PolConvert is implemented as a CASA task and may be installed as described in src/INSTALL. The machinations at this level are needed to integrate it into a standard DiFX build process. Prerequisites: - define DIFXCASAPATH enviroment, which should point to the bin directory of your CASA installation - the code must be built with some care on the version of the numpy package which has to be the same as the one used by CASA. The virtualenv package may be used to make this happen: virtualenv --extra-search-dir=/path-to-CASA/lib/python2.7 \ --python=python ENV where ENV is some directory that will hold an installation of python, e.g. /opt/CASA/casa-release/lib/python2.7. Then install the correct version of numpy source shell-fragment-to-put-CASA-at-head-of-path source ENV/bin/activate # python is a symbolic link to the casa executable npv=`python -c 'import numpy as np ; print np.__version__'` python -m pip install numpy==$npv source setup-difx.bash The installed directory contains the elements needed to use polconvert from within CASA. Typically you might add the following line to your .casa/init.py file to use them: try: from os import environ execfile(environ['DIFXROOT'] + '/share/polconvert/mytasks.py') except: print 'unable to load $DIFXROOT/share/polconvert/mytasks.py' (or similar). Create .casa/init.py if it does not exist. You can then run polconvert directly from within CASA following the sample input commands provided in (src/PP/)README.POLCONVERT which should be installed in $DIFX_ROOT/share/polconvert. You should only do this if you are an expert.... Otherwise, you can run prepolconvert.py and drivepolconvert.py for production processing. See ^/sites/Haystack/ehtc/Readme-Cycle5.txt for the EHT processing as an example. This code has not yet been generalized for other applications, but that should happen soon. Really. eof