1 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
2 | "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
3 | <html>
4 | <head>
5 | <title tal:content="title">ASAP Online Monitor</title>
6 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="/asaptest/fields.css" type="text/css">
7 | <script type="text/javascript" src="/asapmon/prototype.js"></script>
8 | <script type="text/javascript" src="/asapmon/asapmon.js"></script>
9 | </head>
10 |
11 | <body onload="javascript:repopulate();">
12 | <h1 tal:content="title">ASAP Online Monitor</h1>
13 | <form name="hidform" id="hidform">
14 | <input type="hidden" id="cunit" tal:attributes="value python:fields['units'][fields['cunit']]"/>
15 | <input type="hidden" id="cdoppler" tal:attributes="value fields/doppler"/>
16 | <input type="hidden" id="cframe" tal:attributes="value fields/frame"/>
17 | <input type="hidden" id="cfilesel" tal:attributes="value fields/cfile"/>
18 | <input type="hidden" id="nif" tal:attributes="value fields/nif"/>
19 | <input type="hidden"
20 | tal:repeat="i fields/restn"
21 | tal:attributes="id string: cif${repeat/i/index};value i"
22 | />
23 | <input type="hidden" id="debug" tal:attributes="value fields/debug"/>
24 | <input type="hidden" id="sum" tal:attributes="value fields/summary"/>
25 | <input type="hidden" id="csource" tal:attributes="value fields/csource"/>
26 | </form>
27 | <form name="specplot" action="/cgi-bin/asapmon/asapmon.py">
28 | <fieldset>
29 | <legend>File selection</legend>
30 | Directory:
31 | <select id="directory" name="dlist" onclick="invalidateFiles();">
32 | <option
33 | tal:repeat="entry fields/directories"
34 | tal:content="entry"
35 | tal:attributes=" value repeat/entry/index;selected python:int(fields['cdir'])==int(repeat['entry'].getIndex()) and 'selected' or None"
36 | >somewhere over the rainbow</option>
37 | </select>
38 | <input class="plot" style="display: none" type="button" name="flist" onClick="insertFields();" value="Update -->"></input>
39 | <label id="filelbl">
40 | <abbr title="Select one or more file(s).">
41 | File:
42 | </abbr>
43 | <select id="filelist" name="list" multiple size="5" onclick="invalidateSources();">
44 | <option
45 | tal:repeat="entry fields/files"
46 | tal:content="entry"
47 | tal:attributes="value repeat/entry/index"
48 | >
49 | </option>
50 | </select>
51 | </label>
52 | <label id="sourcelbl">
53 | <abbr title="Select a source if your file contains multiple sources.">
54 | Source:
55 | </abbr>
56 | <select id="sourcelist" name="csource" size="5">
57 | <option
58 | tal:repeat="entry fields/sourcenames"
59 | tal:content="entry"
60 | tal:attributes="value entry"
61 | >
62 | </option>
63 | </select>
64 | </label>
65 | </fieldset>
66 | <p>
67 | <fieldset>
68 | <legend>Spectral line settings</legend>
69 | <div id="velunit">
70 | <fieldset name="unitset" class="velocity">
71 | <legend>Unit</legend>
72 | <span tal:repeat="u fields/units">
73 | <input type="radio" name="unit"
74 | tal:attributes="value repeat/u/index;
75 | checked python: int(fields['cunit'])==int(repeat['u'].getIndex()) and 'checked' or None;onclick string:unitswitch('${u}');
76 | id string: unit${repeat/u/index}"
77 | >
78 | <label tal:content="u"></label>
79 |
80 | </span>
81 | </fieldset>
82 | </div>
83 | <div id="velframe">
84 | <fieldset class="velocity">
85 | <legend>Frame</legend>
86 | <label>
87 | <input type="radio" name="frame" id="frame0" value="LSRK">
88 | LSRK
89 | </label>
90 | <label>
91 | <input type="radio" name="frame" id="frame1" value="BARY">
92 | BARY
93 | </label>
94 | </fieldset>
95 | </div>
96 | <div id="veldoppler">
97 | <fieldset class="velocity">
98 | <legend>Doppler</legend>
99 | <label>
100 | <input type="radio" name="doppler" id="doppler0" value="RADIO">
101 | RADIO
102 | </label>
103 | <label>
104 | <input type="radio" name="doppler" id="doppler1" value="OPTICAL">
106 | </label>
107 | </fieldset>
108 | </div>
109 | <div id="velrest">
110 |
111 | <fieldset class="velocity">
112 | <legend>Rest Frequencies</legend>
113 | <table>
114 | <tr
115 | tal:repeat="i fields/nif"
116 | >
117 | <td>
118 | <label
119 | tal:attributes="id string: if${i}lbl;name string: if${i}lbl"
120 | tal:content="string: IF${i}"
121 | >IF
122 | </label>
123 | <select
124 | tal:attributes="id string: rest${i};name string: rest${i}"
125 | >
126 | <option
127 | tal:repeat="line fields/restfreqs"
128 | tal:content="line"
129 | tal:attributes="value repeat/line/index"
130 | ></option>
131 | </select>
132 |
133 | </td>
134 | </tr>
135 | </table>
136 | </fieldset>
137 | </div>
138 | <div style="clear: both;"></div>
139 | </fieldset>
140 | <p>
141 | <fieldset>
142 | <legend>Processing</legend>
143 | <div class="labeled floatleft">
144 | <label>
145 | <abbr title="Build the quotient spectrum: Toff * (on/off) - Toff">
146 | Quotient
147 | </abbr>
148 | <input type="checkbox" name="quotient" tal:attributes="checked python: fields['quotient'] or None;value fields/quotient">
149 | </label>
150 | </div>
151 | <div class="labeled floatleft">
152 | <label>
153 | <abbr title="Fit a polynomial baseline to the data">
154 | Baseline
155 | </abbr>
156 | <input type="checkbox" id="baseline" name="baseline" tal:attributes="checked python: fields['baseline'] or None;value fields/baseline" onClick="baselineswitch();">
157 | </label>
158 | </div>
159 | <div id="polyorder" class="labeled floatleft">
160 | <label>
161 | <abbr title="Order of the polynomial baseline fit">
162 | Order
163 | </abbr>
164 | </label>
165 | <select name="polyorder">
166 | <option tal:repeat="order fields/border"
167 | tal:content="order" tal:attributes="value order;selected python: int(fields['cpolyorder'])==int(repeat['order'].getIndex()) or None"></option>
168 | </select>
169 | </div>
170 | <div id="baselinerange" class="labeled floatleft">
171 | <label id="brange">
172 | <abbr title="Specify Windows in pairs, e.g. [min0,max0],[min1,max1]">
173 | Baseline Windows
174 | </abbr>
175 | <input id="brangewindow" name="brangewindow"
176 | tal:attributes="value fields/brangewindow"
177 | />
178 |
179 | </label>
180 | <label id ="brangeunit"></label>
181 | </div>
182 | <div class="labeled floatleft">
183 | <label>
184 | <abbr title="Bin the data by 5 channels">
185 | Bin
186 | </abbr>
187 | <input type="checkbox" name="bin" tal:attributes="checked python: fields['bin'] or None;value fields/bin">
188 | </label>
189 | </div>
190 | <div class="labeled floatleft">
191 | <label>
192 | <abbr title="Average all integrations in all selected files (Tsys weighted)">Average
193 | </abbr>
194 | <input type="checkbox" name="average" tal:attributes="checked python: fields['average'] or None;value fields/average">
195 | </label>
196 | </div>
197 | <div class="labeled floatleft">
198 | <label>
199 | <abbr title="Display Stokes IQUV instead of raw pols">Stokes
200 | </abbr>
201 | <input type="checkbox" name="stokes" tal:attributes="checked python: fields['stokes'] or None;value fields/stokes">
202 | </label>
203 | </div>
204 | <div style="clear: both;">
205 | </div>
206 | </fieldset>
207 | <p>
208 | <div id="plotrange">
209 | <fieldset>
210 | <legend>
211 | <abbr title="Set the min/max for the abcissa, e.g 100,200">
212 | Plot Window
213 | </abbr>
214 | </legend>
215 | <label id="plotlbl"><input id="plotwindow" name="plotwindow" tal:attributes="value fields/plotwindow"></input></label>
216 | <label id="prangeunit"></label>
217 | </fieldset>
218 | </div>
219 |
220 | <p>
221 | <div align="center">
222 | <input class="plot" type="submit" name="plot" value="plot">
223 | <input class="plot" type="button" id="summary" name="summary" value="summary" onclick="javascript:summaryPopUp();">
224 | </div>
225 | </form>
226 | <div align="center">
227 | <img tal:attributes="src fields/imagename">
228 | <div style="color: red;font-size: 16pt" tal:content="fields/debug"></div>
229 | </div>
230 | </body>
231 | </html>