//#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# PKSMS2reader.cc: Class to read Parkes Multibeam data from a v2 MS. //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. //# //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your //# option) any later version. //# //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but //# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY //# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public //# License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory //# 520 Edgemont Road //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA //# //# $Id$ //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //# Original: 2000/08/03, Mark Calabretta, ATNF //#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AIPS++ includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Parkes includes. #include #include //------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2reader::PKSMS2reader // Default constructor. PKSMS2reader::PKSMS2reader() { cMSopen = False; } //------------------------------------------------ PKSMS2reader::~PKSMS2reader PKSMS2reader::~PKSMS2reader() { close(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2reader::open // Open the MS for reading. Int PKSMS2reader::open( const String msName, Vector &beams, Vector &IFs, Vector &nChan, Vector &nPol, Vector &haveXPol, Bool &haveBase, Bool &haveSpectra) { // Check that MS is readable. if (!MS::isReadable(msName)) { return 1; } if (cMSopen) { close(); } cPKSMS = MeasurementSet(msName); // taql access to the syscal table String tmpcalName = msName; tmpcalName.append("/SYSCAL"); cSysCalTab = Table(tmpcalName); cIdx = 0; lastmjd = 0.0; cNRow = cPKSMS.nrow(); cMSopen = True; // Lock the table for read access. cPKSMS.lock(False); // Main MS table and subtable column access. ROMSMainColumns msCols(cPKSMS); ROMSDataDescColumns dataDescCols(cPKSMS.dataDescription()); ROMSFeedColumns feedCols(cPKSMS.feed()); ROMSFieldColumns fieldCols(cPKSMS.field()); ROMSPointingColumns pointingCols(cPKSMS.pointing()); ROMSPolarizationColumns polarizationCols(cPKSMS.polarization()); ROMSSourceColumns sourceCols(cPKSMS.source()); ROMSSpWindowColumns spWinCols(cPKSMS.spectralWindow()); ROMSStateColumns stateCols(cPKSMS.state()); ROMSSysCalColumns sysCalCols(cPKSMS.sysCal()); ROMSWeatherColumns weatherCols(cPKSMS.weather()); // Column accessors for required columns. cScanNoCol.reference(msCols.scanNumber()); cTimeCol.reference(msCols.time()); cIntervalCol.reference(msCols.interval()); cFieldIdCol.reference(msCols.fieldId()); cFieldNameCol.reference(fieldCols.name()); cFieldDelayDirCol.reference(fieldCols.delayDir()); cSrcIdCol.reference(fieldCols.sourceId()); cSrcId2Col.reference(sourceCols.sourceId()); cSrcNameCol.reference(sourceCols.name()); cSrcDirCol.reference(sourceCols.direction()); cSrcPMCol.reference(sourceCols.properMotion()); cSrcRestFrqCol.reference(sourceCols.restFrequency()); cStateIdCol.reference(msCols.stateId()); cObsModeCol.reference(stateCols.obsMode()); cCalCol.reference(stateCols.cal()); cSigStateCol.reference(stateCols.sig()); cRefStateCol.reference(stateCols.ref()); cDataDescIdCol.reference(msCols.dataDescId()); cSpWinIdCol.reference(dataDescCols.spectralWindowId()); cChanFreqCol.reference(spWinCols.chanFreq()); cWeatherTimeCol.reference(weatherCols.time()); cTemperatureCol.reference(weatherCols.temperature()); cPressureCol.reference(weatherCols.pressure()); cHumidityCol.reference(weatherCols.relHumidity()); cBeamNoCol.reference(msCols.feed1()); cPointingCol.reference(pointingCols.direction()); cSigmaCol.reference(msCols.sigma()); cNumReceptorCol.reference(feedCols.numReceptors()); // Optional columns. if ((cHaveSrcVel = cPKSMS.source().tableDesc().isColumn("SYSVEL"))) { cSrcVelCol.attach(cPKSMS.source(), "SYSVEL"); } if ((cHaveTsys = cPKSMS.sysCal().tableDesc().isColumn("TSYS"))) { cTsysCol.attach(cPKSMS.sysCal(), "TSYS"); } if ((cHaveTcal = cPKSMS.sysCal().tableDesc().isColumn("TCAL"))) { cTcalCol.attach(cPKSMS.sysCal(), "TCAL"); } if ((cHaveCalFctr = cPKSMS.tableDesc().isColumn("CALFCTR"))) { cCalFctrCol.attach(cPKSMS, "CALFCTR"); } if ((cHaveBaseLin = cPKSMS.tableDesc().isColumn("BASELIN"))) { cBaseLinCol.attach(cPKSMS, "BASELIN"); cBaseSubCol.attach(cPKSMS, "BASESUB"); } // Spectral data should always be present. haveSpectra = True; cFloatDataCol.reference(msCols.floatData()); cFlagCol.reference(msCols.flag()); if ((cGetXPol = cPKSMS.isColumn(MSMainEnums::DATA))) { if ((cHaveXCalFctr = cPKSMS.tableDesc().isColumn("XCALFCTR"))) { cXCalFctrCol.attach(cPKSMS, "XCALFCTR"); } cDataCol.reference(msCols.data()); } // Find which beams are present in the data. Vector beamNos = cBeamNoCol.getColumn(); Int maxBeamNo = max(beamNos) + 1; beams.resize(maxBeamNo); beams = False; for (uInt irow = 0; irow < beamNos.nelements(); irow++) { beams(beamNos(irow)) = True; } // Number of IFs. //uInt nIF = dataDescCols.nrow(); uInt nIF =spWinCols.nrow(); IFs.resize(nIF); IFs = True; // Number of polarizations and channels in each IF. ROScalarColumn spWinIdCol(dataDescCols.spectralWindowId()); ROScalarColumn numChanCol(spWinCols.numChan()); ROScalarColumn polIdCol(dataDescCols.polarizationId()); ROScalarColumn numPolCol(polarizationCols.numCorr()); nChan.resize(nIF); nPol.resize(nIF); for (uInt iIF = 0; iIF < nIF; iIF++) { nChan(iIF) = numChanCol(spWinIdCol(iIF)); nPol(iIF) = numPolCol(polIdCol(iIF)); } // Cross-polarization data present? haveXPol.resize(nIF); haveXPol = False; if (cGetXPol) { for (Int irow = 0; irow < cNRow; irow++) { if (cDataCol.isDefined(irow)) { Int iIF = cDataDescIdCol(irow); haveXPol(iIF) = True; } } } // Initialize member data. cBeams.assign(beams); cIFs.assign(IFs); cNChan.assign(nChan); cNPol.assign(nPol); cHaveXPol.assign(haveXPol); // Default channel range selection. cStartChan.resize(nIF); cEndChan.resize(nIF); cRefChan.resize(nIF); for (uInt iIF = 0; iIF < nIF; iIF++) { cStartChan(iIF) = 1; cEndChan(iIF) = cNChan(iIF); cRefChan(iIF) = cNChan(iIF)/2 + 1; } Slice all; cDataSel.resize(nIF); cDataSel = Slicer(all, all); cScanNo = 0; cCycleNo = 1; cTime = cTimeCol(0); return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2reader::getHeader // Get parameters describing the data. Int PKSMS2reader::getHeader( String &observer, String &project, String &antName, Vector &antPosition, String &obsMode, Float &equinox, String &dopplerFrame, Double &mjd, Double &refFreq, Double &bandwidth, String &fluxunit) { if (!cMSopen) { return 1; } // Observer and project. ROMSObservationColumns observationCols(cPKSMS.observation()); observer = observationCols.observer()(0); project = observationCols.project()(0); // Antenna name and ITRF coordinates. ROMSAntennaColumns antennaCols(cPKSMS.antenna()); antName = antennaCols.name()(0); antPosition = antennaCols.position()(0); // Observation type. if (cObsModeCol.nrow()) { obsMode = cObsModeCol(0); if (obsMode == "\0") obsMode = "RF"; } else { obsMode = "RF"; } fluxunit = ""; const TableRecord& keywordSet = cFloatDataCol.columnDesc().keywordSet(); if(keywordSet.isDefined("UNIT")) { fluxunit = keywordSet.asString("UNIT"); } // Coordinate equinox. ROMSPointingColumns pointingCols(cPKSMS.pointing()); String dirref = pointingCols.direction().keywordSet().asRecord("MEASINFO"). asString("Ref"); sscanf(dirref.chars()+1, "%f", &equinox); // Frequency/velocity reference frame. ROMSSpWindowColumns spWinCols(cPKSMS.spectralWindow()); dopplerFrame = MFrequency::showType(spWinCols.measFreqRef()(0)); // Translate to FITS standard names. if (dopplerFrame == "TOPO") { dopplerFrame = "TOPOCENT"; } else if (dopplerFrame == "GEO") { dopplerFrame = "GEOCENTR"; } else if (dopplerFrame == "BARY") { dopplerFrame = "BARYCENT"; } else if (dopplerFrame == "GALACTO") { dopplerFrame = "GALACTOC"; } else if (dopplerFrame == "LGROUP") { dopplerFrame = "LOCALGRP"; } else if (dopplerFrame == "CMB") { dopplerFrame = "CMBDIPOL"; } else if (dopplerFrame == "REST") { dopplerFrame = "SOURCE"; } // MJD at start of observation. mjd = cTimeCol(0)/86400.0; // Reference frequency and bandwidth. refFreq = spWinCols.refFrequency()(0); bandwidth = spWinCols.totalBandwidth()(0); return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2reader::getFreqInfo // Get frequency parameters for each IF. Int PKSMS2reader::getFreqInfo( Vector &startFreq, Vector &endFreq) { uInt nIF = cIFs.nelements(); startFreq.resize(nIF); endFreq.resize(nIF); for (uInt iIF = 0; iIF < nIF; iIF++) { Vector chanFreq = cChanFreqCol(iIF); Int nChan = chanFreq.nelements(); startFreq(iIF) = chanFreq(0); endFreq(iIF) = chanFreq(nChan-1); } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2reader::select // Set data selection by beam number and channel. uInt PKSMS2reader::select( const Vector beamSel, const Vector IFsel, const Vector startChan, const Vector endChan, const Vector refChan, const Bool getSpectra, const Bool getXPol, const Bool getFeedPos) { if (!cMSopen) { return 1; } // Beam selection. uInt nBeam = cBeams.nelements(); uInt nBeamSel = beamSel.nelements(); for (uInt ibeam = 0; ibeam < nBeam; ibeam++) { if (ibeam < nBeamSel) { cBeams(ibeam) = beamSel(ibeam); } else { cBeams(ibeam) = False; } } uInt nIF = cIFs.nelements(); uInt maxNChan = 0; for (uInt iIF = 0; iIF < nIF; iIF++) { // IF selection. if (iIF < IFsel.nelements()) { cIFs(iIF) = IFsel(iIF); } else { cIFs(iIF) = False; } if (!cIFs(iIF)) continue; // Channel selection. if (iIF < startChan.nelements()) { cStartChan(iIF) = startChan(iIF); if (cStartChan(iIF) <= 0) { cStartChan(iIF) += cNChan(iIF); } else if (cStartChan(iIF) > Int(cNChan(iIF))) { cStartChan(iIF) = cNChan(iIF); } } if (iIF < endChan.nelements()) { cEndChan(iIF) = endChan(iIF); if (cEndChan(iIF) <= 0) { cEndChan(iIF) += cNChan(iIF); } else if (cEndChan(iIF) > Int(cNChan(iIF))) { cEndChan(iIF) = cNChan(iIF); } } if (iIF < refChan.nelements()) { cRefChan(iIF) = refChan(iIF); } else { cRefChan(iIF) = cStartChan(iIF); if (cStartChan(iIF) <= cEndChan(iIF)) { cRefChan(iIF) += (cEndChan(iIF) - cStartChan(iIF) + 1)/2; } else { cRefChan(iIF) -= (cStartChan(iIF) - cEndChan(iIF) + 1)/2; } } uInt nChan = abs(cEndChan(iIF) - cStartChan(iIF)) + 1; if (maxNChan < nChan) { maxNChan = nChan; } // Inverted Slices are not allowed. Slice outPols; Slice outChans(min(cStartChan(iIF),cEndChan(iIF))-1, nChan); cDataSel(iIF) = Slicer(outPols, outChans); } // Get spectral data? cGetSpectra = getSpectra; // Get cross-polarization data? cGetXPol = cGetXPol && getXPol; // Get feed positions? (Not available.) cGetFeedPos = False; return maxNChan; } //---------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2reader::findRange // Find the range of the data in time and position. Int PKSMS2reader::findRange( Int &nRow, Int &nSel, Vector &timeSpan, Matrix &positions) { if (!cMSopen) { return 1; } nRow = cNRow; // Find the number of rows selected. nSel = 0; Vector sel(nRow); for (Int irow = 0; irow < nRow; irow++) { if ((sel(irow) = cBeams(cBeamNoCol(irow)) && cIFs(cDataDescIdCol(irow)))) { nSel++; } } // Find the time range (s). timeSpan.resize(2); timeSpan(0) = cTimeCol(0); timeSpan(1) = cTimeCol(nRow-1); // Retrieve positions for selected data. Int isel = 0; positions.resize(2,nSel); for (Int irow = 0; irow < nRow; irow++) { if (sel(irow)) { Matrix pointingDir = cPointingCol(cFieldIdCol(irow)); positions.column(isel++) = pointingDir.column(0); } } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------- PKSMS2reader::read // Read the next data record. Int PKSMS2reader::read( Int &scanNo, Int &cycleNo, Double &mjd, Double &interval, String &fieldName, String &srcName, Vector &srcDir, Vector &srcPM, Double &srcVel, String &obsMode, Int &IFno, Double &refFreq, Double &bandwidth, Double &freqInc, Double &restFreq, Vector &tcal, String &tcalTime, Float &azimuth, Float &elevation, Float &parAngle, Float &focusAxi, Float &focusTan, Float &focusRot, Float &temperature, Float &pressure, Float &humidity, Float &windSpeed, Float &windAz, Int &refBeam, Int &beamNo, Vector &direction, Vector &scanRate, Vector &tsys, Vector &sigma, Vector &calFctr, Matrix &baseLin, Matrix &baseSub, Matrix &spectra, Matrix &flagged, Complex &xCalFctr, Vector &xPol) { if (!cMSopen) { return 1; } // Check for EOF. if (cIdx >= cNRow) { return -1; } // Find the next selected beam and IF. Int ibeam; Int iIF; Int iDataDesc; while (True) { ibeam = cBeamNoCol(cIdx); iDataDesc = cDataDescIdCol(cIdx); iIF =cSpWinIdCol(iDataDesc); if (cBeams(ibeam) && cIFs(iIF)) { break; } // Check for EOF. if (++cIdx >= cNRow) { return -1; } } // Renumerate scan no. Here still is 1-based //scanNo = cScanNoCol(cIdx) - cScanNoCol(0) + 1; scanNo = cScanNoCol(cIdx); if (scanNo != cScanNo) { // Start of new scan. cScanNo = scanNo; cCycleNo = 1; cTime = cTimeCol(cIdx); } Double time = cTimeCol(cIdx); mjd = time/86400.0; interval = cIntervalCol(cIdx); // Reconstruct the integration cycle number; due to small latencies the // integration time is usually slightly less than the time between cycles, // resetting cTime will prevent the difference from accumulating. cCycleNo += nint((time - cTime)/interval); cycleNo = cCycleNo; cTime = time; Int fieldId = cFieldIdCol(cIdx); fieldName = cFieldNameCol(fieldId); Int srcId = cSrcIdCol(fieldId); //For source with multiple spectral window setting, this is not // correct. Source name of srcId may not be at 'srcId'th row of SrcNameCol //srcName = cSrcNameCol(srcId); for (uInt irow = 0; irow < cSrcId2Col.nrow(); irow++) { if (cSrcId2Col(irow) == srcId) { srcName = cSrcNameCol(irow); } } srcDir = cSrcDirCol(srcId); srcPM = cSrcPMCol(srcId); // Systemic velocity. if (!cHaveSrcVel) { srcVel = 0.0f; } else { srcVel = cSrcVelCol(srcId)(IPosition(1,0)); } ROMSAntennaColumns antennaCols(cPKSMS.antenna()); String telescope = antennaCols.name()(0); Bool cGBT = telescope.contains("GBT"); // Observation type. Int stateId = cStateIdCol(cIdx); if (stateId == -1) { //obsMode = " "; } else { obsMode = cObsModeCol(stateId); Bool sigState =cSigStateCol(stateId); Bool refState =cRefStateCol(stateId); //DEBUG //cerr <<"stateid="< 0 && !srcName.contains("_calon")) { srcName.append("_calon"); } } IFno = iIF + 1; Int nChan = abs(cEndChan(iIF) - cStartChan(iIF)) + 1; // Minimal handling on continuum data. Vector chanFreq = cChanFreqCol(iIF); if (nChan == 1) { cout << "The input is continuum data. "<< endl; freqInc = chanFreq(0); refFreq = chanFreq(0); restFreq = 0.0f; } else { if (cStartChan(iIF) <= cEndChan(iIF)) { freqInc = chanFreq(1) - chanFreq(0); } else { freqInc = chanFreq(0) - chanFreq(1); } refFreq = chanFreq(cRefChan(iIF)-1); restFreq = cSrcRestFrqCol(srcId)(IPosition(1,0)); } bandwidth = abs(freqInc * nChan); tcal.resize(cNPol(iIF)); tcal = 0.0f; tcalTime = ""; //azimuth = 0.0f; //elevation = 0.0f; parAngle = 0.0f; focusAxi = 0.0f; focusTan = 0.0f; focusRot = 0.0f; // Find the appropriate entry in the WEATHER subtable. Vector wTimes = cWeatherTimeCol.getColumn(); Int weatherIdx; for (weatherIdx = wTimes.nelements()-1; weatherIdx >= 0; weatherIdx--) { if (cWeatherTimeCol(weatherIdx) <= time) { break; } } if (weatherIdx < 0) { // No appropriate WEATHER entry. pressure = 0.0f; humidity = 0.0f; temperature = 0.0f; } else { pressure = cPressureCol(weatherIdx); humidity = cHumidityCol(weatherIdx); temperature = cTemperatureCol(weatherIdx); } windSpeed = 0.0f; windAz = 0.0f; refBeam = 0; beamNo = ibeam + 1; //Matrix pointingDir = cPointingCol(fieldId); //pointingDir = cPointingCol(fieldId); //direction = pointingDir.column(0); //uInt ncols = pointingDir.ncolumn(); //if (ncols == 1) { // scanRate = 0.0f; //} else { // scanRate = pointingDir.column(1); //} // Get direction from FIELD table // here, assume direction to be the field direction not pointing Matrix delayDir = cFieldDelayDirCol(fieldId); direction = delayDir.column(0); uInt ncols = delayDir.ncolumn(); if (ncols == 1) { scanRate = 0.0f; } else { scanRate = delayDir.column(1); } // caluculate azimuth and elevation // first, get the reference frame MVPosition mvpos(antennaCols.position()(0)); MPosition mp(mvpos); Quantum qt(time,"s"); MVEpoch mvt(qt); MEpoch me(mvt); MeasFrame frame(mp, me); // ROMSFieldColumns fldCols(cPKSMS.field()); Vector vmd(1); MDirection md; fldCols.delayDirMeasCol().get(fieldId,vmd); md = vmd[0]; //Vector dircheck = md.getAngle("rad").getValue(); //cerr<<"dircheck="< azel = MDirection::Convert(md, MDirection::Ref(MDirection::AZEL, frame) )().getAngle("rad").getValue(); //cerr<<"azel="< 0) { // find tcal match with the data with the data time stamp Double mjds = mjd*(24*3600); Double dtcalTime; if ( mjd > lastmjd || cIdx==0 ) { //Table tmptab = cSysCalTab(near(cSysCalTab.col("TIME"),mjds)); tmptab = cSysCalTab(near(cSysCalTab.col("TIME"),mjds), nrws); //DEBUG //if (cIdx == 0) { // cerr<<"inital table retrieved"< tcalTimeCol(tmptab2, "TIME"); if (syscalrow==0) { cerr<<"Cannot find any matching Tcal at/near the data timestamp." << " Set Tcal=0.0"<