1 | import os, sys, platform
2 | import subprocess
3 | import glob
4 | import shutil
5 | from distutils.command import build_ext
6 |
7 | try:
8 | from setuptools import setup as _setup
9 | from setuptools import Extension
10 | except ImportError, ex:
11 | from distutils.core import setup as _setup
12 | from distutils.core import Extension
13 |
14 | def setup(*args, **kwargs):
15 | asapso = Extension(name="%s._%s" % (kwargs['name'],kwargs['name']),
16 | sources=[])
17 | d = {'ext_modules': [ asapso ],
18 | 'cmdclass': {'build_ext': scons_ext}
19 | }
20 | kwargs.update(d)
21 | _setup(*args, **kwargs)
22 |
23 |
24 | class scons_ext(build_ext.build_ext):
25 | """Build extensions using scons instead of distutils.
26 | """
27 | _scons_options = []
28 | user_options = \
29 | [('casacoreroot=', None,
30 | 'Prefix for casacore installation location'),
31 | ('casacorestatic=', None,
32 | 'use static casacore libraries'),
33 | ('boostroot=', None,
34 | 'Prefix for boost_python installation location'),
35 | ('boostlib=', None, 'Name of the boost_python library'),
36 | ('cfitsioroot=', None,
37 | 'Prefix for cfitsio installation location'),
38 | ('cfitsiolib=', None, 'Name of the cfitsio library'),
39 | ('cfitsioincdir=', None, 'The custom cfitsio include dir'),
40 | ('wcsroot=', None, 'Prefix for wcslib installation location'),
41 | ('wcslib=', None, 'Name of the wcs library'),
42 | ('rpfitsroot=', None, 'Prefix for rpfits installation location'),
43 | ('rpfitslib=', None, 'Name of the rpfits library'),
44 | ('blaslib=', None, 'Name of the blas library'),
45 | ('lapacklib=', None, 'Name of the lapack library'),
46 | ('f2clib=', None, 'Name of the fortran-to-c library'),
47 | ('jobs=','j', 'Number of processes'),
48 | ('extraflags=', None,
49 | 'Extra build flags e.g. static libs, defines etc.'),
50 | ('extraroot=', None,
51 | 'Extra root directory where muiltple packages could be found,'
52 | ' e.g. $HOME, to add $HOME/lib etc to the build.'),
53 | ]
54 |
55 |
56 | def initialize_options(self):
57 | """
58 | Overload to enable custom settings to be picked up
59 | """
60 | build_ext.build_ext.initialize_options(self)
61 | self._scons_options = []
62 | # attribute corresponding to directory prefix
63 | # command line option
64 | self.jobs = None
65 | self.extraroot = None
66 | self.extraflags = None
67 | self.casacoreroot = None
68 | self.casacorestatic = None
69 | self.boostroot = None
70 | self.boostlib = None
71 | self.cfitsioroot = None
72 | self.cfitsiolib = None
73 | self.cfitsioincdir = None
74 | self.wcsroot = None
75 | self.wcslib = None
76 | self.rpfitsroot = None
77 | self.rpfitslib = None
78 | self.blaslib = None
79 | self.lapacklib = None
80 | self.f2clib = None
81 |
82 | def finalize_options(self):
83 | build_ext.build_ext.finalize_options(self)
84 | for opt in self.user_options:
85 | attr = opt[0].strip("=")
86 | v = getattr(self, attr)
87 | if v is not None:
88 | if opt[1] is None:
89 | self._scons_options.append("=".join([attr, v]))
90 | else:
91 | self._scons_options.append(" ".join(["-"+opt[1], v]))
92 |
93 | def build_extensions(self):
94 | ext = self.extensions[0]
95 | try:
96 | ext_path = self.get_ext_fullpath(ext.name)
97 | extdir = os.path.dirname(ext_path)
98 | except AttributeError:
99 | # hack for pyhton 2.5
100 | extdir = os.path.join(self.build_lib, ext.name.split(".")[0])
101 | if not os.path.exists(extdir):
102 | os.makedirs(extdir)
103 | cmd = ['scons'] + self._scons_options
104 | retcode = subprocess.call(cmd)
105 | if retcode != 0:
106 | raise RuntimeError('scons failed')
107 | # copy extension into distutils build directory
108 | if os.path.exists("build/_asap.so"):
109 | shutil.copy("build/_asap.so", extdir)