 |
1114 | \subsection{Multibeam}
1115 |
1116 | \requirement{Handle multibeam data}{Done1}{}
1117 | {Basic handling of multibeam data should be possible (ie in general
1118 | each beam will be treated as a separate observation, but all within
1119 | the same container). The user should be able to view or process either
1120 | individual beams or all beams in parallel.}
1121 |
1122 | \requirement{Multibeam simultaneous reference/signal}{Not started}{3}
1123 | {The use of a single beam observing a source and the rest of the beams
1124 | as reference beams for sky-subtraction should be investigated.}
1125 |
1126 | \subsection{Robust fitting}
1127 |
1128 | \requirement{Retain raw correlator integrations}{Done1}{}
1129 | {If robust fitting using median filtering is used, then the individual
1130 | integrations from the observations should {\em not} be averaged when
1131 | the data is imported, but retained within a single
1132 | container. Inspection of this data should be optionally of the
1133 | averaged or individual data.}
1134 |
1135 | \subsection{Coordinate frames and units}
1136 |
1137 | \requirement{Flexible coordinate frames}{Done1}{}
1138 | {Coordinate frames and unit selection and handling needs to be
1139 | flexible and relatively transparent to the user (i.e. if the users
1140 | preference is for LSRK velocities, they do not need to worry about the
1141 | reference frame in which the data was observed).}
1142 |
1143 | \requirement{Specific reference frames}{Done1}{}
1144 | {At a minimum the following reference frames and conventions should be
1145 | handled: \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
1146 |
1147 | \smallskip
1148 | \anitem{Position}{(RA,Dec) in J2000 \& B1950 (as well as other
1149 | arbitrary epochs), Galactic, (Az,El).}
1150 |
1151 | \anitem{Frequency}{Velocity (Topocentric, Geocentric, Barycentric,
1152 | Heliocentric, kinematical LSR, dynamical LSR, Rest), Frequency
1153 | (MHz, GHz), channel number.}
1154 |
1155 | \anitem{Velocity}{ Optical, Radio, Relativistic.}
1156 |
1157 | \anitem{Flux}{ Jansky, Kelvin (mJy etc).}}
1158 |
1159 | \requirement{Data units and frames properly labelled}{Done1}{}
1160 | {All data should be internally labelled with the appropriate
1161 | coordinate frame and units. If this information is ambiguous for some
1162 | reason, it should be set when the data is imported and the user
1163 | should not have to worry about it again.}
1164 |
1165 | \requirement{Current reference frames clear to user}{Done1}{}
1166 | {It should be clear to the user what coordinate frame (velocity,
1167 | position etc) the data is being presented as.}
1168 |
1169 | \requirement{Positional Reference Frame}{Not started}{1} {The user
1170 | should be able to specify the reference frame (Epoch,Equinox etc) for
1171 | which is used for exporting data, simple mapping output etc. J2000,
1172 | B1950 and Galactic should be supported. The default should be the frame
1173 | in what the data was recorded.}
1174 |
1175 | \requirement{Non-conformist Positional Reference Frame}{Not Started}{2}
1176 | {Non-confirmist positional frames such as Az-El should be supported.}
1177 |
1178 | \subsection{Meta-data}
1179 |
1180 | A comprehensive set of header data should be read from the input data
1181 | files. In general all meta-data available in the rpfits file should be
1182 | retained. The user may wish to enter some specific values by hand.
1183 |
1184 | \requirement{View and edit header data}{Started}{1}
1185 | {All header data should be viewable and editable by the user. This
1186 | includes changes such as scaling the given Tsys values.}
1187 |
1188 | \requirement{Missing header data}{Done1}{}
1189 | {Missing header data should be handled gracefully, i.e. the software
1190 | should fill the values with ``blanks'' and be able to continue to
1191 | process the data if possible.}
1192 |
1193 | \requirement{User add missing header data}{Not started}{2}
1194 | {The user must be able to add missing header data, which is not
1195 | present in the RPFITs file. It must be possible to add the same header
1196 | data to multiple scans simultaneously.}
1197 |
1198 | \extendedrequirement{Itemised header items}{Started}{1}
1199 | {The following header data would be required per scan:
1200 | \begin{itemize}
1201 | \item Source name
1202 | \item Scan type (signal or reference)
1203 | \item Integration time
1204 | \item Scan length (actual time of observation, $\ge$ integration time)
1205 | \item Telescope
1206 | \item UT time and date of observation
1207 | \item Telescope elevation of observation
1208 | \item Parallactic angle
1209 | \item Beam size
1210 | \item Scan ID
1211 | \item Observer
1212 | \item Project
1213 | \item Polarisation
1214 | \item Receiver
1215 | \item Telescope coordinates
1216 | \item Weather info (temperature, pressure, humidity)
1217 | \item User axis display preference (LSR velocity, frequency etc).
1218 | \end{itemize}
1219 | }
1220 |
1221 | \extendedrequirement{IF header items}{Started}{1}
1222 | {\label{req:if}
1223 | The following header data is required for each IF, beam etc:
1224 | \begin{itemize}
1225 | \item Source coordinates and coordinate frame
1226 | \item Frequency/velocity axis definition and type
1227 | \item System Temperature
1228 | \item Beam number
1229 | \item Molecule rest frequency$^\dagger$
1230 | \item Molecular name$^\dagger$
1231 | \item Molecular transition$^\dagger$
1232 | \item Molecular formula$^\dagger$
1233 | \end{itemize}
1234 | }
1235 |
1236 | \requirement{Pretty print formula}{Not started}{3}
1237 | {The molecular formula could be stored with embedded superscripted and
1238 | subscripted symbols for ``pretty'' printing on the plotted, but
1239 | printed in plain text on the CLI or in ASCIIs output}
1240 |
1241 | Some molecular line rest-frequencies are close enough that two or more
1242 | molecules or transitions may be observed in a single IF. Typical
1243 | examples include the 1665/1667~MHz OH maser pair, NH$_3$ transitions,
1244 | and many observations in the 3~mm band.
1245 | \vspace{\parskip}
1246 |
1247 | \requirement{Multiple rest frequencies per IF}{Not started}{2}
1248 | {The software should optionally support multiple lines per IF, by
1249 | storing a set of rest frequencies per IF, rather than a single
1250 | value. The header values in requirement \reqref{req:if} marked with a
1251 | $\dagger$ would all have to be stored as an array of values rather
1252 | than a scalar. A simple mechanism must be possible to change the
1253 | currently ``active'' rest-frequency.}
1254 |
1255 | \section{Installation}
1256 |
1257 | \requirement{Easy installation}{Started}{1}
1258 | {It must be possible for astronomers to install the software at their
1259 | own institute with either a moderate amount of OS experience or some
1260 | help from the local system administrators. This includes installation
1261 | on a central ``NFS'' server as well as local desk-tops.}
1262 |
1263 | \requirement{Linux Support}{Started}{1}
1264 | {The software must run on major flavours of Linux
1265 | (Fedora/Redhat, Debian, etc).}
1266 |
1267 | \subrequirement{Solaris Support}{Started}{1}
1268 | {The software must run on Solaris}
1269 |
1270 | \requirement{Run on laptop}{Done1}{}
1271 | {It must be possible for users to install the software on their
1272 | laptops and run with no network connection.}
1273 |
1274 | \requirement{Easy upgrade}{Done1}{}
1275 | {It should be relatively easy to upgrade to the latest version of the
1276 | software.}
1277 |
1278 | \requirement{MacOS/X support}{Not started}{1}
1279 | {The software should run on MacOS/X}
1280 |
1281 | \requirement{Windows support}{Not started}{3}
1282 | {It would be desirable for the software to run on Windows.}
1283 |
1284 | \section{Known Issues}
1285 | \label{sec:issues}
1286 | The following issue are known problems with the data from ATNF
1287 | telescopes, which probably should be automatically corrected for if at
1288 | all possible. The best place to do this is while loading the data.
1289 |
1290 | \subsection{General}
1291 |
1292 | \begin{itemize}
1293 | \item All polarisations in the RPFITS files are labelled as
1294 | XX/YY. These need to be relabelled as LL/RR when appropriate.
1295 | \end{itemize}
1296 |
1297 | \subsection{Mopra}
1298 |
1299 | \begin{itemize}
1300 | \item Data obtained in 2002 \& 2003 (and probably before) have an
1301 | error in the frequency headers (this may be corrected by an external
1302 | program). \makenote{Nedd Ladd}
1303 |
1304 | \item The (RA,Dec) positions in the data file are in date coordinates
1305 | not J2000. This causes problems for packages like Class when
1306 | averaging the data. \makenote{Maria Hunt}
1307 |
1308 | \item It is possible Tsys calibration is inconsistent currently.
1309 | \makenote{Cormac Purcell??}
1310 |
1311 | \end{itemize}
1312 |
1313 | \subsection{Parkes}
1314 |
1315 | \begin{itemize}
1316 | \item For pulsar data the automatic gain control is disabled. This
1317 | means the nominal Tsys measurement does not change and Tsys per
1318 | integration is encoded in a non-standard way. \makenote{Simon
1319 | Johnston}
1320 | \end{itemize}
1321 |
1322 | \subsection{Tidbinbilla}
1323 |
1324 | \begin{itemize}
1325 | \item All 20-GHz data is calibrated in flux units of Kelvin.
1326 | \end{itemize}
1327 |
1328 |
1329 | \section{Requirements Matrix}
1330 |
1331 | \begin{longtable}{|l|l|l|c|}
1332 |
1333 | \input{reqsum.tex}
1334 |
1335 | \end{longtable}
1336 |
1337 |
1338 | \end{document}