#!/usr/bin/env python import datetime import cx_Oracle from sys import argv, exit from os import getenv, environ, popen, umask, getcwd, system from os.path import isfile from string import find, upper, lower, strip, split newDB = True try: import psycopg2 except: newDB = False print 'psycopg2 not found. Processing Mark5C data not possible' program = 'db2vex' author = 'Walter Brisken' version = '0.18' verdate = '20150414' # Name of the Oracle VLBA legacy database databaseName = getenv("VLBA_DB") # Name of the Postgres VLBA database based on EVLA newDatabaseName = getenv("VLBAMPTS_DB") if newDatabaseName == None: newDB = False if 'EVLAMPTS_DB' in environ: vlaDatabaseName = getenv('EVLAMPTS_DB') else: vlaDatabaseName = None mjd0 = datetime.datetime(1858, 11, 17, 0, 0) def usage(pgm): print '%s ver %s %s %s\n' % (program, version, author, verdate) print 'A program to append monitor data to a vex file for software correlation.\n' print 'Usage: %s [options] [] [] ...\n' % pgm print 'options can be:\n' print ' --help' print ' -h print this message and quit\n' print ' --verbose' print ' -v print more diagnostics to screen\n' print ' --force' print ' -f run even if means overwriting exisiting files\n' print ' --preobs' print ' -p run in preobs mode: use projected clocks and no TAPELOG_OBS\n' print ' --usno' print ' -u force to run in USNO Mark5C mode' print ' --vsnProjectCode ' print ' use provided project code in VSN DB queries\n' print ' is a vex file produced by sched (usually ending in .vex)\n' print ' is a field system log file\n' print 'Example: db2vex bj061h.vex\n' exit(0) # Splits a combined obs code into its proposal and segment portions def splitobscode(exper): obsSeg = '' proposal = exper[:] if len(proposal) > 3: if proposal[0].isalpha() and proposal[1].isalpha() and proposal[2].isdigit(): for i in range(3, len(proposal)): if proposal[i].isalpha(): obsSeg = proposal[i:] proposal = proposal[0:i] break if proposal[0].isalpha() and proposal[1].isdigit(): for i in range(2, len(proposal)): if proposal[i].isalpha(): obsSeg = proposal[i:] proposal = proposal[0:i] break return proposal, obsSeg # Returns obsCode, obsSeg, { ANT : [startmjd, stopmjd] } def vexPeek(vexFile, verbose): cmd = 'vexpeek %s' % vexFile if verbose > 0: print 'Executing command: %s' % cmd p = popen(cmd) data = p.readlines() if len(data) == 0: return 'Error', 'Error', 'Error' obsCode = upper(strip(data[0])) obsSeg = '' if obsCode[0:5] == 'ERROR': return 'Error', 'Error', 'Error' if len(obsCode) > 3: if obsCode[0].isalpha() and obsCode[1].isalpha() and obsCode[2].isdigit(): for i in range(3, len(obsCode)): if obsCode[i].isalpha(): obsSeg = obsCode[i:] obsCode = obsCode[0:i] break; if obsCode[0].isalpha() and obsCode[1].isdigit(): for i in range(2, len(obsCode)): if obsCode[i].isalpha(): obsSeg = obsCode[i:] obsCode = obsCode[0:i] break; stationTimes = {} for d in data[1:]: s = split(strip(d)) stationTimes[upper(s[0])] = [float(s[1]), float(s[2])] print 'This is experiment %s %s' % (obsCode, obsSeg) return obsCode, obsSeg, stationTimes def calcExperTimes(stationTimes): start = 1.0e9 stop = -1.0e9 keys = stationTimes.keys() for key in keys: s = stationTimes[key] if s[0] < start: start = s[0] if s[1] > stop: stop = s[1] return [start, stop] def mjdCenter(stationTimes): start = 1.0e10 stop = 0.0 for s in stationTimes: a = stationTimes[s][0] b = stationTimes[s][1] if a < start: start = a if b > stop: stop = b return (start + stop)*0.5 def mjd2vex(mjd, dateonly=False): md = [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334] d = int(mjd) s = int((mjd - d)*86400.0 + 0.5) dt = datetime.timedelta(d, s) t = mjd0 + dt d = t.day + md[t.month-1] if t.year % 4 == 0 and t.month > 2: d += 1 if dateonly: return '%dy%03dd' % (t.year, d) else: return '%dy%03dd%02dh%02dm%02ds' % (t.year, d, t.hour, t.minute, t.second) def mjd2date(mjd): mon = ['JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC'] dt = datetime.timedelta(int(mjd+0.5/86400.0), 0) t = mjd0 + dt return '%02d-%s-%04d' % (t.day, mon[t.month-1], t.year) def Ulow(s): return upper(s[0]) + lower(s[1:]) def calcMJD(t): if type(t) == type(1.1): return t # must already be an mjd # otherwise assume it is a unix time dt = t - mjd0 mjd = dt.days + dt.seconds/86400.0 return mjd def day2mjd(year, doy): return (datetime.datetime(int(year), 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(int(doy)-1) - mjd0).days def getFSTime(str): if str[0:2] != '20': # work for years >= 2000, < 2100 return -1.0 if str[14] != ':': return -1.0 y = int(str[0:4]) d = int(str[5:8]) h = int(str[9:11]) m = int(str[12:14]) s = float(str[15:20]) return day2mjd(y, d) + h/24.0 + m/1440.0 + s/86400.0 def oh2zero(x): return x.replace('O', '0') def zero2oh(x): y = "" before = True for i in range(len(x)): if before and x[i] == '0': y += 'O' else: y += x[i] if x[i] == '+' or x[i] == '-': before = False return y def getShelf(shelves, vsn): for s in shelves: if oh2zero(s[0]) == oh2zero(vsn): return s[1] return 'none' def getShelvesFromDB(db, verbose): cursor = db.cursor() query = "select * from SHELVES" if verbose > 0: print 'Executing database query: %s' % query cursor.execute(query) shelves = cursor.fetchall() return shelves def getTapesFromDBbyTime(db, startMJD, stopMJD, stn, verbose): # select time range that encompases a bit more than the whole experiment # better to be overly inclusive here! start = mjd2date(startMJD - 1.0) stop = mjd2date(stopMJD + 1.0) cursor = db.cursor() query = "select * from TAPE where EPOCH BETWEEN '%s' and '%s' and UNIT IN (4,5) and STAID = '%s' order by STAID,EPOCH" % (start, stop, stn) if verbose > 0: print 'Executing database query: %s' % query cursor.execute(query) tapes = cursor.fetchall() return tapes def getActiveBankFromNewDB(newDb, startMJD, stopMJD, isMark5C, stations, verbose): unitName = ['A', '1', '2', 'usno'][isMark5C] start = startMJD - 0.1 stop = stopMJD + 0.1 activeBanks = [] nbad = 0 cursor = newDb.cursor() for station in stations: stn = lower(station) if stn == 'y': stn = 'ea' if isMark5C == 3: hostlist = "'%s-mark5c-usno'" % stn else: hostlist = "'%s-mark5c-1', '%s-mark5c-2'" % (stn, stn) query = "select * from mcdata where hostname IN (%s) and devicename='MARK5C' and monpointname='ActiveBank' and timestamp > %10.4f and timestamp < %10.4f order by timestamp" % (hostlist, start, stop) if verbose > 0: print 'Executing database query: %s' % query cursor.execute(query) list = cursor.fetchall() if verbose > 0: print '%d rows found' % len(list) for l in list: if verbose > 1: print l s = split(l[0], '-') if len(s) != 3: # hostname should look something like nl-mark5c-1 nbad += 1 continue # for now, just assign 0 or 1, but only look at relevant units if s[2] != unitName: continue row = [upper(station), l[3], l[5]] # station, time, bank activeBanks.append(row) if nbad > 0: print 'Warning: getActiveBankFromNewDB: %d records had something wrong with them!' % nbad return activeBanks def processMark5C(monData): vsn = ['', ''] recvsn = '' recStart = -1 recStop = -1 recBank = -1 active = -1 # or 0 or 1 rate = 0 N = len(monData) scans = [] for m in monData: N -= 1 action = '' dev = m[0] mpt = m[1] t = m[2] v = m[3] s = m[4] if s == None: s = '' if mpt == 'VSN': if dev in ['BANK0', 'BANKA']: b = 0 elif dev in ['BANK1', 'BANKB']: b = 1 else: b = -1 if b != -1: if active == b and s != vsn[b] and s != '': action = 'stop' vsn[b] = s elif mpt == 'RecordingRate': if v == 0 and rate > 0: action = 'stop' elif v > 0 and rate == 0 and active >= 0: action = 'start' rate = v elif mpt == 'RecordState': if v > 0 and recStart < 0 and active >= 0: action = 'start' elif v == 0 and recStart > 0: action = 'stop' elif mpt == 'ActiveBank': if (v == -1 or v != active) and recStart > 0: action = 'stop' active = int(v) if N == 0: action = 'stop' if action == 'stop' and recStart > 0: recStop = t scans.append([recStart, recStop, recvsn, recBank]) recStart = -1 elif action == 'start' and recStart < 0: recvsn = vsn[active] recStart = t recStop = -1 recBank = active blocks = [] lastblock = None for scan in scans: if lastblock == None: lastblock = [scan[0], scan[1], scan[2], scan[3]] blocks.append(lastblock) elif lastblock[2] != scan[2]: lastblock = [scan[0], scan[1], scan[2], scan[3]] blocks.append(lastblock) elif scan[0] - lastblock[1] > 20.0/1440.0: lastblock = [scan[0], scan[1], scan[2], scan[3]] blocks.append(lastblock) else: lastblock[1] = scan[1] return blocks def queryMark5C(db, startMJD, stopMJD, station, verbose): cursor = db.cursor() stn = lower(station) if stn == 'y': stn = 'ea' hostlist = "'%s-mark5c-1', '%s-mark5c-2'" % (stn, stn) query = "SELECT devicename,monpointname,timestamp,monpointvalue,monpointstr FROM mcdata WHERE hostname IN (%s) AND ((devicename IN ('BANK0', 'BANK1', 'BANKA', 'BANKB') AND monpointname='VSN') OR (devicename = 'MARK5C' AND monpointname IN ('ScanLabel', 'RecordingRate', 'ActiveBank', 'RecordState'))) AND timestamp BETWEEN %10.4f AND %10.4f ORDER BY timestamp" % (hostlist, startMJD, stopMJD) if verbose > 1: print 'Executing: %s' % query cursor.execute(query) monData = cursor.fetchall() print '%d Mark5C mon data points found for station %s' % (len(monData), stn) if verbose > 2: fn = '/tmp/%s.mon' % station print 'Writing mon data for %s to %s' % (station, fn) f = open(fn, 'w') for m in monData: f.write('%s\n' % str(m)) f.close() return monData def genMark5CBlocks(stn, tapes, banks): blocks = [] recorder = -1 VSN = {-1:'', 0:'', 1:'', 2:'', 3:'', 4:'', 5:''} nTape = len(tapes) nBank = len(banks) t = 0 b = 0 while(1): if t == nTape and b == nBank: break if b == nBank or (t < nTape and tapes[t][3] < banks[b][1]): # time to handle a tape row if tapes[t][2] == stn and recorder >= 0: if tapes[t][4] != VSN[recorder]: if recorder == tapes[t][5] and VSN[recorder] != None and len(VSN[recorder]) == 8: # set end time for the last entry blocks[-1][1] = tapes[t][3] VSN[tapes[t][5]] = tapes[t][4] if recorder == tapes[t][5] and VSN[recorder] != None and len(VSN[recorder]) == 8: # start new entry blocks.append([tapes[t][3], 0, VSN[recorder], recorder]) elif VSN[recorder] != None and len(VSN[recorder]) == 8: blocks[-1][1] = tapes[t][3] t += 1 else: # time to handle a bank row if banks[b][0] == stn: if int(banks[b][2])+4 != recorder: if recorder == tapes[t][5] and VSN[recorder] != None and len(VSN[recorder]) == 8: # set end time for the last entry blocks[-1][1] = banks[b][1] recorder = int(banks[b][2])+4 if recorder == tapes[t][5] and VSN[recorder] != None and len(VSN[recorder]) == 8: # start new entry blocks.append([banks[b][1], 0, VSN[recorder], recorder]) elif VSN[recorder] != None and len(VSN[recorder]) == 8: blocks[-1][1] = tapes[t][3] b += 1 # if no end time was set, set it here if len(blocks) > 0 and blocks[-1][2] == 0: blocks.pop() return blocks def getVSN(vsns, stn, unitNumber, t): vsn = 'none' if not stn in vsns: return vsn for v in vsns[stn]: if t + 0.5/86400.0 >= v[0] and unitNumber == v[2]: vsn = v[1] return vsn def getTapeMotionFromDB(db, prop, seg, stn, verbose): cursor = db.cursor() collect = "STAID,TAPESPEED1,TAPESPEED2,START_TIME,STOP_TIME" if len(seg) > 0: query = "select %s from OBSSTA where STAID='%s' and PROPOSAL='%s' and SEGMENT='%s' order by START_TIME" % (collect, stn, prop, seg) else: query = "select %s from OBSSTA where STAID='%s' and PROPOSAL='%s' order by START_TIME" % (collect, stn, prop) if verbose > 0: print 'Executing database query: %s' % query cursor.execute(query) motions = cursor.fetchall() return motions def getClockFromDB(db, stn, timerange, verbose): gps_offsets = [] clocks = [] cursor = db.cursor() query = "select VERSION,GPS_EPOCH,GPS_OFFSET from STATIONS where STN_ID='%s' order by VERSION,GPS_EPOCH" % stn if verbose > 0: print 'Executing database query: %s' % query cursor.execute(query) gps_offsets = cursor.fetchall() if len(gps_offsets) == 0: return [] gps_offset = gps_offsets[-1][-1] cursor = db.cursor() query = "select * from CLOCKS where STAID='%s' order by EPOCH_STOP,VERSION" % stn if verbose > 0: print 'Executing database query: %s' % query cursor.execute(query) allclocks = cursor.fetchall() # there has got to be a way to put this in the SQL query... ac = allclocks allclocks = [] for a in ac: if a[-1] != None: allclocks.append(a) if len(allclocks) == 0: return [] if preobs: clocks = [allclocks[-1]] else: clocks = [] for c in allclocks: if c[6] == None: if calcMJD(c[1]) < 51544.0: continue else: clocks.append(c) break; mjd = calcMJD(c[6]) if mjd > timerange[0]: clocks.append(c) if mjd > timerange[1]: break; v = [] start = timerange[0] for c in clocks: v.append( (start, c[4]+gps_offset, calcMJD(c[1]), c[5], gps_offset*1.0e6) ) if c[6] != None: start = calcMJD(c[6]) return v def getEarthFromDB(db, centerMJD, verbose, preobs): cursor = db.cursor() startMJD = int(centerMJD+0.5) - 2 stopMJD = int(centerMJD+0.5) + 2 vals = {} # indexed by mjd eops = [] ver = ' * data versions = ' origin = ' * data origins = ' ut1_utc = ' ut1-utc = ' x_pole = ' x_wobble = ' y_pole = ' y_wobble = ' eops.append("$EOP;\n") nPredict = 0; # extract raw eop data from legacy database for m in range(startMJD, stopMJD+1): d = mjd2date(m) query = "select EPOCH,VERSION,ORIGIN,TAI_UTC,UT1_UTC,X_POLE,Y_POLE " \ "from EARTH where EPOCH = '%s' order by EPOCH,VERSION" % d if verbose > 0: print 'Executing database query: %s' % query cursor.execute(query) E = cursor.fetchall() if len(E) < 1: print 'Error: no EOPs for day %s' % d else: vals[m] = E[-1] # E[-1] is the most recent EOP for this day # adjust values so that all tai-utc are based on day of observing: if vals[startMJD][3] != vals[stopMJD][3]: print '*** Notice: EOPs for this experiment span a leap second ***' eops.append('* EOPs span a leap second. UT1-UTC and TAI-UTC are calculated\n') eops.append('* such that the number of leap seconds corresponds to the observation date\n') tai_utc0 = vals[int(centerMJD)][3] # generate text to add to .vex for m in range(startMJD, stopMJD+1): e = vals[m] tai_utc = e[3] ut1_utc = e[4] if tai_utc != tai_utc0: ut1_utc -= (tai_utc - tai_utc0) tai_utc = tai_utc0 origin = upper(strip(e[2])) eops.append("def EOP%d_%s;\n" % (m, origin)) eops.append(" TAI-UTC= %d sec;\n" % tai_utc) eops.append(" A1-TAI= 0 sec;\n") eops.append(" eop_ref_epoch=%s;\n" % mjd2vex(calcMJD(e[0]), True)) eops.append(" num_eop_points=1;\n") eops.append(" eop_interval=24 hr;\n") eops.append(" ut1-utc = %8.6f sec;\n" % ut1_utc) eops.append(" x_wobble = %7.5f asec;\n" % e[5]) eops.append(" y_wobble = %7.5f asec;\n" % e[6]) eops.append(" * data version = %s;\n" % mjd2vex(calcMJD(e[1]))) if origin == 'PREDICT': nPredict += 1 eops.append("enddef;\n") if not preobs and nPredict > 0: print 'Warning: %d of %d EOP data are PREDICTs' % (nPredict, stopMJD-startMJD+1) return eops def makeVSNDict(tapes): td = {} for t in tapes: stn = t[2] mjd = calcMJD(t[3]) row = [mjd, t[4], t[5]-4] if not stn in td: td[stn] = [] td[stn].append(row) return td def calcVSNList(motions, vsns, stn): r = [] for m in motions: if m[0] == stn and (m[1] != 0 or m[2] != 0): if m[1] != 0: u = 0 else: u = 1 t1 = calcMJD(m[3]) t2 = calcMJD(m[4]) r.append([u, t1, t2, getVSN(vsns, stn, u, t1)]) return r; def genBlocks(scans, experTimes): blocks = [] curBlock = [0.0, 0.0, 'none', -1] for s in scans: if s[1] > experTimes[1] or s[2] < experTimes[0]: continue if s[3] == curBlock[2]: if s[2] > curBlock[1]: curBlock[1] = s[2] else: print 'Warning: not time ordered!', s[3], curBlock[1], s[2] else: curBlock = [s[1], s[2], s[3], s[0]] blocks.append(curBlock); return blocks def writeShelfData(data, fileName): pastLines = [] out = open(fileName, 'w') for d in data: line = '%s %s %s\n' % (d[0], zero2oh(d[1]), d[2]) if not line in pastLines: out.write(line) pastLines.append(line); out.close() def signFlip(clock): return (clock[0], -clock[1], clock[2], -clock[3], -clock[4]) def parseFSLog(fn, vsnList): vsns = [] data = open(fn).readlines() currentVsn = None stationName = None for d in data: t = getFSTime(d) if t < 0.0: continue if d[21:32] == 'bank_check/': v = d[32:40] if currentVsn != None: if currentVsn[0] == v: continue currentVsn = [v, 0.0, 0.0] vsns.append(currentVsn) if d[21:31] == 'scan_name=': s = split(strip(d[32:]), ',') if stationName == None: stationName = s[2] elif stationName != s[2]: print 'Warning: station names disagree: %s %s' % (s[2], stationName); if d[21:35] == 'disk_record=on': if currentVsn != None: if currentVsn[1] < 1: currentVsn[1] = t else: print 'Warning: disk_record=on but no vsn! %s' % s[0] if d[21:36] == 'disk_record=off': if currentVsn != None: currentVsn[2] = t else: print 'Warning: disk_record=off but no vsn! %s' % s[0] if stationName == None: return stationName = Ulow(stationName) for v in vsns: if v[1] > 1 and v[2] > 1: vsnList.append([stationName, v[0], v[1], v[2]]); print ' finished. Station ID = %s' % stationName def getBlocksFromFS(fsVSNs, stn): rv = [] for a in fsVSNs: if a[0] == stn: rv.append([a[2], a[3], a[1], 0]) return rv def appendFSStations(stations, fsVSNs): for f in fsVSNs: if f[0] not in stations: stations.append(f[0]) stations.sort() def processVexFile(vexFile, force, verbose, preobs, vsnProjectCode, isMark5C, fsVSNs=[]): if not isfile(vexFile): print 'Error: cannot open file %s' % vexFile exit(0) if preobs: outFile = vexFile + '.preobs' else: outFile = vexFile + '.obs' if isfile(outFile): if force: print 'Warning: overwriting old output because of --force option\n' else: print 'Error: destination file %s exists and I won\'t overwrite it!\n' % outFile exit(0) obsCode, obsSeg, stationTimes = vexPeek(vexFile, verbose) if obsCode == 'Error': print 'Not processing file %s; it is not present or valid.' % vexFile exit(0) experTimes = calcExperTimes(stationTimes) db = cx_Oracle.connect(databaseName) if isMark5C and newDB: newDb = psycopg2.connect(newDatabaseName) vlaDb = None # fetch a bunch of stuff from the database if vsnProjectCode != None: obsCode, obsSeg = splitobscode(vsnProjectCode) if verbose: print 'vsn project code and segment are', c, s eops = getEarthFromDB(db, mjdCenter(stationTimes), verbose, preobs) vexData = open(vexFile, "r").readlines() stations = stationTimes.keys() stations.sort() vexData.append('*------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') vexData.append('*---- log data below was appended by %s ver %s ----\n' % (program, version)) vexData.append('*------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') if not preobs: vexData.append('$TAPELOG_OBS;\n') shelves = getShelvesFromDB(db, verbose) shelfData = [] for s in stations: stn = upper(s) blocks = [] if stn in ['EA', 'Y', 'Y1', 'Y27']: if vlaDatabaseName == None: print 'Error: need to access VLA database, but environment variable EVLAMPTS_DB is not set.' exit(0) stn = 'Y' if vlaDb == None: vlaDb = psycopg2.connect(vlaDatabaseName) monData = queryMark5C(vlaDb, experTimes[0]-0.1, experTimes[1]+0.1, stn, verbose) blocks = processMark5C(monData) elif isMark5C: monData = queryMark5C(newDb, experTimes[0]-0.1, experTimes[1]+0.1, stn, verbose) blocks = processMark5C(monData) else: tapes = getTapesFromDBbyTime(db, experTimes[0], experTimes[1], stn, verbose) motions = getTapeMotionFromDB(db, obsCode, obsSeg, stn, verbose) vsns = makeVSNDict(tapes) scans = calcVSNList(motions, vsns, stn) blocks = genBlocks(scans, experTimes) #if no recording blocks found, try looking at field system log data if len(blocks) < 1: blocks = getBlocksFromFS(fsVSNs, Ulow(stn)) if len(blocks) < 1: print 'Warning: No media found for station %s' % stn continue; vexData.append('def %s;\n' % Ulow(stn)) for b in blocks: shelf = getShelf(shelves, b[2]) vexData.append(' VSN = %d : %s : %s : %s; * shelf = %s\n' % ((b[3]+1), b[2], mjd2vex(b[0]), mjd2vex(b[1]), shelf)) shelfData.append([stn, b[2], shelf]) vexData.append('enddef;\n') vexData.append('*------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') shelfFile = vexFile + '.shelf' if verbose > 0: print 'Writing to file: %s' % shelfFile writeShelfData(shelfData, shelfFile) timeRange = [1.0e9, -1.0e9] for stn in stations: if timeRange[0] > stationTimes[stn][0]: timeRange[0] = stationTimes[stn][0] if timeRange[1] < stationTimes[stn][1]: timeRange[1] = stationTimes[stn][1] vexData.append('$CLOCK;\n') for stn in stations: last = (0.0, '', 0.0) clocks = getClockFromDB(db, stn, timeRange, verbose) if len(clocks) > 0: vexData.append('def %s;\n' % Ulow(stn)); nClock = 0 for c in clocks: if last != c[1:4]: data = signFlip(c) clockStart = data[1] + data[3]*(experTimes[0]-data[2])*86400.0 clockEnd = data[1] + data[3]*(experTimes[1]-data[2])*86400.0 vexData.append(' clock_early = %s : %10.8e sec : %s : %10.8e; * offset = %4.2f usec\n' % (mjd2vex(data[0]), data[1], mjd2vex(data[2]), data[3], data[4]) ) vexData.append(' * clock_start = %8.2f ns clock_end = %8.2f ns\n' % (clockStart*1.0e9, clockEnd*1.0e9)) last = c[1:4] nClock += 1 vexData.append('enddef;\n') if nClock != 1: print 'Warning: %d clock entries for antenna %s' % (nClock, stn) print ' Please verify this is necessary and edit the .obs file as necessary' else: print 'Warning: No clock offset found for station %s' % stn vexData.append('*------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') for e in eops: vexData.append(e) if verbose > 0: print 'Writing to file: %s' % outFile out = open(outFile, "w") for d in vexData: out.write(d) out.close() if not preobs: cmd = 'db2wx %s' % vexFile if verbose > 0: print 'Executing: %s' % cmd system(cmd) # main below here print '' verbose = 0 force = False stop = False preobs = False args = [] fsVSNs = [] # VSN list from field system logs vsnProjectCode = None isMark5C = 1 for a in argv[1:]: if vsnProjectCode == '': vsnProjectCode = upper(a) elif a[0] == '-': if a in ['-h', '--help']: usage(argv[0]) elif a in ['-v', '--verbose']: verbose += 1 elif a in ['-f', '--force']: force = True elif a in ['-p', '--preobs']: preobs = True elif a in ['--vsnProjectCode']: vsnProjectCode = '' elif upper(a) in ['--MARK5C-2', '-2']: isMark5C = 2 elif a in ['--usno', '-u']: isMark5C = 3 else: print 'Error: unknown command line option: %s' % a stop = True else: args.append(a) if isMark5C and not newDB and not preobs: print 'Error: Mark5C processing is to be done but the VLBAMPTS database is not accessable' stop = True print 'Proceeding as a %s project. Please rerun and force project type if this not what you want.' % (['Mark5A', 'Mark5C', 'Mark5C-2', 'USNO'][isMark5C]) if vsnProjectCode == '': print 'Error: vsnProjectCode not specified.' stop = True if len(args) == 0: print 'Error: no input files given.' stop = True if preobs and len(args) > 1: print 'Error: cannot pass FS logs when using preobs mode.' stop = True else: for a in args[1:]: print 'Parsing Field System Log %s' % a parseFSLog(a, fsVSNs) if stop: print '\nRun with -h for help information.\n' exit(0) umask(02) processVexFile(args[0], force, verbose, preobs, vsnProjectCode, isMark5C, fsVSNs) if isMark5C > 0 and not preobs: print '\nGetting Tsys values' cmd = 'rdbetsys -p %s' % args[0] if verbose > 0: print 'Executing: %s' % cmd system(cmd); print ''