#!/usr/bin/env python2 # ''' Script to generate calc im files for use with the ALMA case. The operative theory is that the -A model is correct for ALMA but that the normal processing is correct for the others. ''' # import argparse import glob import os import re import sys def parseOptions(): des = ''' This script is intended as a replacement for calcif2 or difxcalc as invoked via the DIFX_CALC_PROGRAM environment variable in startdifx. It will turn adjust atmospheric corrections for stations in the noatmos list and use the default atmosphere for the others. The resulting .im file will be labelled as a MIXED correction. You can specify the calc files to process with either the -j argument (job name or job.calc) or as files listed on the commandline. Defaults are given in parentheses. ''' epi = ''' Assuming this is in the path, "export DIFX_CALC_PROGRAM=calcifMixed.py" and "export DIFX_CALC_OPTIONS=-v" would be sufficient to get the normal startdifx to use this machinery on ALMA data (Aa). The -d and -w options adjust the correction factor for the dry and wet components. Note that there are no detailed corrections for U,V and W. ''' use = '%(prog)s [options]\n' use += ' Version $Id$' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=epi, description=des, usage=use) parser.add_argument('-a', '--noatmos', dest='noatmos', metavar='COMMASEPLIST', default='Aa', help='List of stations (Aa) which should have no atmospheric delay') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry', dest='dry', metavar='COMMASEPLIST', default='1.0', help='Dry component adjustment factor list, one per station (1.0)') parser.add_argument('-w', '--wet', dest='wet', metavar='COMMASEPLIST', default='1.0', help='Wet component adjustment factor list, one per station (1.0)') parser.add_argument('-c', '--calc', dest='calc', metavar='STRING', default='calcif2', help='Name of the calc executable (calcif2)') parser.add_argument('-o', '--options', dest='options', metavar='STRING', default='-v --override-version', help='List of the options to pass to calc program ' + 'specified by -c (-v --override-version)') parser.add_argument('-j', '--job', dest='job', metavar='STRING', default='', help='Job name (use $job.calc) or empty for all .calc files') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verb', dest='verb', action="store_true", default=False, help='be chatty in our work') parser.add_argument('-O', '--override-version', action="store_true", default=False, help='ignored, present for compatibility only') parser.add_argument("nargs", nargs='*') return parser.parse_args() def genPatterns(verb, stations, normallines): ''' Look for TELESCOPE lines that match the stations and return a list of compiled search patterns. Note we need to preserve the order of stations. ''' if verb: print 'No atmosphere on these:' patt = re.compile(r'TELESCOPE\s+(\d+)\s+NAME:\s*(\w\w)') patterns = map(lambda x: r'MATCHES-NOTHING', range(len(stations))) for line in normallines: tele = patt.search(line) if tele != None: for ii in range(len(stations)): if tele.group(2) == stations[ii]: patterns[ii] = re.compile( r'SRC\s+\d+\s+ANT\s+' + tele.group(1)) if verb: print '',line.rstrip(),\ 'matches SRC\s+\d+\s+ANT\s+' + tele.group(1) + \ 'at index ' + str(ii) return patterns def writeDelayDryWet(save, dryfac, wetfac, f): ''' The dict save contains delay, dry and wet components of the polynominal coefficients from the 3 lines. Each line looks like: SRC n ANT m what (us): poly coef ... (6 coeficients by default for calcif2). We need to decrement the DELAY parts by the DRY and WET parts and zero the latter. Finally rebuild the 3 lines for output. The path through calcif and difxcalc is tortuous, but it looks like 'delay' is the negative of 'geom' + 'dry' + 'wet' so to undo the atmospheric corrections, ADDING 'dry' and 'wet' is correct. (SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION.) ''' parts = {} llen = 0 npts = 0 plen = 0 prec = 0 for k in save.keys(): # capture line length if len(save[k]) > llen: llen = len(save[k]) parts[k] = save[k].split() # capture number of items per line if len(parts[k]) > npts: npts = len(parts[k]) # capture floating field size for p in parts[k]: if len(p) > plen: plen = len(p) pad = (llen - 22) / (npts - 6) - plen - 1 fmt = '%%+%d.%de' % (plen + pad + 6, plen - 6) for c in range(6,npts): dryval = dryfac * float(parts['dry'][c]) wetval = wetfac * float(parts['wet'][c]) delay = float(parts['delay'][c]) + dryval + wetval parts['delay'][c] = (fmt % delay) parts['dry'][c] = (fmt % dryval) parts['wet'][c] = (fmt % wetval) for k in save.keys(): save[k] = ' '.join(parts[k]) + '\n' f.write(save[k]) del(save[k]) def mergeCalc(verb, stations, drylst, wetlst, job, normal, noatmo): ''' This function mergets the two calc output files using the noatmo data for the station in the list ''' im = re.sub(r'calc', 'im', job) f = open(im + '-' + normal, 'r') normallines = f.readlines() f.close() f = open(im + '-' + noatmo, 'r') noatmolines = f.readlines() f.close() if len(normallines) != len(noatmolines): print 'Calc output for %s have disparate lengths' % ( im, len(normallines), len(noatmolines)) return 1 f = open(im, 'w') srelist = genPatterns(verb, stations, normallines) aber = re.compile(r'ABERRATION CORR:') delay = re.compile(r'SRC\s+\d+\s+ANT\s+\d+\s+DELAY\s+.us.:') dry = re.compile(r'SRC\s+\d+\s+ANT\s+\d+\s+DRY\s+.us.:') wet = re.compile(r'SRC\s+\d+\s+ANT\s+\d+\s+WET\s+.us.:') commout = 0 mathout = 0 normout = 0 natmout = 0 save = {} for norm,natm in map(lambda x,y:(x,y), normallines, noatmolines): if norm == natm: # copy duplicated lines, maybe if delay.match(norm): what = 'delay' elif dry.match(norm): what = 'dry' elif wet.match(norm): what = 'wet' else: what = 'common' # the lines come in order, so we just need to # verify that we are doing some math here if what != 'common': for ii in range(len(srelist)): patt = srelist[ii] if patt != r'MATCHES-NOTHING' and patt.match(norm): save[what] = norm if what == 'delay': dryfac = 0.0 wetfac = 0.0 if what == 'dry': dryfac = drylst[ii] if what == 'wet': wetfac = wetlst[ii] break if len(save) == 0: # this is a line for an antenna not to adjust f.write(norm) commout += 1 # if len(save) == 1 or 2, we need 3 lines to proceed if len(save) == 3: # save cleared as side-effect of writing 3 lines writeDelayDryWet(save, dryfac, wetfac, f) mathout += 3 else: # copy no-atm lines that match if aber.match(norm): # UNCORRECTED, APPROXIMATE, EXACT, NO ATMOS, or: f.write('ABERRATION CORR: MIXED\n') else: # these are the U,V,W lines which should differ for patt in srelist: if patt != r'MATCHES-NOTHING' and patt.match(norm): f.write(natm) natmout += 1 else: f.write(norm) normout += 1 f.close() if verb: print '%s w/ %d common %d mathout %d normal %d noatmo lines' % ( im, commout, mathout, normout, natmout) return 0 def runCalc(verb, calc, options, extra, label, job): ''' This routine runs calc with some options. The defaults are for calcif2, but with adjustments made here, this should work with difxcalc. ''' if calc == 'difxcalc': options = re.sub('--override-version', '', options) if extra == '-A': extra = '-noatmo' calcmd = '%s %s %s %s' % (calc, options, extra, job) if verb: print 'Running ' + calcmd im = re.sub(r'calc', 'im', job) if os.path.exists(im): os.unlink(im) rv = os.system(calcmd) if rv == 0 and os.path.exists(im): os.rename(im, im + '-' + label) else: print im + ' not found, death will result' return 1 if verb: print im + '-' + label + ' was created\n' return 0 # main entry point if __name__ == '__main__': o = parseOptions() if len(o.nargs) > 0: jobs = o.nargs elif o.job == '': jobs = glob.glob('*.calc') else: jobs = [re.sub(r'.calc', '', o.job) + '.calc'] if ',' in o.noatmos: stations = o.noatmos.upper().split(',') else: stations = [ o.noatmos.upper() ] if ',' in o.dry: dry = map(float, o.dry.split(',')) else: dry = [ float(o.dry) ] if ',' in o.wet: wet = map(float, o.wet.split(',')) else: wet = [ float(o.wet) ] errors = 0 for j in jobs: errors += runCalc(o.verb, o.calc, o.options, '', 'normal', j) errors += runCalc(o.verb, o.calc, o.options, '-A', 'noatmo', j) errors += mergeCalc(o.verb, stations, dry, wet, j, 'normal', 'noatmo') sys.exit(errors) # # eof #