SUBROUTINE RDLOC( JERR ) C C Routine used by RDSTN to read a separate station locations file if C one is to be used. The locations file only contains station C position information (in X, Y, Z), rates, and some history. In C the SCHED implementation, it is derived from the VLBA correlator C data base and is managed separately from the stations file. The C stations file can contain all position information too and any C position information there will override what is in the locations C file. If the open fails, control will be returned to the calling C routine and IER is set to 1. The calling routine can decide C whether or not this was bad. This routine is only expected C to be called once. It will not attempt to append to the C results from a previous read. The only parameters actually C saved are STNAME and the X, Y, Z coordinates. C C Most of the input variables are the duplicates of ones in C the stations catalog. C C The file name is kept in the include file. C C Note that unit 24 is used so the calling routine should avoid that C unit number. C INCLUDE '' C INTEGER IUNIT, JERR, IER PARAMETER (IUNIT=24) C C Catalog input parameters. C INTEGER MLO, I, IPTR, MODE PARAMETER (MLO = 25) INTEGER KI(MLO), KEYPTR, VLBOPE CHARACTER KC(MLO)*8, KCHAR*256, TEXT*80, RESULT*256 DOUBLE PRECISION KD(MLO*2), ENDMRK, BLANK LOGICAL EXISTS C for commented out statement INTEGER LEN1 C DATA (KI(I),I=1,3) / MLO, 0, 3 / C ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C First attempt to open the locations catalog. C JERR = 0 INQUIRE( FILE=LOCFILE, EXIST=EXISTS ) IF( .NOT. EXISTS ) THEN JERR = 1 ELSE IER = VLBOPE( IUNIT, LOCFILE, 'TEXT', 'OLD', RESULT ) IF( IER .EQ. 0 ) THEN JERR = 1 END IF END IF IF( JERR .EQ. 0 ) THEN C Leave this announcement for the calling programs. C Otherwise, I can't get it to the SCHED logfile. C CALL PUTOUT( 'RDLOC: Reading locations file '// C 1 LOCFILE(1:LEN1(LOCFILE)) ) JERR = 0 CALL KPACK( '/ ', ENDMRK ) CALL KPACK( ' ', BLANK ) C C Set up the variables. C CALL KEYCHR( 'VERSION', 'Not known', 20, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'DBNAME', ' ', 10, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'DBCODE', ' ', 4, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYCHR( 'FRAME', ' ', 80, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'AXISTYPE', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'AXISOFF', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'X', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'Y', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'Z', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'DXDT', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'DYDT', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'DZDT', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) CALL KEYADD( 'EPOCH', 0.D0, 1, KD, KC, KI ) C C The reading loop. C NDB = 0 100 CONTINUE C C Reset the defaults. C IPTR = KEYPTR( 'DBNAME', KC, KI ) KD(IPTR) = BLANK KD(IPTR+1) = BLANK KD( KEYPTR( 'DBCODE', KC, KI ) ) = BLANK IPTR = KEYPTR( 'FRAME', KC, KI ) - 1 DO I = 1, 10 KD(IPTR+I) = BLANK END DO KD( KEYPTR( 'X', KC, KI ) ) = 0.0D0 KD( KEYPTR( 'Y', KC, KI ) ) = 0.0D0 KD( KEYPTR( 'Z', KC, KI ) ) = 0.0D0 KD( KEYPTR( 'DXDT', KC, KI ) ) = 0.0D0 KD( KEYPTR( 'DYDT', KC, KI ) ) = 0.0D0 KD( KEYPTR( 'DZDT', KC, KI ) ) = 0.0D0 KD( KEYPTR( 'EPOCH', KC, KI ) ) = 0.0D0 KD( KEYPTR( 'AXISTYPE', KC, KI ) ) = BLANK KD( KEYPTR( 'AXISOFF', KC, KI ) ) = 0.0D0 C C Call KEYIN to get the data record. C MODE = 0 CALL KEYIN( KD(MLO+1), KD, KI(2), ENDMRK, MODE, IUNIT, 6 ) IF( MODE .EQ. 1 ) THEN GO TO 990 ELSE NDB = NDB + 1 IF( NDB .GT. MDB ) THEN WRITE( TEXT, '( A, I5 )' ) 1 'RDLOC: Too many stations in location file. Max:', 2 MDB CALL ERROR( TEXT ) END IF C C Extract the data. C DBVER = KCHAR( 'VERSION', 20, .FALSE., KD, KC, KI ) DBNAME(NDB) = KCHAR( 'DBNAME', 10, .FALSE., KD, KC, KI ) DBCODE(NDB) = KCHAR( 'DBCODE', 4, .FALSE., KD, KC, KI ) DBFRM(NDB) = KCHAR( 'FRAME', 80, .FALSE., KD, KC, KI ) DBX(NDB) = KD( KEYPTR( 'X', KC, KI ) ) DBY(NDB) = KD( KEYPTR( 'Y', KC, KI ) ) DBZ(NDB) = KD( KEYPTR( 'Z', KC, KI ) ) DBDX(NDB) = KD( KEYPTR( 'DXDT', KC, KI ) ) DBDY(NDB) = KD( KEYPTR( 'DYDT', KC, KI ) ) DBDZ(NDB) = KD( KEYPTR( 'DZDT', KC, KI ) ) DBEPO(NDB) = KD( KEYPTR( 'EPOCH', KC, KI ) ) DBDBA(NDB) = KCHAR( 'AXISTYPE', 5, .TRUE., KD, KC, KI ) DBOFF(NDB) = KD( KEYPTR( 'AXISOFF', KC, KI ) ) C C Adjust for various varients on the axis type spec, C especially for altaz mounts. C Note also that some mount types in locations.dat of C mid 2010 are simply wrong - like Hobart. C As far as I know, DBDBA is not used anywhere. The C axis type is also in stations.dat and that is the one C that is used. C IF( DBDBA(NDB) .EQ. 'ALTZ' .OR. 1 DBDBA(NDB) .EQ. 'ALTA' ) THEN DBDBA(NDB) = 'ALTAZ' END IF C C Go back for next record. C GO TO 100 END IF 990 CONTINUE C C Close the file. C CLOSE( UNIT=IUNIT ) C END IF C RETURN END