#!/bin/env python2 from os import getcwd, system, popen from sys import argv, exit from string import split, strip, rfind program = 'mvdifxhere' author = 'wbrisken@lbo.us' version = '0.1' verdate = '20170220' def usage(): print '\n%s ver. %s %s %s\n' % (program, version, author, verdate) print 'Changes paths inside .input and .calc files to the current directory.' print 'Note: this does not actually move the files.\n' print 'Usage: %s [options] [ [ ... ] ]\n' % program print 'options can be:' print ' --help' print ' -h print this help info and quit\n' def processFile(fileName, outDir, searchKey): line = popen('grep "%s" %s' % (searchKey, fileName)).readlines()[0] inDir = split(strip(line))[-1] p = rfind(inDir, '/') inDir = inDir[:(p+1)] if inDir != outDir: print '%s: %s -> %s' % (fileName, inDir, outDir) cmd = 'sed -i "s/%s/%s/" %s' % (inDir.replace('/', '\\/'), outDir.replace('/', '\\/'), fileName); system(cmd) else: print '%s: already in correct place; skipping' % fileName if len(argv) < 2: usage() exit(0) cwd = getcwd() if cwd[-1] != '/': cwd += '/' print 'Repositioning files to %s' % cwd for a in argv[1:]: if a in ['-h', '--help']: usage() exit(0) if a[-5:] == '.calc': processFile(a, cwd, "IM FILENAME:") elif a[-6:] == '.input': processFile(a, cwd, "CALC FILENAME:") else: print '%s: unrecognized file type; skipping' % a