import os, shutil import numpy import numpy.fft as FFT import math from asap.scantable import scantable from asap.parameters import rcParams from asap.logging import asaplog, asaplog_post_dec from asap.selector import selector from asap.asapgrid import asapgrid2 from asap._asap import SBSeparator class sbseparator: """ The sbseparator class is defined to separate SIGNAL and IMAGE sideband spectra observed by frequency-switching technique. It also helps supressing emmission of IMAGE sideband. *** WARNING *** THIS MODULE IS EXPERIMENTAL Known issues: - Frequencies of IMAGE sideband cannot be reconstructed from information in scantable in sideband sparation. Frequency setting of SIGNAL sideband is stored in output table for now. - Flag information (stored in FLAGTRA) is ignored. Example: # Create sideband separator instance whith 3 input data sbsep = sbseparator(['test1.asap', 'test2.asap', 'test3.asap']) # Set reference IFNO and tolerance to select data sbsep.set_frequency(5, 30, frame='TOPO') # Set direction tolerance to select data in unit of radian sbsep.set_dirtol(1.e-5) # Set rejection limit of solution sbsep.set_limit(0.2) # Solve image sideband as well sbsep.set_both(True) # Invoke sideband separation sbsep.separate('testout.asap', overwrite = True) """ def __init__(self, infiles): self._separator = SBSeparator(infiles) ################## temp functions ################# # def rfft(self, invec): # print "Python method cppRfft" # self._separator._cpprfft(invec) # return ################## temp functions ################# def set_frequency(self, baseif, freqtol, frame=""): """ Set IFNO and frequency tolerance to select data to process. Parameters: - reference IFNO to process in the first table in the list - frequency tolerance from reference IF to select data (string) frame : frequency frame to select IF """ if type(freqtol) in (float, int): freqtol = str(freqtol) elif isinstance(freqtol, dict): try: freqtol = str(freqtol['value']) + freqtol['unit'] except: raise ValueError, "Invalid frequency tolerance." self._separator.set_freq(baseif, freqtol, frame) def set_dirtol(self, dirtol=["2arcsec", "2arcsec"]): """ Set tolerance of direction to select data """ if isinstance(dirtol, str): dirtol = [dirtol] self._separator.set_dirtol(dirtol) def set_shift(self, imageshift=[]): """ Set shift mode and channel shift of image band. imageshift : a list of number of channels shifted in image side band of each scantable. If the shifts are not set, they are assumed to be equal to those of signal side band, but in opposite direction as usual by LO1 offsetting of DSB receivers. """ if not imageshift: imageshift = [] self._separator.set_shift(imageshift) @asaplog_post_dec def set_both(self, flag=False): """ Resolve both image and signal sideband when True. """ self._separator.solve_both(flag) if flag: asaplog.push("Both signal and image sidebands will be solved and stored in separate tables.") else: asaplog.push("Only signal sideband will be solved and stored in an table.") @asaplog_post_dec def set_limit(self, threshold=0.2): """ Set rejection limit of solution. """ self._separator.set_limit(threshold) @asaplog_post_dec def set_solve_other(self, flag=False): """ Calculate spectra by subtracting the solution of the other sideband when True. """ self._separator.subtract_other(flag) if flag: asaplog.push("Expert mode: solution are obtained by subtraction of the other sideband.") def set_lo1(self, lo1, frame="TOPO", reftime=-1, refdir=""): """ Set LO1 frequency to calculate frequency of image sideband. lo1 : LO1 frequency frame : the frequency frame of LO1 reftime : the reference time used in frequency frame conversion. refdir : the reference direction used in frequency frame conversion. """ self._separator.set_lo1(lo1, frame, reftime, refdir) def set_lo1root(self, name): """ Set MS name which stores LO1 frequency of signal side band. It is used to calculate frequency of image sideband. name : MS name which contains 'ASDM_SPECTRALWINDOW' and 'ASDM_RECEIVER' tables. """ self._separator.set_lo1root(name) @asaplog_post_dec def separate(self, outname="", overwrite=False): """ Invoke sideband separation. outname : a name of output scantable overwrite : overwrite existing table """ out_default = "sbseparated.asap" if len(outname) == 0: outname = out_default asaplog.push("The output file name is not specified.") asaplog.push("Using default name '%s'" % outname)"WARN") if os.path.exists(outname): if overwrite: asaplog.push("removing the old file '%s'" % outname) shutil.rmtree(outname) else: asaplog.push("Output file '%s' already exists." % outname)"ERROR") return False self._separator.separate(outname) ###################################################################### # @asaplog_post_dec # def separate0(self, outname="", overwrite=False): # """ # Invoke sideband separation. # outname : a name of output scantable # overwrite : overwrite existing table # """ # # List up valid scantables and IFNOs to convolve. # #self._separator.separate() # self._setup_shift() # #self._preprocess_tables() # ### TEMPORAL ### # self._separator._get_asistb_from_scantb(self.tables[0]) # ################ # nshift = len(self.tables) # signaltab = self._grid_outtable(self.tables[0]) # if self.getboth: # imagetab = signaltab.copy() # rejrow = [] # for irow in xrange(signaltab.nrow()): # currpol = signaltab.getpol(irow) # currbeam = signaltab.getbeam(irow) # currdir = signaltab.get_directionval(irow) # spec_array, tabidx = self._get_specarray(polid=currpol,\ # beamid=currbeam,\ # dir=currdir) # #if not spec_array: # if len(tabidx) == 0: # # asaplog.push("skipping row %d" % irow) # rejrow.append(irow) # continue # signal = self._solve_signal(spec_array, tabidx) # signaltab.set_spectrum(signal, irow) # # Solve image side side band # if self.getboth: # image = self._solve_image(spec_array, tabidx) # imagetab.set_spectrum(image, irow) # # TODO: Need to remove rejrow form scantables here # signaltab.flag_row(rejrow) # if self.getboth: # imagetab.flag_row(rejrow) # if outname == "": # outname = "sbsepareted.asap" # signalname = outname + ".signalband" # if os.path.exists(signalname): # if not overwrite: # raise Exception, "Output file '%s' exists." % signalname # else: # shutil.rmtree(signalname) # # if self.getboth: # # Warnings # # asaplog.push("Saving IMAGE sideband.") # #asaplog.push("Note, frequency information of IMAGE sideband cannot be properly filled so far. (future development)") # #asaplog.push("Storing frequency setting of SIGNAL sideband in FREQUENCIES table for now.") #"WARN") # imagename = outname + ".imageband" # if os.path.exists(imagename): # if not overwrite: # raise Exception, "Output file '%s' exists." % imagename # else: # shutil.rmtree(imagename) # # Update frequency information # self._separator.set_imgtable(imagetab) # self._separator.solve_imgfreq() # # def _solve_signal(self, data, tabidx=None): # if not tabidx: # tabidx = range(len(data)) # tempshift = [] # dshift = [] # if self.solveother: # for idx in tabidx: # tempshift.append(-self.imageShift[idx]) # dshift.append(self.signalShift[idx] - self.imageShift[idx]) # else: # for idx in tabidx: # tempshift.append(-self.signalShift[idx]) # dshift.append(self.imageShift[idx] - self.signalShift[idx]) # shiftdata = numpy.zeros(data.shape, numpy.float) # for i in range(len(data)): # shiftdata[i] = self._shiftSpectrum(data[i], tempshift[i]) # ifftdata = self._Deconvolution(shiftdata, dshift, self.rejlimit) # result_image = self._combineResult(ifftdata) # if not self.solveother: # return result_image # result_signal = self._subtractOtherSide(shiftdata, dshift, result_image) # return result_signal # def _solve_image(self, data, tabidx=None): # if not tabidx: # tabidx = range(len(data)) # tempshift = [] # dshift = [] # if self.solveother: # for idx in tabidx: # tempshift.append(-self.signalShift[idx]) # dshift.append(self.imageShift[idx] - self.signalShift[idx]) # else: # for idx in tabidx: # tempshift.append(-self.imageShift[idx]) # dshift.append(self.signalShift[idx] - self.imageShift[idx]) # shiftdata = numpy.zeros(data.shape, numpy.float) # for i in range(len(data)): # shiftdata[i] = self._shiftSpectrum(data[i], tempshift[i]) # ifftdata = self._Deconvolution(shiftdata, dshift, self.rejlimit) # result_image = self._combineResult(ifftdata) # if not self.solveother: # return result_image # result_signal = self._subtractOtherSide(shiftdata, dshift, result_image) # return result_signal # @asaplog_post_dec # def _grid_outtable(self, table): # # Generate gridded table for output (Just to get rows) # gridder = asapgrid2(table) # gridder.setIF(self.baseif) # cellx = str(self.dirtol[0])+"rad" # celly = str(self.dirtol[1])+"rad" # dirarr = numpy.array(table.get_directionval()).transpose() # mapx = dirarr[0].max() - dirarr[0].min() # mapy = dirarr[1].max() - dirarr[1].min() # centy = 0.5 * (dirarr[1].max() + dirarr[1].min()) # nx = max(1, numpy.ceil(mapx*numpy.cos(centy)/self.dirtol[0])) # ny = max(1, numpy.ceil(mapy/self.dirtol[0])) # asaplog.push("Regrid output scantable with cell = [%s, %s]" % \ # (cellx, celly)) # gridder.defineImage(nx=nx, ny=ny, cellx=cellx, celly=celly) # gridder.setFunc(func='box', convsupport=1) # gridder.setWeight(weightType='uniform') # gridder.grid() # return gridder.getResult() # @asaplog_post_dec # def _get_specarray(self, polid=None, beamid=None, dir=None): # ntable = len(self.tables) # spec_array = numpy.zeros((ntable, self.nchan), numpy.float) # nspec = 0 # asaplog.push("Start data selection by POL=%d, BEAM=%d, direction=[%f, %f]" % (polid, beamid, dir[0], dir[1])) # tabidx = [] # for itab in range(ntable): # tab = self.tables[itab] # # Select rows by POLNO and BEAMNO # try: # tab.set_selection(pols=[polid], beams=[beamid]) # if tab.nrow() > 0: tabidx.append(itab) # except: # no selection # # asaplog.push("table %d - No spectrum ....skipping the table" % (itab)) #"WARN") # continue # # Select rows by direction # spec = numpy.zeros(self.nchan, numpy.float) # selrow = [] # for irow in range(tab.nrow()): # currdir = tab.get_directionval(irow) # if (abs(currdir[0] - dir[0]) > self.dirtol[0]) or \ # (abs(currdir[1] - dir[1]) > self.dirtol[1]): # continue # selrow.append(irow) # if len(selrow) == 0: # # asaplog.push("table %d - No spectrum ....skipping the table" % (itab)) #"WARN") # continue # else: # seltab = tab.copy() # seltab.set_selection(selector(rows=selrow)) # if seltab.nrow() > 1: # asaplog.push("table %d - More than a spectrum selected. averaging rows..." % (itab)) # tab = seltab.average_time(scanav=False, weight="tintsys") # else: # tab = seltab # spec_array[nspec] = tab._getspectrum() # nspec += 1 # if nspec != ntable: # # #asaplog.push("Some tables has no spectrum with POL=%d BEAM=%d. averaging rows..." % (polid, beamid)) # asaplog.push("Could not find corresponding rows in some tables.") # asaplog.push("Number of spectra selected = %d (table: %d)" % (nspec, ntable)) # if nspec < 2: # asaplog.push("At least 2 spectra are necessary for convolution") #"ERROR") # return False, tabidx # return spec_array[0:nspec], tabidx # @asaplog_post_dec # def _setup_shift(self): # ### define self.tables, self.signalShift, and self.imageShift # if not self.intables: # # raise RuntimeError, "Input data is not defined." # #if self.baseif < 0: # # # # raise RuntimeError, "Reference IFNO is not defined." # byname = False # #if not self.intables: # if isinstance(self.intables[0], str): # # A list of file name is given # if not os.path.exists(self.intables[0]): # # raise RuntimeError, "Could not find '%s'" % self.intables[0] # stab = scantable(self.intables[0],average=False) # ntab = len(self.intables) # byname = True # else: # stab = self.intables[0] # ntab = len(self.intables) # if len(stab.getbeamnos()) > 1: # # asaplog.push("Mult-beam data is not supported by this module.") #"ERROR") # return # valid_ifs = stab.getifnos() # if self.baseif < 0: # self.baseif = valid_ifs[0] # # asaplog.push("IFNO is not selected. Using the first IF in the first scantable. Reference IFNO = %d" % (self.baseif)) # if not (self.baseif in valid_ifs): # # errmsg = "IF%d does not exist in the first scantable" % \ # self.baseif # raise RuntimeError, errmsg # asaplog.push("Start selecting tables and IFNOs to solve.") # asaplog.push("Checking frequency of the reference IF") # unit_org = stab.get_unit() # coord = stab._getcoordinfo() # frame_org = coord[1] # stab.set_unit("Hz") # if len(self.freqframe) > 0: # stab.set_freqframe(self.freqframe) # stab.set_selection(ifs=[self.baseif]) # spx = stab._getabcissa() # stab.set_selection() # basech0 = spx[0] # baseinc = spx[1]-spx[0] # self.nchan = len(spx) # # frequency tolerance # if isinstance(self.freqtol, dict) and self.freqtol['unit'] == "Hz": # vftol = abs(self.freqtol['value']) # else: # vftol = abs(baseinc * float(self.freqtol)) # self.freqtol = dict(value=vftol, unit="Hz") # # tolerance of frequency increment # inctol = abs(baseinc/float(self.nchan)) # asaplog.push("Reference frequency setup (Table = 0, IFNO = %d): nchan = %d, chan0 = %f Hz, incr = %f Hz" % (self.baseif, self.nchan, basech0, baseinc)) # asaplog.push("Allowed frequency tolerance = %f Hz ( %f channels)" % (vftol, vftol/baseinc)) # poltype0 = stab.poltype() # self.tables = [] # self.signalShift = [] # if self.dsbmode: # self.imageShift = [] # for itab in range(ntab): # asaplog.push("Table %d:" % itab) # tab_selected = False # if itab > 0: # if byname: # stab = scantable(self.intables[itab],average=False) # else: # stab = self.intables[itab] # unit_org = stab.get_unit() # coord = stab._getcoordinfo() # frame_org = coord[1] # stab.set_unit("Hz") # if len(self.freqframe) > 0: # stab.set_freqframe(self.freqframe) # # Check POLTYPE should be equal to the first table. # if stab.poltype() != poltype0: # # raise Exception, "POLTYPE should be equal to the first table." # # Multiple beam data may not handled properly # if len(stab.getbeamnos()) > 1: # # asaplog.push("table contains multiple beams. It may not be handled properly.") # asaplog.push("WARN") # for ifno in stab.getifnos(): # stab.set_selection(ifs=[ifno]) # spx = stab._getabcissa() # if (len(spx) != self.nchan) or \ # (abs(spx[0]-basech0) > vftol) or \ # (abs(spx[1]-spx[0]-baseinc) > inctol): # continue # tab_selected = True # seltab = stab.copy() # seltab.set_unit(unit_org) # seltab.set_freqframe(frame_org) # self.tables.append(seltab) # self.signalShift.append((spx[0]-basech0)/baseinc) # if self.dsbmode: # self.imageShift.append(-self.signalShift[-1]) # asaplog.push("- IF%d selected: sideband shift = %16.12e channels" % (ifno, self.signalShift[-1])) # stab.set_selection() # stab.set_unit(unit_org) # stab.set_freqframe(frame_org) # if not tab_selected: # # asaplog.push("No data selected in Table %d" % itab) #"WARN") # asaplog.push("Total number of IFs selected = %d" % len(self.tables)) # if len(self.tables) < 2: # # raise RuntimeError, "At least 2 IFs are necessary for convolution!" # if not self.dsbmode and len(self.imageShift) != len(self.signalShift): # # errmsg = "User defined channel shift of image sideband has %d elements, while selected IFNOs are %d" % (len(self.imageShift), len(self.signalShift)) # errmsg += "\nThe frequency tolerance (freqtol) you set may be too small." # raise RuntimeError, errmsg # self.signalShift = numpy.array(self.signalShift) # self.imageShift = numpy.array(self.imageShift) # self.nshift = len(self.tables) # @asaplog_post_dec # def _preprocess_tables(self): # ### temporary method to preprocess data # ### Do time averaging for now. # for itab in range(len(self.tables)): # self.tables[itab] = self.tables[itab].average_time(scanav=False, weight="tintsys") # ######################################################################## # def _Deconvolution(self, data_array, shift, threshold=0.00000001): # FObs = [] # Reject = 0 # nshift, nchan = data_array.shape # nspec = nshift*(nshift-1)/2 # ifftObs = numpy.zeros((nspec, nchan), numpy.float) # for i in range(nshift): # F = FFT.fft(data_array[i]) # FObs.append(F) # z = 0 # for i in range(nshift): # for j in range(i+1, nshift): # Fobs = (FObs[i]+FObs[j])/2.0 # dX = (shift[j]-shift[i])*2.0*math.pi/float(self.nchan) # #print 'dX,i,j=',dX,i,j # for k in range(1,self.nchan): # if math.fabs(math.sin(dX*k)) > threshold: # Fobs[k] += ((FObs[i][k]-FObs[j][k])/2.0/(1.0-math.cos(dX*k))*math.sin(dX*k))*1.0j # else: Reject += 1 # ifftObs[z] = FFT.ifft(Fobs) # z += 1 # print 'Threshold=%s Reject=%d' % (threshold, Reject) # return ifftObs # def _combineResult(self, ifftObs): # nspec = len(ifftObs) # sum = ifftObs[0] # for i in range(1,nspec): # sum += ifftObs[i] # return(sum/float(nspec)) # def _subtractOtherSide(self, data_array, shift, Data): # sum = numpy.zeros(len(Data), numpy.float) # numSP = len(data_array) # for i in range(numSP): # SPsub = data_array[i] - Data # sum += self._shiftSpectrum(SPsub, -shift[i]) # return(sum/float(numSP)) # def _shiftSpectrum(self, data, Shift): # Out = numpy.zeros(self.nchan, numpy.float) # w2 = Shift % 1 # w1 = 1.0 - w2 # for i in range(self.nchan): # c1 = int((Shift + i) % self.nchan) # c2 = (c1 + 1) % self.nchan # Out[c1] += data[i] * w1 # Out[c2] += data[i] * w2 # return Out.copy()