source: branches/alma/python/ 1609

Last change on this file since 1609 was 1605, checked in by TakTsutsumi, 16 years ago

New Development: No

JIRA Issue: No

Ready to Release: Yes

Interface Changes: No

What Interface Changed: Please list interface changes

Test Programs: List test programs

Put in Release Notes: No

Module(s): asap

Description: a minor teak for revision no. display

  • Property svn:eol-style set to native
  • Property svn:keywords set to Author Date Id Revision
File size: 24.3 KB
2This is the ATNF Single Dish Analysis package.
[1080]5import os,sys,shutil, platform
[1456]7# Set up CASAPATH and first time use of asap i.e. ~/.asap/*
[1080]8plf = None
9if sys.platform == "linux2":
10 if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
11 plf = 'linux_64b'
12 else:
13 plf = 'linux_gnu'
14elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
15 plf = 'darwin'
17 # Shouldn't happen - default to linux
18 plf = 'linux'
19asapdata = __path__[-1]
[1171]20# Allow user defined data location
21if os.environ.has_key("ASAPDATA"):
22 if os.path.exists(os.environ["ASAPDATA"]):
23 asapdata = os.environ["ASAPDATA"]
[1456]24# use CASAPATH if defined and "data" dir present
25if not os.environ.has_key("CASAPATH") or \
26 not os.path.exists(os.environ["CASAPATH"].split()[0]+"/data"):
27 os.environ["CASAPATH"] = "%s %s somwhere" % ( asapdata, plf)
[1171]28# set up user space
[1080]29userdir = os.environ["HOME"]+"/.asap"
30if not os.path.exists(userdir):
31 print 'First time ASAP use. Setting up ~/.asap'
32 os.mkdir(userdir)
[1445]33 #shutil.copyfile(asapdata+"/data/ipythonrc-asap", userdir+"/ipythonrc-asap")
[1603]34 # commented out by TT on 2009.06.23 for casapy use
35 ##shutil.copyfile(asapdata+"/data/",
36 ## userdir+"/")
[1080]37 f = file(userdir+"/", "w")
38 f.close()
39 f = file(userdir+"/ipythonrc", "w")
40 f.close()
[1603]41# commented out by TT on 2009.06.23 for casapy use
43 # upgrade to support later ipython versions
44 ##if not os.path.exists(userdir+"/"):
45 ## shutil.copyfile(asapdata+"/data/",
46 ## userdir+"/")
[1171]48# remove from namespace
[1080]49del asapdata, userdir, shutil, platform
[513]51def _validate_bool(b):
[226]52 'Convert b to a boolean or raise'
53 bl = b.lower()
54 if bl in ('f', 'no', 'false', '0', 0): return False
55 elif bl in ('t', 'yes', 'true', '1', 1): return True
56 else:
57 raise ValueError('Could not convert "%s" to boolean' % b)
[513]59def _validate_int(s):
[226]60 'convert s to int or raise'
61 try: return int(s)
62 except ValueError:
63 raise ValueError('Could not convert "%s" to int' % s)
[513]65def _asap_fname():
[226]66 """
67 Return the path to the rc file
69 Search order:
71 * current working dir
72 * environ var ASAPRC
[274]73 * HOME/.asaprc
[226]75 """
77 fname = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), '.asaprc')
78 if os.path.exists(fname): return fname
80 if os.environ.has_key('ASAPRC'):
81 path = os.environ['ASAPRC']
82 if os.path.exists(path):
83 fname = os.path.join(path, '.asaprc')
84 if os.path.exists(fname):
85 return fname
87 if os.environ.has_key('HOME'):
88 home = os.environ['HOME']
89 fname = os.path.join(home, '.asaprc')
90 if os.path.exists(fname):
91 return fname
92 return None
[226]95defaultParams = {
96 # general
[513]97 'verbose' : [True, _validate_bool],
98 'useplotter' : [True, _validate_bool],
[542]99 'insitu' : [True, _validate_bool],
[226]101 # plotting
[706]102 'plotter.gui' : [True, _validate_bool],
[226]103 'plotter.stacking' : ['p', str],
104 'plotter.panelling' : ['s', str],
[700]105 'plotter.colours' : ['', str],
106 'plotter.linestyles' : ['', str],
[710]107 'plotter.decimate' : [False, _validate_bool],
108 'plotter.ganged' : [True, _validate_bool],
[1022]109 'plotter.histogram' : [False, _validate_bool],
[1097]110 'plotter.papertype' : ['A4', str],
[1603]111 'plotter.xaxisformatting' : ['asap', str],
[226]113 # scantable
114 '' : ['ASAP', str],
[513]115 'scantable.autoaverage' : [True, _validate_bool],
[226]116 'scantable.freqframe' : ['LSRK', str], #default frequency frame
[1076]117 'scantable.verbosesummary' : [False, _validate_bool],
[1603]118 '' : ['memory', str],
119 'scantable.history' : [True, _validate_bool],
120 'scantable.reference' : ['.*(e|w|_R)$', str]
[226]121 # fitter
122 }
[255]124def list_rcparameters():
[255]126 print """
[737]127# general
128# print verbose output
129verbose : True
[737]131# preload a default plotter
132useplotter : True
[737]134# apply operations on the input scantable or return new one
135insitu : True
[737]137# plotting
[737]139# do we want a GUI or plot to a file
140plotter.gui : True
[737]142# default mode for colour stacking
143plotter.stacking : Pol
[737]145# default mode for panelling
146plotter.panelling : scan
[737]148# push panels together, to share axislabels
149plotter.ganged : True
[1603]151# decimate the number of points plotted by a factor of
[737]152# nchan/1024
153plotter.decimate : False
[737]155# default colours/linestyles
156plotter.colours :
157plotter.linestyles :
[1022]159# enable/disable histogram plotting
160plotter.histogram : False
[1097]162# ps paper type
163plotter.papertype : A4
[1603]165# The formatting style of the xaxis
166plotter.xaxisformatting : 'asap' or 'mpl'
[737]168# scantable
[1259]170# default storage of scantable ('memory'/'disk')
[1076] : memory
173# write history of each call to scantable
174scantable.history : True
[737]176# default ouput format when saving : ASAP
[737]179# auto averaging on read
180scantable.autoaverage : True
[737]182# default frequency frame to set when function
[1097]183# scantable.set_freqframe is called
[737]184scantable.freqframe : LSRK
[737]186# Control the level of information printed by summary
187scantable.verbosesummary : False
[1603]189# Control the identification of reference (off) scans
190# This is has to be a regular expression
191scantable.reference : .*(e|w|_R)$
[737]192# Fitter
[226]195def rc_params():
196 'Return the default params updated from the values in the rc file'
[513]198 fname = _asap_fname()
[226]200 if fname is None or not os.path.exists(fname):
201 message = 'could not find rc file; returning defaults'
202 ret = dict([ (key, tup[0]) for key, tup in defaultParams.items()])
203 #print message
204 return ret
[226]206 cnt = 0
207 for line in file(fname):
208 cnt +=1
209 line = line.strip()
210 if not len(line): continue
211 if line.startswith('#'): continue
212 tup = line.split(':',1)
213 if len(tup) !=2:
214 print ('Illegal line #%d\n\t%s\n\tin file "%s"' % (cnt, line, fname))
215 continue
[226]217 key, val = tup
218 key = key.strip()
219 if not defaultParams.has_key(key):
220 print ('Bad key "%s" on line %d in %s' % (key, cnt, fname))
221 continue
[226]223 default, converter = defaultParams[key]
225 ind = val.find('#')
226 if ind>=0: val = val[:ind] # ignore trailing comments
227 val = val.strip()
228 try: cval = converter(val) # try to convert to proper type or raise
[1080]229 except ValueError, msg:
[226]230 print ('Bad val "%s" on line #%d\n\t"%s"\n\tin file "%s"\n\t%s' % (val, cnt, line, fname, msg))
231 continue
232 else:
233 # Alles Klar, update dict
234 defaultParams[key][0] = cval
236 # strip the conveter funcs and return
237 ret = dict([ (key, tup[0]) for key, tup in defaultParams.items()])
[466]238 print ('loaded rc file %s'%fname)
240 return ret
243# this is the instance used by the asap classes
[706]244rcParams = rc_params()
246rcParamsDefault = dict(rcParams.items()) # a copy
248def rc(group, **kwargs):
249 """
250 Set the current rc params. Group is the grouping for the rc, eg
[379]251 for the group is 'scantable', for plotter.stacking, the
252 group is 'plotter', and so on. kwargs is a list of attribute
[226]253 name/value pairs, eg
[379]255 rc('scantable', save='SDFITS')
257 sets the current rc params and is equivalent to
[379]259 rcParams[''] = 'SDFITS'
261 Use rcdefaults to restore the default rc params after changes.
262 """
[379]264 aliases = {}
[226]266 for k,v in kwargs.items():
267 name = aliases.get(k) or k
[1603]268 if len(group):
269 key = '%s.%s' % (group, name)
270 else:
271 key = name
[226]272 if not rcParams.has_key(key):
273 raise KeyError('Unrecognized key "%s" for group "%s" and name "%s"' % (key, group, name))
[226]275 rcParams[key] = v
278def rcdefaults():
279 """
280 Restore the default rc params - the ones that were created at
281 asap load time
282 """
283 rcParams.update(rcParamsDefault)
[1295]285def _n_bools(n, val):
286 return [ val for i in xrange(n) ]
288def _is_sequence_or_number(param, ptype=int):
289 if isinstance(param,tuple) or isinstance(param,list):
[928]290 if len(param) == 0: return True # empty list
[513]291 out = True
292 for p in param:
293 out &= isinstance(p,ptype)
294 return out
295 elif isinstance(param, ptype):
296 return True
297 return False
[928]299def _to_list(param, ptype=int):
300 if isinstance(param, ptype):
301 if ptype is str: return param.split()
302 else: return [param]
303 if _is_sequence_or_number(param, ptype):
304 return param
305 return None
[944]307def unique(x):
[992]308 """
309 Return the unique values in a list
310 Parameters:
311 x: the list to reduce
312 Examples:
313 x = [1,2,3,3,4]
314 print unique(x)
315 [1,2,3,4]
316 """
[944]317 return dict([ (val, 1) for val in x]).keys()
[992]319def list_files(path=".",suffix="rpf"):
320 """
321 Return a list files readable by asap, such as rpf, sdfits, mbf, asap
322 Parameters:
323 path: The directory to list (default '.')
324 suffix: The file extension (default rpf)
325 Example:
326 files = list_files("data/","sdfits")
327 print files
328 ['data/2001-09-01_0332_P363.sdfits',
329 'data/2003-04-04_131152_t0002.sdfits',
330 'data/Sgr_86p262_best_SPC.sdfits']
331 """
332 if not os.path.isdir(path):
333 return None
[1295]334 valid = "rpf rpf.1 rpf.2 sdf sdfits mbf asap".split()
[992]335 if not suffix in valid:
336 return None
337 files = [os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path+"/"+f)) for f in os.listdir(path)]
338 return filter(lambda x: x.endswith(suffix),files)
[715]340# workaround for ipython, which redirects this if banner=0 in ipythonrc
341sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
342sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
344# Logging
345from asap._asap import Log as _asaplog
346global asaplog
[715]348if rcParams['verbose']:
349 asaplog.enable()
351 asaplog.disable()
353def print_log():
354 log = asaplog.pop()
355 if len(log) and rcParams['verbose']: print log
356 return
[1295]358def mask_and(a, b):
359 assert(len(a)==len(b))
360 return [ a[i] & b[i] for i in xrange(len(a)) ]
[1295]362def mask_or(a, b):
363 assert(len(a)==len(b))
364 return [ a[i] | b[i] for i in xrange(len(a)) ]
366def mask_not(a):
367 return [ not i for i in a ]
[1117]369from asapfitter import fitter
[895]370from asapreader import reader
[944]371from selector import selector
[100]373from asapmath import *
[1080]374from scantable import scantable
[1097]375from asaplinefind import linefinder
[1134]376from linecatalog import linecatalog
[1460]377from interactivemask import interactivemask
[928]379if rcParams['useplotter']:
[1295]380 try:
[1603]381 from asapplotter import asapplotter
382 gui = os.environ.has_key('DISPLAY') and rcParams['plotter.gui']
383 if gui:
384 import matplotlib
385 matplotlib.use("TkAgg")
386 import pylab
387 xyplotter = pylab
388 plotter = asapplotter(gui)
389 del gui
[1295]390 except ImportError:
[1603]391 print "Matplotlib not installed. No plotting available"
[574]393__date__ = '$Date: 2009-07-17 21:58:28 +0000 (Fri, 17 Jul 2009) $'.split()[1]
[1603]394__version__ = '2.3.1 alma'
[1445]395# nrao casapy specific, get revision number
[1494]396#__revision__ = ' unknown '
399if os.path.isfile(revinfo):
400 f = file(revinfo)
[1605]401 f.readline()
[1445]402 revsionno=f.readline()
403 f.close()
404 __revision__ = revsionno.rstrip()
406 __revision__ = ' unknown '
[1193]408def is_ipython():
[1259]409 return '__IP' in dir(sys.modules["__main__"])
[1193]410if is_ipython():
[1014]411 def version(): print "ASAP %s(%s)"% (__version__, __date__)
[706]412 def list_scans(t = scantable):
[1295]413 import types
[706]414 globs = sys.modules['__main__'].__dict__.iteritems()
415 print "The user created scantables are:"
416 sts = map(lambda x: x[0], filter(lambda x: isinstance(x[1], t), globs))
417 print filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('_'), sts)
418 return
[715]420 def commands():
421 x = """
[113]422 [The scan container]
423 scantable - a container for integrations/scans
[182]424 (can open asap/rpfits/sdfits and ms files)
[113]425 copy - returns a copy of a scan
426 get_scan - gets a specific scan out of a scantable
[984]427 (by name or number)
[1093]428 drop_scan - drops a specific scan out of a scantable
429 (by number)
[984]430 set_selection - set a new subselection of the data
431 get_selection - get the current selection object
[113]432 summary - print info about the scantable contents
[182]433 stats - get specified statistic of the spectra in
434 the scantable
435 stddev - get the standard deviation of the spectra
436 in the scantable
[113]437 get_tsys - get the TSys
438 get_time - get the timestamps of the integrations
[1351]439 get_inttime - get the integration time
[733]440 get_sourcename - get the source names of the scans
[794]441 get_azimuth - get the azimuth of the scans
442 get_elevation - get the elevation of the scans
443 get_parangle - get the parallactic angle of the scans
[876]444 get_unit - get the current unit
[513]445 set_unit - set the abcissa unit to be used from this
446 point on
[255]447 get_abcissa - get the abcissa values and name for a given
448 row (time)
[1259]449 get_column_names - get the names of the columns in the scantable
450 for use with selector.set_query
[113]451 set_freqframe - set the frame info for the Spectral Axis
452 (e.g. 'LSRK')
[276]453 set_doppler - set the doppler to be used from this point on
[984]454 set_dirframe - set the frame for the direction on the sky
[240]455 set_instrument - set the instrument name
[1190]456 set_feedtype - set the feed type
[255]457 get_fluxunit - get the brightness flux unit
[240]458 set_fluxunit - set the brightness flux unit
[1603]459 set_sourcetype - set the type of the source - source or reference
[188]460 create_mask - return an mask in the current unit
461 for the given region. The specified regions
462 are NOT masked
[255]463 get_restfreqs - get the current list of rest frequencies
464 set_restfreqs - set a list of rest frequencies
[1603]465 shift_refpix - shift the reference pixel of the IFs
466 set_spectrum - overwrite the spectrum for a given row
467 get_spectrum - retrieve the spectrum for a given
468 get_mask - retrieve the mask for a given
[1012]469 flag - flag selected channels in the data
[1192]470 lag_flag - flag specified frequency in the data
[1151]471 save - save the scantable to disk as either 'ASAP',
472 'SDFITS' or 'ASCII'
[486]473 nbeam,nif,nchan,npol - the number of beams/IFs/Pols/Chans
[733]474 nscan - the number of scans in the scantable
[1603]475 nrow - the number of spectra in the scantable
[486]476 history - print the history of the scantable
[530]477 get_fit - get a fit which has been stored witnh the data
[706]478 average_time - return the (weighted) time average of a scan
[513]479 or a list of scans
480 average_pol - average the polarisations together.
[1144]481 average_beam - average the beams together.
[992]482 convert_pol - convert to a different polarisation type
[690]483 auto_quotient - return the on/off quotient with
[1069]484 automatic detection of the on/off scans (closest
485 in time off is selected)
[1144]486 mx_quotient - Form a quotient using MX data (off beams)
[1014]487 scale, *, / - return a scan scaled by a given factor
488 add, +, - - return a scan with given value added
[513]489 bin - return a scan with binned channels
490 resample - return a scan with resampled channels
491 smooth - return the spectrally smoothed scan
492 poly_baseline - fit a polynomial baseline to all Beams/IFs/Pols
[706]493 auto_poly_baseline - automatically fit a polynomial baseline
[780]494 recalc_azel - recalculate azimuth and elevation based on
495 the pointing
[513]496 gain_el - apply gain-elevation correction
497 opacity - apply opacity correction
498 convert_flux - convert to and from Jy and Kelvin brightness
[255]499 units
[513]500 freq_align - align spectra in frequency frame
[1014]501 invert_phase - Invert the phase of the cross-correlation
[1351]502 swap_linears - Swap XX and YY (or RR LL)
[513]503 rotate_xyphase - rotate XY phase of cross correlation
504 rotate_linpolphase - rotate the phase of the complex
505 polarization O=Q+iU correlation
[733]506 freq_switch - perform frequency switching on the data
507 stats - Determine the specified statistic, e.g. 'min'
508 'max', 'rms' etc.
509 stddev - Determine the standard deviation of the current
510 beam/if/pol
[1014]511 [Selection]
512 selector - a selection object to set a subset of a scantable
513 set_scans - set (a list of) scans by index
514 set_cycles - set (a list of) cycles by index
515 set_beams - set (a list of) beamss by index
516 set_ifs - set (a list of) ifs by index
517 set_polarisations - set (a list of) polarisations by name
518 or by index
519 set_names - set a selection by name (wildcards allowed)
520 set_tsys - set a selection by tsys thresholds
[1259]521 set_query - set a selection by SQL-like query, e.g. BEAMNO==1
[1351]522 ( also get_ functions for all these )
[1014]523 reset - unset all selections
[1351]524 + - merge two selections
[513]526 [Math] Mainly functions which operate on more than one scantable
[706]528 average_time - return the (weighted) time average
[513]529 of a list of scans
530 quotient - return the on/off quotient
531 simple_math - simple mathematical operations on two scantables,
532 'add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div'
[1069]533 quotient - build quotient of the given on and off scans
[1351]534 (matched pairs and 1 off - n on are valid)
[1117]535 merge - merge a list of scantables
[1151]537 [Line Catalog]
538 linecatalog - a linecatalog wrapper, taking an ASCII or
539 internal format table
540 summary - print a summary of the current selection
541 set_name - select a subset by name pattern, e.g. '*OH*'
542 set_strength_limits - select a subset by line strength limits
543 set_frequency_limits - select a subset by frequency limits
544 reset - unset all selections
545 save - save the current subset to a table (internal
546 format)
547 get_row - get the name and frequency from a specific
548 row in the table
[513]549 [Fitting]
[113]550 fitter
551 auto_fit - return a scan where the function is
552 applied to all Beams/IFs/Pols.
553 commit - return a new scan where the fits have been
554 commited.
555 fit - execute the actual fitting process
[984]556 store_fit - store the fit parameters in the data (scantable)
[113]557 get_chi2 - get the Chi^2
558 set_scan - set the scantable to be fit
559 set_function - set the fitting function
560 set_parameters - set the parameters for the function(s), and
561 set if they should be held fixed during fitting
[513]562 set_gauss_parameters - same as above but specialised for individual
563 gaussian components
[113]564 get_parameters - get the fitted parameters
[513]565 plot - plot the resulting fit and/or components and
566 residual
[210]567 [Plotter]
568 asapplotter - a plotter for asap, default plotter is
569 called 'plotter'
[984]570 plot - plot a scantable
[1151]571 plot_lines - plot a linecatalog overlay
[378]572 save - save the plot to a file ('png' ,'ps' or 'eps')
[210]573 set_mode - set the state of the plotter, i.e.
574 what is to be plotted 'colour stacked'
575 and what 'panelled'
[984]576 set_selection - only plot a selected part of the data
[733]577 set_range - set a 'zoom' window [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
[255]578 set_legend - specify user labels for the legend indeces
579 set_title - specify user labels for the panel indeces
[733]580 set_abcissa - specify a user label for the abcissa
[255]581 set_ordinate - specify a user label for the ordinate
[378]582 set_layout - specify the multi-panel layout (rows,cols)
[733]583 set_colors - specify a set of colours to use
584 set_linestyles - specify a set of linestyles to use if only
585 using one color
[1151]586 set_font - set general font properties, e.g. 'family'
[1054]587 set_histogram - plot in historam style
[733]588 set_mask - set a plotting mask for a specific polarization
[1171]589 text - draw text annotations either in data or relative
590 coordinates
591 arrow - draw arrow annotations either in data or relative
592 coordinates
593 axhline,axvline - draw horizontal/vertical lines
594 axhspan,axvspan - draw horizontal/vertical regions
596 xyplotter - matplotlib/pylab plotting functions
[182]598 [Reading files]
599 reader - access rpfits/sdfits files
[984]600 open - attach reader to a file
601 close - detach reader from file
[182]602 read - read in integrations
603 summary - list info about all integrations
[113]605 [General]
606 commands - this command
607 print - print details about a variable
608 list_scans - list all scantables created bt the user
[992]609 list_files - list all files readable by asap (default rpf)
[113]610 del - delete the given variable from memory
611 range - create a list of values, e.g.
612 range(3) = [0,1,2], range(2,5) = [2,3,4]
613 help - print help for one of the listed functions
614 execfile - execute an asap script, e.g. execfile('myscript')
[255]615 list_rcparameters - print out a list of possible values to be
[274]616 put into $HOME/.asaprc
[1171]617 rc - set rc parameters from within asap
[466]618 mask_and,mask_or,
619 mask_not - boolean operations on masks created with
620 scantable.create_mask
[210]622 Note:
623 How to use this with help:
624 # function 'summary'
625 [xxx] is just a category
626 Every 'sub-level' in this list should be replaces by a '.' Period when
[706]627 using help
[210]628 Example:
629 ASAP> help scantable # to get info on ths scantable
630 ASAP> help scantable.summary # to get help on the scantable's
631 ASAP> help average_time
[715]633 """
[1151]634 if rcParams['verbose']:
635 try:
636 from IPython.genutils import page as pager
637 except ImportError:
638 from pydoc import pager
639 pager(x)
640 else:
641 print x
[715]642 return
[706]644def welcome():
645 return """Welcome to ASAP v%s (%s) - the ATNF Spectral Analysis Package
[1035]647Please report any bugs via:
[378]650[IMPORTANT: ASAP is 0-based]
[706]651Type commands() to get a list of all available ASAP commands.""" % (__version__, __date__)
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