//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# PKSMS2writer.cc: Class to write Parkes multibeam data to a measurementset. //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. //# //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your //# option) any later version. //# //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY //# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public //# License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory //# 520 Edgemont Road //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA //# //# $Id: PKSMS2writer.cc,v 19.11 2006/11/06 22:25:22 mmarquar Exp $ //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::PKSMS2writer // Default constructor. PKSMS2writer::PKSMS2writer() { } //------------------------------------------------ PKSMS2writer::~PKSMS2writer // Destructor. PKSMS2writer::~PKSMS2writer() { close(); } //------------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::create // Create the output MS and and write static data. Int PKSMS2writer::create( const String msName, const String observer, const String project, const String antName, const Vector antPosition, const String obsMode, const Float equinox, const String dopplerFrame, const Vector nChan, const Vector nPol, const Vector haveXPol, const Bool haveBase, const String fluxUnit) { // Open a MS table. TableDesc pksDesc = MS::requiredTableDesc(); cNChan.assign(nChan); cNPol.assign(nPol); cHaveXPol.assign(haveXPol); Int maxNPol = max(cNPol); // check if it is GBT data cGBT = antName.contains("GBT"); // Add the non-standard CALFCTR column. pksDesc.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("CALFCTR", "Calibration factors", IPosition(1,maxNPol), ColumnDesc::Direct)); // Add the optional FLOAT_DATA column. MS::addColumnToDesc(pksDesc, MS::FLOAT_DATA, 2); //pksDesc.rwColumnDesc(MS::columnName(MS::FLOAT_DATA)).rwKeywordSet(). // define("UNIT", String("Jy")); pksDesc.rwColumnDesc(MS::columnName(MS::FLOAT_DATA)).rwKeywordSet(). define("UNIT", fluxUnit); pksDesc.rwColumnDesc(MS::columnName(MS::FLOAT_DATA)).rwKeywordSet(). define("MEASURE_TYPE", ""); if ((cHaveBase = haveBase)) { // Add the non-standard BASELIN and BASESUB columns. pksDesc.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("BASELIN", "Linear baseline fit", IPosition(2,2,maxNPol), ColumnDesc::Direct)); pksDesc.addColumn(ArrayColumnDesc("BASESUB", "Baseline subtracted", IPosition(2,9,maxNPol), ColumnDesc::Direct)); } // Add the optional DATA column if cross-polarizations are to be recorded. if (ntrue(cHaveXPol)) { // Add the non-standard XCALFCTR column. pksDesc.addColumn(ScalarColumnDesc("XCALFCTR", "Cross-polarization calibration factor")); MS::addColumnToDesc(pksDesc, MS::DATA, 2); pksDesc.rwColumnDesc(MS::columnName(MS::DATA)).rwKeywordSet(). define("UNIT", "Jy"); pksDesc.rwColumnDesc(MS::columnName(MS::DATA)).rwKeywordSet(). define("MEASURE_TYPE", ""); } // Define hypercube for the float data (without coordinates). pksDesc.defineHypercolumn("TiledData", 3, stringToVector(MS::columnName(MS::FLOAT_DATA))); SetupNewTable newtab(msName, pksDesc, Table::New); // Set Incremental Storage Manager as the default. IncrementalStMan incrStMan("ISMData"); newtab.bindAll(incrStMan, True); // Use TiledShapeStMan for the FLOAT_DATA hypercube with tile size 16 kiB. TiledShapeStMan tiledStMan("TiledData", IPosition(3,1,128,32)); newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::FLOAT_DATA), tiledStMan); // Use Standard Storage Manager to handle columns that change for each row. StandardStMan stdStMan; newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::SCAN_NUMBER), stdStMan); newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::TIME), stdStMan); newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::SIGMA), stdStMan); if (maxNPol > 2) { newtab.bindColumn(MS::columnName(MS::DATA), stdStMan); } // Create the measurementset. cPKSMS = new MeasurementSet(newtab, 0); // Create subtables. TableDesc antennaDesc = MSAntenna::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable antennaSetup(cPKSMS->antennaTableName(), antennaDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::ANTENNA), Table(antennaSetup)); TableDesc dataDescDesc = MSDataDescription::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable dataDescSetup(cPKSMS->dataDescriptionTableName(), dataDescDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::DATA_DESCRIPTION), Table(dataDescSetup)); TableDesc dopplerDesc = MSDoppler::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable dopplerSetup(cPKSMS->dopplerTableName(), dopplerDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::DOPPLER), Table(dopplerSetup)); TableDesc feedDesc = MSFeed::requiredTableDesc(); MSFeed::addColumnToDesc(feedDesc, MSFeedEnums::FOCUS_LENGTH); SetupNewTable feedSetup(cPKSMS->feedTableName(), feedDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::FEED), Table(feedSetup)); TableDesc fieldDesc = MSField::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable fieldSetup(cPKSMS->fieldTableName(), fieldDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::FIELD), Table(fieldSetup)); TableDesc flagCmdDesc = MSFlagCmd::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable flagCmdSetup(cPKSMS->flagCmdTableName(), flagCmdDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::FLAG_CMD), Table(flagCmdSetup)); TableDesc historyDesc = MSHistory::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable historySetup(cPKSMS->historyTableName(), historyDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::HISTORY), Table(historySetup)); TableDesc observationDesc = MSObservation::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable observationSetup(cPKSMS->observationTableName(), observationDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::OBSERVATION), Table(observationSetup)); TableDesc pointingDesc = MSPointing::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable pointingSetup(cPKSMS->pointingTableName(), pointingDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::POINTING), Table(pointingSetup)); TableDesc polarizationDesc = MSPolarization::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable polarizationSetup(cPKSMS->polarizationTableName(), polarizationDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::POLARIZATION), Table(polarizationSetup)); TableDesc processorDesc = MSProcessor::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable processorSetup(cPKSMS->processorTableName(), processorDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::PROCESSOR), Table(processorSetup)); TableDesc sourceDesc = MSSource::requiredTableDesc(); MSSource::addColumnToDesc(sourceDesc, MSSourceEnums::TRANSITION, 1); MSSource::addColumnToDesc(sourceDesc, MSSourceEnums::REST_FREQUENCY, 1); MSSource::addColumnToDesc(sourceDesc, MSSourceEnums::SYSVEL, 1); SetupNewTable sourceSetup(cPKSMS->sourceTableName(), sourceDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::SOURCE), Table(sourceSetup)); TableDesc spectralWindowDesc = MSSpectralWindow::requiredTableDesc(); MSSpectralWindow::addColumnToDesc(spectralWindowDesc, MSSpectralWindowEnums::DOPPLER_ID); SetupNewTable spectralWindowSetup(cPKSMS->spectralWindowTableName(), spectralWindowDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::SPECTRAL_WINDOW), Table(spectralWindowSetup)); TableDesc stateDesc = MSState::requiredTableDesc(); SetupNewTable stateSetup(cPKSMS->stateTableName(), stateDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::STATE), Table(stateSetup)); TableDesc sysCalDesc = MSSysCal::requiredTableDesc(); MSSysCal::addColumnToDesc(sysCalDesc, MSSysCalEnums::TCAL, 1); MSSysCal::addColumnToDesc(sysCalDesc, MSSysCalEnums::TSYS, 1); SetupNewTable sysCalSetup(cPKSMS->sysCalTableName(), sysCalDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::SYSCAL), Table(sysCalSetup)); TableDesc weatherDesc = MSWeather::requiredTableDesc(); MSWeather::addColumnToDesc(weatherDesc, MSWeatherEnums::PRESSURE); MSWeather::addColumnToDesc(weatherDesc, MSWeatherEnums::REL_HUMIDITY); MSWeather::addColumnToDesc(weatherDesc, MSWeatherEnums::TEMPERATURE); SetupNewTable weatherSetup(cPKSMS->weatherTableName(), weatherDesc, Table::New); cPKSMS->rwKeywordSet().defineTable(MS::keywordName(MS::WEATHER), Table(weatherSetup)); cPKSMS->initRefs(); // Measurementset subtables. cAntenna = cPKSMS->antenna(); cDataDescription = cPKSMS->dataDescription(); cDoppler = cPKSMS->doppler(); cFeed = cPKSMS->feed(); cField = cPKSMS->field(); cFlagCmd = cPKSMS->flagCmd(); cHistory = cPKSMS->history(); cObservation = cPKSMS->observation(); cPointing = cPKSMS->pointing(); cPolarization = cPKSMS->polarization(); cProcessor = cPKSMS->processor(); cSource = cPKSMS->source(); cSpectralWindow = cPKSMS->spectralWindow(); cState = cPKSMS->state(); cSysCal = cPKSMS->sysCal(); cWeather = cPKSMS->weather(); // Measurementset table columns; cMSCols = new MSColumns(*cPKSMS); cAntennaCols = new MSAntennaColumns(cAntenna); cDataDescCols = new MSDataDescColumns(cDataDescription); cDopplerCols = new MSDopplerColumns(cDoppler); cFeedCols = new MSFeedColumns(cFeed); cFieldCols = new MSFieldColumns(cField); cFlagCmdCols = new MSFlagCmdColumns(cFlagCmd); cHistoryCols = new MSHistoryColumns(cHistory); cObservationCols = new MSObservationColumns(cObservation); cPointingCols = new MSPointingColumns(cPointing); cPolarizationCols = new MSPolarizationColumns(cPolarization); cProcessorCols = new MSProcessorColumns(cProcessor); cSourceCols = new MSSourceColumns(cSource); cSpWindowCols = new MSSpWindowColumns(cSpectralWindow); cStateCols = new MSStateColumns(cState); cSysCalCols = new MSSysCalColumns(cSysCal); cWeatherCols = new MSWeatherColumns(cWeather); cCalFctrCol = new ArrayColumn(*cPKSMS, "CALFCTR"); if (cHaveBase) { cBaseLinCol = new ArrayColumn(*cPKSMS, "BASELIN"); cBaseSubCol = new ArrayColumn(*cPKSMS, "BASESUB"); } if (ntrue(cHaveXPol)) { cXCalFctrCol = new ScalarColumn(*cPKSMS, "XCALFCTR"); } // Define Measure references. Vector flagCat(1, "BAD"); cMSCols->sigma().rwKeywordSet().define("UNIT", "K"); cMSCols->flagCategory().rwKeywordSet().define("CATEGORY", flagCat); String dirref; if (equinox == 1950.0f) { dirref = "B1950"; } else { dirref = "J2000"; } cFieldCols->delayDir().rwKeywordSet().asrwRecord("MEASINFO"). define("Ref", dirref); cFieldCols->phaseDir().rwKeywordSet().asrwRecord("MEASINFO"). define("Ref", dirref); cFieldCols->referenceDir().rwKeywordSet().asrwRecord("MEASINFO"). define("Ref", dirref); cPointingCols->direction().rwKeywordSet().asrwRecord("MEASINFO"). define("Ref", dirref); cPointingCols->target().rwKeywordSet().asrwRecord("MEASINFO"). define("Ref", dirref); cSourceCols->direction().rwKeywordSet().asrwRecord("MEASINFO"). define("Ref", dirref); cSourceCols->restFrequency().rwKeywordSet().asrwRecord("MEASINFO"). define("Ref", "REST"); // Translate Doppler frame name. if (dopplerFrame == "TOPOCENT") { MFrequency::getType(cDopplerFrame, "TOPO"); } else if (dopplerFrame == "GEOCENTR") { MFrequency::getType(cDopplerFrame, "GEO"); } else if (dopplerFrame == "BARYCENT") { MFrequency::getType(cDopplerFrame, "BARY"); } else if (dopplerFrame == "GALACTOC") { MFrequency::getType(cDopplerFrame, "GALACTO"); } else if (dopplerFrame == "LOCALGRP") { MFrequency::getType(cDopplerFrame, "LGROUP"); } else if (dopplerFrame == "CMBDIPOL") { MFrequency::getType(cDopplerFrame, "CMB"); } else if (dopplerFrame == "SOURCE") { MFrequency::getType(cDopplerFrame, "REST"); } else if (dopplerFrame == "LSRK") { MFrequency::getType(cDopplerFrame, "LSRK"); } // Store static data. addAntennaEntry(antName, antPosition); addDopplerEntry(); addFeedEntry(); //addObservationEntry(observer, project); addObservationEntry(observer, project, antName); addProcessorEntry(); return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::write // Write the next data record. Int PKSMS2writer::write( const Int scanNo, const Int cycleNo, const Double mjd, const Double interval, const String fieldName, const String srcName, const Vector srcDir, const Vector srcPM, const Double srcVel, const String obsMode, const Int IFno, const Double refFreq, const Double bandwidth, const Double freqInc, const Double restFreq, const Vector tcal, const String tcalTime, const Float azimuth, const Float elevation, const Float parAngle, const Float focusAxi, const Float focusTan, const Float focusRot, const Float temperature, const Float pressure, const Float humidity, const Float windSpeed, const Float windAz, const Int refBeam, const Int beamNo, const Vector direction, const Vector scanRate, const Vector tsys, const Vector sigma, const Vector calFctr, const Matrix baseLin, const Matrix baseSub, const Matrix &spectra, const Matrix &flagged, const Complex xCalFctr, const Vector &xPol) { // Extend the time range in the OBSERVATION subtable. Vector timerange(2); cObservationCols->timeRange().get(0, timerange); Double time = mjd*86400.0; if (timerange(0) == 0.0) { timerange(0) = time; } timerange(1) = time; cObservationCols->timeRange().put(0, timerange); Int iIF = IFno - 1; Int nChan = cNChan(iIF); Int nPol = cNPol(iIF); // IFno is the 1-relative row number in the DATA_DESCRIPTION, // SPECTRAL_WINDOW, and POLARIZATION subtables. if (Int(cDataDescription.nrow()) < IFno) { // Add a new entry to each subtable. addDataDescriptionEntry(IFno); addSpectralWindowEntry(IFno, nChan, refFreq, bandwidth, freqInc); addPolarizationEntry(IFno, nPol); } // Find or add the source to the SOURCE subtable. Int srcId = addSourceEntry(srcName, srcDir, srcPM, restFreq, srcVel); // Find or add the obsMode to the STATE subtable. Int stateId = addStateEntry(obsMode); // FIELD subtable. Int fieldId = addFieldEntry(fieldName, time, direction, scanRate, srcId); // POINTING subtable. addPointingEntry(time, interval, fieldName, direction, scanRate); // SYSCAL subtable. addSysCalEntry(beamNo, iIF, time, interval, tcal, tsys, nPol); // Handle weather information. ROScalarColumn wTime(cWeather, "TIME"); Int nWeather = wTime.nrow(); if (nWeather == 0 || time > wTime(nWeather-1)) { addWeatherEntry(time, interval, pressure, humidity, temperature); } // Extend the main table. cPKSMS->addRow(); Int irow = cPKSMS->nrow() - 1; // Keys. cMSCols->time().put(irow, time); cMSCols->antenna1().put(irow, 0); cMSCols->antenna2().put(irow, 0); cMSCols->feed1().put(irow, beamNo-1); cMSCols->feed2().put(irow, beamNo-1); cMSCols->dataDescId().put(irow, iIF); cMSCols->processorId().put(irow, 0); cMSCols->fieldId().put(irow, fieldId); // Non-key attributes. cMSCols->interval().put(irow, interval); cMSCols->exposure().put(irow, interval); cMSCols->timeCentroid().put(irow, time); cMSCols->scanNumber().put(irow, scanNo); cMSCols->arrayId().put(irow, 0); cMSCols->observationId().put(irow, 0); cMSCols->stateId().put(irow, stateId); Vector uvw(3, 0.0); cMSCols->uvw().put(irow, uvw); // Baseline fit parameters. if (cHaveBase) { cBaseLinCol->put(irow, baseLin); if (baseSub.nrow() == 9) { cBaseSubCol->put(irow, baseSub); } else { Matrix tmp(9, 2, 0.0f); for (Int ipol = 0; ipol < nPol; ipol++) { for (uInt j = 0; j < baseSub.nrow(); j++) { tmp(j,ipol) = baseSub(j,ipol); } } cBaseSubCol->put(irow, tmp); } } // Transpose spectra. Matrix tmpData(nPol, nChan); Matrix tmpFlag(nPol, nChan); for (Int ipol = 0; ipol < nPol; ipol++) { for (Int ichan = 0; ichan < nChan; ichan++) { tmpData(ipol,ichan) = spectra(ichan,ipol); tmpFlag(ipol,ichan) = flagged(ichan,ipol); } } cCalFctrCol->put(irow, calFctr); cMSCols->floatData().put(irow, tmpData); cMSCols->flag().put(irow, tmpFlag); // Cross-polarization spectra. if (cHaveXPol(iIF)) { cXCalFctrCol->put(irow, xCalFctr); cMSCols->data().put(irow, xPol); } cMSCols->sigma().put(irow, sigma); //Vector weight(1, 1.0f); Vector weight(nPol, 1.0f); cMSCols->weight().put(irow, weight); // Flag information. Cube flags(nPol, nChan, 1, False); //cMSCols->flag().put(irow, flags.xyPlane(0)); cMSCols->flagCategory().put(irow, flags); cMSCols->flagRow().put(irow, False); return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::close // Close the measurementset, flushing all associated tables. void PKSMS2writer::close() { // Delete table column accessors. delete cMSCols; cMSCols=0; delete cAntennaCols; cAntennaCols=0; delete cDataDescCols; cDataDescCols=0; delete cDopplerCols; cDopplerCols=0; delete cFeedCols; cFeedCols=0; delete cFieldCols; cFieldCols=0; delete cFlagCmdCols; cFlagCmdCols=0; delete cHistoryCols; cHistoryCols=0; delete cObservationCols; cObservationCols=0; delete cPointingCols; cPointingCols=0; delete cPolarizationCols; cPolarizationCols=0; delete cProcessorCols; cProcessorCols=0; delete cSourceCols; cSourceCols=0; delete cSpWindowCols; cSpWindowCols=0; delete cStateCols; cStateCols=0; delete cSysCalCols; cSysCalCols=0; delete cWeatherCols; cWeatherCols=0; delete cCalFctrCol; cCalFctrCol=0; if (cHaveBase) { delete cBaseLinCol; cBaseLinCol=0; delete cBaseSubCol; cBaseSubCol=0; } if (ntrue(cHaveXPol)) { delete cXCalFctrCol; cXCalFctrCol=0; } // Release all subtables. cAntenna = MSAntenna(); cDataDescription = MSDataDescription(); cDoppler = MSDoppler(); cFeed = MSFeed(); cField = MSField(); cFlagCmd = MSFlagCmd(); cHistory = MSHistory(); cObservation = MSObservation(); cPointing = MSPointing(); cPolarization = MSPolarization(); cProcessor = MSProcessor(); cSource = MSSource(); cSpectralWindow = MSSpectralWindow(); cState = MSState(); cSysCal = MSSysCal(); cWeather = MSWeather(); // Release the main table. delete cPKSMS; cPKSMS=0; } //---------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addAntennaEntry // Add an entry to the ANTENNA subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addAntennaEntry( const String antName, const Vector &antPosition) { // Extend the ANTENNA subtable. cAntenna.addRow(); Int n = cAntenna.nrow() - 1; // do specific things for GBT // Data. cAntennaCols->name().put(n, antName); //cAntennaCols->station().put(n, "ATNF_PARKES"); if (cGBT) { cAntennaCols->station().put(n, "GREENBANK"); } else { cAntennaCols->station().put(n, "ATNF_PARKES"); } cAntennaCols->type().put(n, "GROUND-BASED"); cAntennaCols->mount().put(n, "ALT-AZ"); cAntennaCols->position().put(n, antPosition); Vector antOffset(3, 0.0); cAntennaCols->offset().put(n, antOffset); //cAntennaCols->dishDiameter().put(n, 64.0); if (cGBT) { cAntennaCols->dishDiameter().put(n, 110.0); } else { cAntennaCols->dishDiameter().put(n, 64.0); } // Flags. cAntennaCols->flagRow().put(n, False); return n; } //-------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addDataDescriptionEntry // Add an entry to the DATA_DESCRIPTION subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addDataDescriptionEntry( const Int IFno) { // Extend the DATA_DESCRIPTION subtable. while (Int(cDataDescription.nrow()) < IFno) { cDataDescription.addRow(); } Int n = IFno - 1; // Data. cDataDescCols->spectralWindowId().put(n, n); cDataDescCols->polarizationId().put(n, n); // Flags. cDataDescCols->flagRow().put(n, False); return n; } //---------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addDopplerEntry // Add an entry to the DOPPLER subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addDopplerEntry() { // Extend the DOPPLER subtable. cDoppler.addRow(); Int n = cDoppler.nrow() - 1; // Keys. cDopplerCols->dopplerId().put(n, n); cDopplerCols->sourceId().put(n, 0); // Data. cDopplerCols->transitionId().put(n, 0); return n; } //------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addFeedEntry // Add an entry to the FEED subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addFeedEntry() { Int n = cFeed.nrow() - 1; for (Int iBeam = 0; iBeam < 13; iBeam++) { // Extend the FEED subtable. cFeed.addRow(); n++; // Keys. cFeedCols->antennaId().put(n, cAntenna.nrow()-1); cFeedCols->feedId().put(n, iBeam); cFeedCols->spectralWindowId().put(n, -1); cFeedCols->time().put(n, 0.0); cFeedCols->interval().put(n, -1.0); // Data description. cFeedCols->numReceptors().put(n, 2); // Data. cFeedCols->beamId().put(n, -1); Matrix beamOffset(2, 2, 0.0); cFeedCols->beamOffset().put(n, beamOffset); cFeedCols->focusLength().put(n, 26.0); Vector polarizationType(2); polarizationType(0) = "X"; polarizationType(1) = "Y"; cFeedCols->polarizationType().put(n, polarizationType); Matrix polResponse(2, 2, Complex(0.0)); for (Int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { polResponse(i,i) = Complex(1.0, 0.0); } cFeedCols->polResponse().put(n, polResponse); Vector position(3, 0.0); cFeedCols->position().put(n, position); Vector receptorAngle(2, C::pi_4); receptorAngle(1) += C::pi_2; cFeedCols->receptorAngle().put(n, receptorAngle); } return n; } //------------------------------------------------ PKSMS2writer::addFieldEntry // Add an entry to the FIELD subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addFieldEntry( const String fieldName, const Double time, const Vector direction, const Vector scanRate, const Int srcId) { ROScalarColumn fldn(cField, "NAME"); ROScalarColumn sourceid(cField, "SOURCE_ID"); Int n; Int nFld = cField.nrow(); for (n = 0; n < nFld; n++) { if (fldn(n) == fieldName && sourceid(n) == srcId) { break; } } // Extend the FIELD subtable. if (n == nFld) { cField.addRow(); //Int n = cField.nrow() - 1; // Data. cFieldCols->name().put(n, fieldName); if (cGBT) { cFieldCols->code().put(n, " "); } else { cFieldCols->code().put(n, "DRIFT"); } cFieldCols->time().put(n, time); //Matrix track(2, 2); Matrix track(2, 1); track.column(0) = direction; //track.column(1) = scanRate; cFieldCols->numPoly().put(n, 1); cFieldCols->delayDir().put(n, track); cFieldCols->phaseDir().put(n, track); cFieldCols->referenceDir().put(n, track); cFieldCols->sourceId().put(n, srcId); // Flags. cFieldCols->flagRow().put(n, False); } return n; } //------------------------------------------ PKSMS2writer::addObservationEntry // Add an entry to the OBSERVATION subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addObservationEntry( const String observer, const String project, const String antName) { // Extend the OBSERVATION subtable. cObservation.addRow(); Int n = cObservation.nrow() - 1; // Data. //cObservationCols->telescopeName().put(n, "Parkes"); cObservationCols->telescopeName().put(n, antName); Vector timerange(2, 0.0); cObservationCols->timeRange().put(n, timerange); cObservationCols->observer().put(n, observer); Vector log(1, "none"); cObservationCols->log().put(n, log); //cObservationCols->scheduleType().put(n, "ATNF"); cObservationCols->scheduleType().put(n, ""); Vector schedule(1, "Not available"); cObservationCols->schedule().put(n, schedule); cObservationCols->project().put(n, project); cObservationCols->releaseDate().put(n, 0.0); // Flags. cObservationCols->flagRow().put(n, False); return n; } //--------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addPointingEntry // Modified to fill pointing data if the direction is the pointing direction. // So the following comment is no longer true. // Add an entry to the POINTING subtable. This compulsory subtable simply // duplicates information in the FIELD subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addPointingEntry( const Double time, const Double interval, const String fieldName, const Vector direction, const Vector scanRate) { ROScalarColumn tms(cPointing, "TIME"); Int n; Int ntm = cPointing.nrow(); for (n = 0; n < ntm; n++) { if (tms(n) == time) { break; } } if (n == ntm) { // Extend the POINTING subtable. cPointing.addRow(); //Int n = cPointing.nrow() - 1; // Keys. cPointingCols->antennaId().put(n, 0); cPointingCols->time().put(n, time); cPointingCols->interval().put(n, interval); // Data. cPointingCols->name().put(n, fieldName); cPointingCols->numPoly().put(n, 1); cPointingCols->timeOrigin().put(n, time); //Matrix track(2, 2); Matrix track(2, 1); track.column(0) = direction; //track.column(1) = scanRate; cPointingCols->direction().put(n, track); cPointingCols->target().put(n, track); cPointingCols->tracking().put(n, True); } return n; } //----------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addPolarizationEntry // Add an entry to the POLARIZATION subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addPolarizationEntry( const Int IFno, const Int nPol) { // Extend the POLARIZATION subtable. while (Int(cPolarization.nrow()) < IFno) { cPolarization.addRow(); } Int n = IFno - 1; // Data description. cPolarizationCols->numCorr().put(n, nPol); // Data. Vector corrType(2); if (nPol == 1) { corrType.resize(1); corrType(0) = Stokes::XX; } else { //Vector corrType(2); corrType(0) = Stokes::XX; corrType(1) = Stokes::YY; } cPolarizationCols->corrType().put(n, corrType); Matrix corrProduct(2,2,1); if (nPol == 1) { corrProduct.resize(2,1,1); corrProduct(1,0) = 0; } if (nPol == 2) { corrProduct(1,0) = 0; corrProduct(0,1) = 0; } cPolarizationCols->corrProduct().put(n, corrProduct); // Flags. cPolarizationCols->flagRow().put(n, False); return n; } //-------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addProcessorEntry // Add an entry to the PROCESSOR subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addProcessorEntry() { // Extend the PROCESSOR subtable. cProcessor.addRow(); Int n = cProcessor.nrow() - 1; // Data. cProcessorCols->type().put(n, "SPECTROMETER"); cProcessorCols->subType().put(n, "MULTIBEAM"); cProcessorCols->typeId().put(n, -1); cProcessorCols->modeId().put(n, -1); // Flags. cProcessorCols->flagRow().put(n, False); return n; } //----------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addSourceEntry // Add an entry to the SOURCE subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addSourceEntry( const String name, const Vector direction, const Vector properMotion, const Double restFreq, const Double radialVelocity) { // Look for an entry in the SOURCE subtable. ROScalarColumn sources(cSource, "NAME"); Int n; Int nSrc = sources.nrow(); for (n = 0; n < nSrc; n++) { if (sources(n) == name) { break; } } if (n == nSrc) { // Not found, add a new entry to the SOURCE subtable. cSource.addRow(); // Keys. cSourceCols->sourceId().put(n, n); cSourceCols->time().put(n, 0.0); cSourceCols->interval().put(n, -1.0); cSourceCols->spectralWindowId().put(n, -1); // Data description. cSourceCols->numLines().put(n, 1); // Data. cSourceCols->name().put(n, name); cSourceCols->calibrationGroup().put(n, 0); cSourceCols->code().put(n, ""); cSourceCols->direction().put(n, direction); // Vector position(3, 0.0); // cSourceCols->position().put(n, position); cSourceCols->properMotion().put(n, properMotion); Vector restFrequency(1, restFreq); cSourceCols->restFrequency().put(n, restFrequency); Vector sysvel(1, radialVelocity); cSourceCols->sysvel().put(n, sysvel); } return n; } //--------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addSpectralWindowEntry // Add an entry to the SPECTRAL_WINDOW subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addSpectralWindowEntry( const Int IFno, const Int nChan, const Double refFreq, const Double bandwidth, const Double freqInc) { // Extend the SPECTRAL_WINDOW subtable. while (Int(cSpectralWindow.nrow()) < IFno) { cSpectralWindow.addRow(); } Int n = IFno - 1; // Data description. cSpWindowCols->numChan().put(n, nChan); // Data. //cSpWindowCols->name().put(n, "L-band"); cSpWindowCols->name().put(n, " "); cSpWindowCols->refFrequency().put(n, refFreq); // 0-relative reference channel number. Double refChan = nChan / 2; Vector freqs(nChan); for (Int i = 0; i < nChan; i++) { freqs(i) = refFreq + (i - refChan)*freqInc; } cSpWindowCols->chanFreq().put(n, freqs); Vector chanWidths(nChan, freqInc); cSpWindowCols->chanWidth().put(n, chanWidths); cSpWindowCols->measFreqRef().put(n, cDopplerFrame); cSpWindowCols->effectiveBW().put(n, chanWidths); Vector resolution(nChan, fabs(freqInc)); cSpWindowCols->resolution().put(n, resolution); cSpWindowCols->totalBandwidth().put(n, bandwidth); cSpWindowCols->netSideband().put(n, 0); cSpWindowCols->ifConvChain().put(n, -1); cSpWindowCols->freqGroup().put(n, 0); cSpWindowCols->freqGroupName().put(n, " "); cSpWindowCols->dopplerId().put(n, 0); // Flags. cSpWindowCols->flagRow().put(n, False); return n; } //------------------------------------------------ PKSMS2writer::addStateEntry // Add an entry to the STATE subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addStateEntry( const String obsMode) { // Look for an entry in the STATE subtable. for (uInt n = 0; n < cStateCols->nrow(); n++) { if (cStateCols->obsMode()(n) == obsMode) { return n; } } // Not found, extend the STATE subtable. cState.addRow(); uInt n = cStateCols->nrow() - 1; // Data. if (obsMode.contains("RF")) { cStateCols->sig().put(n, False); cStateCols->ref().put(n, True); } else if (!obsMode.contains("PA")) { // Signal and reference are both false for "paddle" data. cStateCols->sig().put(n, True); cStateCols->ref().put(n, False); } cStateCols->load().put(n, 0.0); cStateCols->cal().put(n, 0.0); cStateCols->subScan().put(n, 0); cStateCols->obsMode().put(n, obsMode); // Flags. cStateCols->flagRow().put(n, False); return n; } //----------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addSysCalEntry // Add an entry to the SYSCAL subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addSysCalEntry( const Int beamNo, const Int spWinId, const Double time, const Double interval, const Vector tcal, const Vector tsys, const Int nPol) { LogIO os(LogOrigin("PKSMS2writer", "addSysCalEntry()", WHERE)); // Extend the SYSCAL subtable. cSysCal.addRow(); Int n = cSysCal.nrow() - 1; //check fo consistency with n pol //here assume size of Tcal vector = npol Vector inTcal(nPol,0); Int ndim = tcal.shape()(0); Vector tmpTcal = tcal; if (nPol != ndim) { os << LogIO::WARN << "Found "<< ndim <<" Tcal value(s) for the data with "<antennaId().put(n, 0); cSysCalCols->feedId().put(n, beamNo-1); cSysCalCols->spectralWindowId().put(n, spWinId); cSysCalCols->time().put(n, time); cSysCalCols->interval().put(n, interval); // Data. //cSysCalCols->tcal().put(n, tcal); cSysCalCols->tcal().put(n, inTcal); cSysCalCols->tsys().put(n, tsys); return n; } //---------------------------------------------- PKSMS2writer::addWeatherEntry // Add an entry to the WEATHER subtable. Int PKSMS2writer::addWeatherEntry( const Double time, const Double interval, const Double pressure, const Double relHumidity, const Double temperature) { // Extend the WEATHER subtable. cWeather.addRow(); Int n = cWeather.nrow() - 1; // Keys. cWeatherCols->antennaId().put(n, 0); cWeatherCols->time().put(n, time); cWeatherCols->interval().put(n, interval); // Data. cWeatherCols->pressure().put(n, pressure); cWeatherCols->relHumidity().put(n, relHumidity); cWeatherCols->temperature().put(n, temperature); return n; }