1 | import os
2 | import sys
3 | import distutils.sysconfig
4 | import platform
5 | import SCons
6 |
7 | moduledir = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
8 | if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
9 | # hack to install into /usr/lib64 if scons is in the 32bit /usr/lib/
10 | if moduledir.startswith("/usr/lib/"):
11 | moduledir = moduledir.replace("lib", "lib64")
12 |
13 | opts = Options("userconfig.py")
14 | opts.AddOptions(
15 | ("FORTRAN", "The fortran compiler", None),
16 | ("f2clib", "The fortran to c library", None),
17 | PathOption("prefix",
18 | "The root installation path",
19 | distutils.sysconfig.PREFIX),
20 | PathOption("moduledir",
21 | "The python module path (site-packages))",
22 | moduledir),
23 | PathOption("casacoreroot", "The location of casacore",
24 | "/usr/local"),
25 | ("boostroot", "The root dir where boost is installed", None),
26 | ("boostlib", "The name of the boost python library",
27 | "boost_python"),
28 | ("boostlibdir", "The boost library location", None),
29 | ("boostincdir", "The boost header file location", None),
30 | ("lapackroot",
31 | "The root directory where lapack is installed", None),
32 | ("lapacklibdir", "The lapack library location", None),
33 | ("lapacklib",
34 | "The lapack library name (e.g. for specialized AMD libraries",
35 | "lapack"),
36 | ("blasroot",
37 | "The root directory where blas is installed", None),
38 | ("blaslibdir", "The blas library location", None),
39 | ("blaslib",
40 | "The blas library name (e.g. for specialized AMD libraries",
41 | "blas"),
42 | ("cfitsioroot",
43 | "The root directory where cfistio is installed", None),
44 | ("cfitsiolibdir", "The cfitsio library location", None),
45 | ("cfitsiolib", "The cfitsio library name", "cfitsio"),
46 | ("cfitsioincdir", "The cfitsio include location", None),
47 | ("wcsroot",
48 | "The root directory where wcs is installed", None),
49 | ("wcslibdir", "The wcs library location", None),
50 | ("rpfitsroot",
51 | "The root directory where rpfits is installed", None),
52 | ("rpfitslibdir", "The rpfits library location", None),
53 |
54 | EnumOption("mode", "The type of build.", "debug",
55 | ["release","debug"], ignorecase=1),
56 | ("makedist",
57 | "Make a binary archive giving a suffix, e.g. sarge or fc5",
58 | ""),
59 | EnumOption("makedoc", "Build the userguide in specified format",
60 | "none",
61 | ["none", "pdf", "html"], ignorecase=1)
62 | )
63 |
64 | env = Environment( toolpath = ['./scons'],
65 | tools = ["default", "archiver", "utils",
66 | "quietinstall"],
67 | ENV = { 'PATH' : os.environ[ 'PATH' ],
68 | 'HOME' : os.environ[ 'HOME' ] },
69 | options = opts)
70 |
71 | Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env))
72 | env.SConsignFile()
73 |
74 | if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin":
75 | env.EnsureSConsVersion(0,96,95)
76 |
77 | casacoretooldir = os.path.join(env["casacoreroot"],"share",
78 | "casacore")
79 | if not os.path.exists(casacoretooldir):
80 | print "Could not find casacore scons tools"
81 | Exit(1)
82 |
83 | # load casacore specific build flags
84 | print casacoretooldir
85 | env.Tool('casa', [casacoretooldir])
86 |
87 | if not env.GetOption('clean'):
88 | conf = Configure(env)
89 |
90 | conf.env.AppendUnique(LIBPATH=os.path.join(conf.env["casacoreroot"],
91 | "lib"))
92 | conf.env.AppendUnique(CPPPATH=os.path.join(conf.env["casacoreroot"],
93 | "include", "casacore"))
94 | if not conf.CheckLib("casa_casa", language='c++'): Exit(1)
95 | conf.env.PrependUnique(LIBS=["casa_ms", "casa_components", "casa_coordinates", "casa_lattices", "casa_fits", "casa_measures", "casa_scimath", "casa_scimath_f", "casa_tables", "casa_mirlib"])
96 | conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()])
97 | if not conf.CheckHeader("Python.h", language='c'):
98 | Exit(1)
99 | pylib = 'python'+distutils.sysconfig.get_python_version()
100 | if env['PLATFORM'] == "darwin":
101 | conf.env.Append(FRAMEWORKS=["Python"])
102 | else:
103 | if not conf.CheckLib(library=pylib, language='c'): Exit(1)
104 |
105 | conf.env.AddCustomPackage('boost')
106 | if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader(env["boostlib"],
107 | 'boost/python.hpp', language='c++'):
108 | Exit(1)
109 | # test for cfitsio
110 | if not conf.CheckLib("m"): Exit(1)
111 | conf.env.AddCustomPackage('cfitsio')
112 | if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader(conf.env["cfitsiolib"],
113 | 'fitsio.h', language='c'):
114 | Exit(1)
115 | conf.env.AddCustomPackage('wcs')
116 | if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader('wcs', 'wcslib/wcs.h', language='c'):
117 | Exit(1)
118 | conf.env.AddCustomPackage('rpfits')
119 | if not conf.CheckLib("rpfits"): Exit(1)
120 |
121 | # test for blas/lapack
122 | blasname = conf.env.get("blaslib", "blas")
123 | conf.env.AddCustomPackage("blas")
124 | if not conf.CheckLib(conf.env["blaslib"]): Exit(1)
125 | conf.env.AddCustomPackage("lapack")
126 | if not conf.CheckLib(conf.env["lapacklib"]): Exit(1)
127 | conf.env.CheckFortran(conf)
128 | if not conf.CheckLib('stdc++', language='c++'): Exit(1)
129 | env = conf.Finish()
130 |
131 | env["version"] = "trunk"
132 |
133 | if env['mode'] == 'release':
134 | env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,-O1'])
135 |
136 | # Export for SConscript files
137 | Export("env")
138 |
139 | # build externals
140 | env.SConscript("external/SConscript")
141 | # build library
142 | so = env.SConscript("src/SConscript", build_dir="build", duplicate=0)
143 | # test module import, to see if there are unresolved symbols
144 | def test_module(target,source,env):
145 | pth = str(target[0])
146 | mod = os.path.splitext(pth)[0]
147 | sys.path.insert(2, os.path.split(mod)[0])
148 | __import__(os.path.split(mod)[1])
149 | print "ok"
150 | return 0
151 | def test_str(target, source, env):
152 | return "Testing module..."
153 |
154 | taction = Action(test_module, test_str)
155 | env.AddPostAction(so, taction)
156 |
157 | # install targets
158 | somod = env.Install("$moduledir/asap", so )
159 | pymods = env.Install("$moduledir/asap", env.SGlob("python/*.py"))
160 | bins = env.Install("$prefix/bin", ["bin/asap", "bin/asap_update_data"])
161 | shares = env.Install("$moduledir/asap/data", "share/ipythonrc-asap")
162 | env.Alias('install', [somod, pymods, bins, shares])
163 |
164 | # install aips++ data repos
165 | rootdir=None
166 | outdir = os.path.join(env["moduledir"],'asap','data')
167 | sources = ['ephemerides','geodetic']
168 | if os.path.exists("/nfs/aips++/data"):
169 | rootdir = "/nfs/aips++/data"
170 | elif os.path.exists("data"):
171 | rootdir = "./data"
172 | if rootdir is not None:
173 | ofiles, ifiles = env.WalkDirTree(outdir, rootdir, sources)
174 | data = env.InstallAs(ofiles, ifiles)
175 | env.Alias('install', data)
176 |
177 | # make binary distribution
178 | if len(env["makedist"]):
179 | env["stagedir"] = "asap-%s-%s" % (env["version"], env["makedist"])
180 | env.Command('Staging distribution for archive in %s' % env["stagedir"],
181 | '', env.MessageAction)
182 | st0 = env.QInstall("$stagedir/asap", [so, env.SGlob("python/*.py")] )
183 | env.QInstall("$stagedir/bin", ["bin/asap", "bin/asap_update_data"])
184 | env.QInstall("$stagedir", ["bin/install"])
185 | env.QInstall("$stagedir/asap/data", "share/ipythonrc-asap")
186 | if rootdir is not None:
187 | # This creates a directory Using data table... - disabled
188 | #env.Command("Using data tables in %s" % rootdir,
189 | # '', env.MessageAction)
190 | outdir = os.path.join(env["stagedir"],'asap','data')
191 | ofiles, ifiles = env.WalkDirTree(outdir, rootdir, sources)
192 | env.QInstallAs(ofiles, ifiles)
193 | else:
194 | env.Command("No data tables available. Use 'asap_update_data' after install",
195 | '', env.MessageAction)
196 | arch = env.Archiver(os.path.join("dist",env["stagedir"]),
197 | env["stagedir"])
198 | env.AddPostAction(arch, Delete("$stagedir"))
199 | if env["makedoc"].lower() != "none":
200 | env.SConscript("doc/SConscript")
201 |
202 | if env.GetOption("clean"):
203 | Execute(Delete(".sconf_temp"))