SUBROUTINE GETDAT C C Routine for reading the data for CLOCKDIST. C It first gets all data in ACCFILE C Then it reads the FILELIST and goes and gets data from any C files not in ACCFILE. C It adds that data to ACCFILE C INCLUDE '' C INTEGER JB, VLBOPE, IER, IEXP, NFILES, WHICH, LEN1, L1, L2 CHARACTER INFILE*132, CBUFF*256, INLINE*256 DOUBLE PRECISION GETNUM C ------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Get the file names for the FILELIST and the ACCFILE from the user. C WRITE(*,*) ' File that lists the desired datafile.lis files:' READ(*,'(A)') FILELIST WRITE(*,*) ' File that constains previously accumulated data:' READ(*,'(A)') ACCFILE C C First open the accum file and get the data from it. Open it C with unknown status so that it can be read and written. C WRITE(*,*) ' Opening accumulated data file: ', 1 ACCFILE(1:LEN1(ACCFILE)) OPEN( UNIT=10, FILE=ACCFILE, STATUS='UNKNOWN', FORM='FORMATTED', 1 IOSTAT=IER, ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL' ) IF( IER .NE. 0 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' Can''t open Accum file' STOP END IF C C Now get the data out of the file. C NEXP = 0 100 CONTINUE C C Read the next line of data. C NWORDS = MWORDS CALL GETLINE( WORD, WLEN, NWORDS, INLINE, 10, 6 ) IF( NWORDS .EQ. -1 ) GO TO 200 C C Look for a file name. C IF( WORD(1) .EQ. 'File:' ) THEN NEXP = NEXP + 1 DATAFILE(NEXP) = WORD(2) NBAS(NEXP) = 0 ELSE IF( NWORDS .EQ. 7 ) THEN NBAS(NEXP) = NBAS(NEXP) + 1 JB = NBAS(NEXP) SOURCE(JB,NEXP) = WORD(1)(1:WLEN(1)) ISTA1(JB,NEXP) = WHICH( WORD(2)(1:WLEN(2)), NAMES, MAXSTA ) ISTA2(JB,NEXP) = WHICH( WORD(3)(1:WLEN(2)), NAMES, MAXSTA ) TIME(JB,NEXP) = GETNUM( WORD(4), 1, WLEN(4) ) MAXAMP(JB,NEXP) = GETNUM( WORD(5), 1, WLEN(5) ) DELAY(JB,NEXP) = GETNUM( WORD(6), 1, WLEN(6) ) RATE(JB,NEXP) = GETNUM( WORD(7), 1, WLEN(7) ) ELSE WRITE(*,*) ' There is a bad format line in ', ACCFILE WRITE(*,*) INLINE(1:LEN1(INLINE)) END IF C GO TO 100 C C Out of data in the ACCFILE C 200 CONTINUE NACC = NEXP C C Now get any new data not in the ACCFILE. C C First open the FILELIST C WRITE(*,*) ' Getting file list from: ', 1 FILELIST(1:LEN1(FILELIST)) IER = VLBOPE( 8, FILELIST, 'TEXT', 'OLD', CBUFF ) IF( IER .NE. 1 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' Can''t open datafiles file: ', FILELIST STOP END IF C NFILES = 0 300 CONTINUE C C Read the next file name. The /nfs can cause trouble - I C think it keeps the automounter from working. C READ( 8, '(A)', END=400 ) INFILE IF( INFILE(1:4) .EQ. '/nfs' ) INFILE = INFILE(5:LEN1(INFILE)) C C Now check if we alread have this file. C DO IEXP = 1, NEXP IF( INFILE .EQ. DATAFILE(IEXP) ) GO TO 300 END DO C C Have a new one. Open it. C NEXP = NEXP + 1 IF( NEXP .GT. MAXEXP ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' Too many experiments ' NEXP = NEXP - 1 GO TO 400 END IF DATAFILE(NEXP) = INFILE C WRITE(*,*) NEXP, ' ', DATAFILE(NEXP)(1:LEN1(DATAFILE(NEXP))) IER = VLBOPE( 9, DATAFILE(NEXP), 'TEXT', 'OLD', CBUFF ) IF( IER .NE. 1 ) THEN WRITE(*,*) ' Could not open file: ', DATAFILE(NEXP) NEXP = NEXP - 1 GO TO 300 END IF C C Get the data from this file. C CALL GETCLK C C Close this file and return for the next. C CLOSE( UNIT = 9 ) GO TO 300 400 CONTINUE C C Now add the new data to the ACCFILE. C IF( NEXP .GT. NACC ) THEN DO IEXP = NACC + 1, NEXP WRITE( 10, '( A, A )' ) 'File: ', 1 DATAFILE(IEXP)(1:LEN1(DATAFILE(IEXP))) IF( NBAS(IEXP) .GT. 0 ) THEN DO JB = 1, NBAS(IEXP) IF( MAXAMP(JB,IEXP) .GT. 0.0 ) THEN L1 = LEN1( NAMES(ISTA1(JB,IEXP)) ) L2 = LEN1( NAMES(ISTA2(JB,IEXP)) ) WRITE( 10, '(A, T13, A, T16, A, T20, F12.5, 1 F10.5, F9.1, F9.1)' ) 2 SOURCE(JB,IEXP)(1:LEN1(SOURCE(JB,IEXP))), 3 NAMES(ISTA1(JB,IEXP))(1:L1), 4 NAMES(ISTA2(JB,IEXP))(1:L2), 5 TIME(JB,IEXP), MAXAMP(JB,IEXP), 6 DELAY(JB,IEXP), RATE(JB,IEXP) END IF END DO END IF END DO WRITE(*,*) ' Done adding data to accum file. ', NEXP ELSE WRITE(*,*) ' All requested data was in accum file. ', NEXP END IF C CLOSE( UNIT=10 ) C RETURN END