### this is the main config file for alist_parser.py (first two lines can say anything, they are ignored) ### everything after #-symbols is also ignored, if the line starts with # or space or just empty, empty string is returned 3 # no. of title lines in the alist format (3 in normal, 4 in v6) -- DISABLED SINCE VERSION 1.4b 8 # scan no. (NoXXXX) column number -- COLUMN NUMBERING STARTS WITH 0 13 # source name (BLLAC) column number 14 # baseline (XY) column number 15 # fringe quality and error (9 or 9G) column number 17 # polarization (RR) column number 20 # SNR column number 24 # SBD column number 27 # DRATE column number 1 # filecode (zymnxc) 3 # filenumb (in filenames like XP.W.19.zymnxc) 16 # band letter code and number of channels (W08) -- need this for the files! 1800 1050 # 1200 600 / 1800 1050 horizontal and vertical root window size 0.06 # SBD threshold for "bad", usec 0.3 # DRATE threshold for "bad", ps/sec amon_config/gmva_codes # one-letter to two-letter antenna code translation file amon_config/amon_help.txt # help file 100 50 # horizontal and vertical help window size (in fontsize = 12 SYMBOLS, not dots!) 1234 # path from the current dir to the dir with the fourfit output (i. e. with No0001 etc. dirs). If current dir, put empty space /cluster/hops/x86_64-3.17/bin/ # path to the hops script directory Eb Na Pv # antennas (in one- or two-letter coding) which will be ignored if present in .vex or .alist files 36 # ref. freq. column number, e. g. 86140.000 (MHz) ###### reading stops before this line, you can write anything after it #################