// // C++ Interface: concurrent // // Description: // // // Author: Kohji Nakamura , (C) 2012 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include #include #include "concurrent.h" //#define LOG(x) do {}while(false) #define LOG(x) fprintf(stderr, "Error: %d\n", (x)) namespace concurrent { /* ======================= Mutex ======================= */ Mutex::Mutex() throw(int) { int result = pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); if (result != 0) { LOG(result); throw result; } } Mutex::~Mutex() { int result = pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); if (result != 0) { LOG(result); } } void Mutex::lock() throw(int) { int result = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (result != 0) { LOG(result); throw result; } } bool Mutex::try_lock() throw(int) { int result = pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex); if (result == 0) { return true; } if (result == EBUSY) { return false; } LOG(result); throw result; } void Mutex::unlock() throw(int) { int result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); if (result != 0) { LOG(result); throw result; } } /* ======================= Semaphore ======================= */ Semaphore::Semaphore(unsigned initial) throw(int) { //mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; //cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; sem = initial; int result = pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); if (result != 0) { LOG(result); throw result; } result = pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL); if (result != 0) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); LOG(result); throw result; } } Semaphore::~Semaphore() { int result = pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); result = pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); } void Semaphore::up(unsigned amount) throw(int) { assert(0 < amount && amount <= UINT_MAX - sem); int result = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (result == 0) { sem += amount; result = pthread_cond_signal(&cond); int result2 = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); if (result == 0 && result2 == 0) { return; } if (result != 0 && result2 != 0) { LOG(result); result = 0; } if (result == 0) { result = result2; } } LOG(result); throw result; } void Semaphore::down(unsigned amount) throw(int) { assert(0 < amount); int result = pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (result == 0) { while (sem < amount) { result = pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex); if (result != 0) { LOG(result); break; } } if (sem >= amount) { sem -= amount; } int result2 = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); if (result == 0 && result2 == 0) { return; } if (result != 0 && result2 != 0) { LOG(result); result = 0; } if (result == 0) { result = result2; } } LOG(result); throw result; } /* ======================= Broker ======================= */ Broker::Broker(bool (*producer)(void *context) throw(PCException), void (*consumer)(void *context) throw(PCException)) { this->producer = producer; this->consumer = consumer; } Broker::~Broker() { } void Broker::enableNested() { omp_set_nested(1); } void Broker::disableNested() { omp_set_nested(0); } void Broker::setNestedState(bool nested) { omp_set_nested(static_cast(nested)); } bool Broker::getNestedState() { return omp_get_nested() ? true : false; } void Broker::runProducerAsMasterThread(void *context, unsigned do_ahead) throw(PCException) { _run(context, do_ahead, ProdAsMaster); } void Broker::runConsumerAsMasterThread(void *context, unsigned do_ahead) throw(PCException) { _run(context, do_ahead, ConsAsMaster); } void Broker::run(void *context, unsigned do_ahead) throw(PCException) { _run(context, do_ahead, Unspecified); } void Broker::_run(void *context, unsigned do_ahead, ThreadSpec threadSpec) throw(PCException) { assert(do_ahead > 0); #ifdef _OPENMP PCException *prodEx = NULL; PCException *consEx = NULL; unsigned queuedJobs = 0; int consumerTerminated = 0; Semaphore semaphore_for_consumer; Semaphore semaphore_for_producer(do_ahead); #pragma omp parallel num_threads(2) \ shared(semaphore_for_consumer, semaphore_for_producer, \ consumerTerminated, queuedJobs) { //fprintf(stderr, "run: %p %d\n", context, omp_get_thread_num()); bool runProd = true; if (threadSpec == Unspecified) { #pragma omp single { runProd = false; } } else { bool isMaster = false; #pragma omp master { isMaster = true; } if (threadSpec == ProdAsMaster) { runProd = isMaster; } else { // ConsAsMaster runProd = ! isMaster; } } if (runProd) { // producer for (;;) { semaphore_for_producer.down(); int consumerDead = 0; #pragma omp atomic consumerDead += consumerTerminated; if (consumerDead) { break; } try { bool produced = producer(context); if (! produced) { break; } } catch (PCException &e) { prodEx = &e; break; } #pragma omp atomic queuedJobs++; semaphore_for_consumer.up(); } // additional 'up' to give consumer a chance to terminate. semaphore_for_consumer.up(); } else { // consumer for (;;) { semaphore_for_consumer.down(); unsigned remainingJobs = 0U; #pragma omp atomic remainingJobs += queuedJobs; if (remainingJobs == 0U) { break; } #pragma omp atomic queuedJobs--; try { consumer(context); } catch (PCException &e) { consEx = &e; break; } semaphore_for_producer.up(); } #pragma omp atomic consumerTerminated++; // additional 'up' to give producer a chance to terminate. semaphore_for_producer.up(); } } if (prodEx) { prodEx->raise(); } else if (consEx) { consEx->raise(); } #else runSequential(context); #endif } void Broker::runSequential(void *context) throw(PCException) { for (;;) { bool produced = producer(context); if (! produced) { break; } consumer(context); } } } // namespace