### # CMakeLists.txt for ASAP module ### # minimum requirement for cmake version cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8 ) # options option( USE_LIBCASACORE "set ON to use libcasacore.so instead of libcasa_*.so" OFF ) option( STANDALONE "set ON to build standalone mode" OFF ) message( STATUS "USE_LIBCASACORE = " ${USE_LIBCASACORE} ) message( STATUS "STANDALONE = " ${STANDALONE} ) # # mode specific settings # # STANDALONE=ON standalone build # STANDALONE=OFF build with casa # set( CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH};${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" ) message( STATUS "CMAKE_MODULE_PATH = " ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) if( STANDALONE ) include( standalone ) else() include( withcasa ) endif() # # common include path # include_directories( ${CASACORE_INCLUDE_DIR} ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR} ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${WCSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR} ${CFITSIO_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${RPFITS_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) # # install directory # set( EXEC_INSTALL_DIR bin ) set( LIB_INSTALL_DIR lib ) set( PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR python/${PYTHONV}/asap ) set( SHARED_INSTALL_DIR share/asap ) # # libraries and executables # set( ASAPLIB asap ) set( PYRAPLIB pyrap ) set( ATNFLIB atnf ) set( ASAP2TO3 asap2to3 ) # # always install by default # add_custom_target( inst ALL ${CMAKE_BUILD_TOOL} install/fast ) # # subdirectories # asap_add_subdirectory()