TODO * Parameterize a few things / couple with options: x SEFD - Default source brightness - Default filter parameters * Spectrum model: x shaped broadband noise x simple tone - Interpolate tone for more precision - PNR * Doppler shift signal * Consider horizon * Add antenna-based defects - bandpass features x clock errors x packet loss / invalid packets x Support complex-valued VDIF output * Respect thread-id included in the format specifier * Add polarization leakage * Update config file format - Top level config - ? - Source ID (phase center number) sectioning - Antenna sectioning - Add antenna-based delay errors STRETCH GOALS * multi-phase-center -> source with structure * SEFD depends on elevation RESOLVED ISSUES X Integrate with difxmessage - more integration still possible X integrate with MPI - option 1: simply parallelize across .input files X Create new DiFX repo for this: vdifsim X Resolve phase/delay drift issue (~10ns on long baselines) X Add clock offsets X get SEFD and flux density correct in _voltage_ units