This directory contains various standalone programs that have proven useful in manipulating mk5a, mk5b, and vdif files. Each program is built by executing the build script, which is typically a one-liner invoking gcc. As they say, no warranties, expressed or implied. rjc 2013.9.04 program script summary ------------ -------- ----------------------------------------------- a2b makea2b copies mk5a to mk5b files, for a few common formats b2a makeb2a copies a mk5b file to a mk5a file b2vdif makeb2v copies a mk5b file to a vdif format file bchan_reorder makebcr allows low-level modifications of a mk5b file bnoise32 makebn32 creates 2 mk5b files with a specified amount of purely white correlated noise bpcal makebp extracts phase cal from a mk5b file bsb_flip makebsf flips the sideband on the specified channels btrim makebt trims front of mk5b file to start on a second boundary vdif_modify makevdif allows bit manipulation in a copy of a vdif file