// // C++ Implementation: STMath // // Description: // // // Author: Malte Marquarding , (C) 2006 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MathUtils.h" #include "RowAccumulator.h" #include "STAttr.h" #include "STMath.h" #include "STSelector.h" using namespace casa; using namespace asap; // tolerance for direction comparison (rad) Double tol = 1.0e-15 ; //Double tol = 1.0 ; STMath::STMath(bool insitu) : insitu_(insitu) { } STMath::~STMath() { } CountedPtr STMath::average( const std::vector >& in, const std::vector& mask, const std::string& weight, const std::string& avmode) { if ( avmode == "SCAN" && in.size() != 1 ) throw(AipsError("Can't perform 'SCAN' averaging on multiple tables.\n" "Use merge first.")); WeightType wtype = stringToWeight(weight); // check if OTF observation String obstype = in[0]->getHeader().obstype ; bool otfscan = false ; if ( obstype.find( "OTF" ) != String::npos ) { //cout << "OTF scan" << endl ; otfscan = true ; } // output // clone as this is non insitu bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in[0], true); setInsitu(insitu); std::vector >::const_iterator stit = in.begin(); ++stit; while ( stit != in.end() ) { out->appendToHistoryTable((*stit)->history()); ++stit; } Table& tout = out->table(); /// @todo check if all scantables are conformant ArrayColumn specColOut(tout,"SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagColOut(tout,"FLAGTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysColOut(tout,"TSYS"); ScalarColumn mjdColOut(tout,"TIME"); ScalarColumn intColOut(tout,"INTERVAL"); ScalarColumn cycColOut(tout,"CYCLENO"); ScalarColumn scanColOut(tout,"SCANNO"); // set up the output table rows. These are based on the structure of the // FIRST scantable in the vector const Table& baset = in[0]->table(); Block cols(3); cols[0] = String("BEAMNO"); cols[1] = String("IFNO"); cols[2] = String("POLNO"); if ( avmode == "SOURCE" ) { cols.resize(4); cols[3] = String("SRCNAME"); } if ( avmode == "SCAN" && in.size() == 1) { //cols.resize(4); //cols[3] = String("SCANNO"); cols.resize(5); cols[3] = String("SRCNAME"); cols[4] = String("SCANNO"); } uInt outrowCount = 0; TableIterator iter(baset, cols); int count = 0 ; while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table subt = iter.table(); // // copy the first row of this selection into the new table // tout.addRow(); // TableCopy::copyRows(tout, subt, outrowCount, 0, 1); // // re-index to 0 // if ( avmode != "SCAN" && avmode != "SOURCE" ) { // scanColOut.put(outrowCount, uInt(0)); // } // ++outrowCount; if ( otfscan ) { MDirection::ScalarColumn dircol ; dircol.attach( subt, "DIRECTION" ) ; Int length = subt.nrow() ; vector< Vector > dirs ; vector indexes ; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++ ) { Vector t = dircol(i).getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue() ; //cout << setw( 3 ) << count++ << ": " ; //cout << "[" << t[0] << "," << t[1] << "]" << endl ; bool adddir = true ; for ( uInt j = 0 ; j < dirs.size() ; j++ ) { //if ( allTrue( t == dirs[j] ) ) { if ( allNearAbs( t, dirs[j], tol ) ) { adddir = false ; break ; } } if ( adddir ) { dirs.push_back( t ) ; indexes.push_back( i ) ; } } uInt rowNum = dirs.size() ; //cout << "dirs.size()=" << dirs.size() << endl ; tout.addRow( rowNum ) ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < rowNum ; i++ ) { TableCopy::copyRows( tout, subt, outrowCount+i, indexes[i], 1 ) ; // re-index to 0 if ( avmode != "SCAN" && avmode != "SOURCE" ) { scanColOut.put(outrowCount+i, uInt(0)); } } outrowCount += rowNum ; } else { // copy the first row of this selection into the new table tout.addRow(); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, subt, outrowCount, 0, 1); // re-index to 0 if ( avmode != "SCAN" && avmode != "SOURCE" ) { scanColOut.put(outrowCount, uInt(0)); } ++outrowCount; } ++iter; } RowAccumulator acc(wtype); Vector cmask(mask); acc.setUserMask(cmask); ROTableRow row(tout); ROArrayColumn specCol, tsysCol; ROArrayColumn flagCol; ROScalarColumn mjdCol, intCol; ROScalarColumn scanIDCol; Vector rowstodelete; for (uInt i=0; i < tout.nrow(); ++i) { for ( int j=0; j < int(in.size()); ++j ) { const Table& tin = in[j]->table(); const TableRecord& rec = row.get(i); ROScalarColumn tmp(tin, "TIME"); Double td;tmp.get(0,td); Table basesubt = tin(tin.col("BEAMNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("BEAMNO")) && tin.col("IFNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("IFNO")) && tin.col("POLNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("POLNO")) ); Table subt; if ( avmode == "SOURCE") { subt = basesubt( basesubt.col("SRCNAME") == rec.asString("SRCNAME") ); } else if (avmode == "SCAN") { //subt = basesubt( basesubt.col("SCANNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("SCANNO")) ); subt = basesubt( basesubt.col("SCANNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("SCANNO")) && basesubt.col("SRCNAME") == rec.asString("SRCNAME") ); } else { subt = basesubt; } // for OTF if ( otfscan ) { vector removeRows ; uInt nrsubt = subt.nrow() ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < nrsubt ; irow++ ) { //if ( !allTrue((subt.col("DIRECTION").getArrayDouble(TableExprId(irow)))==rec.asArrayDouble("DIRECTION")) ) { if ( !allNearAbs((subt.col("DIRECTION").getArrayDouble(TableExprId(irow))), rec.asArrayDouble("DIRECTION"), tol ) ) { removeRows.push_back( irow ) ; } } //cout << "removeRows.size()=" << removeRows.size() << endl ; if ( removeRows.size() != 0 ) { //cout << "[" ; //for ( uInt irow=0 ; irow spec,tsys; Vector flag; Double inter,time; for (uInt k = 0; k < subt.nrow(); ++k ) { flagCol.get(k, flag); Vector bflag(flag.shape()); convertArray(bflag, flag); /* if ( allEQ(bflag, True) ) { continue;//don't accumulate } */ specCol.get(k, spec); tsysCol.get(k, tsys); intCol.get(k, inter); mjdCol.get(k, time); // spectrum has to be added last to enable weighting by the other values acc.add(spec, !bflag, tsys, inter, time); } } const Vector& msk = acc.getMask(); if ( allEQ(msk, False) ) { uint n = rowstodelete.nelements(); rowstodelete.resize(n+1, True); rowstodelete[n] = i; continue; } //write out if (acc.state()) { Vector flg(msk.shape()); convertArray(flg, !msk); flagColOut.put(i, flg); specColOut.put(i, acc.getSpectrum()); tsysColOut.put(i, acc.getTsys()); intColOut.put(i, acc.getInterval()); mjdColOut.put(i, acc.getTime()); // we should only have one cycle now -> reset it to be 0 // frequency switched data has different CYCLENO for different IFNO // which requires resetting this value cycColOut.put(i, uInt(0)); } else { ostringstream oss; oss << "For output row="< 0) { cout << rowstodelete << endl; tout.removeRow(rowstodelete); if (tout.nrow() == 0) { throw(AipsError("Can't average fully flagged data.")); } } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::averageChannel( const CountedPtr < Scantable > & in, const std::string & mode, const std::string& avmode ) { // check if OTF observation String obstype = in->getHeader().obstype ; bool otfscan = false ; if ( obstype.find( "OTF" ) != String::npos ) { //cout << "OTF scan" << endl ; otfscan = true ; } // clone as this is non insitu bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, true); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); ArrayColumn specColOut(tout,"SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagColOut(tout,"FLAGTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysColOut(tout,"TSYS"); ScalarColumn scanColOut(tout,"SCANNO"); ScalarColumn intColOut(tout, "INTERVAL"); Table tmp = in->table().sort("BEAMNO"); Block cols(3); cols[0] = String("BEAMNO"); cols[1] = String("IFNO"); cols[2] = String("POLNO"); if ( avmode == "SCAN") { cols.resize(4); cols[3] = String("SCANNO"); } uInt outrowCount = 0; uChar userflag = 1 << 7; TableIterator iter(tmp, cols); while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table subt = iter.table(); ROArrayColumn specCol, tsysCol; ROArrayColumn flagCol; ROScalarColumn intCol(subt, "INTERVAL"); specCol.attach(subt,"SPECTRA"); flagCol.attach(subt,"FLAGTRA"); tsysCol.attach(subt,"TSYS"); // tout.addRow(); // TableCopy::copyRows(tout, subt, outrowCount, 0, 1); // if ( avmode != "SCAN") { // scanColOut.put(outrowCount, uInt(0)); // } // Vector tmp; // specCol.get(0, tmp); // uInt nchan = tmp.nelements(); // // have to do channel by channel here as MaskedArrMath // // doesn't have partialMedians // Vector flags = flagCol.getColumn(Slicer(Slice(0))); // Vector outspec(nchan); // Vector outflag(nchan,0); // Vector outtsys(1);/// @fixme when tsys is channel based // for (uInt i=0; i specs = specCol.getColumn(Slicer(Slice(i))); // MaskedArray ma = maskedArray(specs,flags); // outspec[i] = median(ma); // if ( allEQ(ma.getMask(), False) ) // outflag[i] = userflag;// flag data // } // outtsys[0] = median(tsysCol.getColumn()); // specColOut.put(outrowCount, outspec); // flagColOut.put(outrowCount, outflag); // tsysColOut.put(outrowCount, outtsys); // Double intsum = sum(intCol.getColumn()); // intColOut.put(outrowCount, intsum); // ++outrowCount; // ++iter; if ( otfscan ) { MDirection::ScalarColumn dircol ; dircol.attach( subt, "DIRECTION" ) ; Int length = subt.nrow() ; vector< Vector > dirs ; vector indexes ; for ( Int i = 0 ; i < length ; i++ ) { Vector t = dircol(i).getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue() ; bool adddir = true ; for ( uInt j = 0 ; j < dirs.size() ; j++ ) { //if ( allTrue( t == dirs[j] ) ) { if ( allNearAbs( t, dirs[j], tol ) ) { adddir = false ; break ; } } if ( adddir ) { dirs.push_back( t ) ; indexes.push_back( i ) ; } } uInt rowNum = dirs.size() ; tout.addRow( rowNum ); for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < rowNum ; i++ ) { TableCopy::copyRows(tout, subt, outrowCount+i, indexes[i], 1) ; if ( avmode != "SCAN") { //scanColOut.put(outrowCount+i, uInt(0)); } } MDirection::ScalarColumn dircolOut ; dircolOut.attach( tout, "DIRECTION" ) ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < rowNum ; irow++ ) { Vector t = dircolOut(outrowCount+irow).getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue() ; Vector tmp; specCol.get(0, tmp); uInt nchan = tmp.nelements(); // have to do channel by channel here as MaskedArrMath // doesn't have partialMedians Vector flags = flagCol.getColumn(Slicer(Slice(0))); // mask spectra for different DIRECTION //cout << "irow=" << outrowCount+irow << ": flagged [" ; for ( uInt jrow = 0 ; jrow < subt.nrow() ; jrow++ ) { Vector direction = dircol(jrow).getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue() ; //if ( t[0] != direction[0] || t[1] != direction[1] ) { if ( !allNearAbs( t, direction, tol ) ) { //cout << jrow << " " ; flags[jrow] = userflag ; } } //cout << "]" << endl ; //cout << "flags=" << flags << endl ; Vector outspec(nchan); Vector outflag(nchan,0); Vector outtsys(1);/// @fixme when tsys is channel based for (uInt i=0; i specs = specCol.getColumn(Slicer(Slice(i))); MaskedArray ma = maskedArray(specs,flags); outspec[i] = median(ma); if ( allEQ(ma.getMask(), False) ) outflag[i] = userflag;// flag data } outtsys[0] = median(tsysCol.getColumn()); specColOut.put(outrowCount+irow, outspec); flagColOut.put(outrowCount+irow, outflag); tsysColOut.put(outrowCount+irow, outtsys); Vector integ = intCol.getColumn() ; MaskedArray mi = maskedArray( integ, flags ) ; Double intsum = sum(mi); intColOut.put(outrowCount+irow, intsum); } outrowCount += rowNum ; } else { tout.addRow(); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, subt, outrowCount, 0, 1); if ( avmode != "SCAN") { scanColOut.put(outrowCount, uInt(0)); } Vector tmp; specCol.get(0, tmp); uInt nchan = tmp.nelements(); // have to do channel by channel here as MaskedArrMath // doesn't have partialMedians Vector flags = flagCol.getColumn(Slicer(Slice(0))); Vector outspec(nchan); Vector outflag(nchan,0); Vector outtsys(1);/// @fixme when tsys is channel based for (uInt i=0; i specs = specCol.getColumn(Slicer(Slice(i))); MaskedArray ma = maskedArray(specs,flags); outspec[i] = median(ma); if ( allEQ(ma.getMask(), False) ) outflag[i] = userflag;// flag data } outtsys[0] = median(tsysCol.getColumn()); specColOut.put(outrowCount, outspec); flagColOut.put(outrowCount, outflag); tsysColOut.put(outrowCount, outtsys); Double intsum = sum(intCol.getColumn()); intColOut.put(outrowCount, intsum); ++outrowCount; } ++iter; } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::getScantable(const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, bool droprows) { if (insitu_) { return in; } else { // clone return CountedPtr(new Scantable(*in, Bool(droprows))); } } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::unaryOperate( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, float val, const std::string& mode, bool tsys ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tab = out->table(); ArrayColumn specCol(tab,"SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysCol(tab,"TSYS"); for (uInt i=0; i spec; Vector ts; specCol.get(i, spec); tsysCol.get(i, ts); if (mode == "MUL" || mode == "DIV") { if (mode == "DIV") val = 1.0/val; spec *= val; specCol.put(i, spec); if ( tsys ) { ts *= val; tsysCol.put(i, ts); } } else if ( mode == "ADD" || mode == "SUB") { if (mode == "SUB") val *= -1.0; spec += val; specCol.put(i, spec); if ( tsys ) { ts += val; tsysCol.put(i, ts); } } } return out; } CountedPtr STMath::binaryOperate(const CountedPtr& left, const CountedPtr& right, const std::string& mode) { bool insitu = insitu_; if ( ! left->conformant(*right) ) { throw(AipsError("'left' and 'right' scantables are not conformant.")); } setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(left, false); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); Block coln(5); coln[0] = "SCANNO"; coln[1] = "CYCLENO"; coln[2] = "BEAMNO"; coln[3] = "IFNO"; coln[4] = "POLNO"; Table tmpl = tout.sort(coln); Table tmpr = right->table().sort(coln); ArrayColumn lspecCol(tmpl,"SPECTRA"); ROArrayColumn rspecCol(tmpr,"SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn lflagCol(tmpl,"FLAGTRA"); ROArrayColumn rflagCol(tmpr,"FLAGTRA"); for (uInt i=0; i lspecvec, rspecvec; Vector lflagvec, rflagvec; lspecvec = lspecCol(i); rspecvec = rspecCol(i); lflagvec = lflagCol(i); rflagvec = rflagCol(i); MaskedArray mleft = maskedArray(lspecvec, lflagvec); MaskedArray mright = maskedArray(rspecvec, rflagvec); if (mode == "ADD") { mleft += mright; } else if ( mode == "SUB") { mleft -= mright; } else if ( mode == "MUL") { mleft *= mright; } else if ( mode == "DIV") { mleft /= mright; } else { throw(AipsError("Illegal binary operator")); } lspecCol.put(i, mleft.getArray()); } return out; } MaskedArray STMath::maskedArray( const Vector& s, const Vector& f) { Vector mask; mask.resize(f.shape()); convertArray(mask, f); return MaskedArray(s,!mask); } MaskedArray STMath::maskedArray( const Vector& s, const Vector& f) { Vector mask; mask.resize(f.shape()); convertArray(mask, f); return MaskedArray(s,!mask); } Vector STMath::flagsFromMA(const MaskedArray& ma) { const Vector& m = ma.getMask(); Vector flags(m.shape()); convertArray(flags, !m); return flags; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::autoQuotient( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, const std::string & mode, bool preserve ) { /// @todo make other modes available /// modes should be "nearest", "pair" // make this operation non insitu const Table& tin = in->table(); Table ons = tin(tin.col("SRCTYPE") == Int(0)); Table offs = tin(tin.col("SRCTYPE") == Int(1)); if ( offs.nrow() == 0 ) throw(AipsError("No 'off' scans present.")); // put all "on" scans into output table bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, true); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, ons); TableRow row(tout); ROScalarColumn offtimeCol(offs, "TIME"); ArrayColumn outspecCol(tout, "SPECTRA"); ROArrayColumn outtsysCol(tout, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn outflagCol(tout, "FLAGTRA"); for (uInt i=0; i < tout.nrow(); ++i) { const TableRecord& rec = row.get(i); Double ontime = rec.asDouble("TIME"); Table presel = offs(offs.col("BEAMNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("BEAMNO")) && offs.col("IFNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("IFNO")) && offs.col("POLNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("POLNO")) ); ROScalarColumn offtimeCol(presel, "TIME"); Double mindeltat = min(abs(offtimeCol.getColumn() - ontime)); // Timestamp may vary within a cycle ???!!! // increase this by 0.01 sec in case of rounding errors... // There might be a better way to do this. // fix to this fix. TIME is MJD, so 1.0d not 1.0s mindeltat += 0.01/24./60./60.; Table sel = presel( abs(presel.col("TIME")-ontime) <= mindeltat); if ( sel.nrow() < 1 ) { throw(AipsError("No closest in time found... This could be a rounding " "issue. Try quotient instead.")); } TableRow offrow(sel); const TableRecord& offrec = offrow.get(0);//should only be one row RORecordFieldPtr< Array > specoff(offrec, "SPECTRA"); RORecordFieldPtr< Array > tsysoff(offrec, "TSYS"); RORecordFieldPtr< Array > flagoff(offrec, "FLAGTRA"); /// @fixme this assumes tsys is a scalar not vector Float tsysoffscalar = (*tsysoff)(IPosition(1,0)); Vector specon, tsyson; outtsysCol.get(i, tsyson); outspecCol.get(i, specon); Vector flagon; outflagCol.get(i, flagon); MaskedArray mon = maskedArray(specon, flagon); MaskedArray moff = maskedArray(*specoff, *flagoff); MaskedArray quot = (tsysoffscalar * mon / moff); if (preserve) { quot -= tsysoffscalar; } else { quot -= tsyson[0]; } outspecCol.put(i, quot.getArray()); outflagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(quot)); } // renumber scanno TableIterator it(tout, "SCANNO"); uInt i = 0; while ( !it.pastEnd() ) { Table t = it.table(); TableVector vec(t, "SCANNO"); vec = i; ++i; ++it; } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::quotient( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & on, const CountedPtr< Scantable > & off, bool preserve ) { bool insitu = insitu_; if ( ! on->conformant(*off) ) { throw(AipsError("'on' and 'off' scantables are not conformant.")); } setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(on, false); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); const Table& toff = off->table(); TableIterator sit(tout, "SCANNO"); TableIterator s2it(toff, "SCANNO"); while ( !sit.pastEnd() ) { Table ton = sit.table(); TableRow row(ton); Table t = s2it.table(); ArrayColumn outspecCol(ton, "SPECTRA"); ROArrayColumn outtsysCol(ton, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn outflagCol(ton, "FLAGTRA"); for (uInt i=0; i < ton.nrow(); ++i) { const TableRecord& rec = row.get(i); Table offsel = t( t.col("BEAMNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("BEAMNO")) && t.col("IFNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("IFNO")) && t.col("POLNO") == Int(rec.asuInt("POLNO")) ); if ( offsel.nrow() == 0 ) throw AipsError("STMath::quotient: no matching off"); TableRow offrow(offsel); const TableRecord& offrec = offrow.get(0);//should be ncycles - take first RORecordFieldPtr< Array > specoff(offrec, "SPECTRA"); RORecordFieldPtr< Array > tsysoff(offrec, "TSYS"); RORecordFieldPtr< Array > flagoff(offrec, "FLAGTRA"); Float tsysoffscalar = (*tsysoff)(IPosition(1,0)); Vector specon, tsyson; outtsysCol.get(i, tsyson); outspecCol.get(i, specon); Vector flagon; outflagCol.get(i, flagon); MaskedArray mon = maskedArray(specon, flagon); MaskedArray moff = maskedArray(*specoff, *flagoff); MaskedArray quot = (tsysoffscalar * mon / moff); if (preserve) { quot -= tsysoffscalar; } else { quot -= tsyson[0]; } outspecCol.put(i, quot.getArray()); outflagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(quot)); } ++sit; ++s2it; // take the first off for each on scan which doesn't have a // matching off scan // non <= noff: matching pairs, non > noff matching pairs then first off if ( s2it.pastEnd() ) s2it.reset(); } return out; } // dototalpower (migration of GBTIDL procedure dototalpower.pro) // calibrate the CAL on-off pair. It calculate Tsys and average CAL on-off subintegrations // do it for each cycles in a specific scan. CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::dototalpower( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& calon, const CountedPtr< Scantable >& caloff, Float tcal ) { if ( ! calon->conformant(*caloff) ) { throw(AipsError("'CAL on' and 'CAL off' scantables are not conformant.")); } setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(caloff, false); Table& tout = out->table(); const Table& tcon = calon->table(); Vector tcalout; Vector tcalout2; //debug if ( tout.nrow() != tcon.nrow() ) { throw(AipsError("Mismatch in number of rows to form cal on - off pair.")); } // iteration by scanno or cycle no. TableIterator sit(tout, "SCANNO"); TableIterator s2it(tcon, "SCANNO"); while ( !sit.pastEnd() ) { Table toff = sit.table(); TableRow row(toff); Table t = s2it.table(); ScalarColumn outintCol(toff, "INTERVAL"); ArrayColumn outspecCol(toff, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn outtsysCol(toff, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn outflagCol(toff, "FLAGTRA"); ROScalarColumn outtcalIdCol(toff, "TCAL_ID"); ROScalarColumn outpolCol(toff, "POLNO"); ROScalarColumn onintCol(t, "INTERVAL"); ROArrayColumn onspecCol(t, "SPECTRA"); ROArrayColumn ontsysCol(t, "TSYS"); ROArrayColumn onflagCol(t, "FLAGTRA"); //ROScalarColumn ontcalIdCol(t, "TCAL_ID"); for (uInt i=0; i < toff.nrow(); ++i) { //skip these checks -> assumes the data order are the same between the cal on off pairs // Vector specCalon, specCaloff; // to store scalar (mean) tsys Vector tsysout(1); uInt tcalId, polno; Double offint, onint; outpolCol.get(i, polno); outspecCol.get(i, specCaloff); onspecCol.get(i, specCalon); Vector flagCaloff, flagCalon; outflagCol.get(i, flagCaloff); onflagCol.get(i, flagCalon); outtcalIdCol.get(i, tcalId); outintCol.get(i, offint); onintCol.get(i, onint); // caluculate mean Tsys uInt nchan = specCaloff.nelements(); // percentage of edge cut off uInt pc = 10; uInt bchan = nchan/pc; uInt echan = nchan-bchan; Slicer chansl(IPosition(1,bchan-1), IPosition(1,echan-1), IPosition(1,1),Slicer::endIsLast); Vector testsubsp = specCaloff(chansl); MaskedArray spoff = maskedArray( specCaloff(chansl),flagCaloff(chansl) ); MaskedArray spon = maskedArray( specCalon(chansl),flagCalon(chansl) ); MaskedArray spdiff = spon-spoff; uInt noff = spoff.nelementsValid(); //uInt non = spon.nelementsValid(); uInt ndiff = spdiff.nelementsValid(); Float meantsys; /** Double subspec, subdiff; uInt usednchan; subspec = 0; subdiff = 0; usednchan = 0; for(uInt k=(bchan-1); k(specCalon[k]-specCaloff[k]); ++usednchan; } **/ // get tcal if input tcal <= 0 String tcalt; Float tcalUsed; tcalUsed = tcal; if ( tcal <= 0.0 ) { caloff->tcal().getEntry(tcalt, tcalout, tcalId); if (polno<=3) { tcalUsed = tcalout[polno]; } else { tcalUsed = tcalout[0]; } } Float meanoff; Float meandiff; if (noff && ndiff) { //Debug //if(noff!=ndiff) cerr<<"noff and ndiff is not equal"< mcaloff = maskedArray(specCaloff, flagCaloff); MaskedArray mcalon = maskedArray(specCalon, flagCalon); MaskedArray sig = Float(0.5) * (mcaloff + mcalon); //uInt ncaloff = mcaloff.nelementsValid(); //uInt ncalon = mcalon.nelementsValid(); outintCol.put(i, offint+onint); outspecCol.put(i, sig.getArray()); outflagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(sig)); outtsysCol.put(i, tsysout); } ++sit; ++s2it; } return out; } //dosigref - migrated from GBT IDL's dosigref.pro, do calibration of position switch // observatiions. // input: sig and ref scantables, and an optional boxcar smoothing width(default width=0, // no smoothing). // output: resultant scantable [= (sig-ref/ref)*tsys] CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::dosigref( const CountedPtr < Scantable >& sig, const CountedPtr < Scantable >& ref, int smoothref, casa::Float tsysv, casa::Float tau ) { if ( ! ref->conformant(*sig) ) { throw(AipsError("'sig' and 'ref' scantables are not conformant.")); } setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(sig, false); CountedPtr< Scantable > smref; if ( smoothref > 1 ) { float fsmoothref = static_cast(smoothref); std::string inkernel = "boxcar"; smref = smooth(ref, inkernel, fsmoothref ); ostringstream oss; oss<<"Applied smoothing of "<table(); const Table& tref = smref->table(); if ( tout.nrow() != tref.nrow() ) { throw(AipsError("Mismatch in number of rows to form on-source and reference pair.")); } // iteration by scanno? or cycle no. TableIterator sit(tout, "SCANNO"); TableIterator s2it(tref, "SCANNO"); while ( !sit.pastEnd() ) { Table ton = sit.table(); Table t = s2it.table(); ScalarColumn outintCol(ton, "INTERVAL"); ArrayColumn outspecCol(ton, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn outtsysCol(ton, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn outflagCol(ton, "FLAGTRA"); ArrayColumn refspecCol(t, "SPECTRA"); ROScalarColumn refintCol(t, "INTERVAL"); ROArrayColumn reftsysCol(t, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn refflagCol(t, "FLAGTRA"); ROScalarColumn refelevCol(t, "ELEVATION"); for (uInt i=0; i < ton.nrow(); ++i) { Double onint, refint; Vector specon, specref; // to store scalar (mean) tsys Vector tsysref; outintCol.get(i, onint); refintCol.get(i, refint); outspecCol.get(i, specon); refspecCol.get(i, specref); Vector flagref, flagon; outflagCol.get(i, flagon); refflagCol.get(i, flagref); reftsysCol.get(i, tsysref); Float tsysrefscalar; if ( tsysv > 0.0 ) { ostringstream oss; Float elev; refelevCol.get(i, elev); oss << "user specified Tsys = " << tsysv; // do recalc elevation if EL = 0 if ( elev == 0 ) { throw(AipsError("EL=0, elevation data is missing.")); } else { if ( tau <= 0.0 ) { throw(AipsError("Valid tau is not supplied.")); } else { tsysrefscalar = tsysv * exp(tau/elev); } } oss << ", corrected (for El) tsys= "< mref = maskedArray(specref, flagref); MaskedArray mon = maskedArray(specon, flagon); MaskedArray specres = tsysrefscalar*((mon - mref)/mref); Double resint = onint*refint*smoothref/(onint+refint*smoothref); //Debug //cerr<<"Tsys used="< STMath::donod(const casa::CountedPtr& s, const std::vector& scans, int smoothref, casa::Float tsysv, casa::Float tau, casa::Float tcal ) { setInsitu(false); STSelector sel; std::vector scan1, scan2, beams; std::vector< vector > scanpair; std::vector calstate; String msg; CountedPtr< Scantable > s1b1on, s1b1off, s1b2on, s1b2off; CountedPtr< Scantable > s2b1on, s2b1off, s2b2on, s2b2off; std::vector< CountedPtr< Scantable > > sctables; sctables.push_back(s1b1on); sctables.push_back(s1b1off); sctables.push_back(s1b2on); sctables.push_back(s1b2off); sctables.push_back(s2b1on); sctables.push_back(s2b1off); sctables.push_back(s2b2on); sctables.push_back(s2b2off); //check scanlist int n=s->checkScanInfo(scans); if (n==1) { throw(AipsError("Incorrect scan pairs. ")); } // Assume scans contain only a pair of consecutive scan numbers. // It is assumed that first beam, b1, is on target. // There is no check if the first beam is on or not. if ( scans.size()==1 ) { scan1.push_back(scans[0]); scan2.push_back(scans[0]+1); } else if ( scans.size()==2 ) { scan1.push_back(scans[0]); scan2.push_back(scans[1]); } else { if ( scans.size()%2 == 0 ) { for (uInt i=0; i ws = getScantable(s, false); uInt l=0; while ( l < sctables.size() ) { for (uInt i=0; i < 2; i++) { for (uInt j=0; j < 2; j++) { for (uInt k=0; k < 2; k++) { sel.reset(); sel.setScans(scanpair[i]); sel.setName(calstate[k]); beams.clear(); beams.push_back(j); sel.setBeams(beams); ws->setSelection(sel); sctables[l]= getScantable(ws, false); l++; } } } } // replace here by splitData or getData functionality CountedPtr< Scantable > sig1; CountedPtr< Scantable > ref1; CountedPtr< Scantable > sig2; CountedPtr< Scantable > ref2; CountedPtr< Scantable > calb1; CountedPtr< Scantable > calb2; msg=String("Processing dototalpower for subset of the data"); ostringstream oss1; oss1 << msg << endl; pushLog(String(oss1)); // Debug for IRC CS data //float tcal1=7.0; //float tcal2=4.0; sig1 = dototalpower(sctables[0], sctables[1], tcal=tcal); ref1 = dototalpower(sctables[2], sctables[3], tcal=tcal); ref2 = dototalpower(sctables[4], sctables[5], tcal=tcal); sig2 = dototalpower(sctables[6], sctables[7], tcal=tcal); // correction of user-specified tsys for elevation here // dosigref calibration msg=String("Processing dosigref for subset of the data"); ostringstream oss2; oss2 << msg << endl; pushLog(String(oss2)); calb1=dosigref(sig1,ref2,smoothref,tsysv,tau); calb2=dosigref(sig2,ref1,smoothref,tsysv,tau); // iteration by scanno or cycle no. Table& tcalb1 = calb1->table(); Table& tcalb2 = calb2->table(); TableIterator sit(tcalb1, "SCANNO"); TableIterator s2it(tcalb2, "SCANNO"); while ( !sit.pastEnd() ) { Table t1 = sit.table(); Table t2= s2it.table(); ArrayColumn outspecCol(t1, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn outtsysCol(t1, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn outflagCol(t1, "FLAGTRA"); ScalarColumn outintCol(t1, "INTERVAL"); ArrayColumn t2specCol(t2, "SPECTRA"); ROArrayColumn t2tsysCol(t2, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn t2flagCol(t2, "FLAGTRA"); ROScalarColumn t2intCol(t2, "INTERVAL"); for (uInt i=0; i < t1.nrow(); ++i) { Vector spec1, spec2; // to store scalar (mean) tsys Vector tsys1, tsys2; Vector flag1, flag2; Double tint1, tint2; outspecCol.get(i, spec1); t2specCol.get(i, spec2); outflagCol.get(i, flag1); t2flagCol.get(i, flag2); outtsysCol.get(i, tsys1); t2tsysCol.get(i, tsys2); outintCol.get(i, tint1); t2intCol.get(i, tint2); // average // assume scalar tsys for weights Float wt1, wt2, tsyssq1, tsyssq2; tsyssq1 = tsys1[0]*tsys1[0]; tsyssq2 = tsys2[0]*tsys2[0]; wt1 = Float(tint1)/tsyssq1; wt2 = Float(tint2)/tsyssq2; Float invsumwt=1/(wt1+wt2); MaskedArray mspec1 = maskedArray(spec1, flag1); MaskedArray mspec2 = maskedArray(spec2, flag2); MaskedArray avspec = invsumwt * (wt1*mspec1 + wt2*mspec2); //Array avtsys = Float(0.5) * (tsys1 + tsys2); // cerr<< "Tsys1="<setSelection(sel); sig = getScantable(ws,false); sel.reset(); sel.setName("*_fs_calon"); ws->setSelection(sel); sigwcal = getScantable(ws,false); sel.reset(); sel.setName("*_fsr"); ws->setSelection(sel); ref = getScantable(ws,false); sel.reset(); sel.setName("*_fsr_calon"); ws->setSelection(sel); refwcal = getScantable(ws,false); calsig = dototalpower(sigwcal, sig, tcal=tcal); calref = dototalpower(refwcal, ref, tcal=tcal); out1=dosigref(calsig,calref,smoothref,tsysv,tau); out2=dosigref(calref,calsig,smoothref,tsysv,tau); Table& tabout1=out1->table(); Table& tabout2=out2->table(); ROScalarColumn freqidCol1(tabout1, "FREQ_ID"); ROScalarColumn freqidCol2(tabout2, "FREQ_ID"); ROArrayColumn specCol(tabout2, "SPECTRA"); Vector spec; specCol.get(0, spec); uInt nchan = spec.nelements(); uInt freqid1; freqidCol1.get(0,freqid1); uInt freqid2; freqidCol2.get(0,freqid2); Double rp1, rp2, rv1, rv2, inc1, inc2; out1->frequencies().getEntry(rp1, rv1, inc1, freqid1); out2->frequencies().getEntry(rp2, rv2, inc2, freqid2); if (rp1==rp2) { Double foffset = rv1 - rv2; uInt choffset = static_cast(foffset/abs(inc2)); if (choffset >= nchan) { cerr<<"out-band frequency switching, no folding"< > tabs; tabs.push_back(out1); tabs.push_back(out2); out = merge(tabs); } else { //folding is not implemented yet out = out1; } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::freqSwitch( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in ) { // make copy or reference CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tout = out->table(); Block cols(4); cols[0] = String("SCANNO"); cols[1] = String("CYCLENO"); cols[2] = String("BEAMNO"); cols[3] = String("POLNO"); TableIterator iter(tout, cols); while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table subt = iter.table(); // this should leave us with two rows for the two IFs....if not ignore if (subt.nrow() != 2 ) { continue; } ArrayColumn specCol(subt, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysCol(subt, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn flagCol(subt, "FLAGTRA"); Vector onspec,offspec, ontsys, offtsys; Vector onflag, offflag; tsysCol.get(0, ontsys); tsysCol.get(1, offtsys); specCol.get(0, onspec); specCol.get(1, offspec); flagCol.get(0, onflag); flagCol.get(1, offflag); MaskedArray on = maskedArray(onspec, onflag); MaskedArray off = maskedArray(offspec, offflag); MaskedArray oncopy = on.copy(); on /= off; on -= 1.0f; on *= ontsys[0]; off /= oncopy; off -= 1.0f; off *= offtsys[0]; specCol.put(0, on.getArray()); const Vector& m0 = on.getMask(); Vector flags0(m0.shape()); convertArray(flags0, !m0); flagCol.put(0, flags0); specCol.put(1, off.getArray()); const Vector& m1 = off.getMask(); Vector flags1(m1.shape()); convertArray(flags1, !m1); flagCol.put(1, flags1); ++iter; } return out; } std::vector< float > STMath::statistic( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, const std::vector< bool > & mask, const std::string& which ) { Vector m(mask); const Table& tab = in->table(); ROArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ROArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); std::vector out; for (uInt i=0; i < tab.nrow(); ++i ) { Vector spec; specCol.get(i, spec); Vector flag; flagCol.get(i, flag); MaskedArray ma = maskedArray(spec, flag); float outstat = 0.0; if ( spec.nelements() == m.nelements() ) { outstat = mathutil::statistics(which, ma(m)); } else { outstat = mathutil::statistics(which, ma); } out.push_back(outstat); } return out; } std::vector< int > STMath::minMaxChan( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, const std::vector< bool > & mask, const std::string& which ) { Vector m(mask); const Table& tab = in->table(); ROArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ROArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); std::vector out; for (uInt i=0; i < tab.nrow(); ++i ) { Vector spec; specCol.get(i, spec); Vector flag; flagCol.get(i, flag); MaskedArray ma = maskedArray(spec, flag); if (ma.ndim() != 1) { throw (ArrayError( "std::vector STMath::minMaxChan(" "ContedPtr &in, std::vector &mask, " " std::string &which)" " - MaskedArray is not 1D")); } IPosition outpos(1,0); if ( spec.nelements() == m.nelements() ) { outpos = mathutil::minMaxPos(which, ma(m)); } else { outpos = mathutil::minMaxPos(which, ma); } out.push_back(outpos[0]); } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::bin( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, int width ) { if ( !in->getSelection().empty() ) throw(AipsError("Can't bin subset of the data.")); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tout = out->table(); out->frequencies().rescale(width, "BIN"); ArrayColumn specCol(tout, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tout, "FLAGTRA"); for (uInt i=0; i < tout.nrow(); ++i ) { MaskedArray main = maskedArray(specCol(i), flagCol(i)); MaskedArray maout; LatticeUtilities::bin(maout, main, 0, Int(width)); /// @todo implement channel based tsys binning specCol.put(i, maout.getArray()); flagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(maout)); // take only the first binned spectrum's length for the deprecated // global header item nChan if (i==0) tout.rwKeywordSet().define(String("nChan"), Int(maout.getArray().nelements())); } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::resample( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, const std::string& method, float width ) // // Should add the possibility of width being specified in km/s. This means // that for each freqID (SpectralCoordinate) we will need to convert to an // average channel width (say at the reference pixel). Then we would need // to be careful to make sure each spectrum (of different freqID) // is the same length. // { //InterpolateArray1D::InterpolationMethod interp; Int interpMethod(stringToIMethod(method)); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tout = out->table(); // Resample SpectralCoordinates (one per freqID) out->frequencies().rescale(width, "RESAMPLE"); TableIterator iter(tout, "IFNO"); TableRow row(tout); while ( !iter.pastEnd() ) { Table tab = iter.table(); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); //ArrayColumn tsysCol(tout, "TSYS"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); Vector spec; Vector flag; specCol.get(0,spec); // the number of channels should be constant per IF uInt nChanIn = spec.nelements(); Vector xIn(nChanIn); indgen(xIn); Int fac = Int(nChanIn/width); Vector xOut(fac+10); // 10 to be safe - resize later uInt k = 0; Float x = 0.0; while (x < Float(nChanIn) ) { xOut(k) = x; k++; x += width; } uInt nChanOut = k; xOut.resize(nChanOut, True); // process all rows for this IFNO Vector specOut; Vector maskOut; Vector flagOut; for (uInt i=0; i < tab.nrow(); ++i) { specCol.get(i, spec); flagCol.get(i, flag); Vector mask(flag.nelements()); convertArray(mask, flag); IPosition shapeIn(spec.shape()); //sh.nchan = nChanOut; InterpolateArray1D::interpolate(specOut, maskOut, xOut, xIn, spec, mask, interpMethod, True, True); /// @todo do the same for channel based Tsys flagOut.resize(maskOut.nelements()); convertArray(flagOut, maskOut); specCol.put(i, specOut); flagCol.put(i, flagOut); } ++iter; } return out; } STMath::imethod STMath::stringToIMethod(const std::string& in) { static STMath::imap lookup; // initialize the lookup table if necessary if ( lookup.empty() ) { lookup["nearest"] = InterpolateArray1D::nearestNeighbour; lookup["linear"] = InterpolateArray1D::linear; lookup["cubic"] = InterpolateArray1D::cubic; lookup["spline"] = InterpolateArray1D::spline; } STMath::imap::const_iterator iter = lookup.find(in); if ( lookup.end() == iter ) { std::string message = in; message += " is not a valid interpolation mode"; throw(AipsError(message)); } return iter->second; } WeightType STMath::stringToWeight(const std::string& in) { static std::map lookup; // initialize the lookup table if necessary if ( lookup.empty() ) { lookup["NONE"] = asap::NONE; lookup["TINT"] = asap::TINT; lookup["TINTSYS"] = asap::TINTSYS; lookup["TSYS"] = asap::TSYS; lookup["VAR"] = asap::VAR; } std::map::const_iterator iter = lookup.find(in); if ( lookup.end() == iter ) { std::string message = in; message += " is not a valid weighting mode"; throw(AipsError(message)); } return iter->second; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::gainElevation( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, const vector< float > & coeff, const std::string & filename, const std::string& method) { // Get elevation data from Scantable and convert to degrees CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tab = out->table(); ROScalarColumn elev(tab, "ELEVATION"); Vector x = elev.getColumn(); x *= Float(180 / C::pi); // Degrees Vector coeffs(coeff); const uInt nc = coeffs.nelements(); if ( filename.length() > 0 && nc > 0 ) { throw(AipsError("You must choose either polynomial coefficients or an ascii file, not both")); } // Correct if ( nc > 0 || filename.length() == 0 ) { // Find instrument Bool throwit = True; Instrument inst = STAttr::convertInstrument(tab.keywordSet().asString("AntennaName"), throwit); // Set polynomial Polynomial* ppoly = 0; Vector coeff; String msg; if ( nc > 0 ) { ppoly = new Polynomial(nc); coeff = coeffs; msg = String("user"); } else { STAttr sdAttr; coeff = sdAttr.gainElevationPoly(inst); ppoly = new Polynomial(3); msg = String("built in"); } if ( coeff.nelements() > 0 ) { ppoly->setCoefficients(coeff); } else { delete ppoly; throw(AipsError("There is no known gain-elevation polynomial known for this instrument")); } ostringstream oss; oss << "Making polynomial correction with " << msg << " coefficients:" << endl; oss << " " << coeff; pushLog(String(oss)); const uInt nrow = tab.nrow(); Vector factor(nrow); for ( uInt i=0; i < nrow; ++i ) { factor[i] = 1.0 / (*ppoly)(x[i]); } delete ppoly; scaleByVector(tab, factor, true); } else { // Read and correct pushLog("Making correction from ascii Table"); scaleFromAsciiTable(tab, filename, method, x, true); } return out; } void STMath::scaleFromAsciiTable(Table& in, const std::string& filename, const std::string& method, const Vector& xout, bool dotsys) { // Read gain-elevation ascii file data into a Table. String formatString; Table tbl = readAsciiTable(formatString, Table::Memory, filename, "", "", False); scaleFromTable(in, tbl, method, xout, dotsys); } void STMath::scaleFromTable(Table& in, const Table& table, const std::string& method, const Vector& xout, bool dotsys) { ROScalarColumn geElCol(table, "ELEVATION"); ROScalarColumn geFacCol(table, "FACTOR"); Vector xin = geElCol.getColumn(); Vector yin = geFacCol.getColumn(); Vector maskin(xin.nelements(),True); // Interpolate (and extrapolate) with desired method InterpolateArray1D::InterpolationMethod interp = stringToIMethod(method); Vector yout; Vector maskout; InterpolateArray1D::interpolate(yout, maskout, xout, xin, yin, maskin, interp, True, True); scaleByVector(in, Float(1.0)/yout, dotsys); } void STMath::scaleByVector( Table& in, const Vector< Float >& factor, bool dotsys ) { uInt nrow = in.nrow(); if ( factor.nelements() != nrow ) { throw(AipsError("factors.nelements() != table.nelements()")); } ArrayColumn specCol(in, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(in, "FLAGTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysCol(in, "TSYS"); for (uInt i=0; i < nrow; ++i) { MaskedArray ma = maskedArray(specCol(i), flagCol(i)); ma *= factor[i]; specCol.put(i, ma.getArray()); flagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(ma)); if ( dotsys ) { Vector tsys = tsysCol(i); tsys *= factor[i]; tsysCol.put(i,tsys); } } } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::convertFlux( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, float d, float etaap, float jyperk ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tab = in->table(); Unit fluxUnit(tab.keywordSet().asString("FluxUnit")); Unit K(String("K")); Unit JY(String("Jy")); bool tokelvin = true; Double cfac = 1.0; if ( fluxUnit == JY ) { pushLog("Converting to K"); Quantum t(1.0,fluxUnit); Quantum t2 = t.get(JY); cfac = (t2 / t).getValue(); // value to Jy tokelvin = true; out->setFluxUnit("K"); } else if ( fluxUnit == K ) { pushLog("Converting to Jy"); Quantum t(1.0,fluxUnit); Quantum t2 = t.get(K); cfac = (t2 / t).getValue(); // value to K tokelvin = false; out->setFluxUnit("Jy"); } else { throw(AipsError("Unrecognized brightness units in Table - must be consistent with Jy or K")); } // Make sure input values are converted to either Jy or K first... Float factor = cfac; // Select method if (jyperk > 0.0) { factor *= jyperk; if ( tokelvin ) factor = 1.0 / jyperk; ostringstream oss; oss << "Jy/K = " << jyperk; pushLog(String(oss)); Vector factors(tab.nrow(), factor); scaleByVector(tab,factors, false); } else if ( etaap > 0.0) { if (d < 0) { Instrument inst = STAttr::convertInstrument(tab.keywordSet().asString("AntennaName"), True); STAttr sda; d = sda.diameter(inst); } jyperk = STAttr::findJyPerK(etaap, d); ostringstream oss; oss << "Jy/K = " << jyperk; pushLog(String(oss)); factor *= jyperk; if ( tokelvin ) { factor = 1.0 / factor; } Vector factors(tab.nrow(), factor); scaleByVector(tab, factors, False); } else { // OK now we must deal with automatic look up of values. // We must also deal with the fact that the factors need // to be computed per IF and may be different and may // change per integration. pushLog("Looking up conversion factors"); convertBrightnessUnits(out, tokelvin, cfac); } return out; } void STMath::convertBrightnessUnits( CountedPtr& in, bool tokelvin, float cfac ) { Table& table = in->table(); Instrument inst = STAttr::convertInstrument(table.keywordSet().asString("AntennaName"), True); TableIterator iter(table, "FREQ_ID"); STFrequencies stfreqs = in->frequencies(); STAttr sdAtt; while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table tab = iter.table(); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); ROScalarColumn freqidCol(tab, "FREQ_ID"); MEpoch::ROScalarColumn timeCol(tab, "TIME"); uInt freqid; freqidCol.get(0, freqid); Vector tmpspec; specCol.get(0, tmpspec); // STAttr.JyPerK has a Vector interface... change sometime. Vector freqs(1,stfreqs.getRefFreq(freqid, tmpspec.nelements())); for ( uInt i=0; i ma = maskedArray(specCol(i), flagCol(i)); ma *= factor; specCol.put(i, ma.getArray()); flagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(ma)); } ++iter; } } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::opacity( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, float tau ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table tab = out->table(); ROScalarColumn elev(tab, "ELEVATION"); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); ArrayColumn tsysCol(tab, "TSYS"); for ( uInt i=0; i ma = maskedArray(specCol(i), flagCol(i)); ma *= factor; specCol.put(i, ma.getArray()); flagCol.put(i, flagsFromMA(ma)); Vector tsys; tsysCol.get(i, tsys); tsys *= factor; tsysCol.put(i, tsys); } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::smoothOther( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, const std::string& kernel, float width ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& table = out->table(); ArrayColumn specCol(table, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(table, "FLAGTRA"); Vector spec; Vector flag; for ( uInt i=0; i mask(flag.nelements()); convertArray(mask, flag); Vector specout; Vector maskout; if ( kernel == "hanning" ) { mathutil::hanning(specout, maskout, spec , !mask); convertArray(flag, !maskout); } else if ( kernel == "rmedian" ) { mathutil::runningMedian(specout, maskout, spec , mask, width); convertArray(flag, maskout); } flagCol.put(i, flag); specCol.put(i, specout); } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::smooth( const CountedPtr< Scantable >& in, const std::string& kernel, float width ) { if (kernel == "rmedian" || kernel == "hanning") { return smoothOther(in, kernel, width); } CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& table = out->table(); VectorKernel::KernelTypes type = VectorKernel::toKernelType(kernel); // same IFNO should have same no of channels // this saves overhead TableIterator iter(table, "IFNO"); while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table tab = iter.table(); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); Vector tmpspec; specCol.get(0, tmpspec); uInt nchan = tmpspec.nelements(); Vector kvec = VectorKernel::make(type, width, nchan, True, False); Convolver conv(kvec, IPosition(1,nchan)); Vector spec; Vector flag; for ( uInt i=0; i mask(flag.nelements()); convertArray(mask, flag); Vector specout; mathutil::replaceMaskByZero(specout, mask); conv.linearConv(specout, spec); specCol.put(i, specout); } ++iter; } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::merge( const std::vector< CountedPtr < Scantable > >& in ) { if ( in.size() < 2 ) { throw(AipsError("Need at least two scantables to perform a merge.")); } std::vector >::const_iterator it = in.begin(); bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(*it, false); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); ScalarColumn freqidcol(tout,"FREQ_ID"), molidcol(tout, "MOLECULE_ID"); ScalarColumn scannocol(tout,"SCANNO"), focusidcol(tout,"FOCUS_ID"); // Renumber SCANNO to be 0-based Vector scannos = scannocol.getColumn(); uInt offset = min(scannos); scannos -= offset; scannocol.putColumn(scannos); uInt newscanno = max(scannos)+1; ++it; while ( it != in.end() ){ if ( ! (*it)->conformant(*out) ) { // non conformant. pushLog(String("Warning: Can't merge scantables as header info differs.")); } out->appendToHistoryTable((*it)->history()); const Table& tab = (*it)->table(); TableIterator scanit(tab, "SCANNO"); while (!scanit.pastEnd()) { TableIterator freqit(scanit.table(), "FREQ_ID"); while ( !freqit.pastEnd() ) { Table thetab = freqit.table(); uInt nrow = tout.nrow(); tout.addRow(thetab.nrow()); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, thetab, nrow, 0, thetab.nrow()); ROTableRow row(thetab); for ( uInt i=0; ifrequencies().getEntry(rp, rv, inc, rec.asuInt("FREQ_ID")); uInt id; id = out->frequencies().addEntry(rp, rv, inc); freqidcol.put(k,id); //String name,fname;Double rf; Vector name,fname;Vector rf; (*it)->molecules().getEntry(rf, name, fname, rec.asuInt("MOLECULE_ID")); id = out->molecules().addEntry(rf, name, fname); molidcol.put(k, id); Float frot,fax,ftan,fhand,fmount,fuser, fxy, fxyp; (*it)->focus().getEntry(fax, ftan, frot, fhand, fmount,fuser, fxy, fxyp, rec.asuInt("FOCUS_ID")); id = out->focus().addEntry(fax, ftan, frot, fhand, fmount,fuser, fxy, fxyp); focusidcol.put(k, id); } ++freqit; } ++newscanno; ++scanit; } ++it; } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::invertPhase( const CountedPtr < Scantable >& in ) { return applyToPol(in, &STPol::invertPhase, Float(0.0)); } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::rotateXYPhase( const CountedPtr < Scantable >& in, float phase ) { return applyToPol(in, &STPol::rotatePhase, Float(phase)); } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::rotateLinPolPhase( const CountedPtr < Scantable >& in, float phase ) { return applyToPol(in, &STPol::rotateLinPolPhase, Float(phase)); } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::applyToPol( const CountedPtr& in, STPol::polOperation fptr, Float phase ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tout = out->table(); Block cols(4); cols[0] = String("SCANNO"); cols[1] = String("BEAMNO"); cols[2] = String("IFNO"); cols[3] = String("CYCLENO"); TableIterator iter(tout, cols); CountedPtr stpol = STPol::getPolClass(out->factories_, out->getPolType() ); while (!iter.pastEnd()) { Table t = iter.table(); ArrayColumn speccol(t, "SPECTRA"); ScalarColumn focidcol(t, "FOCUS_ID"); ScalarColumn parancol(t, "PARANGLE"); Matrix pols(speccol.getColumn()); try { stpol->setSpectra(pols); Float fang,fhand,parang; fang = in->focusTable_.getTotalFeedAngle(focidcol(0)); fhand = in->focusTable_.getFeedHand(focidcol(0)); parang = parancol(0); /// @todo re-enable this // disable total feed angle to support paralactifying Caswell style stpol->setPhaseCorrections(parang, -parang, fhand); // use a member function pointer in STPol. This only works on // the STPol pointer itself, not the Counted Pointer so // derefernce it. (&(*(stpol))->*fptr)(phase); speccol.putColumn(stpol->getSpectra()); } catch (AipsError& e) { //delete stpol;stpol=0; throw(e); } ++iter; } //delete stpol;stpol=0; return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::swapPolarisations( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tout = out->table(); Table t0 = tout(tout.col("POLNO") == 0); Table t1 = tout(tout.col("POLNO") == 1); if ( t0.nrow() != t1.nrow() ) throw(AipsError("Inconsistent number of polarisations")); ArrayColumn speccol0(t0, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagcol0(t0, "FLAGTRA"); ArrayColumn speccol1(t1, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagcol1(t1, "FLAGTRA"); Matrix s0 = speccol0.getColumn(); Matrix f0 = flagcol0.getColumn(); speccol0.putColumn(speccol1.getColumn()); flagcol0.putColumn(flagcol1.getColumn()); speccol1.putColumn(s0); flagcol1.putColumn(f0); return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::averagePolarisations( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, const std::vector& mask, const std::string& weight ) { if (in->npol() < 2 ) throw(AipsError("averagePolarisations can only be applied to two or more" "polarisations")); bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > pols = getScantable(in, true); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = pols->table(); std::string taql = "SELECT FROM $1 WHERE POLNO IN [0,1]"; Table tab = tableCommand(taql, in->table()); if (tab.nrow() == 0 ) throw(AipsError("Could not find any rows with POLNO==0 and POLNO==1")); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, tab); TableVector vec(tout, "POLNO"); vec = 0; pols->table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nPol", Int(1)); //pols->table_.rwKeywordSet().define("POLTYPE", String("stokes")); pols->table_.rwKeywordSet().define("POLTYPE", in->getPolType()); std::vector > vpols; vpols.push_back(pols); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = average(vpols, mask, weight, "SCAN"); return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > STMath::averageBeams( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, const std::vector& mask, const std::string& weight ) { bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > beams = getScantable(in, false); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = beams->table(); // give all rows the same BEAMNO TableVector vec(tout, "BEAMNO"); vec = 0; beams->table_.rwKeywordSet().define("nBeam", Int(1)); std::vector > vbeams; vbeams.push_back(beams); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = average(vbeams, mask, weight, "SCAN"); return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > asap::STMath::frequencyAlign( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, const std::string & refTime, const std::string & method) { // clone as this is not working insitu bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); // Get reference Epoch to time of first row or given String Unit DAY(String("d")); MEpoch::Ref epochRef(in->getTimeReference()); MEpoch refEpoch; if (refTime.length()>0) { Quantum qt; if (MVTime::read(qt,refTime)) { MVEpoch mv(qt); refEpoch = MEpoch(mv, epochRef); } else { throw(AipsError("Invalid format for Epoch string")); } } else { refEpoch = in->timeCol_(0); } MPosition refPos = in->getAntennaPosition(); InterpolateArray1D::InterpolationMethod interp = stringToIMethod(method); /* // Comment from MV. // the following code has been commented out because different FREQ_IDs have to be aligned together even // if the frame doesn't change. So far, lack of this check didn't cause any problems. // test if user frame is different to base frame if ( in->frequencies().getFrameString(true) == in->frequencies().getFrameString(false) ) { throw(AipsError("Can't convert as no output frame has been set" " (use set_freqframe) or it is aligned already.")); } */ MFrequency::Types system = in->frequencies().getFrame(); MVTime mvt(refEpoch.getValue()); String epochout = mvt.string(MVTime::YMD) + String(" (") + refEpoch.getRefString() + String(")"); ostringstream oss; oss << "Aligned at reference Epoch " << epochout << " in frame " << MFrequency::showType(system); pushLog(String(oss)); // set up the iterator Block cols(4); // select by constant direction cols[0] = String("SRCNAME"); cols[1] = String("BEAMNO"); // select by IF ( no of channels varies over this ) cols[2] = String("IFNO"); // select by restfrequency cols[3] = String("MOLECULE_ID"); TableIterator iter(tout, cols); while ( !iter.pastEnd() ) { Table t = iter.table(); MDirection::ROScalarColumn dirCol(t, "DIRECTION"); TableIterator fiter(t, "FREQ_ID"); // determine nchan from the first row. This should work as // we are iterating over BEAMNO and IFNO // we should have constant direction ROArrayColumn sCol(t, "SPECTRA"); const MDirection direction = dirCol(0); const uInt nchan = sCol(0).nelements(); // skip operations if there is nothing to align if (fiter.pastEnd()) { continue; } Table ftab = fiter.table(); // align all frequency ids with respect to the first encountered id ScalarColumn freqidCol(ftab, "FREQ_ID"); // get the SpectralCoordinate for the freqid, which we are iterating over SpectralCoordinate sC = in->frequencies().getSpectralCoordinate(freqidCol(0)); FrequencyAligner fa( sC, nchan, refEpoch, direction, refPos, system ); // realign the SpectralCoordinate and put into the output Scantable Vector units(1); units = String("Hz"); Bool linear=True; SpectralCoordinate sc2 = fa.alignedSpectralCoordinate(linear); sc2.setWorldAxisUnits(units); const uInt id = out->frequencies().addEntry(sc2.referencePixel()[0], sc2.referenceValue()[0], sc2.increment()[0]); while ( !fiter.pastEnd() ) { ftab = fiter.table(); // spectral coordinate for the current FREQ_ID ScalarColumn freqidCol2(ftab, "FREQ_ID"); sC = in->frequencies().getSpectralCoordinate(freqidCol2(0)); // create the "global" abcissa for alignment with same FREQ_ID Vector abc(nchan); for (uInt i=0; i tvec(ftab, "FREQ_ID"); // assign new frequency id to all rows tvec = id; // cache abcissa for same time stamps, so iterate over those TableIterator timeiter(ftab, "TIME"); while ( !timeiter.pastEnd() ) { Table tab = timeiter.table(); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); MEpoch::ROScalarColumn timeCol(tab, "TIME"); // use align abcissa cache after the first row // these rows should be just be POLNO bool first = true; for (int i=0; i flag = flagCol(i); Vector mask(flag.shape()); Vector specOut, spec; spec = specCol(i); Vector maskOut;Vector flagOut; convertArray(mask, flag); // alignment Bool ok = fa.align(specOut, maskOut, abc, spec, mask, timeCol(i), !first, interp, False); // back into scantable flagOut.resize(maskOut.nelements()); convertArray(flagOut, maskOut); flagCol.put(i, flagOut); specCol.put(i, specOut); // start abcissa caching first = false; } // next timestamp ++timeiter; } // next FREQ_ID ++fiter; } // next aligner ++iter; } // set this afterwards to ensure we are doing insitu correctly. out->frequencies().setFrame(system, true); return out; } CountedPtr asap::STMath::convertPolarisation( const CountedPtr& in, const std::string & newtype ) { if (in->npol() != 2 && in->npol() != 4) throw(AipsError("Can only convert two or four polarisations.")); if ( in->getPolType() == newtype ) throw(AipsError("No need to convert.")); if ( ! in->selector_.empty() ) throw(AipsError("Can only convert whole scantable. Unset the selection.")); bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, true); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); tout.rwKeywordSet().define("POLTYPE", String(newtype)); Block cols(4); cols[0] = "SCANNO"; cols[1] = "CYCLENO"; cols[2] = "BEAMNO"; cols[3] = "IFNO"; TableIterator it(in->originalTable_, cols); String basetype = in->getPolType(); STPol* stpol = STPol::getPolClass(in->factories_, basetype); try { while ( !it.pastEnd() ) { Table tab = it.table(); uInt row = tab.rowNumbers()[0]; stpol->setSpectra(in->getPolMatrix(row)); Float fang,fhand,parang; fang = in->focusTable_.getTotalFeedAngle(in->mfocusidCol_(row)); fhand = in->focusTable_.getFeedHand(in->mfocusidCol_(row)); parang = in->paraCol_(row); /// @todo re-enable this // disable total feed angle to support paralactifying Caswell style stpol->setPhaseCorrections(parang, -parang, fhand); Int npolout = 0; for (uInt i=0; i outvec = stpol->getSpectrum(i, newtype); if ( outvec.nelements() > 0 ) { tout.addRow(); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, tab, tout.nrow()-1, 0, 1); ArrayColumn sCol(tout,"SPECTRA"); ScalarColumn pCol(tout,"POLNO"); sCol.put(tout.nrow()-1 ,outvec); pCol.put(tout.nrow()-1 ,uInt(npolout)); npolout++; } } tout.rwKeywordSet().define("nPol", npolout); ++it; } } catch (AipsError& e) { delete stpol; throw(e); } delete stpol; return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > asap::STMath::mxExtract( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, const std::string & scantype ) { bool insitu = insitu_; setInsitu(false); CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, true); setInsitu(insitu); Table& tout = out->table(); std::string taql = "SELECT FROM $1 WHERE BEAMNO != REFBEAMNO"; if (scantype == "on") { taql = "SELECT FROM $1 WHERE BEAMNO == REFBEAMNO"; } Table tab = tableCommand(taql, in->table()); TableCopy::copyRows(tout, tab); if (scantype == "on") { // re-index SCANNO to 0 TableVector vec(tout, "SCANNO"); vec = 0; } return out; } CountedPtr< Scantable > asap::STMath::lagFlag( const CountedPtr< Scantable > & in, double frequency, double width ) { CountedPtr< Scantable > out = getScantable(in, false); Table& tout = out->table(); TableIterator iter(tout, "FREQ_ID"); FFTServer ffts; while ( !iter.pastEnd() ) { Table tab = iter.table(); Double rp,rv,inc; ROTableRow row(tab); const TableRecord& rec = row.get(0); uInt freqid = rec.asuInt("FREQ_ID"); out->frequencies().getEntry(rp, rv, inc, freqid); ArrayColumn specCol(tab, "SPECTRA"); ArrayColumn flagCol(tab, "FLAGTRA"); for (int i=0; i spec = specCol(i); Vector flag = flagCol(i); Int lag0 = Int(spec.nelements()*abs(inc)/(frequency+width)+0.5); Int lag1 = Int(spec.nelements()*abs(inc)/(frequency-width)+0.5); for (int k=0; k < flag.nelements(); ++k ) { if (flag[k] > 0) { spec[k] = 0.0; } } Vector lags; ffts.fft0(lags, spec); Int start = max(0, lag0); Int end = min(Int(lags.nelements()-1), lag1); if (start == end) { lags[start] = Complex(0.0); } else { for (int j=start; j <=end ;++j) { lags[j] = Complex(0.0); } } ffts.fft0(spec, lags); specCol.put(i, spec); } ++iter; } return out; } // Averaging spectra with different channel/resolution CountedPtr STMath::new_average( const std::vector >& in, const bool& compel, const std::vector& mask, const std::string& weight, const std::string& avmode ) throw ( casa::AipsError ) { if ( avmode == "SCAN" && in.size() != 1 ) throw(AipsError("Can't perform 'SCAN' averaging on multiple tables.\n" "Use merge first.")); // check if OTF observation String obstype = in[0]->getHeader().obstype ; bool otfscan = false ; if ( obstype.find( "OTF" ) != String::npos ) { //cout << "OTF scan" << endl ; otfscan = true ; } CountedPtr out ; // processed result if ( compel ) { std::vector< CountedPtr > newin ; // input for average process uInt insize = in.size() ; // number of input scantables // TEST: do normal average in each table before IF grouping cout << "Do preliminary averaging" << endl ; vector< CountedPtr > tmpin( insize ) ; for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { vector< CountedPtr > v( 1, in[itable] ) ; tmpin[itable] = average( v, mask, weight, avmode ) ; } // warning cout << "Average spectra with different spectral resolution" << endl ; cout << endl ; // temporarily set coordinfo vector oldinfo( insize ) ; for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { vector coordinfo = in[itable]->getCoordInfo() ; oldinfo[itable] = coordinfo[0] ; coordinfo[0] = "Hz" ; tmpin[itable]->setCoordInfo( coordinfo ) ; } // columns ScalarColumn freqIDCol ; ScalarColumn ifnoCol ; ScalarColumn scannoCol ; // check IF frequency coverage // freqid: list of FREQ_ID, which is used, in each table // iffreq: list of minimum and maximum frequency for each FREQ_ID in // each table // freqid[insize][numIF] // freqid: [[id00, id01, ...], // [id10, id11, ...], // ... // [idn0, idn1, ...]] // iffreq[insize][numIF*2] // iffreq: [[min_id00, max_id00, min_id01, max_id01, ...], // [min_id10, max_id10, min_id11, max_id11, ...], // ... // [min_idn0, max_idn0, min_idn1, max_idn1, ...]] //cout << "Check IF settings in each table" << endl ; vector< vector > freqid( insize ); vector< vector > iffreq( insize ) ; for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { uInt rows = tmpin[itable]->nrow() ; uInt freqnrows = tmpin[itable]->frequencies().table().nrow() ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < rows ; irow++ ) { if ( freqid[itable].size() == freqnrows ) { break ; } else { freqIDCol.attach( tmpin[itable]->table(), "FREQ_ID" ) ; ifnoCol.attach( tmpin[itable]->table(), "IFNO" ) ; uInt id = freqIDCol( irow ) ; if ( freqid[itable].size() == 0 || count( freqid[itable].begin(), freqid[itable].end(), id ) == 0 ) { //cout << "itable = " << itable << ": IF " << id << " is included in the list" << endl ; vector abcissa = tmpin[itable]->getAbcissa( irow ) ; freqid[itable].push_back( id ) ; iffreq[itable].push_back( abcissa[0] - 0.5 * ( abcissa[1] - abcissa[0] ) ) ; iffreq[itable].push_back( abcissa[abcissa.size()-1] + 0.5 * ( abcissa[1] - abcissa[0] ) ) ; } } } } // debug //cout << "IF settings summary:" << endl ; //for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < freqid.size() ; i++ ) { //cout << " Table" << i << endl ; //for ( uInt j = 0 ; j < freqid[i].size() ; j++ ) { //cout << " id = " << freqid[i][j] << " (min,max) = (" << iffreq[i][2*j] << "," << iffreq[i][2*j+1] << ")" << endl ; //} //} //cout << endl ; // IF grouping based on their frequency coverage // ifgrp: list of table index and FREQ_ID for all members in each IF group // ifgfreq: list of minimum and maximum frequency in each IF group // ifgrp[numgrp][nummember*2] // ifgrp: [[table00, freqrow00, table01, freqrow01, ...], // [table10, freqrow10, table11, freqrow11, ...], // ... // [tablen0, freqrown0, tablen1, freqrown1, ...]] // ifgfreq[numgrp*2] // ifgfreq: [min0_grp0, max0_grp0, min1_grp1, max1_grp1, ...] //cout << "IF grouping based on their frequency coverage" << endl ; vector< vector > ifgrp ; vector ifgfreq ; // parameter for IF grouping // groupmode = OR retrieve all region // AND only retrieve overlaped region //string groupmode = "AND" ; string groupmode = "OR" ; uInt sizecr = 0 ; if ( groupmode == "AND" ) sizecr = 2 ; else if ( groupmode == "OR" ) sizecr = 0 ; vector sortedfreq ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < iffreq.size() ; i++ ) { for ( uInt j = 0 ; j < iffreq[i].size() ; j++ ) { if ( count( sortedfreq.begin(), sortedfreq.end(), iffreq[i][j] ) == 0 ) sortedfreq.push_back( iffreq[i][j] ) ; } } sort( sortedfreq.begin(), sortedfreq.end() ) ; for ( vector::iterator i = sortedfreq.begin() ; i != sortedfreq.end()-1 ; i++ ) { ifgfreq.push_back( *i ) ; ifgfreq.push_back( *(i+1) ) ; } ifgrp.resize( ifgfreq.size()/2 ) ; for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { for ( uInt iif = 0 ; iif < freqid[itable].size() ; iif++ ) { double range0 = iffreq[itable][2*iif] ; double range1 = iffreq[itable][2*iif+1] ; for ( uInt j = 0 ; j < ifgrp.size() ; j++ ) { double fmin = max( range0, ifgfreq[2*j] ) ; double fmax = min( range1, ifgfreq[2*j+1] ) ; if ( fmin < fmax ) { ifgrp[j].push_back( itable ) ; ifgrp[j].push_back( freqid[itable][iif] ) ; } } } } vector< vector >::iterator fiter = ifgrp.begin() ; vector::iterator giter = ifgfreq.begin() ; while( fiter != ifgrp.end() ) { if ( fiter->size() <= sizecr ) { fiter = ifgrp.erase( fiter ) ; giter = ifgfreq.erase( giter ) ; giter = ifgfreq.erase( giter ) ; } else { fiter++ ; advance( giter, 2 ) ; } } // Grouping continuous IF groups (without frequency gap) // freqgrp: list of IF group indexes in each frequency group // freqrange: list of minimum and maximum frequency in each frequency group // freqgrp[numgrp][nummember] // freqgrp: [[ifgrp00, ifgrp01, ifgrp02, ...], // [ifgrp10, ifgrp11, ifgrp12, ...], // ... // [ifgrpn0, ifgrpn1, ifgrpn2, ...]] // freqrange[numgrp*2] // freqrange: [min_grp0, max_grp0, min_grp1, max_grp1, ...] vector< vector > freqgrp ; double freqrange = 0.0 ; uInt grpnum = 0 ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < ifgrp.size() ; i++ ) { // Assumed that ifgfreq was sorted if ( grpnum != 0 && freqrange == ifgfreq[2*i] ) { freqgrp[grpnum-1].push_back( i ) ; } else { vector grp0( 1, i ) ; freqgrp.push_back( grp0 ) ; grpnum++ ; } freqrange = ifgfreq[2*i+1] ; } // print IF groups cout << "IF Group summary: " << endl ; cout << " GROUP_ID [FREQ_MIN, FREQ_MAX]: (TABLE_ID, FREQ_ID)" << endl ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < ifgrp.size() ; i++ ) { cout << " GROUP " << setw( 2 ) << i << " [" << ifgfreq[2*i] << "," << ifgfreq[2*i+1] << "]: " ; for ( uInt j = 0 ; j < ifgrp[i].size()/2 ; j++ ) { cout << "(" << ifgrp[i][2*j] << "," << ifgrp[i][2*j+1] << ") " ; } cout << endl ; } cout << endl ; // print frequency group cout << "Frequency Group summary: " << endl ; cout << " GROUP_ID [FREQ_MIN, FREQ_MAX]: IF_GROUP_ID" << endl ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < freqgrp.size() ; i++ ) { cout << " GROUP " << setw( 2 ) << i << " [" << ifgfreq[2*freqgrp[i][0]] << "," << ifgfreq[2*freqgrp[i][freqgrp[i].size()-1]+1] << "]: " ; for ( uInt j = 0 ; j < freqgrp[i].size() ; j++ ) { cout << freqgrp[i][j] << " " ; } cout << endl ; } cout << endl ; // membership check // groups: list of IF group indexes whose frequency range overlaps with // that of each table and IF // groups[numtable][numIF][nummembership] // groups: [[[grp, grp,...], [grp, grp,...],...], // [[grp, grp,...], [grp, grp,...],...], // ... // [[grp, grp,...], [grp, grp,...],...]] vector< vector< vector > > groups( insize ) ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < insize ; i++ ) { groups[i].resize( freqid[i].size() ) ; } for ( uInt igrp = 0 ; igrp < ifgrp.size() ; igrp++ ) { for ( uInt imem = 0 ; imem < ifgrp[igrp].size()/2 ; imem++ ) { uInt tableid = ifgrp[igrp][2*imem] ; vector::iterator iter = find( freqid[tableid].begin(), freqid[tableid].end(), ifgrp[igrp][2*imem+1] ) ; if ( iter != freqid[tableid].end() ) { uInt rowid = distance( freqid[tableid].begin(), iter ) ; groups[tableid][rowid].push_back( igrp ) ; } } } // print membership //for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < insize ; i++ ) { //cout << "Table " << i << endl ; //for ( uInt j = 0 ; j < groups[i].size() ; j++ ) { //cout << " FREQ_ID " << setw( 2 ) << freqid[i][j] << ": " ; //for ( uInt k = 0 ; k < groups[i][j].size() ; k++ ) { //cout << setw( 2 ) << groups[i][j][k] << " " ; //} //cout << endl ; //} //} // set back coordinfo for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { vector coordinfo = tmpin[itable]->getCoordInfo() ; coordinfo[0] = oldinfo[itable] ; tmpin[itable]->setCoordInfo( coordinfo ) ; } // Create additional table if needed bool oldInsitu = insitu_ ; setInsitu( false ) ; vector< vector > addrow( insize ) ; vector addtable( insize, 0 ) ; vector newtableids( insize ) ; vector newifids( insize, 0 ) ; for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { //cout << "Table " << setw(2) << itable << ": " ; for ( uInt ifrow = 0 ; ifrow < groups[itable].size() ; ifrow++ ) { addrow[itable].push_back( groups[itable][ifrow].size()-1 ) ; //cout << addrow[itable][ifrow] << " " ; } addtable[itable] = *max_element( addrow[itable].begin(), addrow[itable].end() ) ; //cout << "(" << addtable[itable] << ")" << endl ; } newin.resize( insize ) ; copy( tmpin.begin(), tmpin.end(), newin.begin() ) ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < insize ; i++ ) { newtableids[i] = i ; } for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { for ( uInt iadd = 0 ; iadd < addtable[itable] ; iadd++ ) { CountedPtr add = getScantable( newin[itable], false ) ; vector freqidlist ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < groups[itable].size() ; i++ ) { if ( groups[itable][i].size() > iadd + 1 ) { freqidlist.push_back( freqid[itable][i] ) ; } } stringstream taqlstream ; taqlstream << "SELECT FROM $1 WHERE FREQ_ID IN [" ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < freqidlist.size() ; i++ ) { taqlstream << i ; if ( i < freqidlist.size() - 1 ) taqlstream << "," ; else taqlstream << "]" ; } string taql = taqlstream.str() ; //cout << "taql = " << taql << endl ; STSelector selector = STSelector() ; selector.setTaQL( taql ) ; add->setSelection( selector ) ; newin.push_back( add ) ; newtableids.push_back( itable ) ; newifids.push_back( iadd + 1 ) ; } } // udpate ifgrp for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { for ( uInt iadd = 0 ; iadd < addtable[itable] ; iadd++ ) { for ( uInt ifrow = 0 ; ifrow < groups[itable].size() ; ifrow++ ) { if ( groups[itable][ifrow].size() > iadd + 1 ) { uInt igrp = groups[itable][ifrow][iadd+1] ; for ( uInt imem = 0 ; imem < ifgrp[igrp].size()/2 ; imem++ ) { if ( ifgrp[igrp][2*imem] == newtableids[iadd+insize] && ifgrp[igrp][2*imem+1] == freqid[newtableids[iadd+insize]][ifrow] ) { ifgrp[igrp][2*imem] = insize + iadd ; } } } } } } // print IF groups again for debug //cout << "IF Group summary: " << endl ; //cout << " GROUP_ID [FREQ_MIN, FREQ_MAX]: (TABLE_ID, FREQ_ID)" << endl ; //for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < ifgrp.size() ; i++ ) { //cout << " GROUP " << setw( 2 ) << i << " [" << ifgfreq[2*i] << "," << ifgfreq[2*i+1] << "]: " ; //for ( uInt j = 0 ; j < ifgrp[i].size()/2 ; j++ ) { //cout << "(" << ifgrp[i][2*j] << "," << ifgrp[i][2*j+1] << ") " ; //} //cout << endl ; //} //cout << endl ; // reset SCANNO and IFNO/FREQ_ID: IF is reset by the result of sortation cout << "All scan number is set to 0" << endl ; //cout << "All IF number is set to IF group index" << endl ; cout << endl ; insize = newin.size() ; for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { uInt rows = newin[itable]->nrow() ; Table &tmpt = newin[itable]->table() ; freqIDCol.attach( tmpt, "FREQ_ID" ) ; scannoCol.attach( tmpt, "SCANNO" ) ; ifnoCol.attach( tmpt, "IFNO" ) ; for ( uInt irow=0 ; irow < rows ; irow++ ) { scannoCol.put( irow, 0 ) ; uInt freqID = freqIDCol( irow ) ; vector::iterator iter = find( freqid[newtableids[itable]].begin(), freqid[newtableids[itable]].end(), freqID ) ; if ( iter != freqid[newtableids[itable]].end() ) { uInt index = distance( freqid[newtableids[itable]].begin(), iter ) ; ifnoCol.put( irow, groups[newtableids[itable]][index][newifids[itable]] ) ; } else { throw(AipsError("IF grouping was wrong in additional tables.")) ; } } } oldinfo.resize( insize ) ; setInsitu( oldInsitu ) ; // temporarily set coordinfo for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { vector coordinfo = newin[itable]->getCoordInfo() ; oldinfo[itable] = coordinfo[0] ; coordinfo[0] = "Hz" ; newin[itable]->setCoordInfo( coordinfo ) ; } // save column values in the vector vector< vector > freqTableIdVec( insize ) ; vector< vector > freqIdVec( insize ) ; vector< vector > ifNoVec( insize ) ; for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { ScalarColumn freqIDs ; freqIDs.attach( newin[itable]->frequencies().table(), "ID" ) ; ifnoCol.attach( newin[itable]->table(), "IFNO" ) ; freqIDCol.attach( newin[itable]->table(), "FREQ_ID" ) ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < newin[itable]->frequencies().table().nrow() ; irow++ ) { freqTableIdVec[itable].push_back( freqIDs( irow ) ) ; } for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < newin[itable]->table().nrow() ; irow++ ) { freqIdVec[itable].push_back( freqIDCol( irow ) ) ; ifNoVec[itable].push_back( ifnoCol( irow ) ) ; } } // reset spectra and flagtra: pick up common part of frequency coverage //cout << "Pick common frequency range and align resolution" << endl ; for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { uInt rows = newin[itable]->nrow() ; int nminchan = -1 ; int nmaxchan = -1 ; vector freqIdUpdate ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < rows ; irow++ ) { uInt ifno = ifNoVec[itable][irow] ; // IFNO is reset by group index double minfreq = ifgfreq[2*ifno] ; double maxfreq = ifgfreq[2*ifno+1] ; //cout << "frequency range: [" << minfreq << "," << maxfreq << "]" << endl ; vector abcissa = newin[itable]->getAbcissa( irow ) ; int nchan = abcissa.size() ; double resol = abcissa[1] - abcissa[0] ; //cout << "abcissa range : [" << abcissa[0] << "," << abcissa[nchan-1] << "]" << endl ; if ( minfreq <= abcissa[0] ) nminchan = 0 ; else { //double cfreq = ( minfreq - abcissa[0] ) / resol ; double cfreq = ( minfreq - abcissa[0] + 0.5 * resol ) / resol ; nminchan = int(cfreq) + ( ( cfreq - int(cfreq) <= 0.5 ) ? 0 : 1 ) ; } if ( maxfreq >= abcissa[abcissa.size()-1] ) nmaxchan = abcissa.size() - 1 ; else { //double cfreq = ( abcissa[abcissa.size()-1] - maxfreq ) / resol ; double cfreq = ( abcissa[abcissa.size()-1] - maxfreq + 0.5 * resol ) / resol ; nmaxchan = abcissa.size() - 1 - int(cfreq) - ( ( cfreq - int(cfreq) >= 0.5 ) ? 1 : 0 ) ; } //cout << "channel range (" << irow << "): [" << nminchan << "," << nmaxchan << "]" << endl ; if ( nmaxchan > nminchan ) { newin[itable]->reshapeSpectrum( nminchan, nmaxchan, irow ) ; int newchan = nmaxchan - nminchan + 1 ; if ( count( freqIdUpdate.begin(), freqIdUpdate.end(), freqIdVec[itable][irow] ) == 0 && newchan < nchan ) freqIdUpdate.push_back( freqIdVec[itable][irow] ) ; } else { throw(AipsError("Failed to pick up common part of frequency range.")) ; } } for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < freqIdUpdate.size() ; i++ ) { uInt freqId = freqIdUpdate[i] ; Double refpix ; Double refval ; Double increment ; // update row newin[itable]->frequencies().getEntry( refpix, refval, increment, freqId ) ; refval = refval - ( refpix - nminchan ) * increment ; refpix = 0 ; newin[itable]->frequencies().setEntry( refpix, refval, increment, freqId ) ; } } // reset spectra and flagtra: align spectral resolution //cout << "Align spectral resolution" << endl ; // gmaxdnu: the coarsest frequency resolution in the frequency group // gmemid: member index that have a resolution equal to gmaxdnu // gmaxdnu[numfreqgrp] // gmaxdnu: [dnu0, dnu1, ...] // gmemid[numfreqgrp] // gmemid: [id0, id1, ...] vector gmaxdnu( freqgrp.size(), 0.0 ) ; vector gmemid( freqgrp.size(), 0 ) ; for ( uInt igrp = 0 ; igrp < ifgrp.size() ; igrp++ ) { double maxdnu = 0.0 ; // maximum (coarsest) frequency resolution int minchan = INT_MAX ; // minimum channel number Double refpixref = -1 ; // reference of 'reference pixel' Double refvalref = -1 ; // reference of 'reference frequency' Double refinc = -1 ; // reference frequency resolution uInt refreqid ; uInt reftable = INT_MAX; // process only if group member > 1 if ( ifgrp[igrp].size() > 2 ) { // find minchan and maxdnu in each group for ( uInt imem = 0 ; imem < ifgrp[igrp].size()/2 ; imem++ ) { uInt tableid = ifgrp[igrp][2*imem] ; uInt rowid = ifgrp[igrp][2*imem+1] ; vector::iterator iter = find( freqIdVec[tableid].begin(), freqIdVec[tableid].end(), rowid ) ; if ( iter != freqIdVec[tableid].end() ) { uInt index = distance( freqIdVec[tableid].begin(), iter ) ; vector abcissa = newin[tableid]->getAbcissa( index ) ; int nchan = abcissa.size() ; double dnu = abcissa[1] - abcissa[0] ; //cout << "GROUP " << igrp << " (" << tableid << "," << rowid << "): nchan = " << nchan << " (minchan = " << minchan << ")" << endl ; if ( nchan < minchan ) { minchan = nchan ; maxdnu = dnu ; newin[tableid]->frequencies().getEntry( refpixref, refvalref, refinc, rowid ) ; refreqid = rowid ; reftable = tableid ; } } } // regrid spectra in each group cout << "GROUP " << igrp << endl ; cout << " Channel number is adjusted to " << minchan << endl ; cout << " Corresponding frequency resolution is " << maxdnu << "Hz" << endl ; for ( uInt imem = 0 ; imem < ifgrp[igrp].size()/2 ; imem++ ) { uInt tableid = ifgrp[igrp][2*imem] ; uInt rowid = ifgrp[igrp][2*imem+1] ; freqIDCol.attach( newin[tableid]->table(), "FREQ_ID" ) ; //cout << "tableid = " << tableid << " rowid = " << rowid << ": " << endl ; //cout << " regridChannel applied to " ; if ( tableid != reftable ) refreqid = newin[tableid]->frequencies().addEntry( refpixref, refvalref, refinc ) ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < newin[tableid]->table().nrow() ; irow++ ) { uInt tfreqid = freqIdVec[tableid][irow] ; if ( tfreqid == rowid ) { //cout << irow << " " ; newin[tableid]->regridChannel( minchan, maxdnu, irow ) ; freqIDCol.put( irow, refreqid ) ; freqIdVec[tableid][irow] = refreqid ; } } //cout << endl ; } } else { uInt tableid = ifgrp[igrp][0] ; uInt rowid = ifgrp[igrp][1] ; vector::iterator iter = find( freqIdVec[tableid].begin(), freqIdVec[tableid].end(), rowid ) ; if ( iter != freqIdVec[tableid].end() ) { uInt index = distance( freqIdVec[tableid].begin(), iter ) ; vector abcissa = newin[tableid]->getAbcissa( index ) ; minchan = abcissa.size() ; maxdnu = abcissa[1] - abcissa[0] ; } } for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < freqgrp.size() ; i++ ) { if ( count( freqgrp[i].begin(), freqgrp[i].end(), igrp ) > 0 ) { if ( maxdnu > gmaxdnu[i] ) { gmaxdnu[i] = maxdnu ; gmemid[i] = igrp ; } break ; } } } cout << endl ; // set back coordinfo for ( uInt itable = 0 ; itable < insize ; itable++ ) { vector coordinfo = newin[itable]->getCoordInfo() ; coordinfo[0] = oldinfo[itable] ; newin[itable]->setCoordInfo( coordinfo ) ; } // accumulate all rows into the first table // NOTE: assumed in.size() = 1 vector< CountedPtr > tmp( 1 ) ; if ( newin.size() == 1 ) tmp[0] = newin[0] ; else tmp[0] = merge( newin ) ; //return tmp[0] ; // average CountedPtr tmpout = average( tmp, mask, weight, avmode ) ; //return tmpout ; // combine frequency group cout << "Combine spectra based on frequency grouping" << endl ; cout << "IFNO is renumbered as frequency group ID (see above)" << endl ; vector coordinfo = tmpout->getCoordInfo() ; oldinfo[0] = coordinfo[0] ; coordinfo[0] = "Hz" ; tmpout->setCoordInfo( coordinfo ) ; // create proformas of output table stringstream taqlstream ; taqlstream << "SELECT FROM $1 WHERE IFNO IN [" ; for ( uInt i = 0 ; i < gmemid.size() ; i++ ) { taqlstream << gmemid[i] ; if ( i < gmemid.size() - 1 ) taqlstream << "," ; else taqlstream << "]" ; } string taql = taqlstream.str() ; //cout << "taql = " << taql << endl ; STSelector selector = STSelector() ; selector.setTaQL( taql ) ; oldInsitu = insitu_ ; setInsitu( false ) ; out = getScantable( tmpout, false ) ; setInsitu( oldInsitu ) ; out->setSelection( selector ) ; // regrid rows ifnoCol.attach( tmpout->table(), "IFNO" ) ; for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < tmpout->table().nrow() ; irow++ ) { uInt ifno = ifnoCol( irow ) ; for ( uInt igrp = 0 ; igrp < freqgrp.size() ; igrp++ ) { if ( count( freqgrp[igrp].begin(), freqgrp[igrp].end(), ifno ) > 0 ) { vector abcissa = tmpout->getAbcissa( irow ) ; double bw = ( abcissa[1] - abcissa[0] ) * abcissa.size() ; int nchan = (int)( bw / gmaxdnu[igrp] ) ; tmpout->regridChannel( nchan, gmaxdnu[igrp], irow ) ; break ; } } } // combine spectra ArrayColumn specColOut ; specColOut.attach( out->table(), "SPECTRA" ) ; ArrayColumn flagColOut ; flagColOut.attach( out->table(), "FLAGTRA" ) ; ScalarColumn ifnoColOut ; ifnoColOut.attach( out->table(), "IFNO" ) ; ScalarColumn polnoColOut ; polnoColOut.attach( out->table(), "POLNO" ) ; ScalarColumn freqidColOut ; freqidColOut.attach( out->table(), "FREQ_ID" ) ; MDirection::ScalarColumn dirColOut ; dirColOut.attach( out->table(), "DIRECTION" ) ; Table &tab = tmpout->table() ; Block cols(1); cols[0] = String("POLNO") ; TableIterator iter( tab, cols ) ; bool done = false ; vector< vector > sizes( freqgrp.size() ) ; while( !iter.pastEnd() ) { vector< vector > specout( freqgrp.size() ) ; vector< vector > flagout( freqgrp.size() ) ; ArrayColumn specCols ; specCols.attach( iter.table(), "SPECTRA" ) ; ArrayColumn flagCols ; flagCols.attach( iter.table(), "FLAGTRA" ) ; ifnoCol.attach( iter.table(), "IFNO" ) ; ScalarColumn polnos ; polnos.attach( iter.table(), "POLNO" ) ; MDirection::ScalarColumn dircol ; dircol.attach( iter.table(), "DIRECTION" ) ; uInt polno = polnos( 0 ) ; //cout << "POLNO iteration: " << polno << endl ; // for ( uInt igrp = 0 ; igrp < freqgrp.size() ; igrp++ ) { // sizes[igrp].resize( freqgrp[igrp].size() ) ; // for ( uInt imem = 0 ; imem < freqgrp[igrp].size() ; imem++ ) { // for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < iter.table().nrow() ; irow++ ) { // uInt ifno = ifnoCol( irow ) ; // if ( ifno == freqgrp[igrp][imem] ) { // Vector spec = specCols( irow ) ; // Vector flag = flagCols( irow ) ; // vector svec ; // spec.tovector( svec ) ; // vector fvec ; // flag.tovector( fvec ) ; // //cout << "spec.size() = " << svec.size() << " fvec.size() = " << fvec.size() << endl ; // specout[igrp].insert( specout[igrp].end(), svec.begin(), svec.end() ) ; // flagout[igrp].insert( flagout[igrp].end(), fvec.begin(), fvec.end() ) ; // //cout << "specout[" << igrp << "].size() = " << specout[igrp].size() << endl ; // sizes[igrp][imem] = spec.nelements() ; // } // } // } // for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < out->table().nrow() ; irow++ ) { // uInt ifout = ifnoColOut( irow ) ; // uInt polout = polnoColOut( irow ) ; // if ( ifout == gmemid[igrp] && polout == polno ) { // // set SPECTRA and FRAGTRA // Vector newspec( specout[igrp] ) ; // Vector newflag( flagout[igrp] ) ; // specColOut.put( irow, newspec ) ; // flagColOut.put( irow, newflag ) ; // // IFNO renumbering // ifnoColOut.put( irow, igrp ) ; // } // } // } // get a list of number of channels for each frequency group member if ( !done ) { for ( uInt igrp = 0 ; igrp < freqgrp.size() ; igrp++ ) { sizes[igrp].resize( freqgrp[igrp].size() ) ; for ( uInt imem = 0 ; imem < freqgrp[igrp].size() ; imem++ ) { for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < iter.table().nrow() ; irow++ ) { uInt ifno = ifnoCol( irow ) ; if ( ifno == freqgrp[igrp][imem] ) { Vector spec = specCols( irow ) ; sizes[igrp][imem] = spec.nelements() ; break ; } } } } done = true ; } // combine spectra for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < out->table().nrow() ; irow++ ) { uInt polout = polnoColOut( irow ) ; if ( polout == polno ) { uInt ifout = ifnoColOut( irow ) ; Vector direction = dirColOut(irow).getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue() ; uInt igrp ; for ( uInt jgrp = 0 ; jgrp < freqgrp.size() ; jgrp++ ) { if ( ifout == gmemid[jgrp] ) { igrp = jgrp ; break ; } } for ( uInt imem = 0 ; imem < freqgrp[igrp].size() ; imem++ ) { for ( uInt jrow = 0 ; jrow < iter.table().nrow() ; jrow++ ) { uInt ifno = ifnoCol( jrow ) ; Vector tdir = dircol(jrow).getAngle(Unit(String("rad"))).getValue() ; //if ( ifno == freqgrp[igrp][imem] && allTrue( tdir == direction ) ) { if ( ifno == freqgrp[igrp][imem] && allNearAbs( tdir, direction, tol ) ) { Vector spec = specCols( jrow ) ; Vector flag = flagCols( jrow ) ; vector svec ; spec.tovector( svec ) ; vector fvec ; flag.tovector( fvec ) ; //cout << "spec.size() = " << svec.size() << " fvec.size() = " << fvec.size() << endl ; specout[igrp].insert( specout[igrp].end(), svec.begin(), svec.end() ) ; flagout[igrp].insert( flagout[igrp].end(), fvec.begin(), fvec.end() ) ; //cout << "specout[" << igrp << "].size() = " << specout[igrp].size() << endl ; } } } // set SPECTRA and FRAGTRA Vector newspec( specout[igrp] ) ; Vector newflag( flagout[igrp] ) ; specColOut.put( irow, newspec ) ; flagColOut.put( irow, newflag ) ; // IFNO renumbering ifnoColOut.put( irow, igrp ) ; } } iter++ ; } // update FREQUENCIES subtable vector updated( freqgrp.size(), false ) ; for ( uInt igrp = 0 ; igrp < freqgrp.size() ; igrp++ ) { uInt index = 0 ; uInt pixShift = 0 ; while ( freqgrp[igrp][index] != gmemid[igrp] ) { pixShift += sizes[igrp][index++] ; } for ( uInt irow = 0 ; irow < out->table().nrow() ; irow++ ) { if ( ifnoColOut( irow ) == gmemid[igrp] && !updated[igrp] ) { uInt freqidOut = freqidColOut( irow ) ; //cout << "freqgrp " << igrp << " freqidOut = " << freqidOut << endl ; double refpix ; double refval ; double increm ; out->frequencies().getEntry( refpix, refval, increm, freqidOut ) ; refpix += pixShift ; out->frequencies().setEntry( refpix, refval, increm, freqidOut ) ; updated[igrp] = true ; } } } //out = tmpout ; coordinfo = tmpout->getCoordInfo() ; coordinfo[0] = oldinfo[0] ; tmpout->setCoordInfo( coordinfo ) ; } else { // simple average out = average( in, mask, weight, avmode ) ; } return out ; }