#!/usr/bin/python import os,sys import getopt import re # Set this to true if compiling within a master_tags checkout master_tag = True #master_tag = False def main(): """ Build and Install DiFX Usage: install-difx [-fhv] [--force] [--help] [--verb] \\ [--mk5daemon] [--withmonitor] [--rpfits] [--perl] [--withfb] \\ [--withhops] [--withm6support] [--withguiserver] [--noinstall] \\ [--reconf] [--noconf] [--clean] \\ [--g77] [--extraflags='flags'] [--makeflags='flags'] \\ [--noipp] [--ipp] [--nodoc] \\ [--cache='name'] [--targ='...'] [--pristine] \\ [--doonly='...'] Builds and installs mpifxcorr and associated tools. If invoked from the setup directory, the build will be within the source directory heirarchy, otherwise the build will be made within the current directory. By default install-difx will build and install the essential DiFX tools, but stop if any errors are encountered (e.g. if something fails to build). For the standard libraries and applications, build-difx will try to run autoreconf first. If this fails, step by step configuration will be tried. Options: -f --force Carry on regardless of any errors (all failed commands will be listed at the end.) -h --help Display this help message and quit. -v --verb Provide more chatter about progress. --mk5daemon Install mk5daemon (not installed by default) --withmonitor Try to build the difx_monitor application (requires pgplot) --rpfits Build rpfits --perl Install some non-standard perl utilities (deprecated) --withfb Build filterbank (which requires pgplot) --withguiserver Build guiServer --withhops Build HOPS (which requires pgplot) --withm6support Build Mark6 support (which requires FUSE) --withpython Build Python bindings for certain libraries (requires ctypes) --noinstall Don't install, only build. --reconf Reconfigure step by step rather than with autoreconf --noconf Assume existing configuration is correct --clean Run make clean for all components --g77 Use g77, rather than gfortran --extraflags='flags' Add 'flags' to each of the CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, and FFLAGS environment variables --makeflags='flags' Add 'flags' to each direct call of the make program, (so you can do make -j 4 to speed up compilation) --noipp Don't try and install ipp package config file --ipp Force installation of ipp package config file (default doesn't overwrite existing) --nodoc Don't build the documentation --cache='name' Speeds up the configuration using cache files 'name' and 'name-CXX' in the build directory --targ='...' Runs make ... on each of the components --pristine Removes auto-built sources from source directories (and implies --clean) --doonly='...' Will only build the components specified in the list ..., where ... is a comma-separated list of sub-packages in ["rpfits", "perl", "difxio", "difxmessage", "mark5access", "vdifio", "calcif2", "difx2profile", "misc","vis2screen", "calcserver", "difx2fits", "vex2difx", "difx2mark4", "mpifxcorr", "difxfilterbank", "hops", "m6support", "guiServer", "mk5daemon", "difx_monitor",] """ pass ############################################################################### # Parse command line options and arguments # When adding an option or argument # * Make sure a default is set # * Make sure it is documented in main.__doc__ ############################################################################### try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "fhv", ["force", "help", "verb", "mk5daemon", "withmonitor", "rpfits", "perl", "withfb", "withhops", "withm6support", "withguiserver", "withpython", "noinstall", "reconf", "noconf", "clean", "g77", "extraflags=", "makeflags=", "noipp", "ipp", "nodoc", "cache=", "targ=", "pristine", "doonly=" ]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print err print main.__doc__ sys.exit(2) if not 0 <= len(args) <= 0: print "Error: Wrong number of Arguments" print main.__doc__ sys.exit(2) # set defaults force = False reconf = False noinstall = False gfortran = True extraflags = None MAKEcommand = "make " doclean = False target = 'all' verb = False cache = 'none' errors = [] noconf = False pristine = False dodoc = True dopybindings = False doipp = 0 orgcwd = os.getcwd() components = {"rpfits" :False, "perl" :False, "difxio" :True, "difxmessage" :True, "mark5access" :True, "vdifio" :True, "calcif2" :True, "difx2profile" :True, "misc" :True, "vis2screen" :True, "calcserver" :True, "difx2fits" :True, "vex2difx" :True, "difx2mark4" :True, "mpifxcorr" :True, "difxfilterbank":False, "hops" :False, "m6support" :False, "guiServer" :False, "mk5daemon" :False, "difx_monitor" :False, "python" :True, } def setNormalComponentsFalse(): global components components["difxio"] = False components["difxmessage"] = False components["mark5access"] = False components["vdifio"] = False components["calcif2"] = False components["difx2profile"] = False components["misc"] = False components["vis2screen"] = False components["calcserver"] = False components["difx2fits"] = False components["vex2difx"] = False components["difx2mark4"] = False components["mpifxcorr"]= False components["python"]= False def setOnlyComponents(only): global components setNormalComponentsFalse() array = only.strip().split(',') if(len(array)==0): raise RuntimeError, "Could not find components to build in only argument '%s'"%only for a in array: c = a.strip() if(c in components): components[c] = True if(c == "python"): dopybindings = True else: raise RuntimeError, "Unrecognized only component '%s'"%(a) # read options if len(opts) > 0: for o, a in opts: if o in ("-f", "--force"): force = True if o in ("-h", "--help"): print main.__doc__ sys.exit(2) if o in ("-v", "--verb"): verb = True if o == "--mk5daemon": components["mk5daemon"] = True if o == "--withmonitor": components["difx_monitor"] = True if o == "--rpfits": components["rpfits"] = True if o == "--perl": components["perl"] = True if o == "--withfb": components["difxfilterbank"] = True if o == "--withhops": components["hops"] = True if o == "--withm6support": components["m6support"] = True if o == "--withguiserver": components["guiServer"] = True if o == "--withpython": dopybindings = True if o == "--noinstall": noinstall = True if o == "--reconf": reconf = True if o == "--noconf": noconf = True reconf = True if o == "--clean": doclean = True if o == "--nodoc": dodoc = False if o == "--g77": gfortran = False if o == "--extraflags": extraflags = a if o == "--makeflags": MAKEcommand += a + ' ' if o == "--ipp": doipp = 1 if o == "--noipp": doipp = -1 if o == "--cache": cache = a if o == "--targ": target = a noinstall = True if o == "--pristine": pristine = True doclean = True force = True if o == "--doonly": setOnlyComponents(a) ###### Get all relevant environment variables ########### print "************************************" print "Getting environmental variables" print difxroot = os.environ.get('DIFXROOT') if not difxroot: raise RuntimeError, "DIFXROOT must be defined" if not re.match("/",difxroot): raise RuntimeError, "DIFXROOT must be an absolute path" bindir = difxroot + '/bin/' libdir = difxroot + '/lib/' pkgdir = difxroot + '/lib/pkgconfig/' incdir = difxroot + '/include/' ipproot = os.environ.get('IPPROOT') ipplib32 = os.environ.get('IPPLIB32') ipplib64 = os.environ.get('IPPLIB64') mpicxx = os.environ.get('MPICXX') pgplotdir = os.environ.get('PGPLOTDIR') difxbits = os.environ.get('DIFXBITS') platform = sys.platform if(extraflags is not None): ###### Get all relevant environment variables ########### print "************************************" print "Setting environmental variables" print for ftype in ["CFLAGS", "CXXFLAGS", "FFLAGS"]: thisflags = extraflags if(ftype in os.environ): thisflags = os.environ[ftype] + ' ' + extraflags os.environ[ftype] = thisflags ##### Check that appropriate setup has been done ######## if not master_tag: if os.environ.get('DIFX_VERSION') == "": print "You must have already source'd setup.bash/setup.csh!" print "DIFX_VERSION was undefined - aborting compilation" raise RuntimeError difx_version = os.environ.get('DIFX_VERSION') if difx_version != "trunk": difx_version = "branches/" + difx_version else: difx_version = '' ##### OSX Specific changes if platform == "darwin": print "Using Darwin tools" LIBTOOLIZE = "glibtoolize" SHAREDPOSTFIX = "dylib" else: LIBTOOLIZE = "libtoolize" SHAREDPOSTFIX = "so" if gfortran: os.environ['USEGFORTRAN'] = 'yes' ###### Targets #################################################### # auto_compile(doreconf, dolibtoolize, doautoheader, ..., dompicxx) libtargets = [] if components["difxio"]: libtargets.append(["difxio", difx_version, True,True,True,False]) if components["difxmessage"]: libtargets.append(["difxmessage",difx_version, True,True,True,False]) if components["mark5access"]: libtargets.append(["mark5access",difx_version, True,True,True,False]) if components["python"]: libtargets.append(["python", difx_version, True,True,True,False]) if components["vdifio"]: libtargets.append(["vdifio", difx_version, True,True,True,False]) utiltargets = [] if components["calcif2"]: utiltargets.append(["calcif2", difx_version, True,False,True,False]) if components["difx2profile"]: utiltargets.append(["pulsar/difx2profile", difx_version, True,False,True,True]) if components["misc"]: utiltargets.append(["misc", difx_version, True,False,False,False]) if components["vis2screen"]: utiltargets.append(["vis2screen",difx_version, True,False,False,True]) apptargets = [] if components["calcserver"]: apptargets.append(["calcserver", difx_version, True,True,False,False]) if components["difx2fits"]: apptargets.append(["difx2fits", difx_version, True,False,True,False]) if components["vex2difx"]: apptargets.append(["vex2difx", difx_version, True,True,True,False]) if components["difx2mark4"]: apptargets.append(["difx2mark4", difx_version, True,True,True,False]) if components["difxfilterbank"]: apptargets.append(["difxfilterbank", difx_version, True,False,False,True]) if components["hops"]: apptargets.append(["hops", difx_version, True,False,True,False]) if components["m6support"]: apptargets.append(["m6support", difx_version, True,False,True,False]) if components["guiServer"]: apptargets.append(["guiServer", difx_version, True,False,False,True]) if components["mk5daemon"]: apptargets.append(["mk5daemon", difx_version, True,False,True,False]) if components["difx_monitor"]: apptargets.append(["difx_monitor", difx_version, True,False,False,True]) # a navigation aid def os_chdir(dir): os.chdir(dir) if verb: print "--> " + dir print "==> " + os.getcwd() print sys.stdout.flush() # work out build and source directories blddir = os.getcwd() setupdir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) if not setupdir: setupdir = "." os_chdir(setupdir) # master_tags/ has no setup directory if not master_tag: os_chdir("..") topdir = os.getcwd() # think a bit about pkgconfig path pkg_config_path = blddir + "/pkgconfig" pkg_config_path += ":" + os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH') os.environ['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = pkg_config_path # source dir build starts in 'setup' of the svn tree and topdir of master_tag if blddir == topdir + '/setup': if verb: print;print "Building/Installing from the source directory" inbdir = False startdir = topdir + '/setup' elif master_tag and blddir == topdir: if verb: print;print "Building/Installing from the master tag source directory" inbdir = False startdir = topdir else: if verb: print;print "Building/Installing from the build directory:" inbdir = True if master_tag: startdir = topdir else: startdir = topdir + '/setup' # allow use of symbolic links in partial checkouts repldir = os.environ.get('DIFX_REPLDIR_PATH') if not repldir: repldir = 'no-repldir-to-replace-with-blddir' if verb: print " Replace dir: " + repldir if cache != 'none': cache = ' --cache-file=' + blddir + '/' + cache if verb: print " Setup dir: " + setupdir print " Source dir: " + topdir print " Start dir: " + startdir print " Build dir: " + blddir print " PkgCfg path: " + os.environ.get('PKG_CONFIG_PATH') print "" ###### Subroutine to run a command and raise error on non-zero return def run(cmd): if verb: print "Run(" + cmd + ") in " + os.getcwd() sys.stdout.flush() if os.system(cmd): if force: errors.append(os.getcwd() + ' ' + cmd + " failed.") else: raise RuntimeError, "Error running " + cmd + " in " + os.getcwd() ###### Subroutine to do the compiling of an auto-tool ### def auto_compile(doreconf, dolibtoolize, doautoheader, prefix, dompicxx): thisdir = os.getcwd() # somewhere below topdir if (doreconf and (reconf or os.system("autoreconf -if"))): if noconf and os.path.exists('configure'): print "Re-using existing configuration" else: print "Reconfiguring step by step" if os.path.exists('m4'): run("aclocal -I m4") else: run("aclocal") if dolibtoolize: run(LIBTOOLIZE+" --copy --force") run("autoconf") if doautoheader: run("autoheader") run("automake -acf") if inbdir: cfp = thisdir blp = cfp.replace(topdir, blddir) blp = blp.replace(repldir, blddir) if not os.path.exists(blp): os.makedirs(blp) if verb: print "++> " + blp + " was created" os_chdir(blp) else: cfp = '.' if noconf and os.path.exists('config.status'): print "Re-using existing configuration" else: configstring = cfp + "/configure --prefix=" + prefix if cache != 'none': configstring += cache # configstring = cfp + "/configure --prefix=" + prefix + cache if dompicxx: if cache != 'none': configstring += "-CXX" configstring += " CXX=" + mpicxx if dopybindings and check_configureAC_has(cfp+"/configure.ac", "enable-python"): configstring += " --enable-python " if dopybindings and check_configureAC_has(cfp+"/configure.ac", "with-python"): configstring += " --with-python " run(configstring) run(MAKEcommand + target) if not noinstall: run(MAKEcommand + "install") os_chdir(thisdir) def check_configureAC_has(cfpath, key): try: for line in open(cfpath,'r'): if key in line: return True except: print "Warning: could not check %s for %s\n." return False ###### Subroutine to set up documentation area ########## def make_doc_area(basedocdir): if not os.path.exists(basedocdir): os.mkdir(basedocdir) print "cp -f %s/doco-index.html %s/index.html" % (startdir, basedocdir) os.system("cp -f %s/doco-index.html %s/index.html" % (startdir, basedocdir)) ###### Work ########################################## # a few of these are (randomly) svn'd... autojunk = 'aclocal.m4 autom4te.cache compile config.guess' autojunk += ' config.h.in config.sub configure depcomp config.status' autojunk += ' install-sh ltmain.sh Makefile.in missing' # autojunk += ' COPYING INSTALL' if doclean: if components["perl"]: print "**** Cleaning vexlib" os_chdir("libraries/vex/"+difx_version+"/vexlib") run(MAKEcommand + "clean") os_chdir(topdir) if components["rpfits"]: print "**** Cleaning rpfits" if platform == "darwin": os_chdir("libraries/rpfits/"+difx_version+"/darwin_x86") else: if difxbits == "32": os_chdir("libraries/rpfits/"+difx_version+"/linux/") else: os_chdir("libraries/rpfits/"+difx_version+"/linux64/") run(MAKEcommand + "clean") os_chdir(topdir) os_chdir("libraries") thisdir = os.getcwd() for libtarget in libtargets: targetdir = libtarget[0] + '/' + libtarget[1] if os.path.exists(targetdir): print print "**** Cleaning "+targetdir os_chdir(targetdir) run(MAKEcommand + "-k clean distclean") if pristine: run("rm -rf " + autojunk) else: print print "**** Skipping "+targetdir print os_chdir(thisdir) os_chdir(topdir) os_chdir("applications") thisdir = os.getcwd() for apptarget in apptargets: targetdir = apptarget[0] + '/' + apptarget[1] if os.path.exists(targetdir): print print "**** Cleaning "+targetdir os_chdir(targetdir) run(MAKEcommand + "-k clean distclean") if pristine: run("rm -rf " + autojunk) else: print print "**** Skipping "+targetdir print os_chdir(thisdir) os_chdir(topdir) os_chdir("utilities") thisdir = os.getcwd() for utiltarget in utiltargets: if (utiltarget[1] == ''): targetdir = utiltarget[0] else: targetdir= utiltarget[1] + '/' + utiltarget[0] if os.path.exists(targetdir): print print "**** Cleaning "+targetdir os_chdir(targetdir) run(MAKEcommand + "-k clean distclean") if pristine: run("rm -rf " + autojunk) else: print print "**** Skipping "+targetdir print os_chdir(thisdir) targetdir = topdir + "/mpifxcorr/" + difx_version if os.path.exists(targetdir): print print "**** Cleaning "+targetdir os_chdir(targetdir) run(MAKEcommand + "-k clean distclean") if pristine: run("rm -rf " + autojunk) else: print print "**** Skipping "+targetdir print os_chdir(topdir) if pristine: run('find . -name Makefile.in -exec rm {} \;') sys.exit(0) # Clean exit ##### Make directories if required ###################### if not noinstall: print "************************************" print "Setting up directories" print if not os.path.exists(difxroot): os.mkdir(difxroot) if not os.path.exists(bindir): os.mkdir(bindir) if not os.path.exists(libdir): os.mkdir(libdir) if not os.path.exists(pkgdir): os.mkdir(pkgdir) if not os.path.exists(incdir): os.mkdir(incdir) ##### Install IPP package config file if appropriate ### if doipp<0: print "Not installing IPP .pc file" print else: if os.path.exists(pkgdir+"/ipp.pc") and doipp==0: print pkgdir+"ipp.pc already exists" print else: print "Creating "+pkgdir+"ipp.pc" os_chdir(pkgdir) run(startdir+"/genipppc "+ipproot) os_chdir(topdir) #run("mv ipp.pc "+pkgdir) print ##### Compile non-standard libraries #################### if components["perl"]: print print "************************************" print "Building vex" print os_chdir("libraries/vex/"+difx_version+"/vexlib") if platform == "darwin": run(MAKEcommand + "-f Makefile.osx") else: run(MAKEcommand) if not noinstall: run("mv -f libvex." + SHAREDPOSTFIX + " " + libdir) run("mv -f libvex.a " + libdir) os_chdir("../vexperl") run("perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=" + difxroot) run(MAKEcommand) if not noinstall: run(MAKEcommand + "install") os_chdir(topdir) print print "************************************" print "Building Astro Perl" print os_chdir("libraries/perl/"+difx_version+"/Astro") run("perl Makefile.PL PREFIX="+difxroot) run(MAKEcommand) if not noinstall: run(MAKEcommand + "install") os_chdir(topdir) print print "************************************" print "Building DIFX-Input Perl" print os.chdir("libraries/perl/"+difx_version+"/DIFX-Input") run("perl Makefile.PL PREFIX="+difxroot) run(MAKEcommand) if not noinstall: run(MAKEcommand + "install") os.chdir(topdir) if components["rpfits"]: print print "************************************" print "Building rpfits" print if platform == "darwin": os_chdir("libraries/rpfits/"+difx_version+"/darwin_x86") else: if difxbits == "32": os_chdir("libraries/rpfits/"+difx_version+"/linux/") else: os_chdir("libraries/rpfits/"+difx_version+"/linux64/") run(MAKEcommand) if not noinstall: run("mv -f librpfits.a " + libdir) os_chdir(topdir) if not noinstall: run("cp -f libraries/rpfits/"+difx_version+"/code/RPFITS.h " + incdir) ##### Make standard (autotool'd) libraries ############### os_chdir("libraries") thisdir = os.getcwd() for libtarget in libtargets: targetdir = libtarget[0] + '/' + libtarget[1] if os.path.exists(targetdir): print print print "************************************" print "Building ", targetdir print os_chdir(targetdir) auto_compile(libtarget[2], libtarget[3], libtarget[4], difxroot, libtarget[5]) else: print print "******* Skipping "+targetdir print os_chdir(thisdir) os_chdir(topdir) if components["mpifxcorr"]: ##### Make mpifxcorr ##################################### print print "************************************" print "Making mpifxcorr" print os_chdir("mpifxcorr/" + difx_version) thisdir = os.getcwd() if noconf and os.path.exists('configure'): print "Reusing mpifxcorr configuration" else: print "Reconfiguring mpifxcorr" run("aclocal") run("autoconf") run("autoheader") run("automake -acf") # the files added are all present, but that need not always be true.... if inbdir: cfp = thisdir blp = cfp.replace(topdir, blddir) blp = blp.replace(repldir, blddir) if not os.path.exists(blp): os.makedirs(blp) if verb: print "++> " + blp + " was created" os_chdir(blp) else: cfp = '.' if noconf and os.path.exists('config.status'): print "Re-using existing mpifxcorr configuration" else: configstring = cfp + "/configure CXX=" + mpicxx configstring += " --prefix=" + difxroot if components["rpfits"]: configstring += ' --with-rpfits ' if cache != 'none': configstring += cache + "-CXX" run(configstring) run(MAKEcommand + target) if not noinstall: run(MAKEcommand + "install") os_chdir(topdir) ##### Make standard (autotool'd) applications ############ os_chdir("applications") thisdir = os.getcwd() for apptarget in apptargets: targetdir = apptarget[0] + '/' + apptarget[1] if os.path.exists(targetdir): print print print "************************************" print "Building ", apptarget[0] print os_chdir(targetdir) auto_compile(apptarget[2], apptarget[3], apptarget[4], difxroot, apptarget[5]) else: print print "******* Skipping "+targetdir print os_chdir(thisdir) os_chdir(topdir) ##### Make standard (autotool'd) utilities ############### os_chdir("utilities") thisdir = os.getcwd() for utiltarget in utiltargets: if (utiltarget[1] == ''): targetdir = utiltarget[0] else: targetdir= utiltarget[1] + '/' + utiltarget[0] if os.path.exists(targetdir): print print print "************************************" print "Building ", utiltarget[0] os_chdir(targetdir) auto_compile(utiltarget[2], utiltarget[3], utiltarget[4], difxroot, utiltarget[5]) else: print print "******* Skipping "+targetdir print os_chdir(thisdir) os_chdir(topdir) ##### Make documentation ################################# if(dodoc): basedocdir = difxroot + '/doc/' make_doc_area(basedocdir) os.chdir("mpifxcorr/" + difx_version) if os.system("which doxygen") != 0: print "No doxygen installed - skipping mpifxcorr documentation" else: os.system("doxygen Doxyfile") ##### Check for errors and list if present ############### if (force and not errors == []): print print print "************************************" print "WARNING: Errors were encountered during installation" print for error in errors: print error else: print "Done!"