C*ERROR -- print error message on stdout, and abort [Convex-UNIX] C+ SUBROUTINE ERROR(STRING) CHARACTER*(*) STRING C C This subroutine prints its argument (a character string) on the C standard output, prefixed with '++ERROR++', and then terminates C execution of the program, returning an error status to its parent C (shell or command interpreter). C C Argument: C STRING (input) : text of message C C Subroutines required: C EXIT C PUTOUT C C History: C 1987 Apr 8 - TJP. C 1996 May 31 - RCW. Deal with f2c reluctance to concatenate strings C declared with *(*). C INTEGER LEN1 CHARACTER*133 MSG C----------------------------------------------------------------------- MSG = STRING CALL PUTOUT('+++ERROR+++ '//MSG(1:LEN1(MSG)) ) CALL EXIT(1) C END