//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# PKSMS2writer.h: Class to write Parkes Multibeam data to a measurementset. //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. //# //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your //# option) any later version. //# //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public //# License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory //# 520 Edgemont Road //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA //# //# $Id$ //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef ATNF_PKSMS2WRITER_H #define ATNF_PKSMS2WRITER_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // Class to write Parkes Multibeam data to a measurementset. // #include class PKSMS2writer : public PKSwriter { public: // Default constructor. PKSMS2writer(); // Destructor. virtual ~PKSMS2writer(); // Create the output MS and write static data. virtual Int create( const String msName, const String observer, const String project, const String antName, const Vector antPosition, const String obsMode, const Float equinox, const String dopplerFrame, const Vector nChan, const Vector nPol, const Vector haveXPol, const Bool haveBase, const String fluxUnit); // Write the next data record. virtual Int write( const Int scanNo, const Int cycleNo, const Double mjd, const Double interval, const String fieldName, const String srcName, const Vector srcDir, const Vector srcPM, const Double srcVel, const String obsMode, const Int IFno, const Double refFreq, const Double bandwidth, const Double freqInc, const Double restFreq, const Vector tcal, const String tcalTime, const Float azimuth, const Float elevation, const Float parAngle, const Float focusAxi, const Float focusTan, const Float focusRot, const Float temperature, const Float pressure, const Float humidity, const Float windSpeed, const Float windAz, const Int refBeam, const Int beamNo, const Vector direction, const Vector scanRate, const Vector tsys, const Vector sigma, const Vector calFctr, const Matrix baseLin, const Matrix baseSub, const Matrix &spectra, const Matrix &flagged, const Complex xCalFctr, const Vector &xPol); // Close the MS, flushing all associated Tables. virtual void close(); private: MFrequency::Types cDopplerFrame; // Measurementset main table and subtables. MeasurementSet *cPKSMS; MSAntenna cAntenna; MSDataDescription cDataDescription; MSDoppler cDoppler; MSFeed cFeed; MSField cField; MSFlagCmd cFlagCmd; MSHistory cHistory; MSObservation cObservation; MSPointing cPointing; MSPolarization cPolarization; MSProcessor cProcessor; MSSource cSource; MSSpectralWindow cSpectralWindow; MSState cState; MSSysCal cSysCal; MSWeather cWeather; // Access to measurementset table columns; we are forced to use pointers // here since none of these classes have default constructors. MSColumns *cMSCols; MSAntennaColumns *cAntennaCols; MSDataDescColumns *cDataDescCols; MSDopplerColumns *cDopplerCols; MSFeedColumns *cFeedCols; MSFieldColumns *cFieldCols; MSFlagCmdColumns *cFlagCmdCols; MSHistoryColumns *cHistoryCols; MSObservationColumns *cObservationCols; MSPointingColumns *cPointingCols; MSPolarizationColumns *cPolarizationCols; MSProcessorColumns *cProcessorCols; MSSourceColumns *cSourceCols; MSSpWindowColumns *cSpWindowCols; MSStateColumns *cStateCols; MSSysCalColumns *cSysCalCols; MSWeatherColumns *cWeatherCols; ArrayColumn *cCalFctrCol; ArrayColumn *cBaseLinCol; ArrayColumn *cBaseSubCol; ScalarColumn *cXCalFctrCol; // for GBT specific data handling Bool cGBT; // Add an entry to the ANTENNA subtable. Int addAntennaEntry( const String antName, const Vector &antPosition); // Add an entry to the DATA_DESCRIPTION subtable. Int addDataDescriptionEntry( const Int iIF); // Add an entry to the DOPPLER subtable. Int addDopplerEntry(); // Add an entry to the FEED subtable. Int addFeedEntry(); // Add an entry to the FIELD subtable. Int addFieldEntry( const String fieldName, const Double mjd, const Vector direction, const Vector scanRate, const Int srcId); // Skip FLAG_CMD subtable. // Skip FREQ_OFFSET subtable. // Skip HISTORY subtable. // Add an entry to the OBSERVATION subtable. Int addObservationEntry( const String observer, const String project, const String antName); // Add an entry to the POINTING subtable. Int addPointingEntry( const Double mjd, const Double interval, const String fieldName, const Vector direction, const Vector scanRate); // Add an entry to the POLARIZATION subtable. Int addPolarizationEntry( const Int iIF, const Int nPol); // Add an entry to the PROCESSOR subtable. Int addProcessorEntry(); // Add an entry to the SOURCE subtable. Int addSourceEntry( const String name, const Vector direction, const Vector properMotion, const Double restFreq, const Double radialVelocity); // Add an entry to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW subtable. Int addSpectralWindowEntry( const Int iIF, const Int nChan, const Double refFreq, const Double bandwidth, const Double freqInc); // Add an entry to the STATE subtable. Int addStateEntry( const String obsMode); // Add an entry to the SYSCAL subtable. Int addSysCalEntry( const Int beamNo, const Int spWinId, const Double mjd, const Double interval, const Vector Tcal, const Vector Tsys, const Int nPol); // Add an entry to the WEATHER subtable. Int addWeatherEntry( const Double mjd, const Double interval, const Double pressure, const Double humidity, const Double temperature); }; #endif