SUBROUTINE GETAPD C C Routine to read John Benson's output amplitude, phase, C and delay file and fill the arrays needed by PLTAPD C It will read up to MBAS baselines each pass - using the C baselines between IP1 and IP2. On the first pass, it C determines some information about all baselines. C C Data will be read into the data arrays in the channel slot C matching the channel number in the data set. C INCLUDE '' C C Input data C INTEGER JDAY REAL RTIME C C Program data. C INTEGER I, J, IT, IB, JB, NB, ICH, ISTA1, ISTA2, BASNUM INTEGER NLINES, NWCHAN, NDCHAN, ND REAL DAVG, DMINR, RAVG, RMINR LOGICAL KEEP, FULL(MBAS) CHARACTER ANTA*8, ANTB*8, BSTA(2,MTBAS)*8 PARAMETER (DMINR=50.0) ! Minimum delay range. PARAMETER (RMINR=15.0) ! Minimum rate range. DOUBLE PRECISION GETNUM SAVE BSTA C ----------------------------------------------------------------- C Initialize various things. C IF( NBAS .EQ. 0 ) THEN NCHAN = 0 JDAY1 = 0 END IF NLINES = 0 DO JB = 1, MBAS NTIME(JB) = 0 FULL(JB) = .FALSE. END DO C C Now read the data in a loop C Assume that the first record is at the earliest time. C If not, I may need to make two passes through the data. C Allow for concatenated data sets by ignoring extra headers, C which have 2 words on the line. C 400 CONTINUE C C Read the next line of data. C NWORDS = MWORDS CALL RDLINE( WORD, WLEN, NWORDS, INUNIT, 6 ) IF( NWORDS .EQ. -1 ) GO TO 900 NLINES = NLINES + 1 IF( NWORDS .EQ. 2 ) GO TO 400 C C Ignore lines from non-requested baselines. C ANTA = WORD(7) ANTB = WORD(8) KEEP = .FALSE. DO I = 1, NANT IF( DOANT(I) .EQ. 'ALL' .OR. DOANT(I) .EQ. ANTA .OR. 1 DOANT(I) .EQ. ANTB ) KEEP = .TRUE. END DO IF( .NOT. KEEP ) GO TO 400 C NWCHAN = ( NWORDS - 6 ) / 4 C C If NDOCH is set to the maximum possible (usually with a C request to do all channels), then set it to the number C of channels in the data. Allow for changes in that number C during the observation. C IF( NDOCH .EQ. MCHAN .OR. NWCHAN .GT. NDOCH ) THEN NDOCH = NWCHAN END IF C C Check for a bad data line. C IF( NWCHAN .LE. 0 .OR. NWCHAN .GT. MCHAN ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' Bad number of channels (', NWCHAN, 1 ' on line ', NLINES GO TO 400 END IF C C Decode the data. Time in seconds. C JDAY = GETNUM( WORD(1), 1, WLEN(1) ) RTIME = GETNUM( WORD(2), 1, WLEN(2) ) * 3600.0 ISTA1 = GETNUM( WORD(5), 1, WLEN(5) ) ISTA2 = GETNUM( WORD(6), 1, WLEN(6) ) NDCHAN = GETNUM( WORD(9), 1, WLEN(9) ) C C Get baseline number. Note that NBAS is set in BASNUM. C IB = BASNUM( ANTA, ANTB, BSTA, NBAS, MTBAS ) C C Get first Julian day. Also initialize TMIN and TMAX based C on RTIME. This is done before JDAY1 is subtracted, but C that is ok because JDAY - JDAY1 will be zero on the first C data point. C IF( JDAY1 .EQ. 0 ) THEN JDAY1 = JDAY TMIN = RTIME TMAX = RTIME END IF C C Get the time and the limits for the time axis of the plots. C Note that we are still looking at all baselines at this point. C RTIME = (JDAY - JDAY1) * 24.0 * 3600.0 + RTIME TMAX = MAX( TMAX, RTIME ) TMIN = MIN( TMIN, RTIME ) C C Get station names. C NAMEA(IB) = ANTA NAMEB(IB) = ANTB C C In first pass, increase IP2 as new baselines are read. C IF( IP1 .EQ. 1 ) IP2 = MIN( MBAS, NBAS ) C C Check number of channels and get the maximum number. C IF( NWCHAN .LT. 1 .OR. NWCHAN .GT. MCHAN ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' Bad number of channels (', NWCHAN, 1 ') in data point at ', JDAY, RTIME IF( NWCHAN .GT. MCHAN ) CALL ERROR() ELSE IF( NWCHAN .NE. NDCHAN ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' Number of data points does not match'// 1 ' claimed number of channels (Day, sec, ndat, nch) ', 2 JDAY, RTIME, NWCHAN, NDCHAN END IF NCHAN = MAX( NCHAN, NWCHAN ) C C Get the actual data if the baseline and time are within the C desired range. C Get amps in "correlation units" of 10**5 times corr. coeff. C Get rates in mHz. C IF( IB .GE. IP1 .AND. IB .LE. IP2 .AND. 1 RTIME .GE. TMINA .AND. RTIME .LT. TMAXA ) THEN JB = IB - IP1 + 1 IF( JB .LT. 1 .OR. JB .GT. MBAS ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'PLOTAPD - GETAPD: Programming problem JB', 1 ' - tell Craig.', JB, MBAS STOP END IF IF( .NOT. FULL(JB) ) THEN NTIME(JB) = NTIME(JB) + 1 IF( NTIME(JB) .GT. MTIME ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' Too many data points - will not use all' WRITE(*,*) ' Baseline ', NAMEA(IB), ' ', NAMEB(IB) NTIME(JB) = NTIME(JB) - 1 FULL(JB) = .TRUE. ELSE IT = NTIME(JB) TIME(IT,JB) = RTIME DO I = 1, NWCHAN ND = 4 * I + 6 DELAY(I,IT,JB) = GETNUM(WORD(ND),1,WLEN(ND)) AMP(I,IT,JB) = GETNUM(WORD(ND+1),1,WLEN(ND+1)) * 1 1.0E5 PHASE(I,IT,JB) = GETNUM(WORD(ND+2),1,WLEN(ND+2)) RATE(I,IT,JB) = GETNUM(WORD(ND+3),1,WLEN(ND+3)) * 1 1.0E3 SOURCE(IT,JB) = WORD(4)(1:WLEN(4)) END DO END IF END IF END IF C C Return for next record. C GO TO 400 C 900 CONTINUE C C Get plot scale limits. C IF( TMINA .NE. 0.0 ) TMIN = TMINA IF( TMAXA .NE. 1.E10 ) TMAX = TMAXA NB = IP2 - IP1 + 1 IF( NB .LT. 1 .OR. NB .GT. MBAS ) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'PLOTAPD - GETAPD: Programming problem NB', 1 ' - tell Craig.', NB, MBAS STOP END IF C C Loop over baselines. C DO JB = 1, NB C C Initialize the baseline limits. C AMIN(JB) = 99.E9 AMAX(JB) = -99.E9 PMIN(JB) = 99.E9 PMAX(JB) = -99.E9 DMIN(JB) = 99.E9 DMAX(JB) = -99.E9 RMIN(JB) = 99.E9 RMAX(JB) = -99.E9 C C Get plot limits, searching through time and all C requested channels C DO J = 1, NDOCH ICH = DOCH(J) DO IT = 1, NTIME(JB) IF( AMP(ICH,IT,JB) .GT. 0.0 ) THEN AMIN(JB) = MIN( AMIN(JB), AMP(ICH,IT,JB) ) AMAX(JB) = MAX( AMAX(JB), AMP(ICH,IT,JB) ) PMIN(JB) = MIN( PMIN(JB), PHASE(ICH,IT,JB) ) PMAX(JB) = MAX( PMAX(JB), PHASE(ICH,IT,JB) ) DMIN(JB) = MIN( DMIN(JB), DELAY(ICH,IT,JB) ) DMAX(JB) = MAX( DMAX(JB), DELAY(ICH,IT,JB) ) RMIN(JB) = MIN( RMIN(JB), RATE(ICH,IT,JB) ) RMAX(JB) = MAX( RMAX(JB), RATE(ICH,IT,JB) ) END IF END DO END DO END DO C C Expand the limits to give some space at the edges of the plots. C Set up for amplitude plots that go from zero to max. C Plot phase on fixed scale in any case where there isn't data out C of range. C CALL FIXLIM( TMIN, TMAX, 0.04, 0.04 ) DO JB = 1, NB AMIN(JB) = 0.0 CALL FIXLIM( AMIN(JB), AMAX(JB), 0.0, 0.1 ) C CALL FIXLIM( PMIN(JB), PMAX(JB), 0.1, 0.1 ) PMIN(JB) = MIN( PMIN(JB), -185.0 ) PMAX(JB) = MAX( PMAX(JB), 185.0 ) CALL FIXLIM( DMIN(JB), DMAX(JB), 0.1, 0.1 ) CALL FIXLIM( RMIN(JB), RMAX(JB), 0.1, 0.1 ) C C Force a moderate delay and rate range. C IF( DMAX(JB) - DMIN(JB) .LT. DMINR ) THEN DAVG = ( DMAX(JB) + DMIN(JB) ) / 2.0 DMIN(JB) = DAVG - DMINR / 2.0 DMAX(JB) = DAVG + DMINR / 2.0 END IF IF( RMAX(JB) - RMIN(JB) .LT. RMINR ) THEN RAVG = ( RMAX(JB) + RMIN(JB) ) / 2.0 RMIN(JB) = RAVG - RMINR / 2.0 RMAX(JB) = RAVG + RMINR / 2.0 END IF END DO C C Get some other numbers. C RETURN END