// // C++ Implementation: Scantable // // Description: // // // Author: Malte Marquarding , (C) 2005 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // needed to avoid error in .tcc #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Scantable.h" #include "STPolLinear.h" #include "STPolCircular.h" #include "STPolStokes.h" #include "STAttr.h" #include "MathUtils.h" using namespace casa; namespace asap { std::map Scantable::factories_; void Scantable::initFactories() { if ( factories_.empty() ) { Scantable::factories_["linear"] = &STPolLinear::myFactory; Scantable::factories_["circular"] = &STPolCircular::myFactory; Scantable::factories_["stokes"] = &STPolStokes::myFactory; } } Scantable::Scantable(Table::TableType ttype) : type_(ttype) { initFactories(); setupMainTable(); freqTable_ = STFrequencies(*this); table_.rwKeywordSet().defineTable("FREQUENCIES", freqTable_.table()); weatherTable_ = STWeather(*this); table_.rwKeywordSet().defineTable("WEATHER", weatherTable_.table()); focusTable_ = STFocus(*this); table_.rwKeywordSet().defineTable("FOCUS", focusTable_.table()); tcalTable_ = STTcal(*this); table_.rwKeywordSet().defineTable("TCAL", tcalTable_.table()); moleculeTable_ = STMolecules(*this); table_.rwKeywordSet().defineTable("MOLECULES", moleculeTable_.table()); historyTable_ = STHistory(*this); table_.rwKeywordSet().defineTable("HISTORY", historyTable_.table()); fitTable_ = STFit(*this); table_.rwKeywordSet().defineTable("FIT", fitTable_.table()); originalTable_ = table_; attach(); } Scantable::Scantable(const std::string& name, Table::TableType ttype) : type_(ttype) { initFactories(); Table tab(name, Table::Update); uInt version = tab.keywordSet().asuInt("VERSION"); if (version != version_) { throw(AipsError("Unsupported version of ASAP file.")); } if ( type_ == Table::Memory ) { table_ = tab.copyToMemoryTable(generateName()); } else { table_ = tab; } attachSubtables(); originalTable_ = table_; attach(); } Scantable::Scantable( const Scantable& other, bool clear ) { // with or without data String newname = String(generateName()); type_ = other.table_.tableType(); if ( other.table_.tableType() == Table::Memory ) { if ( clear ) { table_ = TableCopy::makeEmptyMemoryTable(newname, other.table_, True); } else table_ = other.table_.copyToMemoryTable(newname); } else { other.table_.deepCopy(newname, Table::New, False, other.table_.endianFormat(), Bool(clear)); table_ = Table(newname, Table::Update); table_.markForDelete(); } /// @todo reindex SCANNO, recompute nbeam, nif, npol if ( clear ) copySubtables(other); attachSubtables(); originalTable_ = table_; attach(); } void Scantable::copySubtables(const Scantable& other) { Table t = table_.rwKeywordSet().asTable("FREQUENCIES"); TableCopy::copyRows(t, other.freqTable_.table()); t = table_.rwKeywordSet().asTable("FOCUS"); TableCopy::copyRows(t, other.focusTable_.table()); t = table_.rwKeywordSet().asTable("WEATHER"); TableCopy::copyRows(t, other.weatherTable_.table()); t = table_.rwKeywordSet().asTable("TCAL"); TableCopy::copyRows(t, other.tcalTable_.table()); t = table_.rwKeywordSet().asTable("MOLECULES"); TableCopy::copyRows(t, other.moleculeTable_.table()); t = table_.rwKeywordSet().asTable("HISTORY"); TableCopy::copyRows(t, other.historyTable_.table()); t = table_.rwKeywordSet().asTable("FIT"); TableCopy::copyRows(t, other.fitTable_.table()); } void Scantable::attachSubtables() { freqTable_ = STFrequencies(table_); focusTable_ = STFocus(table_); weatherTable_ = STWeather(table_); tcalTable_ = STTcal(table_); moleculeTable_ = STMolecules(table_); historyTable_ = STHistory(table_); fitTable_ = STFit(table_); } Scantable::~Scantable() { //cout << "~Scantable() " << this << endl; } void Scantable::setupMainTable() { TableDesc td("", "1", TableDesc::Scratch); td.comment() = "An ASAP Scantable"; td.rwKeywordSet().define("VERSION", uInt(version_)); // n Cycles td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("SCANNO")); // new index every nBeam x nIF x nPol td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("CYCLENO")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("BEAMNO")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("IFNO")); // linear, circular, stokes td.rwKeywordSet().define("POLTYPE", String("linear")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("POLNO")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("FREQ_ID")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("MOLECULE_ID")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("REFBEAMNO")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("TIME")); TableMeasRefDesc measRef(MEpoch::UTC); // UTC as default TableMeasValueDesc measVal(td, "TIME"); TableMeasDesc mepochCol(measVal, measRef); mepochCol.write(td); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("INTERVAL")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("SRCNAME")); // Type of source (on=0, off=1, other=-1) ScalarColumnDesc stypeColumn("SRCTYPE"); stypeColumn.setDefault(Int(-1)); td.addColumn(stypeColumn); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("FIELDNAME")); //The actual Data Vectors td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("SPECTRA")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("FLAGTRA")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("TSYS")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("DIRECTION", IPosition(1,2), ColumnDesc::Direct)); TableMeasRefDesc mdirRef(MDirection::J2000); // default TableMeasValueDesc tmvdMDir(td, "DIRECTION"); // the TableMeasDesc gives the column a type TableMeasDesc mdirCol(tmvdMDir, mdirRef); // a uder set table type e.g. GALCTIC, B1950 ... td.rwKeywordSet().define("DIRECTIONREF", String("J2000")); // writing create the measure column mdirCol.write(td); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("AZIMUTH")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("ELEVATION")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("PARANGLE")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("OPACITY")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("TCAL_ID")); ScalarColumnDesc fitColumn("FIT_ID"); fitColumn.setDefault(Int(-1)); td.addColumn(fitColumn); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("FOCUS_ID")); td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("WEATHER_ID")); // columns which just get dragged along, as they aren't used in asap td.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("SRCVELOCITY")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("SRCPROPERMOTION")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("SRCDIRECTION")); td.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("SCANRATE")); td.rwKeywordSet().define("OBSMODE", String("")); // Now create Table SetUp from the description. SetupNewTable aNewTab(generateName(), td, Table::Scratch); table_ = Table(aNewTab, type_, 0); originalTable_ = table_; } void Scantable::attach() { timeCol_.attach(table_, "TIME"); srcnCol_.attach(table_, "SRCNAME"); srctCol_.attach(table_, "SRCTYPE"); specCol_.attach(table_, "SPECTRA"); flagsCol_.attach(table_, "FLAGTRA"); tsysCol_.attach(table_, "TSYS"); cycleCol_.attach(table_,"CYCLENO"); scanCol_.attach(table_, "SCANNO"); beamCol_.attach(table_, "BEAMNO"); ifCol_.attach(table_, "IFNO"); polCol_.attach(table_, "POLNO"); integrCol_.attach(table_, "INTERVAL"); azCol_.attach(table_, "AZIMUTH"); elCol_.attach(table_, "ELEVATION"); dirCol_.attach(table_, "DIRECTION"); paraCol_.attach(table_, "PARANGLE"); fldnCol_.attach(table_, "FIELDNAME"); rbeamCol_.attach(table_, "REFBEAMNO"); mfitidCol_.attach(table_,"FIT_ID"); mfreqidCol_.attach(table_, "FREQ_ID"); mtcalidCol_.attach(table_, "TCAL_ID"); mfocusidCol_.attach(table_, "FOCUS_ID"); mmolidCol_.attach(table_, "MOLECULE_ID"); } void Scantable::setHeader(const STHeader& sdh) { table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nIF", sdh.nif); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nBeam", sdh.nbeam); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nPol", sdh.npol); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nChan", sdh.nchan); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Observer", sdh.observer); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Project", sdh.project); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Obstype", sdh.obstype); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("AntennaName", sdh.antennaname); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("AntennaPosition", sdh.antennaposition); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Equinox", sdh.equinox); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("FreqRefFrame", sdh.freqref); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("FreqRefVal", sdh.reffreq); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Bandwidth", sdh.bandwidth); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("UTC", sdh.utc); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("FluxUnit", sdh.fluxunit); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("Epoch", sdh.epoch); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("POLTYPE", sdh.poltype); } STHeader Scantable::getHeader() const { STHeader sdh; table_.keywordSet().get("nBeam",sdh.nbeam); table_.keywordSet().get("nIF",sdh.nif); table_.keywordSet().get("nPol",sdh.npol); table_.keywordSet().get("nChan",sdh.nchan); table_.keywordSet().get("Observer", sdh.observer); table_.keywordSet().get("Project", sdh.project); table_.keywordSet().get("Obstype", sdh.obstype); table_.keywordSet().get("AntennaName", sdh.antennaname); table_.keywordSet().get("AntennaPosition", sdh.antennaposition); table_.keywordSet().get("Equinox", sdh.equinox); table_.keywordSet().get("FreqRefFrame", sdh.freqref); table_.keywordSet().get("FreqRefVal", sdh.reffreq); table_.keywordSet().get("Bandwidth", sdh.bandwidth); table_.keywordSet().get("UTC", sdh.utc); table_.keywordSet().get("FluxUnit", sdh.fluxunit); table_.keywordSet().get("Epoch", sdh.epoch); table_.keywordSet().get("POLTYPE", sdh.poltype); return sdh; } void Scantable::setSourceType( int stype ) { if ( stype < 0 || stype > 1 ) throw(AipsError("Illegal sourcetype.")); TableVector tabvec(table_, "SRCTYPE"); tabvec = Int(stype); } bool Scantable::conformant( const Scantable& other ) { return this->getHeader().conformant(other.getHeader()); } std::string Scantable::formatSec(Double x) const { Double xcop = x; MVTime mvt(xcop/24./3600.); // make days if (x < 59.95) return String(" ") + mvt.string(MVTime::TIME_CLEAN_NO_HM, 7)+"s"; else if (x < 3599.95) return String(" ") + mvt.string(MVTime::TIME_CLEAN_NO_H,7)+" "; else { ostringstream oss; oss << setw(2) << std::right << setprecision(1) << mvt.hour(); oss << ":" << mvt.string(MVTime::TIME_CLEAN_NO_H,7) << " "; return String(oss); } }; std::string Scantable::formatDirection(const MDirection& md) const { Vector t = md.getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue(); Int prec = 7; MVAngle mvLon(t[0]); String sLon = mvLon.string(MVAngle::TIME,prec); uInt tp = md.getRef().getType(); if (tp == MDirection::GALACTIC || tp == MDirection::SUPERGAL ) { sLon = mvLon(0.0).string(MVAngle::ANGLE_CLEAN,prec); } MVAngle mvLat(t[1]); String sLat = mvLat.string(MVAngle::ANGLE+MVAngle::DIG2,prec); return sLon + String(" ") + sLat; } std::string Scantable::getFluxUnit() const { return table_.keywordSet().asString("FluxUnit"); } void Scantable::setFluxUnit(const std::string& unit) { String tmp(unit); Unit tU(tmp); if (tU==Unit("K") || tU==Unit("Jy")) { table_.rwKeywordSet().define(String("FluxUnit"), tmp); } else { throw AipsError("Illegal unit - must be compatible with Jy or K"); } } void Scantable::setInstrument(const std::string& name) { bool throwIt = true; // create an Instrument to see if this is valid STAttr::convertInstrument(name, throwIt); String nameU(name); nameU.upcase(); table_.rwKeywordSet().define(String("AntennaName"), nameU); } void Scantable::setFeedType(const std::string& feedtype) { if ( Scantable::factories_.find(feedtype) == Scantable::factories_.end() ) { std::string msg = "Illegal feed type "+ feedtype; throw(casa::AipsError(msg)); } table_.rwKeywordSet().define(String("POLTYPE"), feedtype); } MPosition Scantable::getAntennaPosition () const { Vector antpos; table_.keywordSet().get("AntennaPosition", antpos); MVPosition mvpos(antpos(0),antpos(1),antpos(2)); return MPosition(mvpos); } void Scantable::makePersistent(const std::string& filename) { String inname(filename); Path path(inname); /// @todo reindex SCANNO, recompute nbeam, nif, npol inname = path.expandedName(); table_.deepCopy(inname, Table::New); } int Scantable::nbeam( int scanno ) const { if ( scanno < 0 ) { Int n; table_.keywordSet().get("nBeam",n); return int(n); } else { // take the first POLNO,IFNO,CYCLENO as nbeam shouldn't vary with these Table t = table_(table_.col("SCANNO") == scanno); ROTableRow row(t); const TableRecord& rec = row.get(0); Table subt = t( t.col("IFNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("IFNO")) && t.col("POLNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("POLNO")) && t.col("CYCLENO") == Int(rec.asuInt("CYCLENO")) ); ROTableVector v(subt, "BEAMNO"); return int(v.nelements()); } return 0; } int Scantable::nif( int scanno ) const { if ( scanno < 0 ) { Int n; table_.keywordSet().get("nIF",n); return int(n); } else { // take the first POLNO,BEAMNO,CYCLENO as nbeam shouldn't vary with these Table t = table_(table_.col("SCANNO") == scanno); ROTableRow row(t); const TableRecord& rec = row.get(0); Table subt = t( t.col("BEAMNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("BEAMNO")) && t.col("POLNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("POLNO")) && t.col("CYCLENO") == Int(rec.asuInt("CYCLENO")) ); if ( subt.nrow() == 0 ) return 0; ROTableVector v(subt, "IFNO"); return int(v.nelements()); } return 0; } int Scantable::npol( int scanno ) const { if ( scanno < 0 ) { Int n; table_.keywordSet().get("nPol",n); return n; } else { // take the first POLNO,IFNO,CYCLENO as nbeam shouldn't vary with these Table t = table_(table_.col("SCANNO") == scanno); ROTableRow row(t); const TableRecord& rec = row.get(0); Table subt = t( t.col("BEAMNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("BEAMNO")) && t.col("IFNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("IFNO")) && t.col("CYCLENO") == Int(rec.asuInt("CYCLENO")) ); if ( subt.nrow() == 0 ) return 0; ROTableVector v(subt, "POLNO"); return int(v.nelements()); } return 0; } int Scantable::ncycle( int scanno ) const { if ( scanno < 0 ) { Block cols(2); cols[0] = "SCANNO"; cols[1] = "CYCLENO"; TableIterator it(table_, cols); int n = 0; while ( !it.pastEnd() ) { ++n; ++it; } return n; } else { Table t = table_(table_.col("SCANNO") == scanno); ROTableRow row(t); const TableRecord& rec = row.get(0); Table subt = t( t.col("BEAMNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("BEAMNO")) && t.col("POLNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("POLNO")) && t.col("IFNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("IFNO")) ); if ( subt.nrow() == 0 ) return 0; return int(subt.nrow()); } return 0; } int Scantable::nrow( int scanno ) const { return int(table_.nrow()); } int Scantable::nchan( int ifno ) const { if ( ifno < 0 ) { Int n; table_.keywordSet().get("nChan",n); return int(n); } else { // take the first SCANNO,POLNO,BEAMNO,CYCLENO as nbeam shouldn't // vary with these Table t = table_(table_.col("IFNO") == ifno); if ( t.nrow() == 0 ) return 0; ROArrayColumn v(t, "SPECTRA"); return v.shape(0)(0); } return 0; } int Scantable::nscan() const { Vector scannos(scanCol_.getColumn()); uInt nout = genSort( scannos, Sort::Ascending, Sort::QuickSort|Sort::NoDuplicates ); return int(nout); } int Scantable::getChannels(int whichrow) const { return specCol_.shape(whichrow)(0); } int Scantable::getBeam(int whichrow) const { return beamCol_(whichrow); } std::vector Scantable::getNumbers(ScalarColumn& col) { Vector nos(col.getColumn()); uInt n = genSort( nos, Sort::Ascending, Sort::QuickSort|Sort::NoDuplicates ); nos.resize(n, True); std::vector stlout; nos.tovector(stlout); return stlout; } int Scantable::getIF(int whichrow) const { return ifCol_(whichrow); } int Scantable::getPol(int whichrow) const { return polCol_(whichrow); } std::string Scantable::formatTime(const MEpoch& me, bool showdate) const { MVTime mvt(me.getValue()); if (showdate) mvt.setFormat(MVTime::YMD); else mvt.setFormat(MVTime::TIME); ostringstream oss; oss << mvt; return String(oss); } void Scantable::calculateAZEL() { MPosition mp = getAntennaPosition(); MEpoch::ROScalarColumn timeCol(table_, "TIME"); ostringstream oss; oss << "Computed azimuth/elevation using " << endl << mp << endl; for (Int i=0; i "; MeasFrame frame(mp, me); Vector azel = MDirection::Convert(md, MDirection::Ref(MDirection::AZEL, frame) )().getAngle("rad").getValue(); azCol_.put(i,Float(azel[0])); elCol_.put(i,Float(azel[1])); oss << "azel: " << azel[0]/C::pi*180.0 << " " << azel[1]/C::pi*180.0 << " (deg)" << endl; } pushLog(String(oss)); } void Scantable::flag(const std::vector& msk, bool unflag) { std::vector::const_iterator it; uInt ntrue = 0; for (it = msk.begin(); it != msk.end(); ++it) { if ( *it ) { ntrue++; } } if ( selector_.empty() && (msk.size() == 0 || msk.size() == ntrue) ) throw(AipsError("Trying to flag whole scantable.")); if ( msk.size() == 0 ) { uChar userflag = 1 << 7; if ( unflag ) { userflag = 0 << 7; } for ( uInt i=0; i flgs = flagsCol_(i); flgs = userflag; flagsCol_.put(i, flgs); } return; } if ( int(msk.size()) != nchan() ) { throw(AipsError("Mask has incorrect number of channels.")); } for ( uInt i=0; i flgs = flagsCol_(i); if ( flgs.nelements() != msk.size() ) { throw(AipsError("Mask has incorrect number of channels." " Probably varying with IF. Please flag per IF")); } std::vector::const_iterator it; uInt j = 0; uChar userflag = 1 << 7; if ( unflag ) { userflag = 0 << 7; } for (it = msk.begin(); it != msk.end(); ++it) { if ( *it ) { flgs(j) = userflag; } ++j; } flagsCol_.put(i, flgs); } } std::vector Scantable::getMask(int whichrow) const { Vector flags; flagsCol_.get(uInt(whichrow), flags); Vector bflag(flags.shape()); convertArray(bflag, flags); bflag = !bflag; std::vector mask; bflag.tovector(mask); return mask; } std::vector Scantable::getSpectrum( int whichrow, const std::string& poltype ) const { String ptype = poltype; if (poltype == "" ) ptype = getPolType(); if ( whichrow < 0 || whichrow >= nrow() ) throw(AipsError("Illegal row number.")); std::vector out; Vector arr; uInt requestedpol = polCol_(whichrow); String basetype = getPolType(); if ( ptype == basetype ) { specCol_.get(whichrow, arr); } else { CountedPtr stpol(STPol::getPolClass(Scantable::factories_, basetype)); uInt row = uInt(whichrow); stpol->setSpectra(getPolMatrix(row)); Float fang,fhand,parang; fang = focusTable_.getTotalFeedAngle(mfocusidCol_(row)); fhand = focusTable_.getFeedHand(mfocusidCol_(row)); parang = paraCol_(row); /// @todo re-enable this // disable total feed angle to support paralactifying Caswell style stpol->setPhaseCorrections(parang, -parang, fhand); arr = stpol->getSpectrum(requestedpol, ptype); } if ( arr.nelements() == 0 ) pushLog("Not enough polarisations present to do the conversion."); arr.tovector(out); return out; } void Scantable::setSpectrum( const std::vector& spec, int whichrow ) { Vector spectrum(spec); Vector arr; specCol_.get(whichrow, arr); if ( spectrum.nelements() != arr.nelements() ) throw AipsError("The spectrum has incorrect number of channels."); specCol_.put(whichrow, spectrum); } String Scantable::generateName() { return (File::newUniqueName("./","temp")).baseName(); } const casa::Table& Scantable::table( ) const { return table_; } casa::Table& Scantable::table( ) { return table_; } std::string Scantable::getPolType() const { return table_.keywordSet().asString("POLTYPE"); } void Scantable::unsetSelection() { table_ = originalTable_; attach(); selector_.reset(); } void Scantable::setSelection( const STSelector& selection ) { Table tab = const_cast(selection).apply(originalTable_); if ( tab.nrow() == 0 ) { throw(AipsError("Selection contains no data. Not applying it.")); } table_ = tab; attach(); selector_ = selection; } std::string Scantable::summary( bool verbose ) { // Format header info ostringstream oss; oss << endl; oss << asap::SEPERATOR << endl; oss << " Scan Table Summary" << endl; oss << asap::SEPERATOR << endl; oss.flags(std::ios_base::left); oss << setw(15) << "Beams:" << setw(4) << nbeam() << endl << setw(15) << "IFs:" << setw(4) << nif() << endl << setw(15) << "Polarisations:" << setw(4) << npol() << "(" << getPolType() << ")" << endl << setw(15) << "Channels:" << setw(4) << nchan() << endl; oss << endl; String tmp; oss << setw(15) << "Observer:" << table_.keywordSet().asString("Observer") << endl; oss << setw(15) << "Obs Date:" << getTime(-1,true) << endl; table_.keywordSet().get("Project", tmp); oss << setw(15) << "Project:" << tmp << endl; table_.keywordSet().get("Obstype", tmp); oss << setw(15) << "Obs. Type:" << tmp << endl; table_.keywordSet().get("AntennaName", tmp); oss << setw(15) << "Antenna Name:" << tmp << endl; table_.keywordSet().get("FluxUnit", tmp); oss << setw(15) << "Flux Unit:" << tmp << endl; //Vector vec(moleculeTable_.getRestFrequencies()); int nid = moleculeTable_.nrow(); Bool firstline = True; oss << setw(15) << "Rest Freqs:"; for (int i=0; i 0) { Vector vec(moleculeTable_.getRestFrequency(i)); if (vec.nelements() > 0) { if (firstline) { oss << setprecision(10) << vec << " [Hz]" << endl; firstline=False; } else{ oss << setw(15)<<" " << setprecision(10) << vec << " [Hz]" << endl; } } else { oss << "none" << endl; } } } oss << setw(15) << "Abcissa:" << getAbcissaLabel(0) << endl; oss << selector_.print() << endl; oss << endl; // main table String dirtype = "Position (" + getDirectionRefString() + ")"; oss << setw(5) << "Scan" << setw(15) << "Source" << setw(10) << "Time" << setw(18) << "Integration" << endl; oss << setw(5) << "" << setw(5) << "Beam" << setw(3) << "" << dirtype << endl; oss << setw(10) << "" << setw(3) << "IF" << setw(6) << "" << setw(8) << "Frame" << setw(16) << "RefVal" << setw(10) << "RefPix" << setw(12) << "Increment" < -1) { me = timeCol(uInt(whichrow)); } else { Double tm; table_.keywordSet().get("UTC",tm); me = MEpoch(MVEpoch(tm)); } return formatTime(me, showdate); } MEpoch Scantable::getEpoch(int whichrow) const { if (whichrow > -1) { return timeCol_(uInt(whichrow)); } else { Double tm; table_.keywordSet().get("UTC",tm); return MEpoch(MVEpoch(tm)); } } std::string Scantable::getDirectionString(int whichrow) const { return formatDirection(getDirection(uInt(whichrow))); } std::vector< double > Scantable::getAbcissa( int whichrow ) const { if ( whichrow > int(table_.nrow()) ) throw(AipsError("Illegal row number")); std::vector stlout; int nchan = specCol_(whichrow).nelements(); String us = freqTable_.getUnitString(); if ( us == "" || us == "pixel" || us == "channel" ) { for (int i=0; i rf = moleculeTable_.getRestFrequency(mmolidCol_(whichrow)); SpectralCoordinate spc = freqTable_.getSpectralCoordinate(md, mp, me, rf, mfreqidCol_(whichrow)); Vector pixel(nchan); Vector world; indgen(pixel); if ( Unit(us) == Unit("Hz") ) { for ( int i=0; i < nchan; ++i) { Double world; spc.toWorld(world, pixel[i]); stlout.push_back(double(world)); } } else if ( Unit(us) == Unit("km/s") ) { Vector world; spc.pixelToVelocity(world, pixel); world.tovector(stlout); } return stlout; } void Scantable::setDirectionRefString( const std::string & refstr ) { MDirection::Types mdt; if (refstr != "" && !MDirection::getType(mdt, refstr)) { throw(AipsError("Illegal Direction frame.")); } if ( refstr == "" ) { String defaultstr = MDirection::showType(dirCol_.getMeasRef().getType()); table_.rwKeywordSet().define("DIRECTIONREF", defaultstr); } else { table_.rwKeywordSet().define("DIRECTIONREF", String(refstr)); } } std::string Scantable::getDirectionRefString( ) const { return table_.keywordSet().asString("DIRECTIONREF"); } MDirection Scantable::getDirection(int whichrow ) const { String usertype = table_.keywordSet().asString("DIRECTIONREF"); String type = MDirection::showType(dirCol_.getMeasRef().getType()); if ( usertype != type ) { MDirection::Types mdt; if (!MDirection::getType(mdt, usertype)) { throw(AipsError("Illegal Direction frame.")); } return dirCol_.convert(uInt(whichrow), mdt); } else { return dirCol_(uInt(whichrow)); } } std::string Scantable::getAbcissaLabel( int whichrow ) const { if ( whichrow > int(table_.nrow()) ) throw(AipsError("Illegal ro number")); const MPosition& mp = getAntennaPosition(); const MDirection& md = getDirection(whichrow); const MEpoch& me = timeCol_(whichrow); //const Double& rf = mmolidCol_(whichrow); const Vector rf = moleculeTable_.getRestFrequency(mmolidCol_(whichrow)); SpectralCoordinate spc = freqTable_.getSpectralCoordinate(md, mp, me, rf, mfreqidCol_(whichrow)); String s = "Channel"; Unit u = Unit(freqTable_.getUnitString()); if (u == Unit("km/s")) { s = CoordinateUtil::axisLabel(spc, 0, True,True, True); } else if (u == Unit("Hz")) { Vector wau(1);wau = u.getName(); spc.setWorldAxisUnits(wau); s = CoordinateUtil::axisLabel(spc, 0, True, True, False); } return s; } /** void asap::Scantable::setRestFrequencies( double rf, const std::string& name, const std::string& unit ) **/ void Scantable::setRestFrequencies( vector rf, const vector& name, const std::string& unit ) { ///@todo lookup in line table to fill in name and formattedname Unit u(unit); //Quantum urf(rf, u); Quantum >urf(rf, u); Vector formattedname(0); //cerr<<"Scantable::setRestFrequnecies="< tabvec(table_, "MOLECULE_ID"); tabvec = id; } /** void asap::Scantable::setRestFrequencies( const std::string& name ) { throw(AipsError("setRestFrequencies( const std::string& name ) NYI")); ///@todo implement } **/ void Scantable::setRestFrequencies( const vector& name ) { throw(AipsError("setRestFrequencies( const vector& name ) NYI")); ///@todo implement } std::vector< unsigned int > Scantable::rownumbers( ) const { std::vector stlout; Vector vec = table_.rowNumbers(); vec.tovector(stlout); return stlout; } Matrix Scantable::getPolMatrix( uInt whichrow ) const { ROTableRow row(table_); const TableRecord& rec = row.get(whichrow); Table t = originalTable_( originalTable_.col("SCANNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("SCANNO")) && originalTable_.col("BEAMNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("BEAMNO")) && originalTable_.col("IFNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("IFNO")) && originalTable_.col("CYCLENO") == Int(rec.asuInt("CYCLENO")) ); ROArrayColumn speccol(t, "SPECTRA"); return speccol.getColumn(); } std::vector< std::string > Scantable::columnNames( ) const { Vector vec = table_.tableDesc().columnNames(); return mathutil::tovectorstring(vec); } MEpoch::Types Scantable::getTimeReference( ) const { return MEpoch::castType(timeCol_.getMeasRef().getType()); } void Scantable::addFit( const STFitEntry& fit, int row ) { cout << mfitidCol_(uInt(row)) << endl; uInt id = fitTable_.addEntry(fit, mfitidCol_(uInt(row))); mfitidCol_.put(uInt(row), id); } void Scantable::shift(int npix) { Vector fids(mfreqidCol_.getColumn()); genSort( fids, Sort::Ascending, Sort::QuickSort|Sort::NoDuplicates ); for (uInt i=0; i& scanlist) const { String tbpath; int ret = 0; if ( table_.keywordSet().isDefined("GBT_GO") ) { table_.keywordSet().get("GBT_GO", tbpath); Table t(tbpath,Table::Old); // check each scan if other scan of the pair exist int nscan = scanlist.size(); for (int i = 0; i < nscan; i++) { Table subt = t( t.col("SCAN") == scanlist[i]+1 ); if (subt.nrow()==0) { cerr <<"Scan "<= nscan ) break; } } else { cerr<<"No reference to GBT_GO table."< asap::Scantable::getDirectionVector(int whichrow) const { Vector Dir = dirCol_(whichrow).getAngle("rad").getValue(); std::vector dir; Dir.tovector(dir); return dir; } void asap::Scantable::reshapeSpectrum( int nmin, int nmax ) throw( casa::AipsError ) { // assumed that all rows have same nChan Vector arr = specCol_( 0 ) ; int nChan = arr.nelements() ; // if nmin < 0 or nmax < 0, nothing to do if ( nmin < 0 ) { throw( casa::indexError( nmin, "asap::Scantable::reshapeSpectrum: Invalid range. Negative index is specified." ) ) ; } if ( nmax < 0 ) { throw( casa::indexError( nmax, "asap::Scantable::reshapeSpectrum: Invalid range. Negative index is specified." ) ) ; } // if nmin > nmax, exchange values if ( nmin > nmax ) { int tmp = nmax ; nmax = nmin ; nmin = tmp ; cout << "Swap values. Applied range is [" << nmin << ", " << nmax << "]" << endl ; } // if nmin exceeds nChan, nothing to do if ( nmin >= nChan ) { throw( casa::indexError( nmin, "asap::Scantable::reshapeSpectrum: Invalid range. Specified minimum exceeds nChan." ) ) ; } // if nmax exceeds nChan, reset nmax to nChan if ( nmax >= nChan ) { if ( nmin == 0 ) { // nothing to do cout << "Whole range is selected. Nothing to do." << endl ; return ; } else { cout << "Specified maximum exceeds nChan. Applied range is [" << nmin << ", " << nChan-1 << "]." << endl ; nmax = nChan - 1 ; } } // reshape specCol_ and flagCol_ for ( int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow() ; irow++ ) { reshapeSpectrum( nmin, nmax, irow ) ; } // update FREQUENCIES subtable Double refpix ; Double refval ; Double increment ; int freqnrow = freqTable_.table().nrow() ; Vector oldId( freqnrow ) ; Vector newId( freqnrow ) ; for ( int irow = 0 ; irow < freqnrow ; irow++ ) { freqTable_.getEntry( refpix, refval, increment, irow ) ; /*** * need to shift refpix to nmin * note that channel nmin in old index will be channel 0 in new one ***/ refval = refval - ( refpix - nmin ) * increment ; refpix = 0 ; freqTable_.setEntry( refpix, refval, increment, irow ) ; } // update nchan int newsize = nmax - nmin + 1 ; table_.rwKeywordSet().define( "nChan", newsize ) ; // update bandwidth // assumed all spectra in the scantable have same bandwidth table_.rwKeywordSet().define( "Bandwidth", increment * newsize ) ; return ; } void asap::Scantable::reshapeSpectrum( int nmin, int nmax, int irow ) { // reshape specCol_ and flagCol_ Vector oldspec = specCol_( irow ) ; Vector oldflag = flagsCol_( irow ) ; uInt newsize = nmax - nmin + 1 ; specCol_.put( irow, oldspec( Slice( nmin, newsize, 1 ) ) ) ; flagsCol_.put( irow, oldflag( Slice( nmin, newsize, 1 ) ) ) ; return ; } void asap::Scantable::regridChannel( int nChan, double dnu ) { cout << "Regrid abcissa with channel number " << nChan << " and spectral resoultion " << dnu << "Hz." << endl ; // assumed that all rows have same nChan Vector arr = specCol_( 0 ) ; int oldsize = arr.nelements() ; // if oldsize == nChan, nothing to do if ( oldsize == nChan ) { cout << "Specified channel number is same as current one. Nothing to do." << endl ; return ; } // if oldChan < nChan, unphysical operation if ( oldsize < nChan ) { cout << "Unphysical operation. Nothing to do." << endl ; return ; } // change channel number for specCol_ and flagCol_ Vector newspec( nChan, 0 ) ; Vector newflag( nChan, false ) ; vector coordinfo = getCoordInfo() ; string oldinfo = coordinfo[0] ; coordinfo[0] = "Hz" ; setCoordInfo( coordinfo ) ; for ( int irow = 0 ; irow < nrow() ; irow++ ) { regridChannel( nChan, dnu, irow ) ; } coordinfo[0] = oldinfo ; setCoordInfo( coordinfo ) ; // NOTE: this method does not update metadata such as // FREQUENCIES subtable, nChan, Bandwidth, etc. return ; } void asap::Scantable::regridChannel( int nChan, double dnu, int irow ) { // logging //ofstream ofs( "average.log", std::ios::out | std::ios::app ) ; //ofs << "IFNO = " << getIF( irow ) << " irow = " << irow << endl ; Vector oldspec = specCol_( irow ) ; Vector oldflag = flagsCol_( irow ) ; Vector newspec( nChan, 0 ) ; Vector newflag( nChan, false ) ; // regrid vector abcissa = getAbcissa( irow ) ; int oldsize = abcissa.size() ; double olddnu = abcissa[1] - abcissa[0] ; //int refChan = 0 ; //double frac = 0.0 ; //double wedge = 0.0 ; //double pile = 0.0 ; int ichan = 0 ; double wsum = 0.0 ; Vector z( nChan ) ; z[0] = abcissa[0] - 0.5 * olddnu + 0.5 * dnu ; for ( int ii = 1 ; ii < nChan ; ii++ ) z[ii] = z[ii-1] + dnu ; Vector zi( nChan+1 ) ; Vector yi( oldsize + 1 ) ; zi[0] = z[0] - 0.5 * dnu ; zi[1] = z[0] + 0.5 * dnu ; for ( int ii = 2 ; ii < nChan ; ii++ ) zi[ii] = zi[ii-1] + dnu ; zi[nChan] = z[nChan-1] + 0.5 * dnu ; yi[0] = abcissa[0] - 0.5 * olddnu ; yi[1] = abcissa[1] + 0.5 * olddnu ; for ( int ii = 2 ; ii < oldsize ; ii++ ) yi[ii] = abcissa[ii-1] + olddnu ; yi[oldsize] = abcissa[oldsize-1] + 0.5 * olddnu ; if ( dnu > 0.0 ) { for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < nChan ; ii++ ) { double zl = zi[ii] ; double zr = zi[ii+1] ; for ( int j = ichan ; j < oldsize ; j++ ) { double yl = yi[j] ; double yr = yi[j+1] ; if ( yl <= zl ) { if ( yr <= zl ) { continue ; } else if ( yr <= zr ) { newspec[ii] += oldspec[j] * ( yr - zl ) ; newflag[ii] = newflag[ii] || oldflag[j] ; wsum += ( yr - zl ) ; } else { newspec[ii] += oldspec[j] * dnu ; newflag[ii] = newflag[ii] || oldflag[j] ; wsum += dnu ; ichan = j ; break ; } } else if ( yl < zr ) { if ( yr <= zr ) { newspec[ii] += oldspec[j] * ( yr - yl ) ; newflag[ii] = newflag[ii] || oldflag[j] ; wsum += ( yr - yl ) ; } else { newspec[ii] += oldspec[j] * ( zr - yl ) ; newflag[ii] = newflag[ii] || oldflag[j] ; wsum += ( zr - yl ) ; ichan = j ; break ; } } else { ichan = j - 1 ; break ; } } newspec[ii] /= wsum ; wsum = 0.0 ; } } else if ( dnu < 0.0 ) { for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < nChan ; ii++ ) { double zl = zi[ii] ; double zr = zi[ii+1] ; for ( int j = ichan ; j < oldsize ; j++ ) { double yl = yi[j] ; double yr = yi[j+1] ; if ( yl >= zl ) { if ( yr >= zl ) { continue ; } else if ( yr >= zr ) { newspec[ii] += oldspec[j] * abs( yr - zl ) ; newflag[ii] = newflag[ii] || oldflag[j] ; wsum += abs( yr - zl ) ; } else { newspec[ii] += oldspec[j] * abs( dnu ) ; newflag[ii] = newflag[ii] || oldflag[j] ; wsum += abs( dnu ) ; ichan = j ; break ; } } else if ( yl > zr ) { if ( yr >= zr ) { newspec[ii] += oldspec[j] * abs( yr - yl ) ; newflag[ii] = newflag[ii] || oldflag[j] ; wsum += abs( yr - yl ) ; } else { newspec[ii] += oldspec[j] * abs( zr - yl ) ; newflag[ii] = newflag[ii] || oldflag[j] ; wsum += abs( zr - yl ) ; ichan = j ; break ; } } else { ichan = j - 1 ; break ; } } newspec[ii] /= wsum ; wsum = 0.0 ; } } // * ichan = 0 // ***/ // //ofs << "olddnu = " << olddnu << ", dnu = " << dnu << endl ; // pile += dnu ; // wedge = olddnu * ( refChan + 1 ) ; // while ( wedge < pile ) { // newspec[0] += olddnu * oldspec[refChan] ; // newflag[0] = newflag[0] || oldflag[refChan] ; // //ofs << "channel " << refChan << " is included in new channel 0" << endl ; // refChan++ ; // wedge += olddnu ; // wsum += olddnu ; // //ofs << "newspec[0] = " << newspec[0] << " wsum = " << wsum << endl ; // } // frac = ( wedge - pile ) / olddnu ; // wsum += ( 1.0 - frac ) * olddnu ; // newspec[0] += ( 1.0 - frac ) * olddnu * oldspec[refChan] ; // newflag[0] = newflag[0] || oldflag[refChan] ; // //ofs << "channel " << refChan << " is partly included in new channel 0" << " with fraction of " << ( 1.0 - frac ) << endl ; // //ofs << "newspec[0] = " << newspec[0] << " wsum = " << wsum << endl ; // newspec[0] /= wsum ; // //ofs << "newspec[0] = " << newspec[0] << endl ; // //ofs << "wedge = " << wedge << ", pile = " << pile << endl ; // /*** // * ichan = 1 - nChan-2 // ***/ // for ( int ichan = 1 ; ichan < nChan - 1 ; ichan++ ) { // pile += dnu ; // newspec[ichan] += frac * olddnu * oldspec[refChan] ; // newflag[ichan] = newflag[ichan] || oldflag[refChan] ; // //ofs << "channel " << refChan << " is partly included in new channel " << ichan << " with fraction of " << frac << endl ; // refChan++ ; // wedge += olddnu ; // wsum = frac * olddnu ; // //ofs << "newspec[" << ichan << "] = " << newspec[ichan] << " wsum = " << wsum << endl ; // while ( wedge < pile ) { // newspec[ichan] += olddnu * oldspec[refChan] ; // newflag[ichan] = newflag[ichan] || oldflag[refChan] ; // //ofs << "channel " << refChan << " is included in new channel " << ichan << endl ; // refChan++ ; // wedge += olddnu ; // wsum += olddnu ; // //ofs << "newspec[" << ichan << "] = " << newspec[ichan] << " wsum = " << wsum << endl ; // } // frac = ( wedge - pile ) / olddnu ; // wsum += ( 1.0 - frac ) * olddnu ; // newspec[ichan] += ( 1.0 - frac ) * olddnu * oldspec[refChan] ; // newflag[ichan] = newflag[ichan] || oldflag[refChan] ; // //ofs << "channel " << refChan << " is partly included in new channel " << ichan << " with fraction of " << ( 1.0 - frac ) << endl ; // //ofs << "wedge = " << wedge << ", pile = " << pile << endl ; // //ofs << "newspec[" << ichan << "] = " << newspec[ichan] << " wsum = " << wsum << endl ; // newspec[ichan] /= wsum ; // //ofs << "newspec[" << ichan << "] = " << newspec[ichan] << endl ; // } // /*** // * ichan = nChan-1 // ***/ // // NOTE: Assumed that all spectra have the same bandwidth // pile += dnu ; // newspec[nChan-1] += frac * olddnu * oldspec[refChan] ; // newflag[nChan-1] = newflag[nChan-1] || oldflag[refChan] ; // //ofs << "channel " << refChan << " is partly included in new channel " << nChan-1 << " with fraction of " << frac << endl ; // refChan++ ; // wedge += olddnu ; // wsum = frac * olddnu ; // //ofs << "newspec[" << nChan - 1 << "] = " << newspec[nChan-1] << " wsum = " << wsum << endl ; // for ( int jchan = refChan ; jchan < oldsize ; jchan++ ) { // newspec[nChan-1] += olddnu * oldspec[jchan] ; // newflag[nChan-1] = newflag[nChan-1] || oldflag[jchan] ; // wsum += olddnu ; // //ofs << "channel " << jchan << " is included in new channel " << nChan-1 << " with fraction of " << frac << endl ; // //ofs << "newspec[" << nChan - 1 << "] = " << newspec[nChan-1] << " wsum = " << wsum << endl ; // } // //ofs << "wedge = " << wedge << ", pile = " << pile << endl ; // //ofs << "newspec[" << nChan - 1 << "] = " << newspec[nChan-1] << " wsum = " << wsum << endl ; // newspec[nChan-1] /= wsum ; // //ofs << "newspec[" << nChan - 1 << "] = " << newspec[nChan-1] << endl ; // specCol_.put( irow, newspec ) ; // flagsCol_.put( irow, newflag ) ; // // ofs.close() ; return ; } } //namespace asap