1 | ##############################################################################
2 | ## Compilers
3 | ##############################################################################
4 |
5 | C++ROOT := /usr
6 | C++ := $(C++ROOT)/bin/g++ -Wno-deprecated -Wno-long-double
7 | C++OPTLVL := -O2 -falign-loops=32
8 | C++STD += -fexceptions -pipe -Wall -Wno-non-template-friend -Woverloaded-virtual -Wcast-align -Wno-comment
9 |
10 | ## -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
11 |
12 | CC := $(C++ROOT)/bin/gcc
13 | CSTD := -DAIPS_DARWIN -Wall -fexceptions
14 | COPTLVL := -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -falign-loops=32
15 |
16 | ## -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
17 |
18 | F77ROOT := /usr/local
19 | FC := $(F77ROOT)/bin/g77
20 | FCOPTLVL := -O2 -falign-loops=32
21 | FCOPT += -fPIC
22 | F77LIB := -lg2c
23 |
24 | ##############################################################################
25 | ## General external libraries.
26 | ##############################################################################
27 |
28 | PGPLOTROOT := /opt/local
29 |
30 | TCLROOT := /opt/local
31 | TCLLIB := -ltk -ltcl -ldl
32 |
33 | X11ROOT := /usr/X11R6
34 |
35 | MotifROOT := /usr/X11R6
36 |
37 | XPMROOT := $(X11ROOT)
38 |
40 | LAPACKLIB := -framework vecLib
41 |
42 | # Platform-specific libraries - always added.
43 | ARCHLIBS := -lm
44 |
45 | ##############################################################################
46 | ## External libraries required by particular AIPS++ packages.
47 | ##############################################################################
48 |
49 | # RPFITS (required by ATNF).
50 | RPFITSROOT := /usr/local
54 | RPFITSLIB := -lrpfits
55 |
56 | CFITSIOROOT := /usr/local
58 | CFITSIOINCD = $(CFITSIOROOT)/include/cfitsio
60 | CFITSIOLIB := -lcfitsio
61 |
62 | WCSLIBLIB := $(WCSLIBLIBD)/libwcs.a
63 | MIRLIBLIB := $(MIRLIBLIBD)/libmir.a
64 |
65 | ##############################################################################
66 | ## Compilation and linkage variables
67 | ##############################################################################
68 |
69 | EXT_GLISH_DIR := /opt/local
71 |
72 | # Preprocessor flags for system debug/optimized compilations.
75 |
76 | # Use do-it-yourself template instantiation.
77 | TEMPLATES := diy
78 |
79 | # Link flags for system debug/optimized compilations; these are passed to
80 | # the C++ compiler.
81 | LDDBG := -Xlinker -multiply_defined -Xlinker suppress -Xlinker -bind_at_load \
82 | -L/opt/local/lib
83 | LDOPT := $(LDDBG)
84 |
85 | RANLIB := /usr/bin/ranlib
86 |
87 | SFXSHAR := dylib
88 | LDSOPTS := -dynamiclib -single_module
89 |
90 | PERL4 := /usr/bin/perl
91 | PERL5 := /usr/bin/perl
92 |
93 | # C++ C FORTRAN
94 | # dbg opt dbg opt dbg opt
95 | # ------------- ------------- -------------
96 | LIBcasa := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
97 | LIBscimath := defeat static defeat defeat defeat static
98 | LIBtables := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
99 | LIBmeasures := defeat static defeat defeat defeat static
100 | LIBfits := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
101 | LIBgraphics := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
102 | LIBlattices := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
103 | LIBcoordinates := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
104 | LIBcomponents := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
105 | LIBimages := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
106 | LIBms := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
107 | LIBmsvis := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
108 | LIBcalibration := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
109 | LIBionosphere := defeat static defeat defeat defeat static
110 | LIBflagging := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
111 | LIBdish := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
112 | LIBsimulators := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
113 | LIBsynthesis := defeat static defeat defeat defeat static
114 | LIBtasking := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
115 | LIBtrialdisplay := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
116 | LIBnrao := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
117 | LIBnpoi := defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat defeat
118 | LIBalma := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
119 | LIBatnf := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
120 | LIBnfra := defeat static defeat defeat defeat defeat
121 |
122 |
123 | # TeX, dvips, and MetaFont paths.
124 | #--------------------------------
125 | TEXROOT := /usr/lib/texmf/texmf
126 | TEXFONTS := $(TEXROOT)/fonts/tfm//
127 | TEXFORMATS := $(TEXROOT)/web2c
128 | TEXINPUTS := $(TEXROOT)/tex//
129 | TEXPOOL := $(TEXROOT)/web2c
130 | TEXPKS := $(TEXROOT)/fonts/pk//
131 | MFBASES := $(TEXROOT)/web2c
132 | MFINPUTS := $(TEXROOT)/metafont//:$(TEXROOT)/fonts/source//
133 | MFPOOL := $(TEXROOT)/web2c
134 | LATEX2HTML := /usr/local/bin/latex2html -init_file $(AIPSROOT)/code/install/docutils/latex2html-init
135 |
136 | # Set these variables to get local icons in the html files generated by
137 | # latex2html
138 | ICONSERVER := http://www.nrao.edu/icons/latex2html
139 | ICONS2LOCAL := $(AIPSARCH)/bin/redoicons.sh
140 |
141 | # Variables which tell the makefiles what to do and how to do it
142 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 | # Command for benchmarking the rebuild (usually 'adate -l').
144 | TIMER := adate -l
145 |
146 | # Unset this to defeat document compilation.
147 | DOCSYS :=
148 |
149 | # Unset this to defeat document extraction from C++ sources.
150 | DOCEXTR :=
151 |
152 | # What consortium packages to build (atnf bima hia nfra nral nrao tifr).
153 | CONSORTIA := atnf
154 |
155 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 | # The remaining definitions are programmer variables for code development.
157 | # These are not required for production-line systems.
158 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 | ifeq "$(MAKEMODE)" "programmer"
160 | # Alternate definitions for CPPFLAGS.
161 | ifeq "$(CPPFLAGS)" "alt1"
162 | override CPPFLAGS := $(CPPOPT) $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS)
163 | endif
164 |
165 | # C++ compiler flags for programmer compilations.
166 | ifdef OPT
167 | C++FLAGS := $(C++OPT) -Wall
168 | else
169 | C++FLAGS := $(C++DBG) -Wall
170 | endif
171 |
172 | # Where to put binaries for programmer compilations.
173 | ifdef OPT
174 | PGMRLIBD := $(wildcard $(PGMRARCH)/lib)
175 | PGMRBIND := $(wildcard $(PGMRARCH)/bin)
176 | else
177 | PGMRLIBD := $(wildcard $(PGMRARCH)/libdbg)
178 | PGMRBIND := $(wildcard $(PGMRARCH)/bindbg)
179 | endif
180 |
181 | # Alternate definitions for C++FLAGS.
182 | ifeq "$(C++FLAGS)" "alt1"
183 | override CPPFLAGS := $(CPPOPT) $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS)
184 | PGMRBIND := $(wildcard $(PGMRARCH)/bin)
185 | PGMRLIBD := $(wildcard $(PGMRARCH)/lib)
186 | override C++FLAGS := $(C++OPT) -Wall
187 | endif
188 |
189 | # Extra compiler flags.
190 | C++FLAGS += $(EXTRA_C++FLAGS)
191 | endif