#!/usr/bin/env python #************************************************************************** # Copyright (C) 2008-2014 by Walter Brisken * # * # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * # (at your option) any later version. * # * # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * # GNU General Public License for more details. * # * # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * # along with this program; if not, write to the * # Free Software Foundation, Inc., * # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * #************************************************************************** #=========================================================================== # SVN properties (DO NOT CHANGE) # # $Id$ # $HeadURL: $ # $LastChangedRevision$ # $Author$ # $LastChangedDate$ # #============================================================================ from sys import argv, stdout, exit from os import getcwd, system from string import split, strip, find, rfind, lower import gzip program = 'vlog' version = 1.10 verdate = '20140312' author = 'Walter Brisken' # put output files here jobdir = 'jobs' def usage(): print '\n%s ver. %s %s %s\n' % (program, version, verdate, author) print 'A program to preprocess the cal files to simiplfy difx2fits.\n' print 'Usage: %s [options] []\n' % (argv[0]) print ' options can include:\n' print ' --help' print ' -h print this help info and quit\n' print ' --mjd' print ' -m use mjd rather than doy timestamps\n' print ' --mark5a' print ' -a force to run in Mark5A mode\n' print ' --mark5c' print ' -c force to run in Mark5C mode\n' print ' --exper ' print ' -e name the output files by ..\n' print ' is cal.vlba or cal.vlba.gz\n' print ' is a comma separated list of antennas with' print ' no spaces, e.g., FD,GB,Y. Default -- all ants.\n' print 'Output files will be placed in a subdirectory called %s' % jobdir print 'which will be created if it does not already exist.\n' exit(0) def doy2mjd(year, doy): NYR = int(year) NYRD = int(doy) # L2 IS -1 IF LEAP YEAR, -2 IF NOT. L2 = NYR/4-(NYR+7)/4-NYR/100+(NYR+99)/100+NYR/400-(NYR+399)/400 NYR1 = NYR-1 MJD = doy-678576+365*NYR1+NYR1/4-NYR1/100+NYR1/400 return MJD def calctime(t, startyear, startdoy, useMJD): if not useMJD or t > 50000.0: return t else: if int(t) < startdoy: return doy2mjd(startyear+1, t) else: return doy2mjd(startyear, t) def getlist(sections, header): s = split(header) sec = s[2] ant = s[-2] if not sections.has_key(sec): sections[sec] = {} S = sections[sec] if not S.has_key(ant): S[ant] = [] return S[ant] def chop(filename): sections = {} current = [] year = 0 doy = 0 if filename[-3:] == '.gz': lines = gzip.open(filename, 'r').readlines() else: lines = open(filename, 'r').readlines() for D in lines: d = strip(D) if year == 0 and find(d, '! For UT timerange:') == 0: startday = split(d)[4] year = int(startday[:4]) doy = int(split(startday, '/')[-1]) if find(d, ' -----') > 0: current = getlist(sections, d) elif len(d) > 0: current.append(d) return sections, year, doy def parsetime(str): s = split(str, '-') t = split(s[1], ':') return int(s[0]) + float(t[0])/24.0 + float(t[1])/1440.0 + \ float(t[2])/86400.0 def makeWR(sections, antenna, startyear, startdoy, useMJD): if not sections.has_key('Weather'): return None if not sections['Weather'].has_key(antenna): return None WeatherData = sections['Weather'][antenna] WR = [] if useMJD: dateFormat = 'MJD' else: dateFormat = 'D.O.Y.' WR.append('# Ant %s temp(C) pressure(mbar) dewpoint(C) windspeed(m/s) winddir(degrees) rain(cm) gust(m/s)' % dateFormat) for w in WeatherData: if w[0] in ['*', '!']: continue s = split(w) if len(s) < 8: continue t = parsetime(s[0]) WR.append('%9.7f %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (calctime(t, startyear, startdoy, useMJD), s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], s[5], s[6], s[7])) return WR def bbcflag(flags, bbc, t1, t2, chan, reason, startyear, startdoy, useMJD): for b in bbc: T1 = max(t1, b[0]) T2 = min(t2, b[1]) nBBC = len(b) - 2 if T1 < T2: for i in range(nBBC): if b[i+2][0][0:-1] == chan: flags.append('%9.7f %9.7f %d %s' % (calctime(T1, startyear, startdoy, useMJD), calctime(T2, startyear, startdoy, useMJD), i, reason)) def makeFG(sections, BBCs, antenna, startyear, startdoy, useMJD): if not sections.has_key('Edit'): return None if not sections['Edit'].has_key(antenna): return None bbc = BBCs[antenna] FlagData = sections['Edit'][antenna] FG = [] if useMJD: dateFormat = 'MJD' else: dateFormat = 'D.O.Y.' FG.append('# Ant %s.start %s.end RecChan reason' % (dateFormat, dateFormat)) key = "ant_name='%s'" % antenna for f in FlagData: s = split(f) if s[0] == key: t = split(split(s[1], '=')[1], ',') t1 = parsetime('%s-%s:%s:%s' % (t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3])) t2 = parsetime('%s-%s:%s:%s' % (t[4], t[5], t[6], t[7])) p = find(f, 'reason=') p1 = p + 9 p2 = p1 + find(f[p1:], "'") reason = f[p1-2:p2+1] r = split(reason[1:-1]) if r[0] == 'channel' and r[2] == 'bbc': bbcflag(FG, bbc, t1, t2, r[1], reason, startyear, startdoy, useMJD) else: FG.append('%9.7f %9.7f -1 %s' % (calctime(t1, startyear, startdoy, useMJD), calctime(t2, startyear, startdoy, useMJD), reason) ) return FG def countTones(ToneTable, StateTable): polList = [] bandnums = {} polCount = {} nTone = 0 nBand = 0 nPol = 0 nState = 0 # [chan, sb, pol, freq; polnum, bandnum, tonenum] toneKeys = ToneTable.keys() toneKeys.sort() # [chan, sb, pol, nState; polnum, bandnum] stateKeys = StateTable.keys() stateKeys.sort() # first populate polarization list so we can force proper order for key in toneKeys: pol = ToneTable[key][2] if not pol in polList: polList.append(pol) nPol += 1 for key in stateKeys: pol = StateTable[key][2] if not pol in polList: polList.append(pol) nPol += 1 # if both RCP and LCP, make sure RCP is first polList.sort() polList.reverse() for key in toneKeys: T = ToneTable[key] pol = T[2] chanpol = T[0]+T[1]+T[2] chan = T[0] polnum = polList.index(pol) if chanpol in bandnums: bandnums[chanpol][1] += 1 if bandnums[chanpol][1] >= nTone: nTone = bandnums[chanpol][1] + 1 else: if pol in polCount: polCount[pol] += 1 if polCount[pol] >= nBand: nBand = polCount[pol] + 1 else: polCount[pol] = 0 if nBand == 0: nBand = 1 bandnums[chanpol] = [polCount[pol], 0] if nTone == 0: nTone = 1 for key in stateKeys: if not key in ToneTable: S = StateTable[key] pol = S[2] chanpol = S[0]+S[1]+S[2] polnum = polList.index(pol) if chanpol in bandnums: bandnums[chanpol][1] += 1 else: if pol in polCount: polCount[pol] += 1 if polCount[pol] >= nBand: nBand = polCount[pol] + 1 else: polCount[pol] = 0 if nBand == 0: nBand = 1 bandnums[chanpol] = [polCount[pol], 0] toneIndex = {} for key in toneKeys: T = ToneTable[key] pol = T[2] chanpol = T[0]+T[1]+T[2] T.append(polList.index(pol)) # polnum T.append(bandnums[chanpol][0]) # bandnum if chanpol in toneIndex: toneIndex[chanpol] += 1 else: toneIndex[chanpol] = 0 T.append(toneIndex[chanpol]) # tonenum for key in stateKeys: S = StateTable[key] if S[3] > nState: nState = S[3] pol = S[2] chanpol = S[0]+S[1]+S[2] S.append(polList.index(pol)) # polnum S.append(bandnums[chanpol][0]) # bandnum return nPol, nBand, nTone, nState def bbc2recChan(bbcNum, t, bbcMap): for b in bbcMap: if t >= b[0] and t < b[1]: nBBC = len(b) - 2 for i in range(nBBC): if b[i+2][1] == bbcNum: return ('%d' % i), nBBC return '-1', 0 def makePH(sections, BBCs, antenna, startyear, startdoy, useMJD): if not sections.has_key('PulseCal'): return None if not sections['PulseCal'].has_key(antenna): return None PulseCalData = sections['PulseCal'][antenna] bbc = BBCs[antenna] PH = [] if useMJD: dateFormat = 'MJD' else: dateFormat = 'D.O.Y.' PH.append('# Ant %s dur(days) C.Cal nPol nBand nTone nState nRecChan (RecChan, freq, mag, phase(degrees))[nPol][nBand][nTone] (RecChan, stateCount[nState])[nPol][nBand]; RecChan is recorder channel num (0-based)' % dateFormat) action = 0 # 0 == nothing # 1 = ToneTable # 2 = pulsecal data # 3 = write row # [bandnum, polnum, tonenum] are zero-based ToneTable = {} # [chan, sb, pol, freq; polnum, bandnum, tonenum] StateTable = {} # [chan, sb, pol, nState; polnum, bandnum] ToneData = [] StateData = [] nBBC = 0 lastKey = None for row in PulseCalData: if row[0] == '!': continue s = split(row) if len(s) == 0: continue if s[0] == '/' and action == 1: # process ToneTable nPol, nBand, nTone, nState = \ countTones(ToneTable, StateTable) elif s[0] == 'FREQUENCY': # start (re)population of ToneTable action = 1 ToneTable = {} StateTable = {} elif s[0] == 'PULSE-CAL': # start data row(s) action = 2 elif action == 1 and len(s) == 8: key = s[0][1:-1] if s[2] == "'U'" or s[2] == "'L'": if float(s[4]) < 1.0: StateTable[key] = [ \ s[1], s[2][1:-1], \ s[3][1:-1], 1 << int(s[5])] else: ToneTable[key] = [ \ s[1], s[2][1:-1], \ s[3][1:-1], s[4]] lastKey = key elif action == 2 and len(s) >= 4: key = s[2][1:-1] if key == lastKey: action = 3 if key == 'CC': ToneData = [] for i in range(nPol*nBand*nTone): initial = ['0']*4 initial[0] = -1 ToneData.append(initial) StateData = [] for i in range(nPol*nBand): zeros = ['0']*nState StateData.append(['-1', zeros]) t = parsetime(s[0]+'-'+s[1]) ccal = s[3] if ccal == '-Inf' or ccal == 'Inf': ccal = '999.9' dt = float(s[4])/86400.0 elif key in ToneTable: T = ToneTable[key] pol = T[4] band = T[5] tone = T[6] index = tone + nTone*(band + nBand*pol) recChan, nBBC = bbc2recChan(int(T[0]), t, bbc) try: ToneData[index] = [recChan, T[3], s[3], s[4]] except IndexError: print 'ToneData index error: T=', T, 's=', s print 'index=', index, 'array size=', len(ToneData) print 'Full line from file: ', row print 'nPol=%d nBand=%d nTone=%d' % (nPol, nBand, nTone) print 'ToneTable=',ToneTable print 'StateTable=',StateTable,'\n' elif key in StateTable: S = StateTable[key] pol = S[4] band = S[5] for state in range(S[3]): index = band + nBand*pol try: StateData[index][0], nBBC = \ bbc2recChan(int(S[0]), t, bbc) StateData[index][1][state] = \ s[3+state] except IndexError: print 'StateData index error: S=', S, 's=', s print 'index=', index, 'array size=', len(StateData) print 'Full line from file: ', row print 'nPol=%d nBand=%d nTone=%d\n' % (nPol, nBand, nTone) if action == 3: line = '%10.7f %9.7f %s %d %d %d %d %d' % \ (calctime(t, startyear, startdoy, useMJD), dt, ccal, nPol, nBand, nTone, nState, nBBC) for T in ToneData: line += (' %s %s %s %s' % (T[0], T[1], T[2], T[3])) for S in StateData: if len(S[1]) > 0: line += (' %s' % S[0]) for s in S[1]: line += (' %s' % s) PH.append(line) action = 2 return PH def makeTS(sections, antenna, startyear, startdoy, useMJD): if not sections.has_key('Tsys'): return None, None if not sections['Tsys'].has_key(antenna): return None, None TsysData = sections['Tsys'][antenna] TS = [] if useMJD: dateFormat = 'MJD' else: dateFormat = 'D.O.Y.' TS.append('# ant %s dur(days) nRecChan (tsys, bandName)[nRecChan]' % dateFormat); recvName = [] nRecChan = 0 timerange = (0.0, 0.0) BBCmap = [] BBCrow = [0, 0] t0 = 0 t1 = 0 for row in TsysData: s = split(row) # check for a comment line with vital info if s[0] == '!' and len(s) == 11 and \ s[3] in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] and \ s[6] in ['U', 'L'] and s[8][-1] in ['M', 'K']: # calculate net side band, rather than use the supplied # BBC sideband: if s[9][0] == '-': s[6] = 'L' else: s[6] = 'U' if s[1] == '1': # reset on channel 1 recvName = [] nRecChan = 0 if t1 < t0-350 and t0 >= 365: t1 += int(t0) # handle leap day BBCrow[1] = t0 BBCrow = [t0, t1] BBCmap.append(BBCrow) recvName.append(s[2]) BBCrow.append([s[5]+s[6], int(s[1]), s[4][0]]) nRecChan += 1 elif s[0] == '!' and len(s) == 5: tr = split(s[4], '/') if len(tr) == 2 and s[1] == antenna: t0 = parsetime(tr[0]) t1 = parsetime(tr[1]) BBCrow[1] = t1 if BBCrow[1] < BBCrow[0]-350 and BBCrow[0] >= 365: BBCrow[1] += int(BBCrow[0]) elif row[0] == 'TSYS': pass elif row[0] != '!' and len(s) == 4+nRecChan: t = parsetime(s[0]+'-'+s[1]+':0') dt = 0.0 line = "%10.7f %9.7f %d" % (calctime(t, startyear, startdoy, useMJD), dt, nRecChan) for i in range(nRecChan): line += (' %s %s' % (s[2+i], recvName[i])) TS.append(line) return TS, BBCmap def writetable(table, filename, ants, tablename, columncount): filename = lower(filename) # to ensure some uniformity print 'Writing %s' % filename f = open(filename, 'w') stdout.write('%s:' % tablename) for a in ants: if table.has_key(a): t = table[a] stdout.write(' %s' % a) for row in t: if row[0] == '#': f.write('%s\n' % row) else: if columncount > 0: s = split(row) data = a for i in range(columncount-1): data += ' ' + s[i] f.write('%s\n' % data) else: f.write('%s %s\n' % (a, row)) f.close() stdout.write('\n') def findantennas(sections): ants = [] for s in sections: for a in sections[s].keys(): if not a in ants: ants.append(a) ants.sort() return ants def getIsMark5C(): ldir = lower(getcwd()) if find(ldir, 'mark5a') >= 0: return 0 else: return 1 # -- main() ----------------- sections = {} ants = [] useMJD = False antArg = None isMark5C = -1 exper = '' getexper = False takeproject = True for a in argv[1:]: if a[0] == '-': getexper = False if lower(a) in ['-h', '--help']: usage() elif lower(a) in ['-m', '--mjd']: useMJD = True elif lower(a) in ['-a', '--mark5a']: isMark5C = 0 elif lower(a) in ['-c', '--mark5c']: isMark5C = 1 elif lower(a) in ['-e', '--exper']: getexper = True else: print 'unrecongized option %s' % a exit(0) elif getexper: getexper = False exper = a takeproject = False elif len(sections) == 0: inputFile = a try: sections, startyear, startdoy = chop(inputFile) except IOError: print 'Error opening %s' % inputFile; exit(0) elif antArg == None: antArg = a else: usage() if getexper: print 'An experiment name is needed when supplied with -e / --exper' exit(0) if exper != '' and takeproject: print 'Cannot simultaneously specify -p / --project and -e / --exper' exit(0) if len(sections) == 0: usage() if takeproject: # project code is between last / (if any) and "cal.vlba" p = find(inputFile, 'cal.vlba') q = rfind(inputFile, '/')+1 if p < 0: print 'cannot use -p / --project option with a filename unless it contains cal.vlba' exit(0) exper = inputFile[q:p] if antArg != None: ants = split(antArg, ',') else: ants = findantennas(sections) if len(ants) == 0: usage() if isMark5C < 0: isMark5C = getIsMark5C() print 'It looks like the observation started on day %d of year %d' % (startdoy, startyear) print 'Processing antennas:', ants BBCs = {} TSs = {} PHs = {} WRs = {} FGs = {} system('mkdir -p %s' % jobdir) for a in ants: ts, bbc = makeTS(sections, a, startyear, startdoy, useMJD) if ts != None: BBCs[a] = bbc TSs[a] = ts wx = makeWR(sections, a, startyear, startdoy, useMJD) if wx != None: WRs[a] = wx for a in ants: if BBCs.has_key(a): fg = makeFG(sections, BBCs, a, startyear, startdoy, useMJD) if fg == None: continue FGs[a] = fg ph = makePH(sections, BBCs, a, startyear, startdoy, useMJD) if ph != None: PHs[a] = ph for a in ants: writetable(FGs, '%s/%s.%s.flag' % (jobdir, exper, a), [a], 'FG', 0) if isMark5C > 0: # the tsys and pcal values here are not useful writetable(PHs, '%s/%s.%s.cablecal' % (jobdir, exper, a), [a], 'PH', 4) else: writetable(TSs, '%s/%s.%s.tsys' % (jobdir, exper, a), [a], 'TS', 0) writetable(PHs, '%s/%s.%s.pcal' % (jobdir, exper, a), [a], 'PH', 0) writetable(WRs, '%s/%s.%s.weather' % (jobdir, exper, a), [a], 'WR', 0) # add comment to and rename the cal.vlba file to deter Mark5C users from using it if isMark5C > 0 and 'legacy' not in inputFile: if inputFile[-3:] == '.gz': outputFile = inputFile[:-3] + '.legacy' data = gzip.open(inputFile, 'r').readlines() else: outputFile = inputFile + '.legacy' data = open(inputFile, 'r').readlines() o = open(outputFile, 'w') o.write('*** --- WARNING ----- WARNING ----- WARNING ----- WARNING ----- WARNING ---- ***\n') o.write('*** This file contains system temperature and pulse cal data from the LEGACY ***\n') o.write('*** VLBA system. The signal path and maybe the channelization is different ***\n') o.write('*** from that used for RDBE/MARK5C based observations. Do not use the pulse ***\n') o.write('*** cal data for calibration and only use the Tsys data if you really ***\n') o.write('*** understand what you are doing. These data are mainly for use in system ***\n') o.write('*** debugging. ***\n') o.write('*** -------------------------------------------------------------------------***\n\n') for d in data: o.write(d) o.close() system('gzip %s' % outputFile) system('mv %s /tmp' % inputFile) print '%s has been renamed %s and a warning has' % (inputFile, outputFile) print 'been added. The original file has been moved to /tmp which will be' print 'deleted in some number of days.'