INTEGER FUNCTION RDSRC( IUNIT, OPENIT, FILE ) C C RDSRC is a routine to read an entry of the source catalog. C The catalog is assumed to be in a KEYIN readable format. C C Input parameters: INTEGER IUNIT ! Unit number read from. LOGICAL OPENIT ! Open file on first call. See below. CHARACTER*(*) FILE ! File name of catalog. C C The value of RDSRC on return is: C 0 if a line was successfully read. C 1 if an end-of-file or an "ENDCAT" is encountered. All C catalogentries should terminate with a '/' so if RDSRC=1, C assume that no new data has been read. C C Data from the catalog is returned via COMMON's specified in the C include file, The calling program should use that C file. If new parameters are added to the catalog, it should C only be necessary to relink old programs that don't use them. C C OPENIT controls whether or not the catalog file is opened on C the first read and closed when an EOF or parameter ENDCAT is C reached. C Set OPENIT=.TRUE. for normal reading of external catalog files. C Set OPENIT=.FALSE. if no open or close is desired - eg. if the C catalog information is imbedded in the calling program's main C input. C Use ENDCAT to terminate catalog input in such cases. C C The number of variables should be kept small for efficient reading C of large catalogs. C C R. C. Walker, Dec. 19, 1988. C 12 character source names, Nov. 10, 1994 C Make the final "R" on DECERR and RAERR optional to match Petrov's C catalogs. Mar 7, 2014 RCW. C C C Include file. C INCLUDE '' C C Constants: C REAL*8 PI, RADDS, RADHS, UNSET PARAMETER (PI=3.141592653589793238D0) PARAMETER (RADDS=PI/180.D0/3600.D0) PARAMETER (RADHS=PI/12.D0/3600.D0) PARAMETER (UNSET=-9999.D0) C C Internal variables. C INTEGER IER, VLBOPE, I, I1 REAL CONT REAL*8 BLANK1, BLANK8, NONAME LOGICAL FOPEN CHARACTER*50 CNAME CHARACTER*255 RESULT SAVE BLANK1, BLANK8, NONAME, FOPEN, CONT C C Catalog input parameters. Catalog is read with KEYIN. C The items starting with PT are pointers. They are used rather C than calls to KEYPTR every time for efficiency (source catalogs C are big and take a while to read). C INTEGER MSRP, MODE, KEYPTR PARAMETER (MSRP=130) INTEGER KI(MSRP) CHARACTER KC(MSRP)*8, KCHAR*256, LASTFILE*80 DOUBLE PRECISION KD(MSRP*2), ENDMRK LOGICAL GOTKEYS SAVE KI, KC, KD, ENDMRK, GOTKEYS, LASTFILE C C Pointers (sort of - array indices anyway). C INTEGER PTSO, PTRA, PTDEC, PTRAE, PTDECE INTEGER PTC, PTV, PTVR, PTVD INTEGER PTEN, PTPM, PTDRA, PTDDEC, PTPRA, PTPDEC INTEGER PTPAR, PTPARL, PTRE, PTVER, PTFLX, PTFREF SAVE PTSO, PTRA, PTDEC, PTRAE, PTDECE SAVE PTC, PTV, PTVR, PTVD SAVE PTEN, PTPM, PTDRA, PTDDEC, PTPRA, PTPDEC SAVE PTPAR, PTPARL, PTRE, PTVER, PTFLX, PTFREF C DATA FOPEN / .FALSE. / DATA GOTKEYS / .FALSE. / DATA LASTFILE / ' ' / DATA (KI(I),I=1,3) / MSRP, 0, 3 / C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C Set up the key words if needed. C IF( .NOT. GOTKEYS ) THEN CALL KPACK( '/ ', ENDMRK ) CALL KPACK( 'NONAME ', NONAME ) CALL KPACK( ' ', BLANK8 ) CALL KPACK( ' ', BLANK1 ) CALL KPACK4( 'CONT', CONT ) DO I = 1, 10 CALL KEYCHR( 'SOURCE', ' ', 16, KD, KC, KI ) END DO CALL KEYADD( 'RA', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'DEc', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'RAERr', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'DECERr', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'EPoch', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'EQuinox', ' ', 8, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'Calcode', ' ', 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'VElocity', 0.D0, MVEL, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'VDef', 'R', 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'VRef', 'L', 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'ENdcat', UNSET, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'PMEPOCH', 0.D0, 4, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'DRA', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'DDEC', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'PMRA', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'PMDEC', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) C C Oops, had a spelling problem and don't want to C kill old files while correcting it. C CALL KEYADD( 'PARALAX', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'PARALLAX', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'REmarks', ' ', 80, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'VERSION', 'Not given', 20, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'FLUX', 0.D0, 30, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'FLUXREF', ' ', 15, KD, KC, KI ) GOTKEYS = .TRUE. C C Get the pointers. C PTSO = KEYPTR( 'SOURCE', KC, KI ) PTRA = KEYPTR( 'RA', KC, KI ) PTDEC = KEYPTR( 'DEc', KC, KI ) PTRAE = KEYPTR( 'RAERr', KC, KI ) PTDECE = KEYPTR( 'DECERr', KC, KI ) PTC = KEYPTR( 'Calcode', KC, KI ) PTV = KEYPTR( 'VElocity', KC, KI ) PTVR = KEYPTR( 'VRef', KC, KI ) PTVD = KEYPTR( 'VDef', KC, KI ) PTEN = KEYPTR( 'ENdcat', KC, KI ) PTPM = KEYPTR( 'PMEPOCH', KC, KI ) PTDRA = KEYPTR( 'DRA', KC, KI ) PTDDEC = KEYPTR( 'DDEC', KC, KI ) PTPRA = KEYPTR( 'PMRA', KC, KI ) PTPDEC = KEYPTR( 'PMDEC', KC, KI ) PTPAR = KEYPTR( 'PARALAX', KC, KI ) PTPARL = KEYPTR( 'PARALLAX', KC, KI ) PTRE = KEYPTR( 'REmarks', KC, KI ) PTVER = KEYPTR( 'VERSION', KC, KI ) PTFLX = KEYPTR( 'FLUX', KC, KI ) PTFREF = KEYPTR( 'FLUXREF', KC, KI ) END IF C C Open the file if requested. C IF( OPENIT .AND. .NOT. FOPEN ) THEN IER = VLBOPE( IUNIT, FILE, 'TEXT', 'OLD', RESULT ) IF( IER .EQ. 0 ) THEN CALL PUTOUT( RESULT ) CNAME = FILE CALL ERROR( 'Source catalog: '//CNAME//' not opened' ) END IF FOPEN = .TRUE. C END IF C C Set parameters defaults before reading new line. C MODE = 0 C C Source. There are two cells in KD for each source. C KD(PTSO) = NONAME DO I = 2, 2*MAL KD(PTSO-1+I) = BLANK8 END DO C KD(PTRA) = 0.D0 KD(PTDEC) = -324000.D0 KD(PTRAE) = 0.D0 KD(PTDECE) = 0.D0 KD(PTC) = BLANK1 C DO I = 1, MVEL KD(PTV-1+I) = UNSET END DO KD(PTEN) = UNSET C DO I = 1, 4 KD(PTPM-1+I) = 0.D0 END DO KD(PTDRA) = 0.D0 KD(PTDDEC) = 0.D0 KD(PTPRA) = 0.D0 KD(PTPDEC) = 0.D0 KD(PTPAR) = 0.D0 KD(PTPARL) = 0.D0 C DO I = 1, 10 KD(PTRE-1+I) = BLANK8 END DO C C EPOCH and EQUINOX default to the previous value so they need C not be given for every source, although that is safer in C case a source of different equinox is inserted into the catalog. C But reset EPOCH and EQUINOX if starting a new file. C Also reset VERSION. C IF( FILE .NE. LASTFILE ) THEN KD( KEYPTR( 'EPoch', KC, KI ) ) = 0.D0 KD( KEYPTR( 'EQuinox', KC, KI ) ) = BLANK8 LASTFILE = FILE CALL KPACK( 'Not give', KD(PTVER) ) CALL KPACK( 'n ', KD(PTVER+1) ) CALL KPACK( ' ', KD(PTVER+2) ) END IF C DO I = 1, 30 KD(PTFLX-1+I) = 0.D0 END DO DO I = 1, 2 KD(PTFREF-1+I) = BLANK8 END DO C C C C Read the catalog line with KEYIN. C C C CALL KEYIN( KD(MSRP+1), KD, KI(2), ENDMRK, MODE, IUNIT, 6 ) C C C IF( MODE .EQ. 1 .OR. KD(PTEN) .EQ. 0.D0 ) THEN IF( OPENIT .AND. FOPEN ) CLOSE( UNIT=IUNIT ) FOPEN = .FALSE. RDSRC = 1 GO TO 990 END IF C C Get the catalog version. C SRCVER = KCHAR( 'VERSION', 20, .FALSE., KD, KC, KI ) C C Get the source names. C RDSRC = 0 DO I = 1, MAL I1 = PTSO + 2 * ( I - 1 ) WRITE( SRCNAM(I), '(2A8)' ) KD(I1), KD(I1+1) END DO C C Get the source velocities C DO I = 1, MVEL SRCVEL(I) = KD(PTV-1+I) IF( KD(PTV-1+I) .EQ. UNSET ) SRCVEL(I) = CONT END DO WRITE( SRCVREF, '(A1)' ) KD(PTVR) CALL UPCASE( SRCVREF ) WRITE( SRCVDEF, '(A1)' ) KD(PTVD) CALL UPCASE( SRCVDEF ) C C Get the proper and planetary motion information. C Assume that the proper motion and paralax come in as mas C but SCHED wants arcseconds. C SRCPMY = KD(PTPM) SRCPMM = KD(PTPM+1) SRCPMD = KD(PTPM+2) SRCPMT = KD(PTPM+3) * RADHS SRCDRA = KD(PTDRA) SRCDDEC = KD(PTDDEC) SRCPMRA = KD(PTPRA) / 1000.D0 SRCPMDEC = KD(PTPDEC)/ 1000.D0 C Deal with that spelling problem. Give the correct spelling C priority, but take the other if that is used. SRCPARA = KD(PTPARL) / 1000.D0 IF( KD(PTPARL) .EQ. 0.D0 .AND. KD(PTPAR) .NE. 0.D0 ) THEN SRCPARA = KD(PTPAR) / 1000.D0 END IF C C Comment. C SRCRMK = KCHAR( 'REmarks', 80, .FALSE., KD, KC, KI ) C C Get the source position. Errors are assumed to be in mas. C SRCRA = KD(PTRA) * RADHS SRCDEC = KD(PTDEC) * RADDS SRCRAE = KD(PTRAE) SRCDECE = KD(PTDECE) C C Get the epoch and equinox. Just return these to the C calling routines. I could fix things here if EPOCH C is used instead of equinox, but the important case C is SCHED and I want access to it's logging utilities for C the warnings etc. C SRCEQ = KCHAR( 'EQuinox', 8, .TRUE., KD, KC, KI ) SRCEPOT = KD( KEYPTR( 'EPoch', KC, KI ) ) C C Cal code. C WRITE( SRCCAL, '(A1)' ) KD(PTC) CALL UPCASE( SRCCAL ) C C Fluxes C DO I = 1, 30 SRCFLUX(I) = KD(PTFLX-1+I) END DO SRCFREF = KCHAR( 'FLUXREF', 15, .FALSE., KD, KC, KI ) C 990 RETURN END