1 | import os
2 | import sys
3 | import distutils.sysconfig
4 | import platform
5 | # scons plug-ins
6 | #from installtree import InstallTree
7 |
8 | version = "2.1b"
9 | moduledir = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib()
10 | if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
11 | # hack to install into /usr/lib64 if scons is in the 32bit /usr/lib/
12 | if moduledir.startswith("/usr/lib/"):
13 | moduledir = moduledir.replace("lib", "lib64")
14 |
15 | opts = Options("userconfig.py")
16 | opts.AddOptions(PathOption("prefix",
17 | "The root installation path",
18 | distutils.sysconfig.PREFIX),
19 | PathOption("moduledir",
20 | "The python module path (site-packages))",
21 | moduledir),
22 | ("rpfitsdir", "Alternative rpfits location.", ""),
23 | ("cfitsioincdir", "Alternative cfitsio include dir", ""),
24 | ("casadir", "Alternative casa location", ""),
25 | EnumOption("mode", "The type of build.", "debug",
26 | ["release","debug"], ignorecase=1),
27 | ("makedist",
28 | "Make a binary distribution giving a suffix, e.g. sarge or fc5",
29 | "")
30 | )
31 |
32 | env = Environment( toolpath = ['./scons'],
33 | tools = ["default", "installtree", "casa",
34 | "utils"],
35 | ENV = { 'PATH' : os.environ[ 'PATH' ],
36 | 'HOME' : os.environ[ 'HOME' ] },
37 | options = opts)
38 |
39 | Help(opts.GenerateHelpText(env))
40 | env.SConsignFile()
41 | env.Append(CASAARCH = '', CASAROOT = '')
42 | if (os.path.exists(env["cfitsioincdir"])):
43 | env.Append(CPPPATH=[env["cfitsioincdir"]])
44 | env.AddCustomPath(env["rpfitsdir"])
45 | if not env.GetOption('clean'):
46 | conf = Configure(env)
47 | # import Custom tests
48 | env.AddCasaTest(conf)
49 | pylib = 'python'+distutils.sysconfig.get_python_version()
50 | pyinc = "Python.h"
51 | if env['PLATFORM'] == "darwin":
52 | pylib = "Python"
53 | if not conf.CheckLib(library=pylib, language='c'): Exit(1)
54 | conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=[distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc()])
55 | if not conf.CheckHeader("Python.h", language='c'):
56 | Exit(1)
57 | if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader('boost_python', 'boost/python.hpp', 'c++'): Exit(1)
58 | conf.env.AddCustomPath(env["rpfitsdir"])
59 | if not conf.CheckLib('rpfits'): Exit(1)
60 | # cfitsio is either in include/ or /include/cfitsio
61 | # handle this
62 | if not conf.CheckLib(library='cfitsio', language='c'): Exit(1)
63 | if not conf.CheckHeader('fitsio.h', language='c'):
64 | if not conf.CheckHeader('cfitsio/fitsio.h', language='c'):
65 | Exit(1)
66 | else:
67 | conf.env.Append(CPPPATH=['/usr/include/cfitsio'])
68 | if (sys.platform == "darwin"):
69 | conf.env.Append(LIBS = ['-framework vecLib'])
70 | else:
71 | if not conf.CheckLib('lapack'): Exit(1)
72 | if not conf.CheckLib('blas'): Exit(1)
73 | if not conf.CheckLib('g2c'): Exit(1)
74 | if not conf.CheckLib('stdc++', language='c++'): Exit(1)
75 | if not conf.CheckCasa(env["casadir"]): Exit(1)
76 | env = conf.Finish()
77 |
78 | env["stage_dir"] = Dir("#/stage/asap")
79 |
80 | # general CPPFLAGS
81 | env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', '-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE', '-O3'])
82 |
83 | # 64bit flags
84 | if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
85 | env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-fPIC', '-D__x86_64__', '-DAIPS_64B'])
86 |
87 | if env["PLATFORM"] == "darwin":
88 | env['SHLINKFLAGS'] = '$LINKFLAGS -bundle'
89 | #env['SHLIBSUFFIX'] = '.dylib'
90 |
91 | if env['mode'] == 'release':
92 | env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,-O1'])
93 | Export("env")
94 |
95 | so = env.SConscript("src/SConscript", build_dir="build", duplicate=0)
96 | stagebuild = env.Install(env["stage_dir"], so )
97 | stagedoc = env.Install("stage", ["doc/README", "doc/CHANGELOG"] )
98 | stagepys = env.SConscript("python/SConscript")
99 | stage0 = env.Install("stage", "bin/install")
100 | stage1 = env.Install("stage/bin", "bin/asap")
101 | env.Alias('stage', [stagebuild,stagedoc,stagepys, stage0, stage1])
102 | # install locally
103 | asapmod = env.InstallTree(dest_dir = os.path.join(env["moduledir"], "asap"),
104 | src_dir = "stage/asap",
105 | includes = ['*.py', '*.so'],
106 | excludes = [])
107 | asapbin = env.Install(os.path.join(env["prefix"], "bin"), "bin/asap")
108 | env.Alias('install', [asapmod, asapbin])
109 | # make binary distribution
110 | if len(env["makedist"]):
111 | md =env.CreateDist("dist/asap-%s-%s" % (version, env["makedist"]),
112 | ["install", "README", "CHANGELOG", "asap"],
113 | "stage")