// // C++ Interface: Scantable // // Description: // // // Author: Malte Marquarding , (C) 2005 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #ifndef ASAPSCANTABLE_H #define ASAPSCANTABLE_H // STL #include #include // AIPS++ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Logger.h" #include "STHeader.h" #include "STFrequencies.h" #include "STWeather.h" #include "STFocus.h" #include "STTcal.h" #include "STMolecules.h" #include "STSelector.h" #include "STHistory.h" #include "STPol.h" #include "STFit.h" #include "STFitEntry.h" namespace asap { /** * This class contains and wraps a casa::Table, which is used to store * all the information. This can be either a MemoryTable or a * disk based Table. * It provides access functions to the underlying table * It contains n subtables: * @li weather * @li frequencies * @li molecules * @li tcal * @li focus * @li fits * * @brief The main ASAP data container * @author Malte Marquarding * @date * @version */ class Scantable : private Logger { friend class STMath; public: /** * Default constructor */ explicit Scantable(casa::Table::TableType ttype = casa::Table::Memory); /** * Create a Scantable object form an existing table on disk * @param[in] name the name of the existing Scantable */ explicit Scantable(const std::string& name, casa::Table::TableType ttype = casa::Table::Memory); /// @fixme this is only sensible for MemoryTables.... Scantable(const Scantable& other, bool clear=true); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~Scantable(); /** * get a const reference to the underlying casa::Table * @return const \ref casa::Table reference */ const casa::Table& table() const; /** * get a reference to the underlying casa::Table with the Selection * object applied if set * @return casa::Table reference */ casa::Table& table(); /** * Get a handle to the selection object * @return constant STSelector reference */ const STSelector& getSelection() const { return selector_; } /** * Set the data to be a subset as defined by the STSelector * @param selection a STSelector object */ void setSelection(const STSelector& selection); /** * unset the selection of the data */ void unsetSelection(); /** * set the header * @param[in] sth an STHeader object */ void setHeader( const STHeader& sth ); /** * get the header information * @return an STHeader object */ STHeader getHeader( ) const; /** * Checks if the "other" Scantable is conformant with this, * i.e. if header values are the same. * @param[in] other another Scantable * @return true or false */ bool conformant( const Scantable& other); /** * * @param stype The type of the source, 0 = on, 1 = off */ void setSourceType(int stype); /** * The number of scans in the table * @return number of scans in the table */ int nscan() const; casa::MEpoch::Types getTimeReference() const; /** * Get global antenna position * @return casa::MPosition */ casa::MPosition getAntennaPosition() const; /** * the @ref casa::MDirection for a specific row * @param[in] whichrow the row number * return casa::MDirection */ casa::MDirection getDirection( int whichrow ) const; /** * get the direction type as a string, e.g. "J2000" * @param[in] whichrow the row number * return the direction string */ std::string getDirectionString( int whichrow ) const; /** * set the direction type as a string, e.g. "J2000" * @param[in] refstr the direction type */ void setDirectionRefString(const std::string& refstr=""); /** * get the direction reference string * @return a string describing the direction reference */ std::string getDirectionRefString() const; /** * get the direction type as a string, e.g. "J2000" * param[in] whichrow the row number * return the direction string */ /** * Return the Flux unit of the data, e.g. "Jy" or "K" * @return string */ std::string getFluxUnit() const; /** * Set the Flux unit of the data * @param unit a string representing the unit, e.g "Jy" or "K" */ void setFluxUnit( const std::string& unit ); /** * Set the Stokes type of the data * @param feedtype a string representing the type, e.g "circular" or "linear" */ void setFeedType( const std::string& feedtype ); /** * * @param instrument a string representing an insturment. see xxx */ void setInstrument( const std::string& instrument ); /** * (Re)calculate the azimuth and elevationnfor all rows */ void calculateAZEL(); /** * "hard" flag the data, this flags everything selected in setSelection() * param[in] msk a boolean mask of length nchan describing the points to * to be flagged */ //void flag( const std::vector& msk = std::vector()); void flag( const std::vector& msk = std::vector(), bool unflag=false); /** * Return a list of row numbers with respect to the original table. * @return a list of unsigned ints */ std::vector rownumbers() const; /** * Get the number of beams in the data or a specific scan * @param scanno the scan number to get the number of beams for. * If scanno<0 the number is retrieved from the header. * @return an integer number */ int nbeam(int scanno=-1) const; /** * Get the number of IFs in the data or a specific scan * @param scanno the scan number to get the number of IFs for. * If scanno<0 the number is retrieved from the header. * @return an integer number */ int nif(int scanno=-1) const; /** * Get the number of polarizations in the data or a specific scan * @param scanno the scan number to get the number of polarizations for. * If scanno<0 the number is retrieved from the header. * @return an integer number */ int npol(int scanno=-1) const; std::string getPolType() const; /** * Get the number of integartion cycles * @param scanno the scan number to get the number of rows for. * If scanno<0 the number is retrieved from the header. * @return the number of rows (for the specified scanno) */ int nrow(int scanno=-1) const; int getBeam(int whichrow) const; std::vector getBeamNos() { return getNumbers(beamCol_); } int getIF(int whichrow) const; std::vector getIFNos() { return getNumbers(ifCol_); } int getPol(int whichrow) const; std::vector getPolNos() { return getNumbers(polCol_); } std::vector getScanNos() { return getNumbers(scanCol_); } int getScan(int whichrow) const { return scanCol_(whichrow); } /** * Get the number of channels in the data or a specific IF. This currently * varies only with IF number * @param ifno the IF number to get the number of channels for. * If ifno<0 the number is retrieved from the header. * @return an integer number */ int nchan(int ifno=-1) const; int getChannels(int whichrow) const; int ncycle(int scanno=-1) const; int getCycle(int whichrow) const { return cycleCol_(whichrow); } double getInterval(int whichrow) const { return integrCol_(whichrow); } float getTsys(int whichrow) const { return casa::Vector(tsysCol_(whichrow))(0); } float getElevation(int whichrow) const { return elCol_(whichrow); } float getAzimuth(int whichrow) const { return azCol_(whichrow); } float getParAngle(int whichrow) const { return paraCol_(whichrow); } std::string getSourceName(int whichrow) const { return srcnCol_(whichrow); } std::vector getMask(int whichrow) const; std::vector getSpectrum(int whichrow, const std::string& poltype = "" ) const; void setSpectrum(const std::vector& spec, int whichrow); std::string getPolarizationLabel(int index, const std::string& ptype) const { return STPol::getPolLabel(index, ptype ); } /** * Write the Scantable to disk * @param filename the output file name */ void makePersistent(const std::string& filename); std::vector getHistory() const { return historyTable_.getHistory(); }; void addHistory(const std::string& hist) { historyTable_.addEntry(hist); } void appendToHistoryTable(const STHistory& otherhist) { historyTable_.append(otherhist); } std::string summary(bool verbose=false); std::string getTime(int whichrow=-1, bool showdate=true) const; double getIntTime(int whichrow) const { return integrCol_(whichrow); } // returns unit, conversion frame, doppler, base-frame /** * Get the frequency set up * This is forwarded to the STFrequencies subtable * @return unit, frame, doppler */ std::vector getCoordInfo() const { return freqTable_.getInfo(); }; void setCoordInfo(std::vector theinfo) { return freqTable_.setInfo(theinfo); }; std::vector getAbcissa(int whichrow) const; std::string getAbcissaLabel(int whichrow) const; std::vector getRestFrequencies() const { return moleculeTable_.getRestFrequencies(); } void setRestFrequencies(double rf, const std::string& name = "", const std::string& = "Hz"); void setRestFrequencies(const std::string& name); void shift(int npix); void convertDirection(const std::string& newframe); STFrequencies& frequencies() { return freqTable_; } const STFrequencies& frequencies() const { return freqTable_; } STWeather& weather() { return weatherTable_; } const STWeather& weather() const { return weatherTable_; } STFocus& focus() { return focusTable_; } const STFocus& focus() const { return focusTable_; } STTcal& tcal() { return tcalTable_; } const STTcal& tcal() const { return tcalTable_; } STMolecules& molecules() { return moleculeTable_; } const STMolecules& molecules() const { return moleculeTable_; } STHistory& history() { return historyTable_; } const STHistory& history() const { return historyTable_; } STFit& fit() { return fitTable_; } const STFit& fit() const { return fitTable_; } std::vector columnNames() const; void addFit(const STFitEntry& fit, int row); STFitEntry getFit(int row) const { STFitEntry fe; fitTable_.getEntry(fe, mfitidCol_(row)); return fe; } //Added by TT /** * Get the antenna name * @return antenna name string */ std::string getAntennaName() const; /** * For GBT MS data only. check a scan list * against the information found in GBT_GO table for * scan number orders to get correct pairs. * @param[in] scan list * @return status */ int checkScanInfo(const std::vector& scanlist) const; /** * Get the direction as a vector, for a specific row * @param[in] whichrow the row numbyyer * @return the direction in a vector */ std::vector getDirectionVector(int whichrow) const; private: casa::Matrix getPolMatrix( casa::uInt whichrow ) const; /** * Turns a time vale into a formatted string * @param x * @return */ std::string formatSec(casa::Double x) const; std::string formatTime(const casa::MEpoch& me, bool showdate)const; /** * Turns a casa::MDirection into a nicely formatted string * @param md an casa::MDirection * @return */ std::string formatDirection(const casa::MDirection& md) const; /** * Create a unique file name for the paged (temporary) table * @return just the name */ static casa::String generateName(); /** * attach to cached columns */ void attach(); /** * Set up the main casa::Table */ void setupMainTable(); void attachSubtables(); void copySubtables(const Scantable& other); /** * Convert an "old" asap1 style row index into a new index * @param[in] therow * @return and index into @table_ */ int rowToScanIndex(int therow); std::vector getNumbers(casa::ScalarColumn& col); static const casa::uInt version_ = 2; STSelector selector_; casa::Table::TableType type_; // the actual data casa::Table table_; casa::Table originalTable_; STTcal tcalTable_; STFrequencies freqTable_; STWeather weatherTable_; STFocus focusTable_; STMolecules moleculeTable_; STHistory historyTable_; STFit fitTable_; // Cached Columns to avoid reconstructing them for each row get/put casa::ScalarColumn integrCol_; casa::MDirection::ScalarColumn dirCol_; casa::MEpoch::ScalarColumn timeCol_; casa::ScalarColumn azCol_; casa::ScalarColumn elCol_; casa::ScalarColumn paraCol_; casa::ScalarColumn srcnCol_, fldnCol_; casa::ScalarColumn scanCol_, beamCol_, ifCol_, polCol_, cycleCol_; casa::ScalarColumn rbeamCol_, srctCol_; casa::ArrayColumn specCol_, tsysCol_; casa::ArrayColumn flagsCol_; // id in frequencies table casa::ScalarColumn mfreqidCol_; // id in tcal table casa::ScalarColumn mtcalidCol_; casa::ArrayColumn histitemCol_; casa::ScalarColumn mfitidCol_; casa::ScalarColumn mweatheridCol_; casa::ScalarColumn mfocusidCol_; casa::ScalarColumn mmolidCol_; static std::map factories_; void initFactories(); }; } // namespace #endif