1. Create run script In order to run difx in interactive or batch mode a script has been prepared that will create a shell script "run.sh" which can be submitted or run interactivly. It is located here: /fred/oz168/mdutka/testdata/rdv70/setup_run.py Here are a few examples of running the script. The default setup file is located here /fred/oz168/mdutka/setup/setup_difx and the default number of processes matches the rdv70 example. The number of processes depends on the number of antennas in your experiment in the following way: numprocesses = numantennas + 2 Create run script using defaults: ./setup_run.py example_1 Create run script specifying a difx setup file and number of processes. ./setup_run.py --difx_setup /fred/oz168/mdutka/setup/setup_difx --numprocesses 8 example_1 print usage help for the script ./setup_run.py -h 2. Run "run.sh in interactive mode This command will provide an interactive terminal where you can run "run.sh". In this example 32 cores have been allocated for 30 minutes and we've allocated 64 gigabytes of memory. sinteractive --ntasks=32 --time=30:00 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=2000 Once an interactive session has been assinged simply run run.sh ./run.sh 3. Submit "run.sh" as batch job using the same options sbatch --ntasks=32 --time=30:00 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=2000 run.sh