#!/usr/bin/python # import sys import re import math import numpy as np import optparse import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.mlab import matplotlib.ticker from pylab import * from subprocess import Popen, PIPE drad = np.pi / 180.0 # conversion factor for degrees to radians usage_text = '\n pcplot [options] ' \ '\n e.g.: pcplot -p XY TV:X 3C279.xyzzys' parser = optparse.OptionParser (usage=usage_text) parser.add_option( '-P', '--polarization', dest='polprod', help='polarization product (1)', default='all') parser.add_option( '-t', '--type', dest='plot_type', help='type <1:amp&ph vs tone 2:amp vs ph 3:phasors 4:stacked> (1)', default=1) parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='verbose mode (false)', default=False) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args () if len (args) != 2: print "use -h option for help" sys.exit(0) if opts.verbose: print 'opts: ', opts print 'args: ', args bline = '-b'+args[0] root = args[1] print bline, root opts.plot_type = int (opts.plot_type) ff = 'fourfit' mode = '-t' msglev = '-m0' setstring = 'set pc_period 999' plot_hdr = root[root.rfind ('/')+1:] + ' ' + opts.polprod + ' ' pargs = [ff, mode, bline, '-P'+opts.polprod, msglev, root] + setstring.split () p = Popen(pargs, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) output, stderr = p.communicate () rc = p.returncode lines = stderr.split ('\n') cols = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'b'] found_any = True for st in range (0, 2): station = bline[st+2] # create figure title based on plot type if opts.plot_type == 1: # plot amp & phase vs tone # plt.figure (station +' phases (red) and amps (blue) by tone number', figsize=(8,10.5)) elif opts.plot_type == 2: # plot amp vs phase plt.figure (station +' amp vs phase', figsize=(8,10.5)) elif opts.plot_type == 3: # plot pcal phasors plt.figure (station +' pcal phasors', figsize=(8,10.5)) elif opts.plot_type == 4: # stacked pc phases plt.figure (plot_hdr + 'stacked pcal relative phases', figsize=(8,10.5)) for ch in range (0,32): x = [] y = [] found_ch = False max_chan = -1 for line in lines: fields = line.split () if re.search ('rotated', line): stn = int (fields[2]) chan = int (fields[4]) max_chan = max (max_chan, chan) pol = fields[6] ap = fields[8] tone = int (fields[10]) if stn == st and chan == ch: found_ch = True x.append (float (fields[15])) y.append (float (fields[14])) elif re.search ('pc_phases', line): codes = fields[1] elif re.search ('No valid data', line): found_any = False break if found_ch == False or found_any == False: if ch == 0: print 'Error: No pcal data returned from fourfit!' found_any = False break # skip the rest of processing for null channel # massage data to plot nicely phases = np.array (x) amps = np.array (y) tone_nums = np.array (range (0, len (phases))) # connect phases for k in range (1, len (phases)): if phases[k] - phases[k-1] > 180.0: phases[k] = phases[k] - 360.0 elif phases[k] - phases[k-1] <= -180.0: phases[k] = phases[k] + 360.0 xm = np.mean (phases) ym = np.mean (amps) # determine plot grid dimensions if opts.plot_type == 4: nranks = 2 nfiles = 1 elif max_chan < 8: nranks = 4 nfiles = 2 elif max_chan < 16: nranks = 4 nfiles = 4 elif opts.plot_type == 4: nranks = 2 nfiles = 1 else: nranks = 8 nfiles = 4 # plot according to type if opts.plot_type == 1: # type 1: amp & phase vs tone # axes = plt.subplot (nranks, nfiles, ch+1) # pad phase range a little for beauty phimin = np.amin (phases) - 15.0 phimax = np.amax (phases) + 5.0 ampmax = max (amps) # normalize amp into phase unit space for k in range (0, len (amps)): amps[k] = 0.9 * amps[k] / ampmax * (phimax - phimin) + phimin #print 'st', st, 'ch', ch, 'phases', phases plt.plot (tone_nums, phases, '-ro', tone_nums, amps, '-bo') axes.tick_params (labelsize=8) astr = 'amp (0..' + str (int (ampmax / 0.9 + 0.5)) + ')' axes.legend (['phase (deg)', astr], loc=8, fontsize=6) plt.xlabel ('chan ' + codes[ch], fontsize=8) plt.ylim (phimin, phimax) elif opts.plot_type == 2: # type 2: amp vs phase # compute phases relative to mean for k in range (0, len (phases)): phases[k] = phases[k] - xm # pad phase range a little for beauty phimin = np.amin (phases) - 10.0 phimax = np.amax (phases) + 10.0 axes = plt.subplot (nranks, nfiles, ch+1) plt.plot (phases, amps, '-o') axes.tick_params(labelsize=8) plt.xlabel ("'ch " + codes[ch] + "' ph(deg)", fontsize=8) plt.xlim (phimin, phimax) plt.ylabel ('pcal amp', fontsize=8) elif opts.plot_type == 3: # type 3: pcal phasors # convert phases to radians for k in range (0, len (phases)): phases[k] = phases[k] * drad ax = plt.subplot (nranks/4, nranks/2, (ch+1)/4, projection='polar') col = cols[ch % 8] ax.plot (phases, amps, color=col) plt.xlabel ("'ch " + codes[ch] + "'", color = col, horizontalalignment = 'right') elif opts.plot_type == 4: # type 4: stacked phases plt.subplot (nranks, nfiles, st+1) # get phases rel to mean and then stack for k in range (0, len (phases)): phases[k] = phases[k] - xm + 10 * ch # pad phase range a little for beauty #phimin = np.amin (phases) - 10.0 phimin = -20.0 phimax = np.amax (phases) + 10.0 #print 'st', st, 'ch', ch, 'phases', phases plt.plot (tone_nums, phases, '-ro') if st == 1: plt.xlabel ('tone numbers') plt.ylabel (station + ' phases in ascending channel order', fontsize=10) plt.ylim (phimin, phimax) if opts.plot_type <> 4: plt.tight_layout (pad=0.0, w_pad=0.0, h_pad=0.0) if found_any: plt.show ()