-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This set of utilities is intended for VDIF incoming in UDP/IP packets over 10 GbE. 'vdifsnapshotUDP' makes a short near line-speed burst mode capture of VDIF data for more detailed analysis of payload. Capture is done into memory first and does not need a fast disk system. 'vdiftimeUDP' monitors VDIF timestamps and frame counts per second in real-time. It also compares the VDIF time against computer UT time. It allows to detect glitches and bad time synchronization of backends like R2DBE, ROACH2, or FILA10G. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compile and install -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aclocal autoconf automake -a ./configure --prefix=${DIFXROOT} CC=${MPICXX} make make install -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vdifsnapshotUDP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burst capture of UDP/IP data at near 10G line speed. Usage: vdifsnapshotUDP [--cpu=<0..31>] [--offset=] --cpu=n : limit the program to run on CPU core n (0-31), can help to reduce packet loss --offset=n : remove the first n bytes in the UDP packet (e.g., hop over a 8-byte PSN) : the amount of data to capture into memory before disk write-out : port number to listen on for UDP : name and path of output file to write to at end of capture A buffer of the specified size is allocated first and UDP/IP packets to the specified port are then captured into this memory buffer. The program can be tied to a CPU (e.g., --cpu=2) to improve performance. The capture process can also strip the first n bytes of each UDP/IP payload. Example: $ ./vdifsnapshotUDP --cpu=2 --offset=8 \ 2048 46227 /mnt/disks/cap2014y287d07h59m-8Gbps.snapshot.vdif Bound to CPU#2 Capturing 2048 MByte into memory... ................................................................... .......... Memory capture ended, writing 2147418624 bytes to file... For continuous recording, refer to 'captureUDPVDIF' (DiFX vdifio; A. Deller). For capturing on a Mark5C, you can use 'record5c' (DiFX mk5daemon; W. Brisken). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vdiftimeUDP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decodes the time stamp of incoming UDP data containing VDIF. Also compares VDIF against computer UT time. This allows real-time monitoring of the time synchronization of the hardware that generates the UDP stream containing VDIF, such as R2DBE, Roach2, or FILA10G. The computer must be running NTP or PTP for a meaningful time comparison. Usage: $ vdiftimeUDP [--offset=n|-o n] [--bigendian|-b] [--saveto=filename|-s filename] [--cpu=n|-c n] [--thread=n] --offset=n : remove the first n bytes in the UDP packet (e.g., hop over a 8-byte PSN) --bigendian : specify for VDIF-like frames that have a Big Endian byte order (Japanese VOA) --saveto=fn : at every 1-second change, store the single recent VDIF frame into given file --cpu=n : limit the program to run on CPU core n (0-31), can help to reduce packet loss --thread=n : show only VDIF thread port : port to listen on for UDP If present, packet sequence numbers can be removed using --offset=. The program can be tied to a CPU (e.g., --cpu=2) to improve performance. On a Mark6 this allows loss-free reception and decoding at 8 Gbps. For multi-threaded VDIF it may be necessary to select only one specific thread (--thread=n) to get meaningful time reports. Use --saveto= to save the first VDIF frame at a data-second change into a file. The frame can be inspected in detail using other tools. Examples: root@Mark6-4012:/mnt/disks# vdiftimeUDP --offset=8 --cpu=2 46227 ----- VDIF Time ------------------------------ Computer Time ---------Time Delta----Frames total/max-----Rate peak------Rate nominal----Rate actual--- VDIF frame#545994 2014y287doy 02:48:56 : PC 2014y287doy 02:48:56.70 : off -0.7s : 1/545995 fps : 1x5590.99 Mbps : 0.01 Mbps : 89.82 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:48:57 : PC 2014y287doy 02:48:57.01 : off -0.0s : 253995/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 2600.91 Mbps : 8193.28 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:48:58 : PC 2014y287doy 02:48:58.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.53 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:48:59 : PC 2014y287doy 02:48:59.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.66 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:00 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:00.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.98 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:01 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:01.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.37 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:02 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:02.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.53 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:03 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:03.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.70 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:04 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:04.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.28 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:05 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:05.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.06 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:06 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:06.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.98 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:07 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:07.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.46 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:08 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:08.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.06 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:09 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:09.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.04 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:10 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:10.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.61 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:11 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:11.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.20 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:12 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:12.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.52 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:13 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:13.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.35 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:14 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:14.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.15 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:15 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:15.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.90 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:16 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:16.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.86 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:17 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:17.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8192.28 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 02:49:18 : PC 2014y287doy 02:49:18.01 : off -0.0s : 800000/800000 fps : 1x8192.00 Mbps : 8192.00 Mbps : 8191.39 Mbps ... Examples of hardware issues: Basic rate of 200000 frames per second but with sporadic loss of VSI 1PPS in the VSI<->10GbE converter, without sample loss, resulting in multiples of 200000 fps and a growing time offset between VDIF and computer UT time: ----- VDIF Time ------------------------------ Computer Time ---------Time Delta----Frames total/max-----Rate peak------Rate nominal----Rate actual--- VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:23 : PC 2014y287doy 00:55:50.01 : off -27.0s : 400000/400000 fps : 1x4096.00 Mbps : 4147.20 Mbps : 2073.70 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:24 : PC 2014y287doy 00:55:52.01 : off -28.0s : 400000/400000 fps : 1x4096.00 Mbps : 4147.20 Mbps : 2073.55 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:25 : PC 2014y287doy 00:55:53.01 : off -28.0s : 200000/200000 fps : 1x2048.00 Mbps : 2073.60 Mbps : 2073.64 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:26 : PC 2014y287doy 00:55:54.01 : off -28.0s : 200000/200000 fps : 1x2048.00 Mbps : 2073.60 Mbps : 2073.57 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:27 : PC 2014y287doy 00:55:55.01 : off -28.0s : 200000/200000 fps : 1x2048.00 Mbps : 2073.60 Mbps : 2073.56 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:28 : PC 2014y287doy 00:55:57.01 : off -29.0s : 400000/400000 fps : 1x4096.00 Mbps : 4147.20 Mbps : 2073.62 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:29 : PC 2014y287doy 00:55:59.01 : off -30.0s : 400000/400000 fps : 1x4096.00 Mbps : 4096.00 Mbps : 2048.01 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:30 : PC 2014y287doy 00:56:00.01 : off -30.0s : 200000/200000 fps : 1x2048.00 Mbps : 2048.00 Mbps : 2047.85 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:31 : PC 2014y287doy 00:56:03.01 : off -32.0s : 600000/600000 fps : 1x6144.00 Mbps : 6144.00 Mbps : 2048.05 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:32 : PC 2014y287doy 00:56:05.01 : off -33.0s : 400000/400000 fps : 1x4096.00 Mbps : 4096.00 Mbps : 2047.98 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:33 : PC 2014y287doy 00:56:06.01 : off -33.0s : 200000/200000 fps : 1x2048.00 Mbps : 2048.00 Mbps : 2048.04 Mbps VDIF frame#0 2014y287doy 00:55:34 : PC 2014y287doy 00:56:07.01 : off -33.0s : 200000/200000 fps : 1x2048.00 Mbps : 2048.00 Mbps : 2047.97 Mbps ...